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Fandom Hell City (Reboot)

Bolts said:
Yeah, pretty much BB was a by product of making the shoes. Peter is actually a very smart dude that just doesn't let it on. He worked in a government facility to make new weapons, one just happened to be sound use. So, taking some plans, he created his own little device in the shape of shoes. To power it, he took the plans from the facility that used, in theory, an AI to help regulate everything since the cube's power itself is rather unstable. Thus, he messed with the coding to get the AI up and running. There, it lead to BB. One thing led to another and the government force a plan into action. They did stuff to Peter's brain to hook up the AI and create a soldier. BB did not like This one bit. He liked peter so he broke out. Sadly, the government thinks it was Peter's doing. so he can't step foot out of Hell City.
Yay character development
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Yeah, after the whole getting hit with a snowball thing happened, I felt there should be more than a head injury. this is hell city after all. There are a shit ton of spooky things. So I just though... What if he was a mixed personality of Peter and some random thing? thus the story of BB was created.
Bolts said:
Yeah, after the whole getting hit with a snowball thing happened, I felt there should be more than a head injury. this is hell city after all. There are a shit ton of spooky things. So I just though... What if he was a mixed personality of Peter and some random thing? thus the story of BB was created.
Sooo. Bascally until he was hit by a snowball BB wasn't a thing? Niice xD
Mitchs98 said:
Sooo. Bascally until he was hit by a snowball BB wasn't a thing? Niice xD
pretty much yeah xD I think it took a pretty nice turn though. The hit messed with the connection, splitting BB and Peter after so long.
Bolts said:
pretty much yeah xD I think it took a pretty nice turn though. The hit messed with the connection, splitting BB and Peter after so long.
I like it. Tbh. And makes sense. Plus drama. Plus yay
Sorry about the hold ups guys just havent found much time to post and Im also revamping my joker-esque character for this rp because of a certain someone, once Im finished with him later today I will get to making my post to keep things moving
Okay, I finished my Joker-esque character revamp - just so you people know for sure no he hasn't changed that much besides me making his 'less' like the actual Joker because Solemn decided it was a good idea to bring up batman comics etc which would basically insist that he was a copy and for me that was going to be really annoying to actually explain when I get to writing another bio for him (Which won't be written up until the end of the arc, cause it will have a few spoilers sorta thing). @Mitchs98 I guess I'll leave it to you to check the CS over for me and tell me if it's good cause he will be the one taking over Laffarou's spot when he dies (I ended up making the decision lol). If you don't really want to read it all the mains section is his abilities and stuff since I actually wrote more about his fighting style & also wrote up his gifted human ability (If you remember my idea that I sent you through PM ages ago you probably alrady get the idea of what it is).

I'll be making a post for Tremki & James (In the one post) soon and then I will be using anyone who is apart of "The Clown Posse Gang" to do something in Hell City as well to end the day on and give something for everyone to do in the next day. (That isn't going to happen after the 7DS meeting though.)
@Mitchs98[/URL] I guess I'll leave it to you to check the CS over for me and tell me if it's good cause he will be the one taking over Laffarou's spot when he dies (I ended up making the decision lol). If you don't really want to read it all the mains section is his abilities and stuff since I actually wrote more about his fighting style & also wrote up his gifted human ability (If you remember my idea that I sent you through PM ages ago you probably alrady get the idea of what it is).
I'll be making a post for Tremki & James (In the one post) soon and then I will be using anyone who is apart of "The Clown Posse Gang" to do something in Hell City as well to end the day on and give something for everyone to do in the next day. (That isn't going to happen after the 7DS meeting though.)
O lawd. Having to GM the GM. halp. Gimmie a few.
Now that I think about it. I kinda feel bad for the cyborg guy. He seemed like he was just being manipulated by his siblings :(
Drakerus said:
Now that I think about it. I kinda feel bad for the cyborg guy. He seemed like he was just being manipulated by his siblings :(
I feel bad too, tbh. But, psycho Shiro is psycho.
tuxedo[/URL], decorated be some white flame motifs. His undershirt is white, and he also wears a dark purple tie with a small clip attached. He has numerous tattoo's over his body, a head of a jester on the back of his neck. On the left side of his chest he has a quote which says "It's all a joke..Everything anybody ever valued or struggled for..It's all a monsterous demented gag!", he also has other tattoo's on his arms such as as a half upper sleeve on his left arm with 'HAHAHA' on it (Much like the new joker). On his left forearm he has ace & joker cards crossing eachother tattood, right right and left finger's both of the letters 'B A N G'; giving more enphasis on what he plans to do with his two glocks however most of the time these tattoo's can also be covered by the pair of half cut leather gloves he wears on each of his hands.



While Dante often uses his signature weapons, two silver desert eagles. However Dante is also seen to use a long curved butterfly knife, and also owns a traditional katana with a black handle.

(Debito holding his Katana)



He doesn't plan on making one but he has an eye on a particular gang which he has plans for.


- Seeing other's reactions to chaotic situations

- A good 'joke'

- Being complimented

- Self harm and inflicting harm

- "Fireworks!!!! KAHAHAHAAHA!!!"

- Alcohol


- Having any of his 'surprises' spoiled before the proper moment

- When someone has a better suit than he does

-'Justice Seeker's

-Being deeply insulted

-Lack of common 'manners'


That one day, he'll stop being able to come up with new jokes.



~Overall Explination~

Dante is a man above the social mores and conformity. A man with his own value set, from his own subjective truth and not part of just conditioning. He's not part of the plan. Dante tends to pattern smash and destroy all things common and makes it a point to treat people like they're part of a game. If he can change their social values then he wins. He can show how quick "moral" people will change given the right circumstances. It's not about money, it's not about fame, it's not about revenge, it's about controlling human will. That is his game.


Sometimes he'll shoot you, sometimes he'll give you a flower. Sometimes the flower has acid, sometimes it's full of money. His unpredictable behavior is what makes him seem crazy. He intentionally breaks the patterns or roles of human behavior even for criminals. His subjective truth is that because there are so many simultaneous subjective truths, then there really isn't any and thus it's all a joke.

Although still in the early stages of his development, everything about Dante is symbolic of his philosophy. Dante can be at times, completely irrational and beyond comprehension, but he is often times very intelligent. From his manner of speaking, to his dark, twisted views on the world, Dante is original in every aspect. With his crime, he likes to incorporate symbolism to give visual aide towards his strange philosophical take on how the world works. Dante dons the character of a jokester, although he is mostly the complete opposite of funny.


Oddly enough, while many often know of Dante's reputation as a crazy madman who only seeks utter chaos within any activity he does; when certain situations arise and he see's an interesting oppurunity Dante is more than capable of coming off as rather charming, with honeyed words and a humble sense of humor towards other's can often come off surprising as Dante is fully capable of making friends if he really wants to. While he usually ruins this charm not far into the conversation with talk of his day-to-day interests some say it is worth the short time he doesn't seem totally off his rocket.


Some could say this man is the definition of insanity, while being a schitzerphrenic he is also a man who just loves chaos and other's confusion and misery. His madness is one of a kind, having a clown like attitude his motives are unclear besides the fact he plays constant mind games of choice and morals against the other's of the City. Many say that his madness is so intensifying, that if given enough time he can make anyone around him go mad for periods of time.



Whether it's because of his psychotic tendencies or just because he truly has no fears. He is a daring man and doesn't mind risking his life numerous times during the day 'just for the fun of it'. He doesn't think about making his actions and just 'does them' as he says, to him...This world is just a big game for him to enjoy.


~Analyst & Intelligence~

Dante is a very intelligent individual and proves this through many of his social conversations and situations. Being able to analyze almost any situation and develop a in-depth and detailed plan within a matter of seconds is only part of Dante's mental power - he is able to take in every detail to the tee, this making it extremely difficult for him to be fooled. This also extends to being able to tell lie apart from truth, while misleading other's on a common basis is nothing new to Dante. (His IQ is 196) Finding out the truths of everything around him is a priority for Dante, and this can especially become apparent towards those he calls 'ally'. Being a great analyst and having a impressively high intelligence over the span of his years within Hell City he has found out many of the hidden and deepest secrets within the City. Dante in most cases can act as some what of a conduit for truths, using his intelligence and curiosity and the vast amounts of time he has spent travelling across the City and working for numerous groups and organizations for selfish gain. Dante has come across many anomalies and brought light to many unknown truths. While often keeping this knowledge to himself h definatley puts this knowledge to use in his every day to day endevours.


In many ways, Dante's cunning shows throughout many of his mental and physical traits. In almost anything that Dante tries to do he is able to succeed and master within a rather impressive amount of time - being a naturally fast learner Dante can prove to be adaptable to almost any situation no matter how difficult or complex. He also show's it even in his day to day activities and conversation, while often coming off as friendly, humble and charming man. He shows a deceptively cunning side when the situation warrants it. Commonly using idle conversation to distract friends and foes from what is really happening behind the scenes


~Trickery & Manipulative~

Dante is a comedian and 'magician' of sorts and often like to use various tricks to confuse people and allude them from what is really happening. In fact in most situations he uses this 'trickery' to clear people away from what is really happening, in his own right this man is incredibly manipulating in the sense no one will ever be able to tell what he's really up to.


What makes this man such a threat to everyone around him is how unpredictable he can prove to be. All of his games end to leading to another after another, he constantly places other's in a game of choice..An endless game in which he knows how to get away with, proving to be a genius in the sense no one can ever tell what's coming.





[tab=Criminal Record]

Fighting Style:

Despite not having any martial arts training and actually taking on a rather 'goofy' looking style which incorporates purposefully failing in order to make a devastating counter at the last moment. He is a natural fighter and can adapt to himself in many different situations, with his keen eye & dangerous determination to kill his opponent makes him a dangerous foe to face. He almost never misses and can track down bullet-fast objects with ease; Which being a gifted human with naturally enhanced physical attributes Dante has even been known to dodge bullets in the same fashion. Trivial to Dante's claim of having no literal martial arts training many of Dante's fighting styles seemed to be inspired and incorperated with multiple traditional martial art styles such as Krav maga, judo, karate & the most obvious Zui Quan (Also known as the 'Drunken Fist' style) which incorperates odd and slum movements that easily represents someone who is drunk and involves deadly counter-strikes and unpredictable movements. With so many recognisable martial art traits bring many to come to terms that Dante could very would be just a naturally talented hand-to-hand fighter, although he's had little time to really show off his skill in this field of fighting many don't want to find out.

He is a trickster, and with his goofy style of fighting it is also a form of humiliating his opponent. A mind game in itself he uses other's emotions against their 'better judgement' leading them to a fatal move. If that doesn't work he will work with his 'unpredictability' in order to gain an edge and has a thing for constantly changing up his styles to keep his opponent constantly on their toes - even when fighting with his signature desert eagles Dante has proven fully capable of fighting with his feet and elbows to deliver devastating counter-attacks to anyone who tries getting too close and depending on the situation Dante can also use his katana - although he doesn't seem to show specific training at all in this field with his strength and percision alone makes Dante fully capable of decapitating a limb if given the chance.

Crimes Committed/Achievements:

-Multiple counts of first degree murder including his parents

- Terrorism

-Escaping mental institution short of leave

-Mass murder and vandalism

-Twelve counts of bank robberies

-Currently a prisoner inside 'Cold Gate'


While Dante does a very good job at hiding the ability he don's from being a gifted human who is capable of converting their life energy (Aura) into an actual force to grant him a certain property. Debito's in specific is a rather peculiar ability of sorts that can make it very hard to spot, converting his aura (Which for some reason appears to be a dark neon green) into a substance which can in a way 'destabilize' anything his aura comes in contact with. While this ability mostly only effects inanimate objects around him to make them fall to pieces or break apart within a matter of seconds when making contact with bioligical life-forms the process becomes much more complex and in other words less effective. (Hence why he generally still fights with guns etc.) while adding the properties of his aura that allows him to literally break everything apart piece by piece allows him to cause a high amount of pain to the life form that comes in contact with his destablizing aura..He can't quite literally break apart people or life forms as easily and especially not in the same amount of time - while using his aura is an extremely useful torture method due to the variety of ways it can be used on the human body the effects on a person's body doesn't seem to come out as anything physical. Meaning no wounds or marks will show up on their body when coming into contact with the aura - the only thing that allows other's around to know the pain one goes through when coming in contact with the aura for long periods of time are the numerous facial expressions and screams which are sure to emit from the victim's mouth and if Debito chooses he is even able to use this on the human brain to turn them into a vessle of pure instanity as he breaks their minds over long periods of exposure to his aura.


- Unpredictability

- Keen eye

- Accurate Aim

- Cunning

-Very good at planning

- Considered 'genius' in many ways

-Major resistance to pain

-Resistence to all poisons, venoms, gases & chemicals.


- He suffers from delusions(Schizophrenic)

- Despite being able to see fast moving objects, he isn't very fast himself

- He becomes weary around those who are just as crazy as he is

- His own insanity can get the best of him

Trivia: (This may be added to in the future)

- Dante is believed to have gone crazy because of the extreme use of his own aura

- Dante was raised by 'The Sinister Clown' Laffarou Quinzel.

- Dante was once apart of Lucifer's Mafia for a short time

- Dante was once a Kuro Clown for the criminal organization "The Clowns"

- Dante's tattoo's were inspired off the upcoming Joker for the movie 'Suicide Squad'

- The faceclaim for Dante is named 'Debito' from the anime Arcana Familiga

- Dante is one of very few individuals who actually know's what goes down in Hell City behind the scenes.

- Dante & Laffarou are actually blood related (They are second cousins)



~Character Quotes~

"You know the best place to hide, is in sanity."


"I'm not a bad man love, I'm just free!!"

"Hell City...What a perfect place for me to be..Only if I could paint the buildings crimson..Just to see the faces of everyone when I carve a permanent smile to their souls."

"Insanity, as much as we don't like to admit it..Is a very appealing thing."


Tis hell city. The weak die fast. We will see how far Peter gets without bb there to pick up the slack
Bolts said:
Tis hell city. The weak die fast. We will see how far Peter gets without bb there to pick up the slack
Inb4 Shiro pretty much acts like Shiro in the manga and protects him.

Oh wait.

She already did d:
I was considering making an rp for it since the one I tried joining dies but I wanted to see if there would be anyone interested first, Ill probably make an interest check
[QUOTE="Sinister Clown]Out of curiosity, has anyone here watched Hunter X hunter before?

Got to the video game
[QUOTE="Sinister Clown]Out of curiosity, has anyone here watched Hunter X hunter before?

Nope. I don't think you should be making a lot of RP's either dude. Sorry if I sound rude but it seems like some days you're busy and making huge detailed RP's take a lot if time. If the GM is absent it kind of throws the RP off track a bit because nobody else knows what the GM had planned. Well except for the Co's maybe. I just don't think being in and making a lot of RP's is a good idea tbh. That's just what I think though.
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]Nope. I don't think you should be making a lot of RP's either dude. Sorry if I sound rude but it seems like some days you're busy and making huge detailed RP's take a lot if time. If the GM is absent it kind of throws the RP off track a bit because nobody else knows what the GM had planned. Well except for the Co's maybe. I just don't think being in and making a lot of RP's is a good idea tbh. That's just what I think though.

I get what you mean but most of the rps I was in have died and as of now Im only apart of 3 rps including this one - When I get busy thats mostly because I dont have time to post at all not because of the amount of rps Im in - while I understand your worry please realise I was running this and two other rps while being apart of other rps aside from those and still found time to post for this rp from time to time - my problem with this thread right now are the amount of characters I have which I plan to narrow down big time after this arc and focus on only one or two characters to make it easier for me to post.

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