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Fantasy Hell Academy: The Final Test

TripTripleTimes said:
As soon as the two slip into the classroom, Emmanuel locks the window and closes the blind. That done, the boy takes off his backpack and empty the contexts out. Soon there is two piles between Cirillia and Emmanuel. All of Emmanuel's school works and prank materials are stacked in one pile and the other consists of a deflated potato chip, two chocolate bars, a soda bottle, and two plastic bento box. Emmanuel opens a box to see- Oh, two vege wraps! Did mom sprinked cranberries in it? Urg, she knows he doesn't like them. Emmanuel opens up the second one. Oh good, bacon bits on his. He has to count his lucky stars that they were able to get away with just Cirillia's candy back there.
"I think we're good for food now. Humans can last without food for weeks. Water, we'll easily get it in a sink." Emmanuel mumbles. He looks up at Cirillia.

"We can leave the lockers for now. It's too dangerous, but if we need more food I think I have some bars in my locker..." Emmanuel trails off seeing Cirillia's expression. Is this too much for her? It must be. Emmanuel's sure face softens and his gaze falls down, unfocused, to his supplies.

"We can do this." He hopes, though most of the time he was moving autopilot and going by what big brother would do. Plus, he and Alicia have talked about what they would do if a zombie apocalypse ever happen and his survival games should have taught him something!
Cirillia Vines

Ciri nodded. She didn't like the prospect of starving, but it was better than dying. And she was sure they could easily find a sink for water. They had enough food to last a bit between the two of them, even if her contribution was mostly candy. Not exactly healthy at all, but better than starving. She tried her best but her face still held a look of worry, she was lucky to have Emmanuel with her or she'd really stand no chance at surviving at all. He had Madhu to train him for stuff somewhat like this, sure she had trained with him on occassion..but it was different than regular survival training. She smiled faintly when he assured her they'd make it. "Yeah. We will. It's just-...I don't know. I thought we'd be able to leave, but we can't. I know we'll make it..but.." She told him trailing off before sighing. She was honestly at a loss as what to say. She was terrified beyond words yet reassured that she had Emmanuel with her, she knew they had a high chance of survival but the threat of death was still real. Plus she was worried about her other friends. She hoped they were safe, but she couldn't be too sure.

I'm worrying too much I guess. We'll be safe in here, and if anyone attacks we can deal with them between the two of us. At-least we're together." She finally finished, a small genuine smile on her face though obviously still afraid.
Bismarck looked around the infirmary, surprised by how much was going on. First, Maria was immediately on guard, which was admittedly faster than him, as he was a bit more easily trusting. Then Haruka and Elizabeth came in, joined by three others. That made...how many? He counted it under his breath. "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight...." he muttered, looking distrustfully at the girl who Maria had confronted. He knew that excuse all too well. That was the excuse Chaka had used before he had murdered Sierra! Struggling to stand up, he limped over to the girl and grabbed her by the collar of her shirt. "Don't," he breathed. "Even. Think. About. Using. That. Pathetic. Excuse. Against. Me. DO YOU HEAR ME?!" He looked into her eyes with his own brown orbs for a few minutes, then, exhaling, let go of her. "....Excuse me."

@Mitchs98 @Shnuydude @Helm Dexter @Kazehana @Crimson Night @Silver Wolf

Well well well, it appeared as though she had a group of supposed survivors on her hands. She would have been surprised if she didn't already know that there were far fewer killers than survivors. And it wasn't like they were particularly good at their job. True she knew of a few, even the ones that didn't want her to know. Hiding out and spying from a distance really did have its advantages, and she wasn't above exploiting her circumstances. Between this lot, it looked as though there was quite a bit of provisions, and she had a hard time deciding what to do. On one had, killing them would give her all those wonderful things. On the other hand, did she really want to take that risk? Besides, the only thing she had on them was the element of surprise.

Speaking of, it looked like even that might be compromised. She had hardly expected any of them to have anything near her sense of hearing. But then again, that 'perk' could be this girl's downfall. After all, one note on her piccolo would send the girl reeling. The thought alone pleased her. But right now, she had bigger problems to deal with. Namely, she could either try to fly under the radar and be as quiet as possible, or she could make a break for it. Either way, it was a risky situation for her indeed.

This prompted her to think about the possibility of teaming up with them. Unfortunately, everyone was paranoid with status, and she had no way to prove one way or the other who she was supposed to be. That and she would probably have to share her provisions. Speaking of, why did Aliyah have to burn down the cafeteria? What was that supposed to accomplish? All it seemed to do was make her situation even more dire than it needed to be.

In the end, she opted to become as quiet as possible, refusing to move even a single muscle. Well, she had to breathe, but she kept it at such a soft level that it was virtually inaudible. That way, perhaps the possibility of her discovery would not even exist. She couldn't have some random bimbo ruin what was a perfectly good strategy. Besides, everyone might think her suspicious if she was ever found out to have been spying in the first place. And was she going to deal with that? Not if she could help it.

[FONT=Bitter]@Mitchs98[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Shnuydude[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Crimson Night[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Helm Dexter[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@femjapanriceball[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Silver Wolf[/FONT]
femjapanriceball said:
Bismarck looked around the infirmary, surprised by how much was going on. First, Maria was immediately on guard, which was admittedly faster than him, as he was a bit more easily trusting. Then Haruka and Elizabeth came in, joined by three others. That made...how many? He counted it under his breath. "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight...." he muttered, looking distrustfully at the girl who Maria had confronted. He knew that excuse all too well. That was the excuse Chaka had used before he had murdered Sierra! Struggling to stand up, he limped over to the girl and grabbed her by the collar of her shirt. "Don't," he breathed. "Even. Think. About. Using. That. Pathetic. Excuse. Against. Me. DO YOU HEAR ME?!" He looked into her eyes with his own brown orbs for a few minutes, then, exhaling, let go of her. "....Excuse me."
@Mitchs98 @Shnuydude @Helm Dexter @Kazehana @Crimson Night @Silver Wolf
Haruka smiled at Opal. "Thanks" he took The piece of candy and pocketed it. He Inched closer to the demon when Bismarck grabbed her to make sure neither of them hurt each other
femjapanriceball said:
Bismarck looked around the infirmary, surprised by how much was going on. First, Maria was immediately on guard, which was admittedly faster than him, as he was a bit more easily trusting. Then Haruka and Elizabeth came in, joined by three others. That made...how many? He counted it under his breath. "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight...." he muttered, looking distrustfully at the girl who Maria had confronted. He knew that excuse all too well. That was the excuse Chaka had used before he had murdered Sierra! Struggling to stand up, he limped over to the girl and grabbed her by the collar of her shirt. "Don't," he breathed. "Even. Think. About. Using. That. Pathetic. Excuse. Against. Me. DO YOU HEAR ME?!" He looked into her eyes with his own brown orbs for a few minutes, then, exhaling, let go of her. "....Excuse me."
@femjapanriceball @Shnuydude @Mitchs98 @Silver Wolf @Crimson Night @Kazehana [/size][/font][/center]

Maria and Elizabeth

Maria sighed when Haruka reported the food burned. What kind of jackass thought that was a good idea? I mean, really. Who the HELL burns all the food in a crisis situation? Hoard it all? Sure. Burn it? What the fuck? Maria really hoped whoever did it didn't come across her. Sure..they could survive the remaining period of time without food, as long as they got water. It'd be hard but they'd manage. She wouldn't hurt them over food, but moreso for the sheer stupidity of burning it all. She smiled at Opi when she offered them her candy, taking a piece for herself and placing it in her bag. "
Thanks Opi." She told her, a small smile on her face. Soon after Lilac came forth with the information of them being a survivor.

Maria wasn't sure whether or not to trust her, but she didn't try to attack them..so she really had no choice. She sighed and rubber the back of her head, "
Could of just said that...not that you have any proof...but you didn't attack us so..I dunno." She replied, not entirely sure what to make of the situation. Directly after Bismarck stood up, hobbled over, and completely snapped. Honestly? She was surprised he hadn't did more than he had, or went completely crazy given the situation and what happened. Haruka moved to stand between the two and Opi moved to check on Bismarck.

Maria walked over to the both of them, gently clinging onto his arm incase his leg gave way from pain he may or may not be experiencing. "
It's alright Bismarck...we won't let her hurt you or us. I think we can trust her anyway." She told him, trying to comfort him.
Mitchs98 said:
Cirillia Vines
Ciri nodded. She didn't like the prospect of starving, but it was better than dying. And she was sure they could easily find a sink for water. They had enough food to last a bit between the two of them, even if her contribution was mostly candy. Not exactly healthy at all, but better than starving. She tried her best but her face still held a look of worry, she was lucky to have Emmanuel with her or she'd really stand no chance at surviving at all. He had Madhu to train him for stuff somewhat like this, sure she had trained with him on occassion..but it was different than regular survival training. She smiled faintly when he assured her they'd make it. "Yeah. We will. It's just-...I don't know. I thought we'd be able to leave, but we can't. I know we'll make it..but.." She told him trailing off before sighing. She was honestly at a loss as what to say. She was terrified beyond words yet reassured that she had Emmanuel with her, she knew they had a high chance of survival but the threat of death was still real. Plus she was worried about her other friends. She hoped they were safe, but she couldn't be too sure.

I'm worrying too much I guess. We'll be safe in here, and if anyone attacks we can deal with them between the two of us. At-least we're together." She finally finished, a small genuine smile on her face though obviously still afraid.
"Heck yea!" Emmanuel returns the smile, toothy and bright. "With your speed and my wit, the three days will be easy for us." Leisurely, Emmanuel starts putting away the items into his bag. "We don't even need to do whatever everyone else is doing. Who's making us kill, right? There's no rule that you have to, heh."

Emmanuel looks to the large, empty classroom. It's a mess, least to say. Chairs are stacked against the only door along with the table, pushes to the same side. It's a good room, yes, but they can do better. The large windows are a rather worried some opening for his taste. Maybe they can make a hammock with the table and his strings? Mmm, nah.

"I want to go home too." Emmanuel says in a steady voice. He breathes in deeply causing his chest to puff. "We'll do whatever to go back, ok?"
TripTripleTimes said:
"Heck yea!" Emmanuel returns the smile, toothy and bright. "With your speed and my wit, the three days will be easy for us." Leisurely, Emmanuel starts putting away the items into his bag. "We don't even need to do whatever everyone else is doing. Who's making us kill, right? There's no rule that you have to, heh."
Emmanuel looks to the large, empty classroom. It's a mess, least to say. Chairs are stacked against the only door along with the table, pushes to the same side. It's a good room, yes, but they can do better. The large windows are a rather worried some opening for his taste. Maybe they can make a hammock with the table and his strings? Mmm, nah.

"I want to go home too." Emmanuel says in a steady voice. He breathes in deeply causing his chest to puff. "We'll do whatever to go back, ok?"
Cirillia Vines

Ciri nodded, her smile still on her face. Between the two of them they'd be able to make it out alive for sure. And like he said they don't have to kill anyone. They'd be just fine. All the teachers were dead..so..it wasn't like they'd be stopping them anytime soon, or rather forcing them to play their role. "Yeah, you're right. It'll be easy, we don't have much to worry about as long as we stay in here." She replied. Besides, at-least they were together. It wouldn't be all bad, she'd be able to spend time with Emmanuel..even if she wished it could be under better circumstances. When he finished moving his things into his bag she moved to sit beside him and scan the room herself. The main issue was the windows seeing as they were on the ground floor. Those would be the hardest to barricade and junk.

She looked up to him when he said he wanted to go home, nodding when he said they'd do whatever it took. She gently grabbed his hand and nodded before sighing, "
Yeah..I do too. And we'll make it. No matter what." She replied. She knew what that entailed, but really..she was fairly sure everyone else was willing to kill for their own survival too. She'd just have to accept the fact she'd probably have to kill one or more people in order for her and Emmanuel to survive.

Lilac Dubois

Lilac was a bit surprised by the outburst of the injured boy who was earlier squeaking like a mouse. His grip and loud voice caused her to forget about the person watching them. Lilac's intentions weren't good, at all, but at least she was being honest. She was, in fact, a survivor who left her slip in the gymnasium. But, Lilac was not expecting anyone to believe her in the first place. She probably wouldn't even believe herself in this situation either. Yet again, her eyes turned a shade of bright red: A mixture of anger and sadness. She was angry that for once she spoke the truth and no one believed her, and what saddened her slightly was knowing that these people wouldn't care no matter what she said. Over the last few minutes, she grew a bit jealous of this group. Instead of killing each other or leaving each other behind to survive, like Lilac would do herself, they were helping each other in any way they could: Healing; Offering food; Protection. Lilac knew she couldn't spend any more time with these people to see what made them this way. Soon after, a small girl came to ask if the boy was alright. Him. Was he the one just screamed at? Making it only worse, came up the second girl trying to reassure him. "I'm," A wobbly voice took over Lilac's first word. "Sorry for giving you a ..... 'pathetic excuse' ....." Her hands shaking by her sides did not go well with the emotionless facade she set for herself. Crying wasn't an option. She couldn't cry; only the weak cry. Lilac couldn't believe that something like this would get her to act this way. When both of her parents died right in front of her, she was as dry as a blazing summer day. In attempt to calm herself before she continued, she popped a new lollipop into her mouth. These things always seemed to calm her. "I would leave you guys alone, but I believe I was here trying to recover first. So, I would wish to stay a bit longer if that's possible." It was true that Lilac arrived here before all of them, but she didn't need to "recover". Her shoulder was hurting like hell and she lost a lot of blood, but honestly, she received worse. Knowing these people for the small amount of time she did, they probably didn't want to hear it. Lilac scolded herself in her head: I should've given a proper apology; I shouldn't be acting like the victim after what I was planning to do to them; I shouldn't lose sight of my goal; I shouldn't be like this over such nonsense. But, what was done, was done. Lilac was never good at getting her thoughts across, let alone speaking to people at all. All she could do was await their response.

@femjapanriceball @Silver Wolf @Shnuydude @Helm Dexter @Kazehana

(Sorry for late response, I fell asleep last night.)
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Kazehana said:
SerenaWell well well, it appeared as though she had a group of supposed survivors on her hands. She would have been surprised if she didn't already know that there were far fewer killers than survivors. And it wasn't like they were particularly good at their job. True she knew of a few, even the ones that didn't want her to know. Hiding out and spying from a distance really did have its advantages, and she wasn't above exploiting her circumstances. Between this lot, it looked as though there was quite a bit of provisions, and she had a hard time deciding what to do. On one had, killing them would give her all those wonderful things. On the other hand, did she really want to take that risk? Besides, the only thing she had on them was the element of surprise.

Speaking of, it looked like even that might be compromised. She had hardly expected any of them to have anything near her sense of hearing. But then again, that 'perk' could be this girl's downfall. After all, one note on her piccolo would send the girl reeling. The thought alone pleased her. But right now, she had bigger problems to deal with. Namely, she could either try to fly under the radar and be as quiet as possible, or she could make a break for it. Either way, it was a risky situation for her indeed.

This prompted her to think about the possibility of teaming up with them. Unfortunately, everyone was paranoid with status, and she had no way to prove one way or the other who she was supposed to be. That and she would probably have to share her provisions. Speaking of, why did Aliyah have to burn down the cafeteria? What was that supposed to accomplish? All it seemed to do was make her situation even more dire than it needed to be.

In the end, she opted to become as quiet as possible, refusing to move even a single muscle. Well, she had to breathe, but she kept it at such a soft level that it was virtually inaudible. That way, perhaps the possibility of her discovery would not even exist. She couldn't have some random bimbo ruin what was a perfectly good strategy. Besides, everyone might think her suspicious if she was ever found out to have been spying in the first place. And was she going to deal with that? Not if she could help it.

[FONT=Bitter]@Mitchs98[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Shnuydude[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Crimson Night[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Helm Dexter[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@femjapanriceball[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Silver Wolf[/FONT]
Shnuydude said:
Haruka smiled at Opal. "Thanks" he took The piece of candy and pocketed it. He Inched closer to the demon when Bismarck grabbed her to make sure neither of them hurt each other
Mitchs98 said:
He still watched the demon even when Maria approached him, he shook his head "there was nothing" he replied sadly "somebodies already been through there and took everything edible. There was stuff like spices but we can't survive off of stuff like that." he looked around at the group in the room and whispered "if we don't get food soon then we'll be in a tough spot" little did he know that in the vent right next to Maria and him, there was a girl listening to their entire conversation.
@Mitchs98 @Crimson Night @Helm Dexter @femjapanriceball @Silver Wolf

Opal heard Haruka and frowned. She took off her bag and put her dagger down, getting out the rest of the candy. She got up walked up to Maria and Haruka, holding up the candy a bit a a small cherry piece still hung from her mouth. "If it helps I certainly don't mind to share my candy." She said as she looked up at them both, definitely noticing how much taller they were than her. She ate the candy hanging from her mouth and a hopeful smile. "It's okay if you don't want any though, but maybe we could just eat it for fun, so maybe everyone could feel a bit hopeful.." @femjapanriceball @Mitchs98 @Shnuydude @Silver Wolf @Crimson Night

Maria and Elizabeth

Maria sighed when Haruka reported the food burned. What kind of jackass thought that was a good idea? I mean, really. Who the HELL burns all the food in a crisis situation? Hoard it all? Sure. Burn it? What the fuck? Maria really hoped whoever did it didn't come across her. Sure..they could survive the remaining period of time without food, as long as they got water. It'd be hard but they'd manage. She wouldn't hurt them over food, but moreso for the sheer stupidity of burning it all. She smiled at Opi when she offered them her candy, taking a piece for herself and placing it in her bag. "
Thanks Opi." She told her, a small smile on her face. Soon after Lilac came forth with the information of them being a survivor.

Maria wasn't sure whether or not to trust her, but she didn't try to attack them..so she really had no choice. She sighed and rubber the back of her head, "
Could of just said that...not that you have any proof...but you didn't attack us so..I dunno." She replied, not entirely sure what to make of the situation. Directly after Bismarck stood up, hobbled over, and completely snapped. Honestly? She was surprised he hadn't did more than he had, or went completely crazy given the situation and what happened. Haruka moved to stand between the two and Opi moved to check on Bismarck.

Maria walked over to the both of them, gently clinging onto his arm incase his leg gave way from pain he may or may not be experiencing. "
It's alright Bismarck...we won't let her hurt you or us. I think we can trust her anyway." She told him, trying to comfort him.
@Mitchs98[/URL] @femjapanriceball @Silver Wolf @Shnuydude @Helm Dexter @Kazehana

(Sorry for late response, I fell asleep last night.)
Bismarck took a few deep breaths, closing his eyes. ".....Sorry," he said quietly, looking at the people who were pretty much holding him back from completely attacking the girl. His eyes softened; she was probably just as scared as him. He looked over at Maria, wincing. He really shouldn't have put so much pressure on his bad leg. "I.....I'm fine....." he muttered softly, trying to prevent the tears from falling down his face. He had to be strong. For everyone that he had lost. "I just.....lost someone important to me to someone who used that same exact excuse. I....I trusted him and he......" Bismarck's fists clenched. Then the girl he had yelled at spoke; his face reddened in embarrassment. "N-no, I should be the one to apologize. I shouldn't have yelled like that....it....it was wrong to just...snap at you like that."


((Get the Killers moving yay))

Then, right outside Emmanuel and Ciri's door, a commotion could be heard. A small gang of Killers had completely surrounded a small freshman girl. They closed in on her slowly; the girl backed away, bumping into the door. She breathed a sigh of relief and moved to open it. Locked. "No, no, no! Is someone in there?! Help! Heeeelp! I don't wanna—oof!" She let out a squeal as she was punched to the ground. The guy who had done so got in closer, aiming his knife at her throat....

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Haruka watched as the demons eyes turned red once again, he thought she was going to attack so he clenched his fists and prepared himself. But she did nothing, her voice had a hint of emotion in it and her hands were shaking....oh. He unclenched his hands and put a hand on bismarcks shoulder. "Get some rest and get healed" he then looked over to the demon "come with me" he walked to the back of the room and Sat down where he could talk to her without anyone hearing them if they kept their voices down

@femjapanriceball @Silver Wolf @Crimson Night @Helm Dexter @Kazehana

Lilac Dubois

Lilac stared at the boy who went from screaming, to apologizing. Before she could respond to his ridiculous excuse of losing someone, the boy she had her eye on earlier told her to go with him. It seemed like he wanted to speak to her. Lilac wouldn't even know what to say to the apologizing Bismarck. She knew about loss all too well, but she never expressed her emotions by screaming at another person. Deciding to follow the demon, the red tint in her eyes faded. All Lilac could do was wonder why she was in this situation. She could've been out there collecting souls from the weak and having fun. Lilac sat with her legs crossed on the bed across from him. The strands of hair that escaped the grasp of her ribbon earlier started to get in the way of her sight. Waiting for the boy to speak, she undid her ribbon from her hair, only to find blood from the impact into the wall. Ignoring it, she continued to adjust the ribbon into her hair.

@femjapanriceball @Silver Wolf @Shnuydude @Helm Dexter @Kazehana
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He stares at her a few moments before whispering "let's not beat around the bush. I know what you are and you know what I am" he sighs "with that out of the way, what's your name?" @Crimson Night

Lilac Dubois

Lilac looked at the boy as he began to speak. She had completely forgotten "what he was". Why was he treating his own species as some kind of secret? Each one of these people were getting odder by the second. Lilac didn't know all too much about demons. Her mother was a demon, but her father was not. Technically, that made Lilac half demon as well. But, her parents passed away before she could ask what she was and why she had these powers. In fact, the day they died had been the day Lilac discovered her abilities. The only reason she was aware of being a demon was because of her master. He took Lilac in at the age of eleven until he had also died a year and a half later. Other than useless research, the only other thing that Lilac knew about demons, was that they probably had the ability to sense when another one was around. It had only happened a few times before, but she felt an odd sensation when one of her own kind was standing before her. This boy made her wonder if being a demon was all that bad. With slight confusion, Lilac stared at her fellow demon. "Lilac..." She had kind of regretted messing up her chances of sticking with this group. If she hadn't, she could've possibly learned more about herself. "Lilac Dubois..."

@femjapanriceball @Silver Wolf @Shnuydude @Helm Dexter @Kazehana
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"Well Lilac" he looked at the floor as he began to speak once again "I may not trust you, but I believe you. You say your a survivor so I'm going to treat you like one, if you decide to stay with us and you end up helping us...then I'll trust you" he looked up at her face again "oh and my names Haruka by the way" @Crimson Night

Lilac Dubois

Lilac stared at the boy as he continued to speak towards the ground. He spoke of believing her and obtaining trust; something she did not expect. Once again, her eyes turned red, but it was warmer than the last time which had been rather fiery and unstable. A familiar feeling took over Lilac as she watched him talk. She had to help them in order to gain their trust. Something she had to do once before. With a slight nod of the head, she quietly replied,
"O-Okay." With this surprise, Lilac had forgotten that there was a lollipop in her mouth, and accidentally bit into it. In reflex, Lilac's hands covered her mouth. Although this boy seemed to accept her into the group, she would have to build up trust with the rest.

@femjapanriceball @Silver Wolf @Shnuydude @Helm Dexter @Kazehana

Shnuydude said:
Haruka watched as the demons eyes turned red once again, he thought she was going to attack so he clenched his fists and prepared himself. But she did nothing, her voice had a hint of emotion in it and her hands were shaking....oh. He unclenched his hands and put a hand on bismarcks shoulder. "Get some rest and get healed" he then looked over to the demon "come with me" he walked to the back of the room and Sat down where he could talk to her without anyone hearing them if they kept their voices down
@femjapanriceball @Silver Wolf @Crimson Night @Helm Dexter @Kazehana


Opal moved back to her spot and pulled her knees up to her chest, she was a little scared. It was only day one and everything was already getting weird. She decided to stay out of the way and buried her face into her knees. Great, she was already feeling as if she'd be a burden to the older teens. @Mitchs98@femjapanriceball@Silver Wolf @Crimson Night @Shnuydude @Kazehana


Opal moved back to her spot and pulled her knees up to her chest, she was a little scared. It was only day one and everything was already getting weird. She decided to stay out of the way and buried her face into her knees. Great, she was already feeling as if she'd be a burden to the older teens. @femjapanriceball
@Silver Wolf @Crimson Night @Shnuydude @Kazehana
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Shnuydude said:
Haruka smiled at Lilac, "don't look so surprised" he stood up "if anyone gives you any trouble just tell me so I can work it out" he looks over to see Opal hugging her knees. He causally walked over to her "are you ok?" he wants to make sure that everyone is ok and comfortable even though they're in a terrifying situation


Opal looked up ." I don't want to die Haruka, I'm scared..." Opal felt weak saying this to him, but it was true. Opal was scared and she was afraid to die. She just realized the seriousness of the matter. "And I don't want to be a burden." She gazed down, looking at her scuffed sneakers. She sniffled a bit and rubbed her nose. "I can't leave my grandmother all alone." She said softly. @femjapanriceball @Crimson Night @Silver Wolf @Kazehana

Well this was boring. Serena was not quite excited for what was happening, and frankly, she didn't have time to watch people just cry about the situation. What did they expect this to do anyway? Crying doesn't exactly help anyone, here! She snorted in indignation but leaned forward for a closer look. After all, she might as well see what they have. If she was lucky, she might even get to 'borrow' some things. It looked like a lot of these might not make it anyway, especially if this was their strategy. Amateurs.

The vent squeaked as she took that step forward, much to her surprise. Was the vent trying to tell her she was fat? How dare it! She froze for a moment, however, trying to decide how this would affect her plan. Well, it would affect it negatively, that was for sure. Instead of wasting any more time, she ran as fast as her little kitty legs would take her, running across the top of the room to what she could only assume was safety. What she didn't account for was how vulnerable this act made her. But she was blind with fear, much like if there were a vacuum in the room. Though she wouldn't admit it since it was such a stereotypical dog thing, those terrified her.

[FONT=Bitter]@Mitchs98[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Shnuydude[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Crimson Night[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Helm Dexter[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@femjapanriceball[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Silver Wolf[/FONT]
Kazehana said:
SerenaWell this was boring. Serena was not quite excited for what was happening, and frankly, she didn't have time to watch people just cry about the situation. What did they expect this to do anyway? Crying doesn't exactly help anyone, here! She snorted in indignation but leaned forward for a closer look. After all, she might as well see what they have. If she was lucky, she might even get to 'borrow' some things. It looked like a lot of these might not make it anyway, especially if this was their strategy. Amateurs.

The vent squeaked as she took that step forward, much to her surprise. Was the vent trying to tell her she was fat? How dare it! She froze for a moment, however, trying to decide how this would affect her plan. Well, it would affect it negatively, that was for sure. Instead of wasting any more time, she ran as fast as her little kitty legs would take her, running across the top of the room to what she could only assume was safety. What she didn't account for was how vulnerable this act made her. But she was blind with fear, much like if there were a vacuum in the room. Though she wouldn't admit it since it was such a stereotypical dog thing, those terrified her.

[FONT=Bitter]@Mitchs98[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Shnuydude[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Crimson Night[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Helm Dexter[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@femjapanriceball[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Silver Wolf[/FONT]
He sat next to Opal and sighed, this girl shouldn't be in this situation. Whoever made this survival game is sick. "You won't die, I'll get you back to your grandma safe and sound. I promise" shortly after he said this he heard the vent squeak so he got up and looked at it. Then he heard scampering. "HEY!" he lunged at the vent and ripped the grate off and stuck His upper body in to see someone escaping. He stuck his hand out and a tendril of darkness shot out of his hand towards her leg. If it goes according to plan he's plans to drag her back into the room he's in @femjapanriceball @Crimson Night @Silver Wolf @Mitchs98

Serena was simply focused on getting away, and she was totally unaware that someone had even heard her. She was about to round a corner back towards the restrooms when something grabbed her hind leg, causing her to slip and fall on her chest. She really didn't have time for this, and she was frustrated that it even happened in the first place. So she spun around and started biting at the thing, though she wasn't sure if it would even do anything. But she had to try seeing she had no other option. Great. This totally ruined her plan to stay secret. Though perhaps she could somehow escape... Well that was a matter for if she wasn't able to follow through with her current plan. When biting on it didn't seem to work, as it was immaterial, she had to wonder what was even happening. How could something immaterial do something physical to her? This conundrum frustrated her, though not as much as the situation at hand.

[FONT=Bitter]@Mitchs98[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Shnuydude[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Crimson Night[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Helm Dexter[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@femjapanriceball[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Silver Wolf[/FONT]
Kazehana said:
SerenaSerena was simply focused on getting away, and she was totally unaware that someone had even heard her. She was about to round a corner back towards the restrooms when something grabbed her hind leg, causing her to slip and fall on her chest. She really didn't have time for this, and she was frustrated that it even happened in the first place. So she spun around and started biting at the thing, though she wasn't sure if it would even do anything. But she had to try seeing she had no other option. Great. This totally ruined her plan to stay secret. Though perhaps she could somehow escape... Well that was a matter for if she wasn't able to follow through with her current plan. When biting on it didn't seem to work, as it was immaterial, she had to wonder what was even happening. How could something immaterial do something physical to her? This conundrum frustrated her, though not as much as the situation at hand.

[FONT=Bitter]@Mitchs98[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Shnuydude[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Crimson Night[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Helm Dexter[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@femjapanriceball[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Silver Wolf[/FONT]


Opal smiled at Haruka and nodded, but the moment was quickly ended when he heard a noise, Opi heard it too. She stared wide eyed, not really knowing what to do except for stay against the wall and be ready to attack if needed. She just hoped that whatever was in there wasn't killer. The last thing everyone needed was to watch someone they cared about get hurt or even die. And she was also pretty sure no one wanted to clean a bloody mess up. Opal could only watch Haruka try to wrestle whatever was in the vent out. She tried not to laugh, but it was such an odd event to be witnessing that she let out a small chuckle but quickly cupped her mouth. Opal had to remind herself that the thing could be dangerous. @femjapanriceball @Silver Wolf @Mitchs98

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