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Fandom Hamilton AU [REBOOT]

"no, no, stay." Angelica forced herself to smile.

"No, it's fine. I'll go." Eliza said softly, and stood up. She walked out of the room and into her bedroom, sitting on her bed. She didn't understand why her big sister had been acting so aloof today, Angelica and Peggy meant the world to Eliza, and she'd die for them. 
"No, it's fine. I'll go." Eliza said softly, and stood up. She walked out of the room and into her bedroom, sitting on her bed. She didn't understand why her big sister had been acting so aloof today, Angelica and Peggy meant the world to Eliza, and she'd die for them. 

"Eliza!" Angelica called, slightly exasperated. She felt like everything she did was wrong. 
Peggy sat silently through the awkward talk between the two. She smiled when Angelica asked Eliza to be their hair model. "Please? I'm joining the cheer team and need practice braiding."

She smiled. "Sure!"

Angelica smiled and brushed out Eliza's hair. "Alright. So what we do is we take a piece of hair from the center of the hairline..." Angelica showed her how to braid (I don't know how... I'll ask @Quiet Is Violent!)
Alexander walked home and ran up to his room to start writing. He had a lot to put on paper. He wondered if he got Burr's number. He went through his phone and found it (because I'm bored and I want Alex and Burr to talk). He sent: Hey Aaron, have you started your paper yet? 

(Thanks for including me. Haha)

Aaron Burr had walked home and had done a few things, before finally writing some things down for his essay and getting a text from Alexander. Yep. I haven't gotten too far into it yet, though. Have you started?

Yeah, but I don't know how long the thing is supposed to be. Alexander replied, getting out his laptop so he could type up all that he'd written that day.
(Quiet laughed at me and then told me that she'd show me at lunch on monday... why does quiet hate me :.(  JK i love her)

Angelica finished the braid in Eliza's hair. "Do you understand?" Angelica asked Peggy.

Eliza turned her head to look at her sisters and smiled softly. She then turned back so they could see the braid.
Eliza turned her head to look at her sisters and smiled softly. She then turned back so they could see the braid.

Peggy nodded at Angelica's question, recreating the braid in her dolls hair. She smiled at Eliza and compared her hair to her sisters for a moment. "Would my hair look weird in a braid because it's curly?" She asked both sisters.

@Alexander Hamilton
I'd do a few pages, but that's just me. Burr responded. Anyway, did you meet anyone today besides Thomas and I? He added, attempting to steer the conversation off of school work for a moment to see how Alexanders first day went. 

Yeah. Met a girl, Eliza. She's the loveliest woman I've ever met. Also met John Laurens, Hercules Mulligan, MJ Lafayette, and Angelica Schuyler. Alexander replied. How was your day?

Peggy nodded at Angelica's question, recreating the braid in her dolls hair. She smiled at Eliza and compared her hair to her sisters for a moment. "Would my hair look weird in a braid because it's curly?" She asked both sisters.

@Alexander Hamilton

"Well, how about you get on over here and I braid yours to see how it looks?" Angelica laughed lightly.
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Oh, you met the Schuyler sisters, that's wonderful. My day was rather uneventful. I met someone, Theodosia her name was. She was brilliant, which is an understatement. Burr clicked the send button. 

Awww, does Aaron has a crush? Alexander sent back jokingly.
I'm sure you do. I'm sure she likes you too. Congrats to you, Alexander. Burr replied. Anyone who impressed a Schuyler sister must've been doing something right. They were hard to impress. 

Thanks, Aaron. Alexander sent, smiling sincerely though Burr couldn't see it. He didn't know why, but it felt great to have Burr congratulate him. Usually he was extremely self-assured and didn't need anyone else's approval. 
Thanks, Aaron. Alexander sent, smiling sincerely though Burr couldn't see it. He didn't know why, but it felt great to have Burr congratulate him. Usually he was extremely self-assured and didn't need anyone else's approval. 

Eliza was starting to feel sick from being outside in the cold for too long. "Angelica, I think I'm gonna go lie down. I'm not feeling well."

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