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Realistic or Modern Hero High Character Thread / OOC



Lil eeEee
☌ - Hero High Character Thread - ☍

☌ Student Heroes ☍



Name || Tyson Woods
Alias || X
Age || 17
Gender || Male
Personality || Extrovert, Outgoing, Funny, Cocky
Role || Student Hero
Power || Exert - He has the power to multiply his strength by 5 but only for a few minutes at a time
Weapon || All fists
Weakness || Prolonged fights makes his power substantially weaker

Name: Aerie Mazuna
Age || 16
Gender || Female
Personality || Outgoing, Analytic, Witty
| Appearance |
Hero Costume

School Outfit

Role || Student
Power || Bone Manipulation - She can control her bones to make armor and weapons
Weapon || Her bones
Weakness || Due to her smarts and extremely high defense, she can only be taken down by extreme force or being thoroughly outsmarted

Name || Milo Acres
Alias || Mural
Age || 16
Gender || Male
Personality || Quiet, Observational, Art Obsessed
| Appearance |
Role || Student Hero
Power || Art's Aid - Can bring anything he's drawn to reality.
Weapon || Spray Paint, Drawings.
Weakness || Once he uses a piece of art, it does not reappear on the surface. If he has no available art or art implements he's as good as powerless.
Other || He's almost always creating some sort of art. Whether it be doodling on a napkin or creating a mural on the walls of a building. It's become a nervous habit after realizing just how limited the draws of his power can be.

Name || Robin Patterson
Alias || Robin Hood
Age || 15
Gender || Male
Personality || Kind, Generous, charasmatic
Appearance || Picture shown
Role || (Student Hero, Villian, Teacher, etc.) Student hero
Power || (2 Max but they must be similar to each other) Unnatural archery skill, can talk to animals
Weapon || (Optional) Bow
Weakness || powers become obsolete when angry
Bio || (Optional) You'll find out
Other || (Optional)

Name || Addison Keys
Alias || Zap
Age || 16
Gender || Female
Personality || Outgoing, charismatic, funny, helpful
Role || Student Hero
Power || Can control electric currents, can summon electric storms to give her power
Weapon || None
Weakness || The stronger the current she manipulates, the more energy it drains from her. Summoning storms is also very difficult and normally used as a "last resort" sort of thing.
Bio || TBR
Other || She's bisexual. Peter is her twin, but they don't get along very well. She does not agree with his feelings on the rules of the superheros.

Name || Peter Keys
Alias || The Many
Age || 16
Gender || Male
Personality || Charming, unattached, always moving
Role || On the fence, still a student
Power || Self-Multiplication- can create multiple copies of himself
Weapon || Double swords
Weakness || The energy his clones expend affect the main host. He can feel what the clones feel, including their pain, but can end them at any time. He normally isn't active when his clones are.
Bio || TBR
Other || He's straight. Addison is his twin, but they don't get along very well.

☌ Villains ☍

Name || ???
Alias || Null
Age || ???
Gender || Male
Personality || Intelligent, Crude, Honest
| Appearance |

Role || Villain
Power || Dark Chains - He can summon chains that nullify quirks on contact.
Weapon || Chains
Weakness || He can not fight at close range so if you force a close range engagement he would be cornered.
Bio || Null only recently started killing and paralyzing heroes he deemed unworthy of the title. He believes only those who truly live to protect others should be given the title and others who do it for the benefits should either retire or he will make them. His past is unknown due to them never seeing who is behind the mask.
Other || Founder of the Blacklight Syndicate

☌ Teachers ☍

Name: Diego Kiezer
Power: Portals - Can create portals within a short range

☌ Link to Main Thread ☍
Last edited:
Name: Tyson Woods
Alias: X
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Personality: Extrovert, Outgoing, Funny, Cocky

Role: Student Hero
Power: Exert - He has the power to multiply his strength by 5 but only for a few minutes at a time
Weapon: All fists

Weakness: Prolonged fights makes his power substantially weaker
Other: He is in the Top 5 for UN High
Name: Aerie Masuna
Alias: Anubis
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Personality: Outgoing, Analytic, Witty
Hero Costume
School Outfit
Role: Villain
Power: Bone Manipulation - She can control her bones to make armor and weapons
Weapon: Her bones

Weakness: Due to her smarts and extremely high defense, she can only be taken down by extreme force or being thoroughly outsmarted
Name || Milo Acres
Alias || Mural
Age || 16
Gender || Male
Personality || Quiet, Observational, Art Obsessed
Appearance ||
Role || Student Hero
Power || Art's Aid - Can bring anything he's drawn to reality.
Weapon || Spray Paint, Drawings.

Weakness || Once he uses a piece of art, it does not reappear on the surface. If he has no available art or art implements he's as good as powerless.
Other || He's almost always creating some sort of art. Whether it be doodling on a napkin or creating a mural on the walls of a building. It's become a nervous habit after realizing just how limited the draws of his power can be.

Name || Robin Patterson
Alias || Robin Hood
Age || 15
Gender || Male
Personality || Kind, Generous, charasmatic
Appearance || Picture shown
Role || (Student Hero, Villian, Teacher, etc.) Student hero
Power || (2 Max but they must be similar to each other) Unnatural archery skill, can talk to animals
Weapon || (Optional) Bow

Weakness || powers become obsolete when angry
Bio || (Optional) You'll find out
Other || (Optional)

Name || Robin Patterson
Alias || Robin Hood
Age || 15
Gender || Male
Personality || Kind, Generous, charasmatic
Appearance || Picture shown
Role || (Student Hero, Villian, Teacher, etc.) Student hero
Power || (2 Max but they must be similar to each other) Unnatural archery skill, can talk to animals
Weapon || (Optional) Bow

Weakness || powers become obsolete when angry
Bio || (Optional) You'll find out
Other || (Optional)

(Accepted. You can insert yourself into the RP)

Name || Addison Keys
Alias || Zap

Age || 16
Gender || Female
Personality || Outgoing, charismatic, funny, helpful
Role || Student Hero
Power || Can control electric currents, can summon electric storms to give her power
Weapon || None
Weakness || The stronger the current she manipulates, the more energy it drains from her. Summoning storms is also very difficult and normally used as a "last resort" sort of thing.
Bio || TBR
Other || She's bisexual. Peter is her twin, but they don't get along very well. She does not agree with his feelings on the rules of the superheros.


Name || Peter Keys
Alias || The Many

Age || 16
Gender || Male
Personality || Charming, unattached, always moving
Role || On the fence, still a student
Power || Self-Multiplication- can create multiple copies of himself
Weapon || Double swords
Weakness || The energy his clones expend affect the main host. He can feel what the clones feel, including their pain, but can end them at any time. He normally isn't active when his clones are.
Bio || TBR
Other || He's straight. Addison is his twin, but they don't get along very well.
Blurry Blurry I read all the posts, is there a place where I could just hop in? I know they're in the middle of a battle right now. It's up to you, since you're the owner.
Please excuse the trash thread. The code just doesn't work well for me so there is weird double spacing in places
[class=Notes] // Forward slashes are comments and do no show up in the final design, these are to help you find everything easily and explain some code as well. These comments must be with in a class or script tags in order to be hidden, from what I know// // Long URls are images # followed by letter and numbers are Hex codes or color codes.// // This code does not show breaks unless is shows the
code When typing responses to rps, be aware that when you press enter it will not show that you did. You'll have to use the
tags// [/class] [class=Header] font-family:Orbitron; color: #68D2E3; background-color:white; border-top:10px SOLID white; border-bottom:2px SOLID white; //This is box the name is in. The line below the name it not in here. If you change the font here it won't work, you have to change it in the [font=] tag// [/class]
[class=Notes] //Above is the box surrounding everything The max and min height need to stay the same, and should be as big as your picture appear to connect the lines// [/class]
[Class=Notes] //Above is the Image it has a border to the right of it// [/class] [div class=Header]Tatiana Rosett

Alias : Dream Maker

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Personality : She’s a quiet and cool headed person most of the time. She seeks compromise in arguments and willing puts others before herself. Even if it’s hurting her more to go out of her way for people it’s just wait she does. Tati wants to be a good person and use her abilities to help others. There’s never a time when she’s not busy and she’ll make up something for herself to do. She hates the abilities use has but wants to make the most of it and learn to control them better. Despite her calm looks inside she’s always worried and always scared of messing up and not being perfect. Tatiana doesnt sleep much and it makes this worse for her, though she wouldn’t let anyone know.

Role: Student Hero

Power: To Control Darkness and Create Illusions. Hand in hand they are a perfect compliment but since they often get out of control it’s been more like a nightmare for her to tame these abilities.

Weapon: None

Weakness: Stressful or distracting environments can interrupt her focus on what’s she’s doing with her powers. If her mind drifts the illusions can show more of what she’s thinking instead of what she wants people to see. Her powers are very reactive with her emotions and sometimes don’t do what she wants them to do.

Bio: She keeps her personal life hidden from others. Having to move away from her hometown because of her father wanting to seclude her and her mother from the rest of their family and friends. He wasn’t a great dad and she wasn’t a great mom but Tariana did her best to be the best kid in the world. Wearing long sleeves and coming up with excuses while keeping up with her homework and making sure her chores and more were done in the house. It was a perfect household to guests but to the residents things often got violent.

Growing up she used to have a best friend that made things be ok and actually fun. They would practice with their powers and hang out all the time, but after the move she never saw them again. She stopped using her abilities but When her powers became more unstable it made everything worse. Her parents had their own way of stopping her from using them. She started to try to keep them under wraps and practiced using them on her own in hopes of It becoming easier to control. Even then she still found herself Being thrown out of the house from accidentally fighting back, something she definitely won’t talk about.

At least going into the school was one good thing from all this and she’s determined to make the best of everything.

Other: She’s not on the streets that’s for sure but she doesn’t tell people where she’s been staying.

Name || Gav Meason

Alias || Fade

Age || 18

Gender || Male

Personality || Protective, Caring, Pervy, Funny, Shy, Somewhat quiet with who he doesn’t know yet.




Role || (Student Hero, Villian, Teacher, etc.) Student Hero

Power || (2 Max but they must be similar to each other) Gav has the ability to move at lightning or even faster speed once his full potential is reached. His second ability allows him to create electricity in which he chooses to power through his katana or just blast from his hands.

Weapon || (Optional) Pulse Katana

Weakness || Rubber (Electricity doesn’t work on rubber), Water (He can electrocute himself), Ice, Attractive Females, and uneven ground.

Bio || (Optional) Gav grew up with this electric surge that powered through his body, it always used to cause pain…a constant electrifying pain that felt it would never end until he met a friend in his childhood. At first, he was very afraid of harming her…but after time passed he felt more comfortable…she kept the pain away. She felt like the only person who could do it…or maybe his new found power was just controlled by love…or emotion? He wasn’t too sure yet but one day his friend left him behind and they never saw each other again. Now Gav has learned to better control his power and spends time trying to love himself more to stop from hurting others, besides no one would want to be with someone as cold looking as him right?

As the only villain in the RP I'm really excited to see if I can take Fade and Zaps power. Zaps quirk works like a conduit and Fade works like a generator. It's the perfect combo to having infinite lightning at your disposal.

Name || Nyko D. Kaydus
Alias || the Magician
Age || 17
Gender || Male
Personality || Free Spirit, Charming, Independent, Energetic
Role || Student Hero (Undercover Villian)
Power || Telekinesis - manipulate objects and matter with their mind
Weapon || N/A
Weakness || can manipulate objects as long as they can see/perceive them, physically tiring


Role ||Undercover Villian
Power ||Illusion Manipulation - causing targets to see, hear, touch, smell and/or taste things which do not actually exist or cause them to perceive things differently from what they truly are.
Weakness ||can only manipulate those he's physically touched, physical pain can bring victims back to their senses. Once the spell is broken, must make physical contact again.
Real Name: Unknown, as everyone who knew is now dead
Alias: Siva
Age: Late 20’s early 30’s
Gender: Male
Personality: Flirtatious and extravagant personality, gives almost no care to safety when he is not in his “evil” mode
Role: Villain
Power: Control over ones atoms, similar to Mystique in X-men; Is able to change appearance, vocal patterns, fingerprints, and etc
Weapon: Switchblade
Weakness: By changing the atoms, it only adhears to physical changes (aka no memories, personality, or any powers)
History: Siva was able to live and prosper alone on the streets at the young age of 15 after his previous home got in an “accident” with the rest of his family. Striving for revenge on the “heroes” and the people who failed to protect the people he cared for.

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