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Fandom Hell City (Reboot)

Mitchs98 said:
Did you pass 0:?
I-i don't know until Saturday at least

TripTripleTimes said:
Im out traveling for the day. Might post later in the afternoon.
Yea, sorry to keep you waiting, Trip, though this time, I can say it wasn't all me. Hopefully, Veyd reveals her identity so Emmanuel can jump back into action or something.

Also, would you like Janus to get Emu some crutches after this whole ordeal, or something? I'm sure they'd make the sickest weapons. :P
Lotusy said:
Yea, sorry to keep you waiting, Trip, though this time, I can say it wasn't all me. Hopefully, Veyd reveals her identity so Emmanuel can jump back into action or something.
Also, would you like Janus to get Emu some crutches after this whole ordeal, or something? I'm sure they'd make the sickest weapons. :P
A cyborg wielding metal sticks for weapons. Seems legit
Mitchs98 said:
Maria JonesMaria was kind of worried about his silence, perhaps she'd misread his own issues and it was nothing compared to hers? Maybe he was even a bit offput by it? She did kind of kill the mood she guessed, hopefully the silence wasn't for bad reasons or anything. Thankfully it wasn't, she wasn't sure why she'd worried..she guessed she was just nervous about upsetting him for some odd reason. She returned his brief hug, a smile on her face. It felt nice to finally be able to talk to him like this, she felt happier knowing he understood and was here for her.

"Thanks Bismarck, it means a lot, really. I'm sure Liz appreciates it too, even if she doesn't know it directly. I promise to keep you safe as best I can too." She replied. She grinned to herself and sighed at how corny they'd both sounded. Oh well, she guessed as long as it was true she didn't really care. After the briefing depressing moment she'd caused she resumed her walk with him, eventually it lead to a vendor of sorts selling cotton candy amongst other things. She watched as he bought one, seemingly strawberry. Classic Bismarck. He'd eat just about anything containing strawberries or flavored like strawberries. It kind of worried her, yet also gave her some 'ideas'. Ideas which she quickly shook out of her head, being a bit too out there even for her.

She grinned when he poked her in the cheek with the cotton candy, moving the fluffy sugar away from said cheek before a large chunk stuck to it, of which she thankfully avoided happening..though some did stick to it giving her an odd pink mark on her cheek. "
Sure, thanks." She replied, taking a small bite out of the top of it. It was indeed strawberry flavored, by way to much so for her tastes. "It's definetely strawberry, that's for sure." She told him while chuckling to herself, seemingly random but mostly still due to the fact most of what he ate contained strawberries if he could help it.

Elizabeth Jones

Elizabeth had managed to restock a good portion of the shop with the back up stock as best she could. They were inevitably missing some things, such as the frozen fish and other such produce that couldn't be stored for later use. Though, most of it was thankfully replaceable save for the rarer items. She'd just sat down to rest no more than five minutes before someone was knocking on the door. Sighing she stood up from the table downstairs and walked upstairs to the door, guess she wasn't getting rest quite yet. She stared at the person at the door briefly, determining if she knew them or not. Settling on not she shifted the sheathe on her back closer to her offhand to draw it easier if need be before walking up to the door and opening it after unlocking it.

Umm..W-we're closed for today. Do..do you need something?" She asked him, being sure to not get to close to him. She was a lot more cautious than usual with it only being her around, especially after getting shot.
femjapanriceball said:
Wait, is Maria thinking about the blackout scene in Day Two? O.o
In a way, yes. But. Worse. Lol. Moreso deriatives of it than anything.
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Mitchs98 said:
You should. It'd make for some nice drama, tbh.

Lily returns. Bismarck is still sorta in love with her. Lily doesn't like Bismarck anymore but she lost her Grim Reaper powers so she plans on using him for her own evil reasons. Meanwhile, Maria knows what's going on (and is a little jealous), so she tries stopping Lily.

or something like that....
femjapanriceball said:
Lily returns. Bismarck is still sorta in love with her. Lily doesn't like Bismarck anymore but she lost her Grim Reaper powers so she plans on using him for her own evil reasons. Meanwhile, Maria knows what's going on (and is a little jealous), so she tries stopping Lily.

or something like that....
Freaking do it bro.
[QUOTE="Solemn Jester]Awww why can't I break the fourth wall just a little bit?

[QUOTE="Solemn Jester]Just checked there isn't a rule about breaking the fourth wall I'm in the good

Just because there isn't a rule of breaking the fourth wall doesn't mean that it's something I, Sinister, fem, or Trip is going to allow. And quite frankly I'm not going to. It really breaks immersion and it generally isn't amusing half of the time. It also happens to be one of my triggers after dealing with it as staff elsewhere.

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