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Fantasy Heroes of Driesen(CLOSED)

Shylock saw the woman touch the mans cheeks and pushed her away. "Stop that." He said as he hoisted him on his shoulder. "I'm trying to find a place to rest after my outburst. Do you know were me and my unconscious friend here can get some rest and maybe a cleric?" He asked the beings that he towered over.

@Amber KB @DemetrioMachete
Heinrich looked down at Jack. Then up at Shylock, finally over to Thalia. He merely shrugged his shoulders.

"Unconscious or napping. Makes little difference to me." this condition of Jack's was puzzling though.. the Clerics of the stadium had just healed everybody, right? Why was Jack like this?

At Shylock's mention of a Cleric though, Heinrich leapt up, raising his hand like a child.

"Ooh! Ooh! I'm a Cleric! We can head back to the Barracks and I may in turn heal the both of you."
Shylock looked down at the man who was raising his hand and said. "Stop acting like a child. If you really are a cleric then show me the way towards the barracks so you can help him." He then looked down at the girl and said. "So do you wish to come with us to make sure the man is alright?"

@DemetrioMachete @Amber KB
Fayde Roliskall

Fayde sheathed her sword, peering at the large claw-mark across her shield, she had at least been provoking the dragon-thing, wasn't much else she could, she wasn't as jumpy as other close combat fighters, nor did she think trying to attack a flailing monster was a sound idea.

She felt the weight of Ziegel on her shoulder, taking a glance at him, Fayde felt her Essence twist, a form of happiness? The zeal of combat had worn off. Never did much fighting at Castle Skall, Good thing I suppose.. Except the fire. Fayde pondered as she looked around, before looking back at Ziegel.

"From eighty to eleven? This must have gone on for long.. But we won, survived.. Good teamwork, Ziegel." Fayde looked back at everyone else and started to move towards Shiro.

"Glad to call you friend, Ziegel, you are efficient at work." Fayde spoke, still hollow but she sounded more content than before the tournament started.

"Ser Shiro." Fayde said as she, with Ziegel approached Shiro Date. "All well? Apart from minor wounds, which have been me- Healed, I am quite fine, Ziegel seems unhurt." Fayde looked over at the towering orc and the other humans around him, the yellow cloaked one seemed to be out, or at least was being carried by the orc.

"I was not given the time, but thank you both." Fayde said as she looked back at Ziegel then at Shiro, extending a free hand to the latter. "I will not lie, I felt uncertain amongst everyone here, But I was proven otherwise." Fayde said, waiting a few seconds before continuing. "I believe now is the time to find a place to rest? I have not been around this city, I do not know where.. People rest." She finished with a simple nod.

@Brinie @Reznor


Fayde Roliskall


The Arena

Essence status:

100% Normal:

Orbs of Essence:


Essence Empowerment:


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With a mock solute, Klaus beckoned for Shylock to follow. The barracks were back the way they came. Mentally.. he was already formulating an opinion of this Shylock. Seemed pretty deadpan, and Klaus always trusted the deadpan to be the strong but silent type, or a genius bruiser.. he wondered if Shylock fell into either category, or perhaps both. An apparent disdain for children though.. Klaus mentally disagreed. Children had the most delightful screams when being operated upon, he thought. It was silly to think they would cry over something as trivial as having a limb amputated, or getting a deep cut stitched. Alas, their cries of pain were like music to his ears... sometimes at least.

As he walked, Klaus murmured to himself. He was praying again.. praying for the healing power. In his hand his Holy Symbol glew with white light.. when they would reach the Barracks, Klaus would be prepared to heal them back to full.
The dragon's outburst had turned out to be its last life cry. Its last act-to make others suffer as much as possible... understandable. The round came to an end and the sounds and colors of the world began to flow back in to its previous state. I survived... He smirked and stood up with renewed strength. All his nerves had fully recovered. He turned to find Marcus fully restored and in good health. "Glad to see you're alive. But honestly, I would be shocked if you weren't" @jabronie

I was at death's door today, but it'll have to wait a while to take me...

Atleast... that's what he thought...
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Anne Solaire

Although people may or may not of noticed it, Anne had actually been providing supporting fire where she could. Anne herself was very much primarily a ranged fighter, and thus she hung as far back as possible while everyone else took the brunt of the fighting. It was just her and her magic worked best. That said, she did actually incur several injuries over the course of the fight. None exactly life threatening or too serious, though she did have one or two deep cuts its nothing she couldn't get bandaged up or walk off. She had done her job and won, even if part of it was being a lazy ass. No one ever said HOW exactly you had to win, just that you had to be one of the only ones left. And damned if she didn't do it. Tournament finally over for now she sighed heavily and holstered her weapons. First things first; she was sitting down for a bit to rest. Her magic when used in prolonged combat was extremely draining and she was definetely feeling the effects off it.

She quickly found a small rock to sit on and did so, checking over to see how truely injured she was and how damaged her outfit was. Her injuries themselves actually did need to be tended to rather quickly or she did pose the risk of bleeding out, though her outfit was mostly alright at-least. She'd make it for the time being right now she had to muster up enough energy to resume movement.
Thalia nodded her head and followed the Orc silently. He was a bit brooding and seemed to have no sense of humor, but she didn't mind. He offered to help Jackson, and she had only gratitude for such a man. "I hope he'll be alright. Everyone was healed at the end, but he wasn't..." she whispered solemnly to Klaus, who was muttering something to himself. She eyed the masked man and hoped that he was as strong as he seemed.

Once inside the barracks, Thalia figured that following Shylock and the others wouldn't actually help them in any way. She asked a guard what was expected of her until the next round. She was told that she could sleep in her bunk, train, or join other competitors in the bar. She wasn't tired and her adrenaline was still pumping, so she made her way to the bar and asked for some ale. The room was pretty empty at the moment. With only 12 people left in the barracks, and 3 occupied with an unconscious man, she couldn't expect a large crowd. Music played from a minstrel behind her. It was pleasant, but not particularly celebratory.
(I apologize for not posting sooner.)

Klaus seemed to ignore Thalia's remark.. Or maybe he hadnt heard her over his own murmurs. Assured that Shylock was still with him, Klaus abruptly turned around and held his Holy Symbol near Shylock and Jack. White, soothing energy would envelop them both, as their injuries quickly mended themselves, accompanied by the jingles of what sounded like chimes. He dusted himself off, admiring his work.

"There. See? All better." he then stepped back, bringing a hand up to his plague doctor mask, as he flicked the rose lenses up, exposing his wild green eyes.

"So, my imposing tall friend. Is there anything else I may do you for?"
Fayde had been traveling the city aimlessly with Ziegel atop her shoulders. They had brothels, bars, and manors in the countryside but an Inn must've been a rarity of some sort. Faydes lack of direction had them running in circles for a while now, eventually Ziegel grew wary of seeing the same brothels. Ziegel evaporated off of Faydes shoulders and into an alleyway and continued straight on towards a haystack to sleep on for the remainder of the night. @Sigismund
Shylock thought for a moment then said "No not really." He then dropped jack on to the hard floor and left the room and headed to the city. Shylock walked around looking at the scenery while the effects of Hells Fury wore off . He walked a few blocks further and began to become board until he found a tavern. It has been a long time since he had a drink of Ale so he decided to walk in. After some difficulty due to the small door frame but was able to get through with minimal damage. He arrived at the counter and ordered a drink. There were many people starring at him but he didn't care. When the first extra large mug of Ale arrived he took his first drink.

(Sorry for not posting I've been busy (' :) ))

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