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Fandom Hell City (Reboot)

[QUOTE="Solemn Jester]Lol you were just about done for but you got it wrong anyways lol also this was fun I can't wait to torture other people

I don't really get how it was wrong, you never said the wording had to be specific .-. But. K...
[QUOTE="Solemn Jester]The wording was wrong completely lol xD

No it wasn't? You never said the answer couldn't contain two possibilities or anything. The answer was technically correct; he didn't die nor could it of killed him unless he had heart conditions or some such. You never once said it had to be extremely specific on the wording or otherwise, just true or false and provide a reason as to why. I mean..I don't mind losing, I'm sure I'll be able to think of a way for Elizabeth to get out somehow, but you should really be more specific and not randomly decide things just because you didn't want her to get out.
But your tired so it's pretty impressive you even came to that answer so I'm going to sleep you do whatever maybe go to sleep as well idk good night
[QUOTE="Solemn Jester]Lol the answer was completely wrong other than the false part lol.

How..do you figure? Like I said. You never said it had to be specifically those few words, at all, at any given point in time. That was more or less a 'what color is my underwear' question because no one but you would know the exact wording ever. The answer I gave was along the same terms, just..not the exact wording. In the future I'd appreciate you actually say things have to be specific or give something I could actually feasibly have a shot at guessing. Seriously :/ .
No it's not saying he wouldn't have died Instantly unless he had a heart condition isn't the same as saying he didn't die instantly because no one would of known about his dream otherwise there is no wording that to say the other thing, now if you had said anything that was close to the answer then I'd probably have accepted it say false because how would anyone know about his dream if he died Instantly it's key words not really the entire phrase so yeah, but yeah it doesn't really matter like you said she'd figure something out and it's not like you'll be getting into anymore riddles anytime soon or at least if you do they'll probably be alot easier since that one was meant to be difficult and I'm going to sleep
[QUOTE="Solemn Jester]No it's not saying he wouldn't have died Instantly unless he had a heart condition isn't the same as saying he didn't die instantly because no one would of known about his dream otherwise there is no wording that to say the other thing, now if you had said anything that was close to the answer then I'd probably have accepted it say false because how would anyone know about his dream if he died Instantly it's key words not really the entire phrase so yeah, but yeah it doesn't really matter like you said she'd figure something out and it's not like you'll be getting into anymore riddles anytime soon or at least if you do they'll probably be alot easier since that one was meant to be difficult and I'm going to sleep

It..wasn't a riddle it was a question. And the last bit was optional. Again..you never said it had to be specific. Regardless...it doesn't matter. I'd just appreciate it if in the future if anything similar happened to say things have to be specific or include every required information in your post. You have a bad habit of not doing so in this RP .-.. Gnight.
Your crazy and it's wasn't really a question unless you read it like one it was literally in riddles when I looked it up now goodnight for real its way to late for me to be up
[QUOTE="Solemn Jester]Lol xD Poor Sora so much fun going on at his place and he isn't around to join in

Meanwhile Sora returns to a burnt down building and a death threat written on a note. Kek.
[QUOTE="Solemn Jester]Later on Sora returns the favor by burning down the rainy traveler with Bismarck and the others asleep inside teheh

......Dude.....Bismarck would kill him xD with a dragon
[QUOTE="Solemn Jester]Later on Sora returns the favor by burning down the rainy traveler with Bismarck and the others asleep inside teheh

[QUOTE="Solemn Jester]

Not if the fire killed Bismarck first

Maria would literally cut Sora up into extremely tiny pieces after torture far worse than even Sora could think up and mail said pieces to all of his friends if he killed either Bismarck or Elizabeth. She can be a bit ah...intense :D
You forget what he's doing to Liz isn't torture well it is but he doesn't see it that way so yeah if he was intending on torturing her it'd be way more gruesome and painful
[QUOTE="Solemn Jester]Yes because Sora is so easy to find/kill it's like playing where's Waldo hell city edition

[QUOTE="Solemn Jester]You forget what he's doing to Liz isn't torture well it is but he doesn't see it that way so yeah if he was intending on torturing her it'd be way more gruesome and painful

Hacking classes, bro. HACKING CLASSES. He can hack into Sora's phone and track him down. xD . I can't believe I still have to explain it, but Bismarck is a college graduate. And was valedictorian/student council secretary. And he's lived alone since he was 12. Bro's smart enough to know when there's a fire.

Mitchs98 said:
Maria would literally cut Sora up into extremely tiny pieces after torture far worse than even Sora could think up and mail said pieces to all of his friends if he killed either Bismarck or Elizabeth. She can be a bit ah...intense :D
That too.
[QUOTE="Solemn Jester]You forget what he's doing to Liz isn't torture well it is but he doesn't see it that way so yeah if he was intending on torturing her it'd be way more gruesome and painful

Maybe not by his standards, but he's tortured and stripped her nude, for god's sakes. That's pretty goddamn traumatizing for her.
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[QUOTE="Solemn Jester]You forget what he's doing to Liz isn't torture well it is but he doesn't see it that way so yeah if he was intending on torturing her it'd be way more gruesome and painful

Oh. Trust me. It'd more than likely be worse than anything he could think of, and require a hider for gore warning ^-^.

femjapanriceball said:
Hacking classes, bro. HACKING CLASSES. He can hack into Sora's phone and track him down. xD . I can't believe I still have to explain it, but Bismarck is a college graduate. And was valedictorian/student council secretary. And he's lived alone since he was 12. Bro's smart enough to know when there's a fire.
That too.
1337 H4x0r

Lotusy said:
Maybe not by his stabdards, but he's tortured and stripped her nude, for god's sakes. That's pretty goddamn traumatizing for her.
This ^. It was worse than anything her parents did to her by far :P

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