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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

(Listen as you read maybe?)[media]

Ty couldn't wake up. All he could do was sit in that white room, listening to the world outside. He'd been shot, that was all he could remember.

As he sat in that white-walled room of his subconscious he noticed something odd. A crack had appeared in one of the walls. It gave off a dark energy, sucking the warmth out of him. He watched it for what seemed like hours, unable to prevent the thing from growing. One thing he wondered, was if he would die. Now, he wasn't a big fan of death in general, but he'd dealt with enough of it to know how things happen and you can't stop them. However, this was the first time he actually felt a sort of terror in not knowing what lurked beyond his grasp.


Shadow watched from the room's corner with a smirk. No one had noticed him playing with the instruments currently keeping the pest alive. He waited, allowing his energy to slowly seep into the child. This way, when his spirit passed on, shadow would have his physical form. Ah, the joys of being the puppet master. Time slowly crept along, and the boy's spirit was slowly fading away. Shadow kept it steady, not enough to alert anyone. Grinning to himself sadistically he lie in wait.

@YoungX @Anyone
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The sky had frozen solid while he’d slept. It was cold blue and streaked with crystalline clouds. But the clouds did not move, and the blurred light from the sun illuminated this strange vision as though it was emanating from behind a thick wall of rippled glass. The man stared at this beautiful vision as he slowly came to his senses. He lay there quietly trying to remember his own name. Trying to remember how he’d gotten here. But nothing came to him. His mind was muddled.

Who am I?

He blinked and tried to lift his head, but it was stuck to the ground. Reaching behind his neck he yanked free his frozen hair. Then he sat up and yawned. A great jaw-cracking yawn coupled with a throaty exhalation—the sound a polar bear might make after a winter’s rest. The vapor from his breath filled the air, rising upward toward the blue vault above. It’s not a sky… Standing on stiff legs he reached up toward the bluish light. His hand touched cold hard ice. He scraped his fingernail across the smooth surface, plowing a thin furrow in this ceiling. He was inside an ancient glacier.

But how…and why?

His eyes alighted on a metal object lying on the white floor. A massive double edged sword with a wolf’s head carving affixed to the grip between the cross-guard. The graven blade was covered with intricate inlaid runes. Warg-gram. The name had just popped into his head. A vision flashed in his mind’s eye: Towering creatures made of light, singing in a melodious tongue… beings comprised of pure energy, glowing like ice and stars. They had forged the blade and sent him to this world… but for what purpose?

To kill? Or to save? Or both?

He stared down at his muscular arms and bare chest. Saw the tattoos marked on his skin. Memories came rushing back. He had lived amongst the Viking inhabitants of this world. Watching them grow from hearty children to feeble old ones, generation after generation. He knew he had been given many names over the thousands of years he had dwelled on this Earth. The Warriors of Warg-gram—the ones who traversed the Whale Roads in their sleek ships—had called him something in their own language. He had liked that name. But what was it? He ran the tip of his tongue over his teeth as he pondered the question. Then he laughed. Tunth-ska. That was it. Their name for him meant “Tusk” because his sword was like a great overgrown Walrus tooth.

I am Tusk.

He felt better to have an answer to at least one of his questions. But why had he come to this frozen chamber? Why had he abandoned the ones whom he had been sent to watch over and guide? And how many years had passed while he had slept? He shook his head angrily. He did not like feeling so lost and out of sorts. It was like being drunk on mead, but without the fun. Bending down he placed his hand on Warg-gram’s familiar grip.

The blade was frozen solid to the ground, but he ripped it free with a mere flick of his wrist. The weapon left an impression in the ice where it had been; and in this indentation lay a dark line, liked congealed blood. He inspected this closely. Nay, it was not blood, but a strip of cloth—a piece of old red silk. He put this clue in the leather pouch that he wore on his belt, then looked around the cave, searching for an entrance that was not there.

So I’ll make one.

Warg-gram sang as he slashed it against the cave’s icebound wall; and shards of ice exploded as he carved his way to freedom. Tusk trudged for many miles in the deep snow. He had forgotten how much he hated walking in the white stuff. He made his way south for a day and a night and did not see anything but reindeer and rabbits. He did not know why he was heading in this direction. He simply felt like it was the right way to go. Finally, at dusk, he came to a small village where the people rode on strange, metal creatures that slid across the snow, making a horrible noise and belching out a constant stench that curled Tusk’s nostril hairs. The town seemed strangely familiar, though...
Bolt was walking through the streets, he thought the snow in this time of year was odd but enjoyed it. He whistled as he went for a walk, he tightened the scarf around his neck and put his hands in his pockets. When the snow fell he looked around and used his powers to brighten the lights so the city looked brighter. He let out a sigh, seeing his air as he went on his walk.
Psycho was in a daze as he was pulled into the room to be operated on. He was of course knocked out for the procedure to get the bullet wounds out but began to wake soon after. He looked around the room, searching for god knows what. He quickly sits up, causing a few tubes to get pulled out of his arm. The once steady beeping from the heart rate machine went to a long steady beep. He ripped the rest out and jumped from the bed, changing back into his straight jacket and gas mask. He looked around the hospital trying to find black. He stated to phase through walls into other rooms before he finally decided to call out. "Black!" He said in a pained voice, hoping to get a response from his friend.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Otakubeats said:
(That's in his conciousness. The only thing youd be able to see in the actual hospital room is Shadow.)
(Ah I see. I'll delete that post and try again.)

Hibiki would walk into the room and see Shadow. He immediately transformed into Ultimate Kuuga and with all of his strength would use a fire-infused Ultimate Punch. The walls wouldn't matter as it was life or death. Since he would use all of his might, the Ultimate Punch would knock back Shadow EXTREMELY far away. Plus the amount of force inflicted would be severe and the amount of strength put into it was staggering.

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Black got up and heard his named being called, the voice sounded familiar "PSYCHO! PSYCHO! IT'S ME! I'M IN THE OTHER ROOM, HELP THERE IS A NURSE WITH A NAME TAG THAT SAYS MIRA TRYING TO TOUCH ME! DON'T YOU FLIPPEN TOUCH ME YOU SON OF A BEACH!" He yelled as the nurse tried to make him calm down, he hit the wall so Psycho would know where he is.

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Psycho phases into the room he was telling from and sees the nurse. "LET GO OF MY FRIEND!" He runs over and pushes her into a table. "Dumb bitch..." he mumbles under his breath then grabs his throat in pain. Hs messages it while walking over to black to help him out of the bed.

@Shammy the Shamrock
As he strode down the main street, many of the inhabitants gawked at him as if he was crazy, for he wore no shirt despite the cold, with the great sword strapped to his naked back. “I am Tusk,” he said to them cheerfully. But the people ignored him and hurried on their way. He found himself in front of a marketplace that had many different items displayed in the window. It even had snow machines for sale out front with signs. “Snöskotor,” he read out loud. So that’s what they were called. The name of this country’s language popped into his head all of a sudden: Svensk…Swedish. He went inside and found a wall stacked with bottles and cylinders bearing different pictures.

He recalled that the people of this age drank their beer from these stupid little containers. He tore the metal cap off one of the bottles with his bare hand, drinking its contents in one gulp. It was good, so he drank another. And another. “You’ll have to pay for those.” It was the shopkeeper. A woman. She was short and chubby, and whore a pink dress with a white apron. She appeared to be nervious by Tusk's massive and brooding appearance, as her hands shook as he held a clipboard.

Tusk looked down at the woman and loudly said with a chuckle, "Well of corse! But first, do you happen to have any bigger versions of this... Eh..."

"Cans?" The woman asked, whipping her forehead with a napkin as she spoke, "I-I could give you a b-bottle of you want..."

"Very well!" Tusk cheerfully replied with a huge smile. Unlike the pitiful "cans", he reconized what bottles were; he and his marry men would endulge themselves with bottles of rum and share songs of victory after their battles.

The woman left for a moment to get a bottle from the back, and gave it to Tusk. Grant it, the bottle the woman had was much smaller than he anticipated, but he drank it anyways. It tasted sweet, like rich wine.

"This is very good!" Tusk said, as he finished consuming the last drops of liquid inside the bottle, "Another!"

He then bellowed like a walrus as he slammed the empty bottle against the ground, shattering it into tiny pieces. Although Tusk laughed as he smashed the bottle, he was met with shocked eyes from the people surrounding him as an awkward silence took fold.

"What?" The Viking then asked, shrugging out of confusion with an eyebrow raised.
Black smiled and got up "REVOLUTION!" He yelled throwing a vase to the ground, he immediately regretted it and put some money on the counter. "HERO ESCAPE!" He yelled jumping through the door before the surge of pain he had felt made him curl up in agony.

YoungX said:
(Ah I see. I'll delete that post and try again.)
Hibiki would walk into the room and see Shadow. He immediately transformed into Ultimate Kuuga and with all of his strength would use a fire-infused Ultimate Punch. The walls wouldn't matter as it was life or death. Since he would use all of his might, the Ultimate Punch would knock back Shadow EXTREMELY far away. Plus the amount of force inflicted would be severe and the amount of strength put into it was staggering.

Shadow's laugh echoed in the room as a sudden drone filled the air. The noise of death. (So is Hibiki gonna call a nurse or just watch in shock again.)
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Otakubeats said:
Shadow's laugh echoed in the room as a sudden drone filled the air. The noise of death. (So is Hibiki gonna call a nurse or just watch in shock again.)
(Call a nurse)

He immediately transforms back and fetches the doctors. For now all he could do is wait.
YoungX said:
(Call a nurse)

He immediately transforms back and fetches the doctors. For now all he could do is wait.
The doctors kept Hibiki out of the room, eventually seating him in the waiting room. After a while, a nurse approached him and beckoned him to follow her to the hallway outside the room.
Otakubeats said:
The doctors kept Hibiki out of the room, eventually seating him in the waiting room. After a while, a nurse approached him and beckoned him to follow her to the hallway outside the room.
Hibiki would follow the nurse expecting any kind of news at this point.
YoungX said:
Hibiki would follow the nurse expecting any kind of news at this point.
She turned to him "Your.....friend is currently stable. The bullet had caused an infection, but we do not know if it is fully gone. You can stay with him if you wish. I won't tell anyone else, and I'll be the only one along." She gave him kind smile, walking off.
Otakubeats said:
She turned to him "Your.....friend is currently stable. The bullet had caused an infection, but we do not know if it is fully gone. You can stay with him if you wish. I won't tell anyone else, and I'll be the only one along." She gave him kind smile, walking off.
Hibiki then decides to head to his room to wait. He was sure Shadow would he back of he didn't. Still he should've seen it coming. If anything he must've been waiting for this moment.
Psycho smiled and giggled at him when he through the vase. Psycho decided to be nice and decided to throw in a couple of dollars as well. He followed black out the door and watched him curl up in pain. Scared for him, Psycho quickly runs over and picks him up. He rubs his back comfortingly and caries him out of the hospital. "It's okay... where should we go?"

@Shammy the Shamrock
YoungX said:
Hibiki then decides to head to his room to wait. He was sure Shadow would he back of he didn't. Still he should've seen it coming. If anything he must've been waiting for this moment.
Ty lay asleep, his headphones on the bedside table. As hibiki entered a shadow darted out of the open window.
Otakubeats said:
Ty lay asleep, his headphones on the bedside table. As hibiki entered a shadow darted out of the open window.
He spoke too soon apparantely. As he rushed to the window he would close it immediately. One of these days he was going to personally defeat Shadow. From there he would stay there till he recovered.
Black looked around and saw a forest, he pointed to it "To the forest," he said walking towards it. Something drawn him to go to it, he floated to take more pain off himself. Black gestured for him to follow.

YoungX said:
He spoke too soon apparantely. As he rushed to the window he would close it immediately. One of these days he was going to personally defeat Shadow. From there he would stay there till he recovered.
Ty slowly blinked, and looked around. he saw hibiki, and sorta just stared at him for a second.
Otakubeats said:
Ty slowly blinked, and looked around. he saw hibiki, and sorta just stared at him for a second.
"Whew you recovered," Hibiki said feeling relieved. "Are you alright?" He kept a calm face, but had a voice of concern.
YoungX said:
"Whew you recovered," Hibiki said feeling relieved. "Are you alright?" He kept a calm face, but had a voice of concern.
"Sorta...." he suddenly remembered something. "What about the other two are they ok?!" He bolted up, wincing slightly.

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Psycho looked twoards the forest and nodded. He watched Black float twoards the forest and followed him. Something about it seemed strange... why the forest? He decided not to ask about it and followed him, humming to his music box tune while they walked.

@Shammy the Shamrock

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