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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

Salex said:
"that is odd, what is this D-87 dimension anyways?" he asks @Zedisback
"This is the dimension we're in, the one Louis is the guardian of, I also once saw another weird thing, he had pictures of him and the rest of the group I don't remember taking, and with group members, I don't recognize, did Lou use Photoshop or something?" @Salex
Zedisback said:
"This is the dimension we're in, the one Louis is the guardian of, I also once saw another weird thing, he had pictures of him and the rest of the group I don't remember taking, and with group members, I don't recognize, did Lou use Photoshop or something?" @Salex
"well don't ask me, i admit im not that smart, but genos here maybe knows" he says pointing at genos who was petting a small bird @Zedisback
Salex said:
"well don't ask me, i admit im not that smart, but genos here maybe knows" he says pointing at genos who was petting a small bird @Zedisback
"Well why don't we get Genos and try to sneak into his lab?" Aske Gary looking at Saitama hoping he would do it with him "With my speed, your strength, and Geno's brain we could do it." Gary said. @Salex
Zedisback said:
"Well why don't we get Genos and try to sneak into his lab?" Aske Gary looking at Saitama hoping he would do it with him "With my speed, your strength, and Geno's brain we could do it." Gary said. @Salex
"... i wouldnt do that, that'll be invading personal space... why don't we just ask lou instead?" he asks @Zedisback
Salex said:
"... i wouldnt do that, that'll be invading personal space... why don't we just ask lou instead?" he asks @Zedisback
"Do you really think, Louis would tell us the truth? Well if we did sneak in, we would have a hard time getting pass his systems, a really hard time." Gary would think waiting for Saitama would say if he think Louis would really tell them the truth. "I know Louis I used to have to work on a team with him." @Salex
Zedisback said:
"Do you really think, Louis would tell us the truth? Well if we did sneak in, we would have a hard time getting pass his systems, a really hard time." Gary would think waiting for Saitama would say if he think Louis would really tell them the truth. "I know Louis I used to have to work on a team with him." @Salex
"Yeah but it wont hurt to ask" he said @Zedisback
Salex said:
"Im right here" he said as he stood behind gary @Zedisback

"I'll be back in a second than." Gary said running off, in a blink of an eye, he came back holding Louis by his hood saying "Louis we want to talk with you." Gary wanted to have Genos around so they could use his face detection to tell if Louis was lying.
Zedisback said:
"I'll be back in a second than." Gary said running off, in a blink of an eye, he came back holding Louis by his hood saying "Louis we want to talk with you." Gary wanted to have Genos around so they could use his face detection to tell if Louis was lying. @Salex
Genos was already ready "alright lou, can we go to your lab real quick?" He asked @Zedisback
Salex said:
Genos was already ready "alright lou, can we go to your lab real quick?" He asked @Zedisback
"Why do you want to go to my lab?" Louis said looking all around his person as he was trying to get down from Gary's hold, Gary looked waiting to see if he should tell Lou what he found or not "Genos, do you think we should tell Lou why?" @Salex
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Zedisback said:
"Why do you want to go to my lab?" Louis said looking all around his person as he was trying to get down from Gary's hold, Gary looked waiting to see if he should tell Lou what he found or not "Genos, do you think we should tell Lou why?" @Salex
"Yes, by my database analysis, it is illogical to not tell" he said @Zedisback (sry for long replies, im in a state fair)
Salex said:
"Yes, by my database analysis, it is illogical to not tell" he said @Zedisback (sry for long replies, im in a state fair)
Gary crossed his arms saying after he let Louis down "Mind telling us why you have lots of old badges like the one you have now, and photos,that I don't remember taking and heroes that are yet to be in the group?" Asked Gary.

As Louis would snap his fingers taking him, Gary, Saitama, and Genos to his lab "Gary how do you know this...?" @Salex (Don't worry about it take your time)
Zedisback said:
Gary crossed his arms saying after he let Louis down "Mind telling us why you have lots of old badges like the one you have now, and photos,that I don't remember taking and heroes that are yet to be in the group?" Asked Gary.
As Louis would snap his fingers taking him, Gary, Saitama, and Genos to his lab "Gary how do you know this...?" @Salex (Don't worry about it take your time)
They would get teleported to the lab and wait for their conversation @Zedisback
After ordering about thirty more bottles of alcohol and drinking them all in a matter of seconds, Tusk reached into the leather purse at his belt and took out a small gold coin bearing the face of a long-dead Viking chieftain stamped onto one side, and a cross on the other. As the woman looked at the point, Tusk made a tremendous belch as he then said, "Thank you for the refreshments. I must be on my way now."

As Tusk walked deeper and deeper into the town, he began to notice something. The strange looking buildings that were surrounding him were starting to transform into great, monolithic structures that soared into the clouds. Not only that, but the frigid air had seemingly vanished, being replaced by refreshing beams of sunlight. People walked among the sidewalks in great numbers as Tusk travered through the crowed. His eyes were glued to the great towering buildings and the strange flashing lights all around him, and the terrible sounds from the metal creatures were much louder than before. Tusk found himself overwhelmed from everything that was going on, but he sought to explore this strange new land.

Suddenly, something sharp and forceful hit tusk on the side of his head. Although it inflicted no damage, Tusk most definetly felt it as he kneeled down to see what hit him. Thinking that it was some kind of arrow shot by a master archer, Tusk was suprissed to see a small, metal pellet laying on the ground. As he went to pick up the strange little thing, he heard a loud scream come from a building nearby, and people were franticly running from it. Curious, Tusk dropped the pellet and went to see what the commotion was all about, crossing the street and causing metal creatures to stop abruptly and make ridicules honking sounds at him.

(Anyone can join in on the bank robbery if they want to :D )
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Psycho happily followed him to their new rooms. He was a little disappointed on how bland they where but didn't say anything. He looked over at Bolt and smiled before stepping into one of the rooms to look around.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Quill was strolling down the street of the city, minding his own business. He really didn't have time for anything else, given Morgan was after him. Nevertheless, he was taking a break from being any kind of hero for now. He even wondered why he hung out with the heroes when he wasn't, in fact, a hero himself. When he saw the giant Nordic man his only reaction was a raised eyebrow. It only went higher when the man got shot. And didn't die instantly. Everything blurred out except Quill as he gave a sidelong glance at the reader.

"I applaud your work, I really do. But...well...I don't really have anything sarcastic to say. For once."

He shook his head and everything went back to normal. Approaching the site of the robbery, he put a hand on the man's shoulder, patting it. He frowned as he felt the muscles there.

"Somebody doesn't miss a day at the gym..."

As Tusk made his way to the source of the commotion, he felt something pat him on the shoulder. Although he didn't feel it right away, Tusk soon turned his head and saw an unfamiliar man standing next to him. Looking down at the young man, Tusk asked in his usual loud tone of voice, "Hello young man, I am Tusk. Do you know the name of this strange land, or why so much commotion is coming from that building just up ahead?"
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Black flew in and looked at everything before stopping and looking back "Thanks!" He stormed into his room and fell on the bed, he let out a sigh of relief and started putting posters up.

A small girl in a straight jacket, holding a flower and one eye came up to Psycho "Hi! Are you a new hero?" She asked offering the flower "It can't die so don't worry," she said with a innocent smile

"Hello, Tusk. This land is called America. Some of your people discovered it a long time ago. What's happening over there is what we call a bank robbery. The building is a bank where citizens keep their money, and someone is trying to take it."

Quill smirked at Tusk, he had a bit of charm with his loud voice and ignorance.

Nodding his head, Tusk looked up at the building and said out loud, "So this "bank" is where the people of the land of "America" keep their money? Well then, I shall gain the trust of this land by protecting the money of it's people from the bandits who seek to steal it!"

Dashing towards the bank with a huge smile, Tusk slammed open the doors as he then bellowed loudly into the bank, "Fear not, villagers of America! For I, Tusk, chieftan of the Warriors of Warg-gram, has come to-"

His speech was interrupted when one of the robbers fired a shotgun blast straight into the Viking's face. But to the robber's horror, the shotgun blast did nothing but anger Tusk, as he then wiped his face and cracked his knuckles, saying with his teeth bared, "Again with the metal pellets? Well in that case, YOU WILL FACE THE UNRELENTING MIGHT OF TUSK, THE WATCHMAN OF THE GODS!!!"

The Viking charged into the bank with a battle cry, assaulting the robbers head-on. Although Tusk wouldn't use his arcane sword for this fight, he fought the robbers like an enraged buffalo. Outside, gunshots and smashing could be heard as, in a matter of seconds, two of the eight robbers who were in the bank came dashing out and went towards their black van.

"I told you, Rick! This city is full of freaks!" Said one of the robbers as he started the van, "First demons, then superpowers villains, then alien gods, then crazy robots, and now Vikings!? It was a horrible idea to rob this place!"

But as they were about to pull out of the parking lot, Tusk came and grabbed the van from behind, stopping it completly. "You're not going anywhere, metal beast!" Tusk roared as he effortlessly flipped the van over himself, slamming it against the ground.

Psycho looked around the room for a minute and was about to lay down when a little girl walked in. He stood up and nodded at what she said. He smiled under his mask and took the flower gently from her hands. He ran his hand through her hair ad a sign of thanks before putting the flower into a small vase and setting it on a table.

@Shammy the Shamrock
She smiled "I'm Ray! People call me Death because my mom is death....well use to until she died. Smiley says not to get sad....oh the person next to me is Smiley," she said pointing to the air next to her.

Smiley knew she was hidden so she fazed through him "Wow a gas mask dork," she said with a light laugh. Smiley punched his head as he hand merely passed through him. She went back to Ray's side and floated.


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