• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.


Dinah "Vi" Ashford
Location: air ship on Anya's lap
Mentions: Megilagor Megilagor

Dinah pouted not moving off Anyas lap as she took a bunny shaped slice of caramelized apple and ate it. Then as if her mood had suffered a complete mood shift she chuckled. It was time to tease her a bit more.

" Acting like I know you Anya I am insulted we used to play all the time " Dinah gave fake sniffle and put the back of her hand to her forehead in feigned dismay. " we were the best of friends you told me all your secrets when you visited " more hints abd pretend drama there was no way that Anya or anyone would guess the cat they had known was a person.

Dinah sat up suddenly as if getting a sudden idea. It was kind of hard to belive she had been nervous with how dramatic she was being. Well it was easier to do anything once you were doing it and not thinking about it. Dinah mad a fist abd brought it down on her plan " How about a game I'll give you a hint and you tell me my name. If you lose ill take those apples if win you'll get a kiss okay? " Dinah didn't really plan on any kiss but was just playing around and didn't wait fir Anya to say anything

" here's your hint " with that Dinah turned into mist as her semblance activated and then a new form took her place as the mist moved onto Anya's lap and cout cane a black cat. The cat was somehow smirking sure this woukd jog Anyas memory.
Nahlia AphasiaNahlia-Stand.png
~{Often Underestimated Aphasia}~
Status: Excited
Location: Airship enroute to Haven Academy
Aura: 100%
Interaction(s): Zenritch Zenritch

The girl’s tone and facial expressions were tough! She definitely seemed intimidating and steely! She reminded Nahlia of the bullies at her orphanage. But this girl hadn’t proven to be a bully yet, so why worry about that? She half expected the girl to remain quiet and not respond. Nahlia was perfectly content to simply sit in comfortable silence next to the other. Sometimes people just wanted to know someone wasn’t a threat, or wouldn’t talk their ear off. However, the girl actually replied to her. Nahlia would let the other say her piece, and finish talking completely before she spoke up.

“Oh, thank you!”

She sat up straighter as a compliment was given to her weapon.

“I had so much free time, I built Drowning Machine years ago.”

She tapped the solid weapon with her hand, as if patting an animal gently, then looked at the blonde. Though, she had already assumed what the girl, Ilyas, had just confirmed. She definitely seemed like the kind of girl to want to be left alone. Assess the skills of others. Look for people who were not only strong, but also, she would get along with or thought similarly to the way she did. Her head turned back out to the people milling about the airship.

“But I assumed as much. If I’m too annoying, I can just be quiet and let you get back to watching everyone.”

Nahlia offered, seemingly much more aware of how the other was feeling than she may have first come off as. Her feet continued to swing under her, and she gently swayed back and forth. She honestly seemed like some innocent, excited kid. But it was clear she could pick up on things.
Azura Nachtigall

On a certain corner of the airship, a girl with seemingly empty gaze stared at the blue sky outside. Her name is Azura, a young to-be-student of Haven Academy just as every other kids in the plane. The view below were as strange for her as the experience of taking a flight as she had never been gone abroad before. Her serene face betrayed the fear and agitation boiling up within her heart. She begrudgingly lamented the fact that her flute has to be packed up with the rest of her luggage, practically robbing her off of both her entertainment companion and her only method of self defense. Not to mention the sheer number of fellow passenger within that one room overwhelmed her so much that she had barely spoken a word to anyone else. Normally, being surrounded by crowd of people doesn't bother her as much. However, the feeling of nervousness was amplified by her inexperience at being in a unfamiliar land and not having her parents by her side.

Azura decided that her current emotional predicament was unnecessary and bottle up her anxiety by focusing at something else. Luckily, she was allowed to bring her small bag pocket and her gaming device, so she took her device and browsed through various video games. Coincidentally, she overheard someone else playing a video game not to far from her, most likely a multiplayer online game given how frustrated he sounded. Well, she knew exactly the game he played, but decided to ignore him as those type of games isn't really her forte. Instead, Azura immediately tapped on a rhythm game she is very familiar with. Looking around, she noticed that there is no good surface for her to place her device on.

"...how unfortunate," Azura muttered, finally deciding to use her own left hand as the surface. She quickly scrolled through the song choices and stopped at the hardest song in the game. For a good five minutes or so, anyone else would be able to see this figure of a young lady gazing upon her device calmly as her right hand fingers rapidly tapped the screen in a frighteningly inhuman speed. Her face revealed not a single moment of uncertainty as she finally completed the song.

"Yeah, this is insufficient..." She frowned as her device monitor showed the number 99.92%. Her left eyebrow twitched in irritation at the number, but Azura decided against trying the song again as she considered the place and condition to be inadequate for a proper gaming session. Regardless, Azura sighed in relief as the game helped her pour the stress away and she didn't feel as tense as before.
IMG_0207.jpeg Emile Forrest
Location: Airship to Haven Academy
Interactions: DistractionAttack DistractionAttack
Mentions: Talathel Talathel

As Emile continued to eat his apple he noticed someone walking towards him, covered head to toe in pink. A bit of a sight for sore eyes, but who is he judge when it comes to fashion. Hell, he’s literally wearing a hood that he wore since he was little (modified for his hunter endeavors). This Felix guy seemed to be nice enough, judging from his smile and positive yet nervous demeanor. He swallowed the chunk of apple in his mouth and cleared his throat. “Name’s Emile Anansei Forrest. You can call me Emile. Pleasure to meet ya, Felix.” He said with a toothy grin.

Before he could initiate the conversation any further, Emile felt a chill up his spine. As if someone was looking at him with a cold stare. He took a quick glance around to see but couldn’t necessarily find anyone else who seemed to be staring at him. Although there was a snow leopard Faunus who did have somewhat of an icy demeanor. He decided to shrug it off, seeing how he was currently in a conversation. He turned to face Felix once again. “So Felix, do you like apples?” He said as he took out another apple from the bag. “Don’t worry, they’re freshly grown. No poison or anything.”
Mare Orcinus
Hearing the rise in conversation behind her Mare glanced around at the other first years as they felt each other out, now wanting to be caught seeming desperate she returned her gaze to the view below but was considering finding someone to talk to for herself.

Fortunately she was saved the trouble of finding a conversation partner by a boy with contrasting blonde hair sidling up next to her by the window.
"I'm glad someone else understands." She said with a small smile as she raised a gloved hand to lightly touch the glass. "Is one truly travelling if the entire journey is spent shuttered up like freight?" Turning half away from the view Mare extended a hand. "Mare Orcinus, charmed."

GamerKitty205 GamerKitty205

  • XIX.

    The Sun

    Felix Baker


    JuniperBoi JuniperBoi Talathel Talathel


designed by bad ending & coded by xayah.ღ

Felix gave Emile a genuine smile as he sat down next to him taking the Apple, he inspected his eyes seemingly deconstructed it he was staring so hard at it. “Interesting Royal Gala seems it been picked this morning. It has a week before it spoils unless we keep it a cool environment.” Quickly he took a bite savoring it, his face clearly enjoying the apple his face half stuffed. “sorry for a rant I’m a plant lover I get excited to see them. I could tell if it’s poisoned there was be a small black spot to tell you the apple has been compromised.”

Adjusting himself in his seat he looked around glancing at the wonderful people that fill the airship. While having a wonderful conversation with Emile talking about plants and poisons his ear twitched, warning him of eyes before he heard a low stomach growl from somewhere. He turned his attention to the bag of apples and asked Emile. “Wanna see something cool?” Felix flicked his wrist pointing to an apple in the bag. “I Wish that this Apple would float to the person who’s stomach was growling.”

One of the apples would be enveloped in a light green aura and float out of the bag, slowly move through the air comically spinning as if it was in outer space. The apple continues like this for a bit till landing in Kylie’s hand a nice juicy apple. Felix gave a little wave at Kylie and continued his conversation with Emile. “So how was that pretty neat what about you have you unlocked yours yet?” Felix tilted his head at Emile as he was talking about semblances.
Location: Haven Airship Transport
Interactions (in passing): Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre

Bhima’s eyes wandered across the airship’s lounge, taking in the sea of new faces, each buzzing with excitement. As his gaze swept the room, he locked eyes with a blonde girl wearing glasses, but she quickly looked away. He chuckled to himself, finding the reaction cute, it reminded him of how his younger sisters would sometimes act when they were embarrassed or shy. He gave her a quick, friendly grin, then continued on his way, feeling the excitement settling into a quieter, more familiar rhythm.

Deciding that a snack was just what he needed, Bhima found a seat near the window and rummaged through his pack. He pulled out a thermos, larger than most people would comfortably handle, but perfect for him. With a quick twist, the lid popped open, releasing a strong, spicy aroma that filled the air around him. Curious glances darted his way, but he paid no mind. The spicy scent was home to him, the last of the precious spices he had brought from Lanka Island.

He took a hearty gulp, the fiery heat spreading through his chest like a comforting warmth from within. A satisfied smile crept across his face as he finished the soup, savoring every last drop before closing the oversized thermos with a satisfying click. With a contented sigh, he reached into his pack again and pulled out another thermos, equally large. This time, a sour but pleasant aroma filled the air as he unscrewed the lid. He drank deeply, enjoying the contrast in flavors, sour, sharp, refreshing, and soothing in its own way.

Leaning back in his seat, his stomach full, he felt a sense of calm wash over him. This was his moment of peace, a small taste of home before what is to come.
View attachment 1185635
View attachment 1185636
Mood: Uhhhh? Nervous?
Location: Mistral > On flight to Haven Academy
Interactions/Mentions: NONE

Momiji by standards was..... well okay Momiji. Standing there watching countless other students entering the large airship on its way towards her school. While underneath her oversized coat with one hand holding onto her backpack, she gazed out ahead, uncertain and nervous about what was to come and countlessly noting different weapons aboard and their colors. Hours earlier, Momiji and her sister had helped her repeatedly to ensure that all her stuff was accounted for.... Including some extra books and whatever else that Momiji needed. And her older brother, Noel had decided to accompany her to Mistral, Since well you know, he's been there before. Anywho, She was glad for her weapon to be allowed with her as.... uh carrying a Violin case wouldn't make things a little less... um odd with Momiji in terms of her appearance. Right now she was just in her thoughts a wee bit uncertain.

"H...! Ea...!"

She flinched at the loud voice calling out to her name with this Goat Faunus jumping back several inches out of surprise, only to see her older brother. With his wavy short blond hair and curled horns, his green eyes flickered with amusement. Dressed in his usual jacket, T-shirt, cargo shorts and workboots, with his hammer in one hand was her older brother... Noel. "Woah! Easy there, You don't need to jump Miji." He said snickering lightly. Her eyes lowered for a moment staring silently at her older brother annoyed slightly. "You know that was out of line, Noel."

"Well, at least it got your mind out of the clouds, hehe."

That stare grew even worse, The elder brother sweatdropped and he dropped his weapon a bit. "I-i mean! Seriously! Miji, no need to get worked up with your stare." Noel frantically replied his hands doing every single random gesture with his hands as he felt that stare going toward his soul. Man was Momiji's stares a bit unsettling at times. "Besides, Aren't you excited to be going to Haven!? I mean you're going to be far away from Vale." Noel asked with excitement in his eyes, and he got close to his sister. "Alas, My dear little sister is finally going to become a Huntress, I'm so proud!" He answered while exaggeratingly gesturing to the sky with tears in his eyes.

Momiji felt herself getting a little uneasy, as she kinda scooted away silently and didn't know that Noel noticed. Momiji here wasn't used to many people much less in a place she doesn't even know and she was literally in a whole other kingdom at that."Hey, Hey! You're getting nervous aren't you." ah, Curses Haruki saw through her.... somewhat impassive expression. emerald met forest green pair of eyes, Noel softly smiled. "Don't worry, first day jitters will pass, you'll see, I'm sure Akagi would be proud of you for deciding to go to Haven."

At the mention of their eldest brother, a subtle flicker of sadness hinted in Momiji's eyes, she gave a small nod. "I miss Akagi." She murmured, loud enough for Noel to hear. "I do too, But at least you got something of his." He gestures to her coat with a small smile. "Sometimes I want to take that coat!" He pounced playfully in attempt to grab the sleeve of Momiji's coat but the younger sibling just stepped out of the way, watching him fall.

"Watch your step big brother." She answered, her smile hidden by the collar of her coat. In response, the elder brother gave a slight groan and gotten up grabbing his hammer in the process. "Well you better be off, Momiji, It seems they're about to leave soon." He advised with a happy look. She made a small nod and moved off, towards the Airship.

"Good luck Miji!"

She heard him called out after her, and momentarily stopped to catch him waving at her. Today was going to be something, she just knew it as she climbed into the Airship. Silently glancing at her fellow future possible teammates and allies, One small step for Momiji, One large leap towards the future as a Huntress.

The day she had been waiting for all this time, up in the air. Yuppa was, without a doubt, excited to the bones. But at the same time, she was distraught, and isolated. If she had friends to accompany to the academy, things wouldn't have been this bad. Unfortunately for her, there weren't a lot of friends she had that were huntsmen in training, and neither did the ones who were going to Haven sit on the same ship as she was. As a friend person, it was a devastating event for a people person like her. Standing in a sea of people, yet without a single person to converse with, was like torture to her. The result was her sitting by the window, staring outside with her continously dwindling strength. Until, that is, she decided to change things around. It was like being choked with the very air, and she didn't want to be found as a cold, lifeless corpse before she could even get a glimpse at Haven academy.
She pushed herself off the wall with a small, low growl barely audible to the strangers around her. WIth her wolf-like hunting eyes, Yuppa looked for a stranger that she could befriend in a short time span. As much as she knew how awkward it was to storm up to someone and suddenly begin talking, she was desperate. The airship was not crowded, so that saved her the potential problem of drowning in choices... and then, with the flick of her instincts, she settled on one person. Bright yellow hair, and a somewhat oversized overcoat. A unique fashion sense, standing out even in this crowd of popping colors and characters.

Like a beast out on the prowl, Yuppa circled her target around from among the crowd. She would be easily visible, with her ears perking up, and then she walked through the crowd straight to face to face with Momiji.
"Hey, how are you! I was just dying to talk to someone but couldn't pick someone, so I decided to walk up to you, sorry!"
She blurted out quickly, her expression almost antagonistic, unleashing her near limit tension onto the stranger.
She finished with an awkward grin.
Interactions: Yuppa ( RandomBlobMan RandomBlobMan )
Mood?: Startled.... uhhh Socially not okay.

It was only gonna be five minutes, Only Five minutes of her chillin' out and probably getting to know someone, as she notes the different color. "Green..... Blue.... Purple" She notes quietly to herself. Each student within her was bustling both in personalities and colors. Each color was beautiful in their own way and those colors as she would say... sums up someone. Momiji standing in the sea of people as she idly stood there not really knowing what to do aside from noting other colors from the vast array she saw.

But she stopped, her eyes caught something.... Brown.... They was ears? Wolf ears? She felt like that someone was stalking her and ot made this Goat faunus uneasy as her emerald eyes darts the other way in an attempt to ignore it and go back to... doing something. Well she remebered she had books... and oh yeah! She could finish catching up on Agent 006 Blackbell Code: Roulette (This is totally not a Alex Rider/ James Bond Ripoff). So she slips her bag off as the bag fell from within her jacket and she moves away a bit careful not to bump into anyone to reveal her brown bag as she slips her arms back in her long sleeves with both the hand and sleeve itself (Since the sleeve did technically covered her arm). Yes, This a little more exhausting of removing your own backpack from underneath your own Overcoat.... But it was only Momiji's preferance due to not wantingto take her coat off... she felt... uncomfortable without it... (Much less confident.)

And as soon and as soon as she was unzipping her bag, She was face to face with someone with those same wolf ears she seen earlier, and that tone and voice was enough to startled her. Her expression remained impassive but her bodily language and posture was tense meaning she's uncomfortable. If it could be felt, She was silent but what her green eyes radiated somewhat..... hints of intensive imtiimidatingness like this was a warning. But in reality, Momiji was internally panicking... not knowing what to say.

".... Brown...."

Oh no.
@ Megilagor Megilagor @lizardanya @ Zenritch Zenritch @ DistractionAttack DistractionAttack @ Mirai-chan Mirai-chan @ Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 @ MangoGoGo MangoGoGo @ GamerKitty205 GamerKitty205 @ Karcen Karcen @ Pumpkid Pumpkid @ IG42 IG42 @ Nellancholy Nellancholy @ Talathel Talathel Cogwork Cogwork @ Nomad13 Nomad13 @ RandomBlobMan RandomBlobMan @ JuniperBoi JuniperBoi @ November Witch November Witch Table Table

The airship, gliding along with the clouds, gentle like a swan in a still lake. After the cross flight between kingdoms and the long sightseeing around Mistral. The airship flies high above a small forest below. Varying in height from the small hills and small lakes. Just ahead of the horizon, a simple yet outstanding shrine building shines brightly. It's Haven Academy.

The in-ship speaker blares a brief feedback before a raspy voiced man announced into the microphone. "Right ahead, Haven Academy. We'll be landing shortly and reme--"

Skittering, rumbling, scratching, and flapping of what sounds like wings surrounds the entire airship. The windows darkened, turning into black like splashed ink, the only light provided inside was the LED glow of the large TV over the cockpit door, which only played static as the ship violently rumbles. It was total darkness in just a few seconds then came the forward speed of the airship. Anyone standing will bend their knees from the harsh acceleration. Only then the darkness breaks away.

Peer out towards the windows. Hundreds of Lancer Grimm swarming the airship on both broadsides. Warrior drones extending Their scattering caused by a streak of rapid firing golden rounds piercing through the hundreds of Grimm Lancers. A roaring rapid sound of machine gun fire is heard from under the airship.

"Good morning everyone, this your helmsman speaking. If you look to your right, you'll see the very thing that has plagued us since the dawn of *Gunfire* Remnant... With their small harpoon stinger thingies. and your left? Weeeell, ditto. *Gunfire* Dropping you all down the trees below. It's--" His delivery was relaxed with a hint of frustration trying to get the shaking to fly forward. The airship, now angled into a subtle descend while being shaken aggressively by the lancers, tethering themselves and ripping a few pieces of metal at bow's surface. The under-side turret machine guns shredding the Lancer's by the dozens but still not enough to shake of the ambush. The back ramp entrance slowly opens ajar.

"Bah! To damn with this. Do me a favor? Get to the clearing. *Electronics popping* See you munchkins up ahead." The back ramp is now wide open as the air drags out all of the students onto 800 meters down below. The trees are thick and many, one will only leave with a non-lethal injury with their aura protecting them from such possibility. A landing technique is recommended. Those who look back up can notice a large gaping hole on the left side bow of the ship. It is set on fire and black smoke leaves trail across the light blue sky. One can hear the combustion of dust popping inside the damaged bow. Once down below. Eyes of crimson red in the darkness of the forest awaits those who fell.

Location: Haven teacher's faculty
Mention: MangoGoGo MangoGoGo Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 Megilagor Megilagor Mirai-chan Mirai-chan

1727137118095.pngIts a cold morning in Haven. Typing away so early in his laptop and a hot chocolate by his side. Today is the first day of new bloods arriving to Haven. New students, new potentials, but same day for the man. Black slacks and shoes, dirty white button up shirt, always wearing an ID around his neck. Faculty room had a few faces but most teachers are outside, in preparations of meeting their students who have landed down on their airships safely.

"Your section's here! I'm Southeast, close to the Haven Defense Lines. Mind picking them up!? Not feeling too great here! Grimm attacking."

The man barely looked at at his scroll that is crying for his help. His brow raised in suspicion of this announcement. Daisuke rose from his black office chair to flex his neck and cracks his knuckles, finishing the rest of his hot cocoa.

"Acknowledged, Mr. Antonio. We'll be right over." Watching the soundwaves end on his scroll then swiping to a message application. Pressing the mic button, whilst making his way to Vanquisher, the sword leaning against this mundane cubicle wall.

[🎙️▶️ "Good morning, In need of assist at Southeast HDL. We got students on foot. Our, new students. and a damaged airship landing on the clearing near the defense line. Ambushed by large amounts of Grimm."]
Sending the voice mail to the assigned teachers to the section. For those teaching in the teaching staff. This was the first time that this has happened, failing to detect a large grimm attack, and so close to the academy itself. Haven's weapons turret weapons have failed to pick up Grimm before but 80% of the time its predicted Grimm movements and dealt with it, in minutes before any real damage is made.

One can find Daisuke with his sword magnetized to his back. Jogging and waving at a smoking a airship while dots of Grimm swarming the ship like fruit flies to fruit. While AA gun turrets whirring and realigned themselves towards the swarm. "Seems like they are getting my class early..." He sighed as he paces forward the forest but enough to be caught up by the called teachers.
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Shin'ya's ears flattened slightly under her hood. She couldn't help but feel a little sympathetic to Carlisle's plight, even if she knew little of his story. A hunter worthy of the title did not seek glory and acknowledgement for their duty, and yet...it was unfortunate that people so young were often disregarded despite their volunteering for such a thankless task.

And it wasn't like graduated hunters who put their blood and sweat into their missions were treated any better. How quickly they turned on Mother, simply because of the way she herself was born...

But maybe this time would be different.

"My aunty sent me here...she's the whole reason I'm here. I'm sure...your parents will be happy to see you again next chance they get."
She didn't know exactly what his situation was...but she did her best to be reassuring.
Their conversation was interrupted by an announcement from their apparent pilot, signaling an incursion of Grimm, and the sudden change of their flight plans. Immediately, Shin'ya's ears pricked up and her eyes narrowed as she pulled her hood back and secured her respirator, drawing her next breath in with a hiss.

"Are you ready, Carlisle?"

Regardless of everyone's state of readiness, the ramp opened, and out they went with a roar of decompressed air.

With a practiced motion, Shin'ya eased her bag over to the side, unzipping it and letting Raimei's case float out as she approached terminal velocity. Undoing the case, she let the weapon encase her left arm, activating with a whirring sound.

In the seconds she had, she managed to load only two missiles into the racks before needing to close and stow the case, tucking into a sideways spin.

Using that momentum, she flung her arm out as she fell, the metal fist disintegrating one of the flying vespoid Grimm on impact.

Falling down into the forest, she righted herself, landing on a thick, pliant branch.

It bent, and she sprung off, hitting another Lancer with a devastating uppercut before landing on the grass.



Her chest was already feeling a bit tighter.

MangoGoGo MangoGoGo Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre


Kylie Cantrall


Clearing > Haven Academy

Ashryn's lovely sense of peace was disturbed by the announcement, and her mercury-dipped blue orbs opened with a flash as she was sucked out of the airship. The white and black-haired girl fell through the air, her eyes narrowed against the air whooshing past her before she tapped into her more animalistic traits, holding onto her precious weapon as she landed on a tree branch before jumping down, showing he more feline-like ability to land on her feet and balance.

Almost instantly, her precious Star's Diamond was out and loaded, luckily her bandana held up and she kept up her human disguise. The silver bow gleamed iridescently as Ashryn loaded an arrow, aiming for a Lancer before firing the arrow, tapping into her aura for a hot second to activate the dust arrow tip as it shot forward, causing a small explosion before she instantly had another arrow loaded. Her teeth gleamed as she smiled, showing a hint of canines a bit longer than an average human as her eyes went from circular pupils to slit pupils, a low growl rumbling in her chest just slightly as she began to fight, making her way towards the clearing while trying to keep track of other students falling from the airship.


♡design by sirnateunknown, coded by uxie♡
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“Valerian Flax,” He said and took Mare’s hand. “It’s nice to meet y—”

An announcement over the intercom cut him off, spelling a brand new and exciting opportunity. The ship rumbled and pitched sideways. Valerian gripped his new friend’s hand, bracing against the wall as everything began to slide towards the slowly opening ramp. Now this was more like it.

He looked back at Mare, not waiting for the announcement to finish as he said, “Well, it seems like our wishes have been granted! See ya on the ground.”

With a cackle he let go of Mare’s hand and went tumbling towards the exit. Valerian let the cord of the Guided Light slither into his hand. Using the momentum of the roll, he flung the lantern towards one of the attacking lancers.

It wrapped around the abdomen of the Grimm and just as Valerian reached the end of the ramp, he realized something. One normal lancer was absolutely not going to carry his weight. Welp, he’d just have to catch a few more on his way down. Couldn’t be that hard.

( IG42 IG42 )
Bhima felt the airship shudder beneath him as the sudden acceleration sent most students scrambling for balance. The raspy voice over the intercom was interrupted by the unmistakable sounds of gunfire and the scratching and flapping of wings. He glanced out the darkened window, only to see swarms of Lancer Grimm surrounding the ship like a thick cloud of ink. Despite the chaos, he remained calm, listening to the helmsman’s dry, almost irritated instructions to get to the clearing below.

When the back ramp slowly creaked open, exposing the students to the open sky and the tree-filled landscape below, Bhima simply shrugged. "Well, this is new," he said to himself, adjusting the straps of his massive satchel as if preparing for a leisurely stroll.

Without hesitation, he strode toward the edge of the ramp and stepped off, his large frame cutting through the air. As he freefell, he spread his body wide, arms and legs extended to slow his descent. His broad back stretched out like an inviting platform, and he could already imagine his siblings teasing him about how he looked like a human glider.

The wind rushed past his face, but his eyes were sharp, scanning the skies for any approaching threats. It didn’t take long before a few Lancers dove toward him, their wings cutting through the air with a sharp hiss. With a practiced motion, he swung one of his meter-long wooden clubs, smashing the nearest Grimm out of the sky with a single blow. The next few that dared approach met a similar fate, each one clubbed with a satisfying thud.

As the heavy-set teen somehow glided down, his thoughts drifted to the other students. Most of them were equipped with flashy mechashift weapons that could transform and shoot. Meanwhile, here he was, wielding a pair of wooden clubs that were originally just exercise tools back home.

Maybe it was time to think about upgrading. A weapon with a bit of range, something to keep those flying Grimm at bay. As he swatted another Lancer out of the air with a swing of his club, he smirked. Yeah, maybe he'd get some mechashift weapons later.

  • click here


    Valerie Halla

    Carlisle Thyme

♡design by miyabi, coded by uxie♡

Autumn Blaze
Location: Airship===>Haven/Forest
Mood: Scared/In Pain
Interactions: Tiff Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre
Mentions: Bhima Nomad13 Nomad13 & Everyone Else

getimg_ai_img-oBhx8pgNep59ZsMrdjvhm (1).jpg

Tiff's reply had Autumn quirk a brow. He thought he was losing his hearing by the way she spoke clearly then died out near the end. Maybe she was as nervous as he, but this was a new encounter for him. She even kept her eyes on the screen to keep calm. He could relate to that. It was nice to know he wasn’t the only teenage boy with bundles of nerves right now. The commercials had Autumn smile. Pumpkins were his favorite and just seeing the round things has him forget why he was sulking. Fall was just around the corner, and this time he will be spending it at school. He perked up to her mumbling, and at last answered him over the most dumbest thing he asked.

’What a total sweetheart.’ Autumn thought, crocodile tears streaming down his cheeks. He wondered if the girl was a saint willing to be patient with him.

”Oh, don’t worry about that. I have my own snacks. I was just making small talk.” The scent of something potent caught Autumn’s attention. One of the students opened a canister containing some sort of drink. This had him place a finger under his nose. It wasn’t foul per se, his nose wasn’t used to a strong smell. Just as he stared at the student, he realized how large he was compared to the rest of the people. They must be strong enough to scare away Grimm with his bare hands. Awesome. Autumn now became curious about the rest of the members on board.

What are their semblances? What kind of skills do they have that sets them apart? Each face held a smile while interacting with the other. Others played the cool, loner type sitting in the corners. Various characteristics are shown just by looking at them. Another student stood out towering in size rather than shape. They glanced over at Tiff. She seemed rather shy about that. Autumn felt as though he had competition, or that he just lost the chance to swoon at a pretty girl. Oh, well. There are plenty of fish in the sea and right now he can see there are so many gorgeous women about to be his classmates or even on his team. What a dream come true. He would be in absolute heaven if he could pair with a bunch of ladies. He can just imagine his ticket to losing his fear of Grimm and boosting his confidence for the need to save all the babes.

His daydreaming was put on hold as the monitors began to inform them of their situation. The gunshot sounds had Autumn jolt in his seat. Slowly, he began to worry that the worst-case scenario was about to hit everyone like a pile of bricks. Suddenly, there was turbulence for a moment and the windows were shrouded in darkness. Autumn hugged himself and shivered enough to make his teeth chatter. Light peered through as the darkness subsided. A swarm of Lancers decided to attack them. The Captain essentially told the students to survive and jump out of the airship in style. What? What the hell do you mean you want us to jump the hell out of the ship?” Autumn’s voice cracked as he violently shook the monitor until he broke it. His face paled as the deck in the back started opening.

Autumn stood up and held his head shrieking, WE’RE ALL GONNA DIEEE!!!!!! He clung to something as students flew out and possibly fell to their deaths. Some of them jumped out voluntarily. ”You’re all insane! He cried fearing for his life as it felt it was ending. ”Mama, help meeee I don’t wanna die!I” He silenced his fit as Tiff flew out with her petite form it was no wonder the wind could carry her off. No, he wasn’t going to let her die. A sweet girl falling to her death? Not on his watch. Out of instinct, he was the last to jump out. Tiff was so far out, and the students were also scattered, dealing with oncoming Lancers. It was like a warzone in mid-air where they had no chance against them. Autumn began to panic. He could hear his heart racing, and vision blur just like that day.

’What is going on? Why is this happening? Did the adults forget to secure the flight path? They put everyone in danger. I don’t know what to do.” He looks around and to his surprise, no one is screaming, but instead handling themselves like a huntsman. He had to snap out of it. His sights landed on Tiff just below. ”I’m coming!”

’Think Autmn, think! You can’t just do nothing. I have to reach her before it’s too late.

The cogs in his head started turning. In his time of training, he has fought Grimm and forced himself into pressure. He learned he was a strategist who could think on his feet, but lacked the timing to execute. Autumn unclips Jack from his belt and extends it into a pendulum. He lassoed the girl and pulled himself closer while also pulling her up until he had her in his arms. ”I’ve got you.” He said relieved, but it wasn’t over yet. He had to think of a way to land before they were dead. ”I got it. Hang on tight, Miss!” He shouted through the hefty wind.

Autumn held Tiff under his arm like a sack of potatoes and used the soles of his feet and palms to activate explosions. Of course, he made sure no one was near. He made a large explosion to stop the speed then slowly let out a couple of small explosions until they slowed, but there was the matter of landing. Autumn searched around the forest until he spotted an opening. A thick branch sticking out. He could use it to swing himself to earth. Using the pendulum, it wraps around the thick branch, Autumn thrusts forward and lands on it, however, he trips forward causing himself to fall on his back with Tiff on top. He let out a heavy groan and a wheeze.

”That’s gonna be sore for a while.” He grunted. He sits up with the blonde and looks her over. ”Miss…are you…ok?” He spoke through gritted teeth showing he was in pain but knew it would pass once he started walking.

Azura Nachtigall

Azura was about to pick another song to play when the aerial vessel shook abruptly. The announcement from the helmsman did not hide the urgency of the situation, so Azura quickly checked toward her surrounding to see if there was something to soften the impact. Unfortunately before she could find anything, the ramp on the back of the vessel already opened and pushed everyone out.

Azura did not immediately jumped out alongside everyone else. Instead, she held on the edge of the ramp for quite a while, observing the situation below her as she formulated a way to land safely. The first thing she noticed was the swarm of Lancers tearing the plane apart.

'These are no ordinary Grimm,' noted Azura as she rewinded her father's lesson on the Lancers, 'they possess greater intelligence and work in tandem with one another, which means they're capable of more complex communication that most other Grimm.'

An idea popped up within her mind. As one of the Lancers got to close to her, Azura smirked as pure black tattoo emerged from the side of her lips stretching to her ears, signifying the activation of her Semblance.

"I don't know if this gonna works, but it's worth a try," Azura muttered as she imitated the voice of a Lancer toward the approaching Grimm. Confused, the wasp-like creature stopped in its flight just in front of the girl. Azura took this chance and jumped on the Lancer. The wasp retaliated by trying to shake her off, but the black-haired girl already had her hand wrapped around the beast. Unable to lift the additional weight, the Lancer began to lose its altitude. Another explosion from the plane shook the air, destabilizing the wasp even further. From the fiery remnant of the still flying plane, Azura noticed a familiar object falling down from the cargo room as well.

"My bag!" Azura shouted as she commanded the Lancer to rush towards the cargo. Although not completely obedient, the Lancer's confusion made it flew down alongside the bag regardless. Eventually the bag get within Azura's reaching distance and she immediately grabbed it, but the sudden increase in weight made the Lancer unable to lift itself anymore. At this point, the two of them were practically free falling.

Fortunately, the landing was not exactly rough for Azura. The wasp crashed onto the forest below, breaking through several thick branches which reduced its falling speed before hitting the ground. Azura was thrown away alongside her bag, rolling uncontrollably before stopping not too far away from the Lancer. Recognizing the dangerous situation she was in, Azura wasted no time and took her metal flute-gun from the bag. Not even feeling anything for the creature she had just forced her will to, Azura aimed toward the Grimm.

"Nothing personal, buddy."

Four gunshots to the beast's weaker spot is what it took before the Grimm dissipated into nothingness. Azura whistled in satisfaction of the gun's performance.

Now that the problem before her had already been solved, Azura deactivated her Semblance and checked if she was hurt in any place. While she expected her aura to absorb any damage she would've received otherwise, Azura was quite surprised that even her fully prosthetic left arm worked just fine. After concluding that she had nothing to be concerned about, Azura took her bag and walked through the forest.

As expected, Nahlia revealed that she's also the one who crafted her weapon, a sense of pride evident in her voice. In contrast, Ilyas felt a pang of jealousy as she stared at her own weapon, a mere hand-me-down, hastily given by someone who did not give a damn about her. From an outsider's point of view, Sanguinis was an engineering marvel and a masterpiece, capable of rivaling and even surpassing weapons in this modern day and age. Practically every blacksmith she came across salivated at the idea of taking it apart and seeing for themselves what made it tick. But Ilyas did not care about the blade's history or origins. As far as she was concerned, a weapon built by one's own hands is far more precious than an overglorified relic. Of course, she mentioned nothing to Nahlia. After all, it wouldn't be appropriate to trauma dump someone she had just met.

She was taken aback by her latter comment, however. When people unfamiliar to her encounter Ilyas, she's used to seeing them either shut up immediately or straight up avoid her altogether. Not only did Nahlia went out of her way to talk to her, she also showed a degree of consideration that she wasn't expecting from someone that had been a total stranger not too long ago. This got her to reflect on herself and how she views others.

Back when she was still held captive by the Crimson Dawn, every passing day was a fight for survival. Strength was the only virtue they valued and weakness was looked down upon. Show the slightest bit of the latter, and one finds that they have a target painted on their backs. Expunging weakness was rewarded, so in-between the inhuman experimentations, brutal training sessions, and downright suicidal missions she was forced to take part of, she had to keep her head on a swivel and sleep with one eye open just to ensure she'd live to see another day. One could fathom a guess what such trauma does to one's psyche. It took almost a year before she learned to fully trust Serena... and now she has to do it all over again at a quicker pace with these students.

"You're no longer in that hellhole... things have changed... these kids aren't out to get you and some of them are even going to become your teammates..." She told herself internally.

Taking a deep sigh to compose herself, she turned to face Nahlia once more with a sincere look on her face.

"I... I'm sorry if I rubbed you the wrong way. Truth is... I'm not really good with people. If you asked me if I wanted to be left alone, I would have said yes." She said honestly. "...but that's not really what I needed. So in a way, I'm glad you decided to stay and even talk to me... What I'm saying is, I don't find you annoying at all and... I think I'd like to continue talking until we arrive." Ilyas admitted earnestly, her face becoming a bit more flushed with every word she uttered.

Suddenly, an announcement blared out, catching everyone off guard. Coupled by the insectoid grimm that were now attacking the ship and the sight of a couple of students literally getting sucked out of the aircraft, it did not take too long for panic to set in for majority of the passengers. Some students seemed like deer in headlights, stunned by the emergency they now found themselves in. Others managed to recover quickly and calmly assess the situation, exiting the ship by themselves or helping others get off with them.

"Looks like we'll have to cut this short. I'll see you at school I guess? Good luck out there!" were Ilyas' parting words to Nahlia before she stood up, an excited grin plastered on her face.

Whether this attack was complete coincidence, or something the school deliberately set up to test their new batch of fledglings, Ilyas didn't know nor bother to care. However, she expected something like this to happen so she was more than prepared for this sudden turn of events. She activated her aura, which in turn, awakened the armor she had worn underneath her casual wear, transforming into its full form. Afterwards, she dashed towards the ramp, kicking the edge at the very last moment to propel herself faster downward.

As she was plummeting way faster than any other student dared, she set her sights on one of the Lancers. Ilyas planned to use the creatures to slow down her decent so it was vital for her to collide with some of them in midair. Still, she underestimated how fast she was free falling since instead of just tackling the Lancer, the force of the collision caused her to pass straight through it.

"Son of a..." Ilyas muttered under her breath.

Still it wasn't a total failure, as the impact did manage to slow down her descent. She righted herself in midair, targeting another Lancer. This time, she somehow avoided ripping it in two when she bumped into it, which was good since she was running out of altitude. As both of them continued to fall, she steered the grimm by yanking on its antennae and causing it to crash into another Lancer. With two of the bastards in tow, Ilyas managed to grab onto a third as she continued to fall and send the third insect hurling to the ground before being crushed by the impact of its brethren landing on top of it.

"Gaaghhhh!!!!!" the girl clad in armor screamed in pain as she struggled to get up. If she knew the landing was gonna hurt that much, she would have gotten a few more Lancers to cushion her fall more. Thankfully, the fact that it DID hurt that much meant that her Semblance kicked in and prevented any serious injuries.

As she was dusting herself off, she casually delivered a backhand strike to one of the Lancers who miraculously survived the crash, instantly disintegrating the creature. Taking a quick scan of her surroundings, it seemed she landed in some sort of clearing, and from the looks of it, she wasn't alone. From the corner of her eye, she spotted a white-haired girl engaged in combat with one of the creatures while another, a faunus girl, had just finished off another insect just a bit farther away.

As much as she wanted to regroup with either, she noticed two more of the creatures making a beeline for her, obviously pissed at her for what she did to its brethren. In response, Ilyas raised her hand and curling her fingers repeatedly as if taunting the Lancers to come get her. That managed to do the trick as one of the bastards charged at her much quicker, its stinger pointed straight at her as it closed the distance. She waited at the very last minute, before sidestepping out of the way while simultaneously delivering a clothesline at the grimm. The grimm's speed, not to mention the blonde knight's own strength, decapitated it as soon as it made impact.

Realizing that a head-on approach might cause it to lose its own noggin, the other Lancer opted to fire its stinger instead like a makeshift javelin. Unfortunately for the flying fuck, Ilyas anticipated this, but instead of outright dodging the attack, she caught the stinger with her bare hands.

"Boi you done fucked up now." Ilyas screamed in glee.

Grabbing hold to the appendage that connected the stinger to the Lancer's body, she began swinging the creature around, building momentum, before pulling with all her strength and smashing the Lancer to the ground with a sickening thud.

After making sure there weren't any more enemies nearby, she called out to the two girls.

"Hey, you two! You guys need any help or what?" she shouted as she waved at them to catch their attention. If the rumors she heard were true, the first three people she comes across would more than likely be her future teammates so regardless whether these two are strong or not, she'll more than likely be stuck with them.

the bloody valkyrie


♡coded by uxie♡

As expected, Nahlia revealed that she's also the one who crafted her weapon, a sense of pride evident in her voice. In contrast, Ilyas felt a pang of jealousy as she stared at her own weapon, a mere hand-me-down, hastily given by someone who did not give a damn about her. From an outsider's point of view, Sanguinis was an engineering marvel and a masterpiece, capable of rivaling and even surpassing weapons in this modern day and age. Practically every blacksmith she came across salivated at the idea of taking it apart and seeing for themselves what made it tick. But Ilyas did not care about the blade's history or origins. As far as she was concerned, a weapon built by one's own hands is far more precious than an overglorified relic. Of course, she mentioned nothing to Nahlia. After all, it wouldn't be appropriate to trauma dump someone she had just met.

She was taken aback by her latter comment, however. When people unfamiliar to her encounter Ilyas, she's used to seeing them either shut up immediately or straight up avoid her altogether. Not only did Nahlia went out of her way to talk to her, she also showed a degree of consideration that she wasn't expecting from someone that had been a total stranger not too long ago. This got her to reflect on herself and how she views others.

Back when she was still held captive by the Crimson Dawn, every passing day was a fight for survival. Strength was the only virtue they valued and weakness was looked down upon. Show the slightest bit of the latter, and one finds that they have a target painted on their backs. Expunging weakness was rewarded, so in-between the inhuman experimentations, brutal training sessions, and downright suicidal missions she was forced to take part of, she had to keep her head on a swivel and sleep with one eye open just to ensure she'd live to see another day. One could fathom a guess what such trauma does to one's psyche. It took almost a year before she learned to fully trust Serena... and now she has to do it all over again at a quicker pace with these students.

"You're no longer in that hellhole... things have changed... these kids aren't out to get you and some of them are even going to become your teammates..." She told herself internally.

Taking a deep sigh to compose herself, she turned to face Nahlia once more with a sincere look on her face.

"I... I'm sorry if I rubbed you the wrong way. Truth is... I'm not really good with people. If you asked me if I wanted to be left alone, I would have said yes." She said honestly. "...but that's not really what I needed. So in a way, I'm glad you decided to stay and even talk to me... What I'm saying is, I don't find you annoying at all and... I think I'd like to continue talking until we arrive." Ilyas admitted earnestly, her face becoming a bit more flushed with every word she uttered.

Suddenly, an announcement blared out, catching everyone off guard. Coupled by the insectoid grimm that were now attacking the ship and the sight of a couple of students literally getting sucked out of the aircraft, it did not take too long for panic to set in for majority of the passengers. Some students seemed like deer in headlights, stunned by the emergency they now found themselves in. Others managed to recover quickly and calmly assess the situation, exiting the ship by themselves or helping others get off with them.

"Looks like we'll have to cut this short. I'll see you at school I guess? Good luck out there!" were Ilyas' parting words to Nahlia before she stood up, an excited grin plastered on her face.

Whether this attack was complete coincidence, or something the school deliberately set up to test their new batch of fledglings, Ilyas didn't know nor bother to care. However, she expected something like this to happen so she was more than prepared for this sudden turn of events. She activated her aura, which in turn, awakened the armor she had worn underneath her casual wear, transforming into its full form. Afterwards, she dashed towards the ramp, kicking the edge at the very last moment to propel herself faster downward.

As she was plummeting way faster than any other student dared, she set her sights on one of the Lancers. Ilyas planned to use the creatures to slow down her decent so it was vital for her to collide with some of them in midair. Still, she underestimated how fast she was free falling since instead of just tackling the Lancer, the force of the collision caused her to pass straight through it.

"Son of a..." Ilyas muttered under her breath.

Still it wasn't a total failure, as the impact did manage to slow down her descent. She righted herself in midair, targeting another Lancer. This time, she somehow avoided ripping it in two when she bumped into it, which was good since she was running out of altitude. As both of them continued to fall, she steered the grimm by yanking on its antennae and causing it to crash into another Lancer. With two of the bastards in tow, Ilyas managed to grab onto a third as she continued to fall and send the third insect hurling to the ground before being crushed by the impact of its brethren landing on top of it.

"Gaaghhhh!!!!!" the girl clad in armor screamed in pain as she struggled to get up. If she knew the landing was gonna hurt that much, she would have gotten a few more Lancers to cushion her fall more. Thankfully, the fact that it DID hurt that much meant that her Semblance kicked in and prevented any serious injuries.

As she was dusting herself off, she casually delivered a backhand strike to one of the Lancers who miraculously survived the crash, instantly disintegrating the creature. Taking a quick scan of her surroundings, it seemed she landed in some sort of clearing, and from the looks of it, she wasn't alone. From the corner of her eye, she spotted a white-haired girl engaged in combat with one of the creatures while another, a faunus girl, had just finished off another insect just a bit farther away.

As much as she wanted to regroup with either, she noticed two more of the creatures making a beeline for her, obviously pissed at her for what she did to its brethren. In response, Ilyas raised her hand and curling her fingers repeatedly as if taunting the Lancers to come get her. That managed to do the trick as one of the bastards charged at her much quicker, its stinger pointed straight at her as it closed the distance. She waited at the very last minute, before sidestepping out of the way while simultaneously delivering a clothesline at the grimm. The grimm's speed, not to mention the blonde knight's own strength, decapitated it as soon as it made impact.

Realizing that a head-on approach might cause it to lose its own noggin, the other Lancer opted to fire its stinger instead like a makeshift javelin. Unfortunately for the flying fuck, Ilyas anticipated this, but instead of outright dodging the attack, she caught the stinger with her bare hands.

"Boi you done fucked up now." Ilyas screamed in glee.

Grabbing hold to the appendage that connected the stinger to the Lancer's body, she began swinging the creature around, building momentum, before pulling with all her strength and smashing the Lancer to the ground with a sickening thud.

After making sure there weren't any more enemies nearby, she called out to the two girls.

"Hey, you two! You guys need any help or what?" she shouted as she waved at them to catch their attention. If the rumors she heard were true, the first three people she comes across would more than likely be her future teammates so regardless whether these two are strong or not, she'll more than likely be stuck with them.

  • XIX.

    The Sun

    Felix Baker
    Heavily Distraught

    Damaged Airship < Ground



designed by bad ending & coded by xayah.ღ

Felix and his meditative calm was interrupted as he felt the cabin shift and shudder with gnarled scrapes across the side. The captain made their announcement much to Felix’s worry. What made Felix worry even more was the back ramp opening the calm still room now flooding to one side as all the air decompressed. “No my hair I spent so long on it.” He exclaimed as one by one he watched students jump out, crazy all of them. Not much choice left he clutched the apple half eaten apple he hyped himself up. “Come on once in a lifetime, you go Felix.” He whispered before sprinting to the ramp and turning jumping off backwards. He pulled one of Shooting Stars from his back the hilt transforming to a rose colored revolver with silvery thorns on the hilt. He aimed shooting all around him at a lancers. Felix positioning himself to an open clearing with the momentum from the recoil.

“Now for the hard part” Felix spoke to himself as he looked back and saw he was falling fast his clothes rippling in the wind as he holds the Apple in the air and proclaimed.“I wish this Apple would st-.” He realized that if he said that the sheer momentum might rip his arm off. “I wish this Apple would fall like a feather.” He proclaimed instead him now falling faster as he freaked out more. I’m a panic he threw the Apple it floating like a feather as he snapped and started to punch the air. “Stupid semblance gotta be specific with every little thing.”

Felix let out a loud sigh as he saw everyone and their landing strategies work he looks up and spoke proudly. “I wish this sweater would fall at a fixed rate 9.8 meters per second.” Suddenly the wind stopped as he started to float down and he floated all the way to the bottom sheathing Shooting Star in the process. “I knew the starting exam was deadly but not traumatic.” Felix fell to his knees as they were shaking violently, his heart rate was calming down but still was high after that incident. Soon he stood up Felix unsheathed Shooting stars a glossy deep purple blade emerged as it was in short sword mode now he trudged through the woods his legs giving him little support due to their shaking. “I hope everyone else landed without a heart attack.”he spoke softly to himself his mental state stabilizing.
Last edited:
Mare Orcinus
Feeling the deck pitch beneath her feet Mare bent her knees slightly and rode the 'wave' with such practised ease that she didn't even feel the need to release Valerian's hand. "That certainly does sound more stimulating than making conversation, no offense." She said of the intercom report of Grimm attack. Watching her new friend tumble out of the cabin she gave him a friendly wave then used her semblance to jack up her own weight allowing her to brace against the wind and maintain a stately walk as she approached the ramp.

Standing on the lip Mare drew her sword and leaped into the air simultaneously reducing it's weight along with her own, angling her body for maximum resistance to slow her descent she converted Argo into it's rifle mode and fired several shots at the lancers as she fell. When the ground drew close Mare angled herself towards a spot relatively clear of branches and fired Argo downward slowing her fall further allowing her to land with a short skid. "Ah how bracing." She sighed to herself with satisfaction and tossed her windblown hair back while a trio of shot up lancers fell to the ground around her, noticing one survivor struggling on it's back to right itself she stepped up and stabbed it cleanly through the abdomen.

Glancing up at the sky to get her bearings Mare set off in the direction of the clearing. The lancers seemed to be content to remain in the open air where they had room to manoeuvre freely and menace the airship but that certainly didn't mean it was safe beneath the trees, hearing a snarl from a nearby thicket she turned and impaled the ursa that burst forth on the twin points of Argo's split blade then fired a shot blowing hole the size of her fist through it's chest, pulling back her sword she snapped the blade back into one whole and took the staggered beast's head off with a mighty weighted swing.

Leaving the disintegrating body behind Mare heard four shots ring out in quick succession nearby and ducked under a leafy bough to behold a girl with a striking blue layer of hair behind a dark outer curtain. "Why hello!" She greeted cheerfully feeling uplifted by finally getting active after being cooped up. "How was your landing?" The other girl seemed unharmed but it seemed prudent to Mare to make certain.

GamerKitty205 GamerKitty205 Table Table

Asher cobalt
The grim suddenly attacking the ship had Asher put his gitaur away pulling out the sword blade cannon thing once more. "I'm expecting we are gonna get dropped off skys a bit too thick with grim for anything else" Asher would comment with a small hum, not really concerned as he moved the case onto his back low and behold he was infact absolutely correct the massive boy walking over too the open back door of the airship letting out a slightly dissapointed sigh. He was hoping for a nice trip but you can't have it all.

Asher would step out of the back of the airship foot slamming into a lancer, sending it crashing down and then another one and another one using them as stepping stones to slow his fall basically looking rather impressive and suprisingly accorbaric tho frankly Asher was just winging it internally he was kinda screaming this was an awful idea... but it was working slowly jumping down the swarm as lancers rammed into one another trying to get too him he'd eventually run out of them pointing his hands at the ground blasting a huge volume of heat at it causing a sudden updraft of super heated air that slowed him down further allowing him to land softly on the now baked ground. "Well that went pretty we'll just gotta find the others" he'd say to himself looking Around a bit and hoping some of the other students had fallen in the same general area.
Nahlia AphasiaNahlia-Stand.png
~{Crash Landing}~
Status: Exasperated & Relieved
Location: Forest near Haven
Aura: 92%
Interaction(s): Zenritch Zenritch MangoGoGo MangoGoGo Karcen Karcen Megilagor Megilagor

Nahlia was a little surprised that the girl before her started to open up a bit. She didn’t strike Nahlia as the kind. At least, not to open up so quickly. She would simply offer a soft smile while the other was talking. Well, until she wasn’t anymore. She had said a quick goodbye just as the aft of the ship opened up, and those inside were sucked right out and dropped across the forest. The announcement in itself was certainly surprising, but it didn’t compare to suddenly being dropped right out of the sky with no warning.


She screamed as the air rushed past her body, starting to chill her.

Looking back up as the ship continued through the air smoking, she realized her luggage was also falling near her! She couldn’t lose her stuff! She angled herself towards it and grabbed onto it. Only to feel a tug. It was then she noticed a lancer holding onto it. She let out a small scream of surprise as its mandibles reached out, trying to bite at her face. She whacked it with her tail and yanked the luggage away from it. They were nearing the ground, and while this meant she was falling slowly with this lancer basically carrying her down to earth, she’d start to fall faster as her venom worked on the Grimm, causing it to slowly stop moving as it was gradually paralyzed. She let out a scream as she fell the last of the 30ft or so to earth and landed on her bum.


She whined, laying down on her back. Thankfully, she’d managed to save all her stuff though! But she’d have to lug it through the entire test now.


She laid on her back, and looked up at the sky, lamenting her bruised behind, but glad she didn’t squish her tail at least.
Hidden scrolls.
Anya Borealis

"I didn't have many friends growing up, so I doubt I would forget a person such as yourself." Anya replied softly and a bit somberly, between her time at white fang, and the time before that she could count the number of beings she could consider real friends on the fingers of one hand, at that self-reminding realization she sighed.
"I haven't told anyone my secrets... Except maybe Vi the Cat." Anya said under her nose half pouting at the thought of sharing secrets with a stranger.
"I doubt my apples are worth as much as your kiss, but sure. I'll take the bet." Anya replied half-jokingly with a small smirk on her face, sure she didn't want to lose the apples but having someone do something that could embarrass themselves even if for a bit, played greatly into Anya's love of trickery.
"A cat." Anya said seeing Dinah turn into a cat, but when the smirk came onto its face Anya's face contorted to that of surprise and shock. "Vi the cat."
Having said that Anya grabbed Vi by the scruff on her neck and placed her on her shoulder, as they used to do back then, but at that very moment, the back ramp of the airship opened and sucked the two out of the airship. Thankfully Anya managed to grab her bag as they began falling and Vi.. or well Dinah had her claws digging into Anya's shoulder to not fall alone.

As they were falling Dinah transformed back into a human and was somehow clinging to Anya still, and Anya herself was slowing down their fall by using her cowl like a makeshift glider suit, though with the added weight of Dinah it wasn't that effective. Sure they weren't falling as fast as they could without the makeshift glider out of Anya's cowl, but they still were falling pretty fast. Anya's gaze was focused on the down below so when she heard a lancer approaching she asked Dinah if she could take care of it, only hearing someone else's voice after Dinah shot at the lancer.

That was soon followed by the additional weight of that student and the lancer's corpse, leading to them plummeting to the ground at neck-breaking speed. The impact made Anya drop her weapon which began falling on its own. Thankfully some thick branches and a large bush broke most of their fall, though Anya's body was hurting all over, 2 students and a lancer's weight on her body wasn't an easy weight to get off herself, though she was thankful she didn't need to look for her weapon as it fell and dug itself into the ground just in front of her face. Anya waited till the others got off her so she can get up and at least clean herself somewhat from the multitude of branches and thorny bushes on her.
She then looked at Dinah, the unknown boy's state, it could honestly be worse, far worse. Though she remembered someone falling down nearby so perhaps they should join with them if they want better chances. So Anya picked up her bag placing it on her back, and she unlodged her weapon from the ground and said.
"Can you stop whining for a second? I saw someone fall nearby, you can whine after we find them."

Aura color: Apple Green #61D242
Location: Somewhere in Haven forest
Interaction: Karcen Karcen MangoGoGo MangoGoGo
Happy, worried, in pain

Theme songs: Theme song 1 - White Fang Time , Theme song 2 - Current time

Bima Naranga Kurawa
Location: Forest near Haven
Interaction: Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre Megilagor Megilagor Mirai-chan Mirai-chan Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 MangoGoGo MangoGoGo GamerKitty205 GamerKitty205 Karcen Karcen Pumpkid Pumpkid IG42 IG42 Nellancholy Nellancholy Talathel Talathel Cogwork Cogwork RandomBlobMan RandomBlobMan JuniperBoi JuniperBoi November Witch November Witch Table Table
Mood: Suddenly tired, low on Aura, feeling the landing

As the ground rushed up to meet him, Bhima tried to recall his father’s advice on using Aura outside the body. Controlled landings from freefall weren’t something he was used to. His eyes darted around the forest below, searching for a safe spot. He aimed for what seemed like a clearing, steering his body toward it as best he could. Clutching his satchel tightly to his chest and crosing his arms in fron of it, he focused his Aura, preparing for the impact. His father always said that Aura could reinforce the body, especially during hard landings.

But something was wrong.

As he got closer, he realized too late that the “clearing” he had seen was actually packed with trees. He was moving too fast to adjust his course.


He slammed into the first tree, splintering it into pieces. The impact barely slowed him. His body tore through a second tree, then a third, each one snapping like twigs as he barreled through the dense forest. It was like being a runaway cart smashing through barrier after barrier.

Then, finally, his feet hit the ground.


The shockwave from his landing rippled through the earth, trees bending from the force. Somehow, despite the chaotic fall, Bhima had landed on his feet. His Aura had absorbed the brunt of the impact, leaving him standing at the center of a knee-deep crater. Exhaustion hit him like a wave. His legs burned from the effort, and he could barely keep from yawning as he tried to catch his breath.

He glanced around at the wreckage, the splintered trees, the scattered branches, and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Could’ve gone smoother." He muttered, sluggishly pulling himself out of the crater. His legs wobbled under the weight of fatigue, but he managed to steady himself. Brushing off bits of bark and wood, he took a moment to look back at the destruction he’d caused.

"Not my best work." Bhima grumbled. He shook his head and sighed.

“Should’ve thought that one through.”
Dinah "Vi" Ashford
Location: air ship on Anya's lap
Mentions: Megilagor Megilagor

" That's right " Dinah said surprised that Anya just kind of accepted it. Her dad had taken a little while to fully get the truth of what she was. Then again he had lived with her and Anya has just visited her so maybe that was what made it easier to just accept.

Then the ship opened as grimm attacked and reflexively Dinah dig her claws into Anya until they were out into open air. Once they were she turned back into a faunus and this time in her hands were two pistols. One white and blue the other black and red. Dinah had decided to taje out sone grimm on tge way diwn then maybe turn into something to make the landing easier. The clear air space her guns would make was pretty much nessary. So she started firing at the landers taking out one or two as others fought their own. Them as she took aim and fired at another a boy landed on it.

" this is going to hurt " was all Dinah coukd say as the boy and the Lancer collided with her and Anya putting an end to any plans of any other landing than a crash.

When they impacted with the ground yeah that hurt but thank God for aura everything would just be sore. Dinah got up and dusted herself off. Then using her semblance dhe took off her head and gave it a soft rattle to try to get rid of any remaining dizziness. The boy spoke up complaining about his rude the grimm.

" Yeah Anya is right we need to regroup " Dinah said as she put her head back on " if you really are that made about your ride you can ride me later " she continued not thinking of ant implications except her turning into a big bird and flying home around a bit.
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