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Fandom Hell City (Reboot)

Mitchs98 said:
It's slightly offputting, only due to my overactive imagination. But it doesn't really bother me that much, if you'd see my other posts on here and elsewhere you'd understand why :P . I could see removing her katana for obvious reasons, but I dunno why she's naked and her satchel got rekt.
Oh yeah, if you're comfortable doing it, props to you. I'm just kinda speechless on the topic.
Oh because Sora didn't want to ruin her clothing duh. Also it makes it so much easier for him to see what he's doing when he starts cutting into her.
[QUOTE="Solemn Jester]Oh because Sora didn't want to ruin her clothing duh. Also it makes it so much easier for him to see what he's doing when he starts cutting into her.

Sora threw her clothes and things into a fireplace in an effort to not ruin them?
Yeah the fireplace isn't up or anything it's empty and Clean he keeps it that way for when he needs to put something there
[QUOTE="Solemn Jester]Yeah the fireplace isn't up or anything it's empty and Clean he keeps it that way for when he needs to put something there

Where exactly is said fireplace. Where are the trap doors and shit? I need a description mang. I'd also prefer the satchel to still be nearby for reasons, but, you know. *shrug*.
The fire place is on the second floor your on the first floor the stairs are outside the auditorium which is where you are the second floor is basically Sora's home when be isnt at the clown posse HQ. The fireplace is in the resting room which is were Sora sits and reads and thinks about all the old days like other people he's tortured. Oh he's also got videos and picture books showing him torturing people so yeah your satchels probably on one of the dead bodies in the audiance he likes to give his audiance some of his victims stuff sometimes
[QUOTE="Solemn Jester]The fire place is on the second floor your on the first floor the stairs are outside the auditorium which is where you are the second floor is basically Sora's home when be isnt at the clown posse HQ. The fireplace is in the resting room which is were Sora sits and reads and thinks about all the old days like other people he's tortured. Oh he's also got videos and picture books showing him torturing people so yeah your satchels probably on one of the dead bodies in the audiance he likes to give his audiance some of his victims stuff sometimes

Shall I assume the trap door is at the exit to the room/building?
The trap door is right infront of Liz as soon as she steps away from where she is shell trigger it and get sent into another trap
[QUOTE="Solemn Jester]The trap door is right infront of Liz as soon as she steps away from where she is shell trigger it and get sent into another trap

Wait. Wat? So. There's one trap door in front of her? Or?..
The first trap doors infront of her yes but there are several others in varies location actually there at the other exits there are also other types of traps as well nothing deadly just enough to take someone down or trap them again. They can of course be escaped if you win the game that occurs after your captured
[QUOTE="Solemn Jester]The first trap doors infront of her yes but there are several others in varies location actually there at the other exits there are also other types of traps as well nothing deadly just enough to take someone down or trap them again. They can of course be escaped if you win the game that occurs after your captured

I'd prefer her to get clothes from the dead dudes first and junk, ya kno'. If possible. *shrug*. But it sounds fun nonetheless 0:
[QUOTE="Solemn Jester]Don't worry I'm sure there's some dead peeps left in the traps so she can take their clothes if she has to

I thought the traps weren't lethal?
Yeah they aren't but sometimes Sora forgets that he's taken someone hostage and they don't win the game so they starve to death down there
[QUOTE="Solemn Jester]Yeah they aren't but sometimes Sora forgets that he's taken someone hostage and they don't win the game so they starve to death down there

Seems legit. Now that I know all of this I can finally post. I'll assume you'll post for the traps and shit, so i'll be tagging you.
[QUOTE="Solemn Jester]Although no idea what the games will be might just make them trivia based and riddles those are so simple

It'd be impossibru for Liz to do much else, really.
[QUOTE="Solemn Jester]Unless I did some dead man wonderland shiz

You mean fighting? Yeah it'd be impossible for her to win that without a weapon to tbh

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