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Fandom Hell City (Reboot)

[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]I don't even know what to reply too. I'm tempted to have Jade show up at Janus's clinic but tgen again...hmmmm

Do et.
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]Well it was a bummer she hadn't gotten to find any information on what she wanted, her serperiors would be pissed.

Jade can't got pissing off those pokémon, huh? :P
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[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]What? xD

It said Serperiors. Like the pokémon, but I think you mean superiors.
TripTripleTimes said:
welp. I think messed emu up here??? Idk if he even feel emu-y with that post.
I'm too used to the more lighter side of him :/
I wouldn't know what Emu's like, haven't seen him enough. Personally, given the reply, it's actually hard for me to not write something mean-spirited for Janus to say in return, but he's supposed to be a pushover and I'm sticking to my guns here. Hopefully, they can be friends. :P
Lotusy said:
I wouldn't know what Emu's like, haven't seen him enough. Personally, given the reply, it's actually hard for me to not write something mean-spirited for Janus to say in return, but he's supposed to be a pushover and I'm sticking to my guns here. Hopefully, they can be friends. :P
Dont worry about being mean spirited! Emu isn't the most cooperative character if mine lol.
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]Name: Jade Kuroki
Alias/Title: Shadow Girl

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Weight: 102 lbs

Height: 5'8" (5 foot 8 inches)

Race: Genetically modified human (Assassin)

Sexuality: Doesn't know yet but leaning more on the side of Hetero (Straight)



Gear: She always keeps 5 daggers on herself at all times, 2 being in her sleeves as the form of hidden blades that are retractable, 1 being in her right shoe and 2 strapped on her sides.

Affiliation: Il Diavolo Fratellanza (Shadow Sisters branch)

Rank: Nightstalker

Crush: Idk yet xD


-Eating pastries, especially cake and scones

-Playing the piano the odd times she can

-The night time and rain


-High maintenance girls that get genetically modified to look cute

-Herself because when she thinks about it she knows that she isn't just a ruthless killer

-Her brothers because they both disappeared

Fears: She absolutely fears her memories of the traumatizing events that happened in her genetic modification and doesn't want to fail anyone because, to her, if she does she believes she'll go back and they will modify her again to do as they say. So in a way, losing her emotions and sanity.

Personality: Jade is a quiet girl that does as she is told by her guild and carries out every mission, killing every target because she's been genetically modified to feel anything when she kills but some times her emotions overrun herself and she temporarily realizes she's a murderer. She is a piano prodigy but doesn't have access to a piano a lot so she can't express her amazing talent, which makes her doubtful that she will be good at it. Whenever she is in front of people she waits for them to talk to her first so she can read how they are.

History: WIP (I swear I will work on it as soon as I am able.)

Fighting Style:

Crimes Committed/Achievements: Murdering well over 42 targets around the entire city, assassinating gang bosses and blowing up 3 different police stations.


-Enhanced speed, such as jumping from amazingly high heights and survive and running up to 2 miles without breaking a sweat or running out of breath.

-Enhanced sight, also includes night vision and allows her eyes to act like a cats would and amplify any light to enable sight in the dark.

-Reflexes. She can know something will happen a couple seconds before it happens and in that time she doesn't think, only acts.

Strengths: Seeing her target as a bad person, and not a human, so she can kill him/her without feeling remorse for killing.

Weaknesses: When she realizes that she is a killer, and not to mention her greatest love of all... CHERRY CAKE!

[QUOTE="Santeru Ishumari]

Name: Santeru Ishumari

Alias/Title: Cupid

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Weight: 178lbs

Height: 6'2 (Six feet, two inches tall)

Race: Human

Sexuality: Heterosexual

(Character is shown as picture) To add on to the picture I'd like to state Santeru has a tattoo of the ouroboros dragon located on his back left shoulder.

Gear: Inside the suit jacket shown above is a dual holster containing two .45APC pistols with attached silencers. Inside the sleeve of his jacket is a Damascus knife in the form of a M9 Bayonet. Along the inside waistline of the jacket is extra magazines of ammunition.

Affiliation: Neutral (No affiliation to any one organization.)

Rank: N/A

Crush: We will discover that when we get to it

Likes: Mints|Cards|Hugs

Dislikes: Senseless Conflict|Commands|People with no will of their own

Fears: Himself (In the sense of losing his mind.)

Personality: Santeru has the typical laid back no care in the world attitude as a front, if he was honest he would admit he feels dead inside the city and he couldn't enjoy it more. He has a heart for those he is close to and that's where it ends, even though he enjoys remaining neutral in all matters he can't help but to enjoy killing as long as it has a reason. He likes to find a solution to problems through words but can't help it when it always seems to end with a gun in someones face.

He's a loyal individual to only those he respects and no amount of money will change that, he will take a job no matter what it is as long as it doesn't involve those he holds dear. It takes a lot to get him to snap and his tolerance to others is high but his soft spot is when someone starts pointing out the truths about him.

History: Santeru was born into a normal family home in a neighborhood in the United states, he grew up with a sense of longing for as long as he could remember. At the age of seven on June 23rd he discovered death as it claimed his family in the form of a fire which was caused by a heater being to close to furniture. This left him alone with no home and no family, being picked up by the system he was moved around until he ended up with a paranoid foster father whose side job was killing criminals. (Talking about Dexter because why the hell not
xD ) One night after discovering the truth his foster father taught him how to kill and clean up and that became the tradition every weekend. Soon his father disappeared leaving Santeru alone once again at the age of sixteen, Hitchhiking his way across the world he ended up in Hell City at the age of seventeen and started a life of his own barely making it by as he did pety crimes and made a reputation for himself eventually earning enough respect to kill for certain gangs as he clawed his way higher and higher. Now he lives quietly taking it day by day in Hell City just getting by in his new life.

Fighting Style: Santeru knows Judo|Jiu jitsu|Krav Maga all taught by his father and learned over the years.

Crimes Committed/Achievements: Murder|Armed Robbery|Assault|Theft|Grand Theft|Illegal Gambling|

Abilities: N/A

Strengths: Strategic planning|Negotiations|Accuracy|Loyalty

Weaknesses: Friends|Personal Flaws exploited|Egotistical

Character Theme: [media]

Of course, unfilliated characters again xD Accepted

[QUOTE="Sinister Clown]Of course, unfilliated characters again xD Accepted

Oh come on dear, with my track of neutrality did you think it would change now xD
Dudes. You'll never guess where I'm at.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpg.c765e250e8edfb3503d820c00742d86e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114118" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpg.c765e250e8edfb3503d820c00742d86e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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*ultimate fangirl squeal*



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