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Fantasy Guardians of the Forest!

Overjoyed at the thought of chasing his prey, Maximilian changes into his true form before following Romulus and Tekinai.
Tekinai was surprised as he kissed her softly, but then calmed down and leaned closer, kissing him softly back. Once they broke away from the kiss, Tekinai's face was red from blushing. She smiled, hugging him afterwards. "You're a good kisser." She let go from hugging him, then saw the two people from the restaurant. Surprise and fear came across her face, which caused her to quickly hold on to Romulus as he was a wolf, holding on slightly and closing her eyes. She was truly terrified, and feared being followed or stalked by the worst creature anyone could ever imagine. A demon.

@Romulus Deathbringer @AtlasTheShapeless @Barbas
Using his powerful predatory senses to track the duo, Maximilian begins laugh like a madmam as he stalks his prey.
Unaware that he is being followed, Maximilian changes into an old man as he approaches the 2 story house.
(Can we say that you dissapeared somehow?) Fontaine would run, finally finding her. "Hey, sorry, i was just playing, but this is serious, the demon is after you." Fontaine would say, changing back to his human form.
When she saw the boy, she growled. "The only help you are is to the beast. You stirred his attention to us, and you are the bait for him no matter what you say about it. You're nothing but trouble. If you want to help, then draw that demon away." Tekinai then walked into the house, following Romulus into the house. She quickly shut the door, locking it and backing away, leading Romulus behind her away from it. "We aren't safe. Stay on your guard." Tekinai pulled out her katana, hiding in the shadows with Romulus, waiting for everything to just turn out okay. Although she knew very well that she couldn't get out of this without being injured.

@Romulus Deathbringer @AtlasTheShapeless @Barbas
"Alright then, if you deny my help..." Fontaine would grin, turning to the old man. "They are inside." He say, laughing.

Fontaine would go to the back of the house, entering the house, as the back door was open.
Upon seeing that his pret entered the house, Maximilian changes to his true form and precedes to slam his left hand through the front door in an attmpt to open it.
Fontaine would grab his dagger, and put a paralysis poison on it, as he stay side by side with her, making a small cut on her arm, as the poison would reach her blood vessel.

(It paralyse the body for some time, not forever.)
Tekinai felt a knife cut into her arm, and felt to the ground. Blood trickled from the cut in her arm, blotting her clothes with the red liquid. Her katana dropped to the ground next to her. She tried reaching for it, but couldn't move. "Why yo-" All the sudden, she heard the banging on the door, and saw a claw cutting through the wood of the door. Her pupils shrunk half of their normal size, and she tried her best to move. When she looked around, Romulus was nowhere to be seen. She struggled from being paralyzed, and tears ran down her face. "Please no..."

(How long? @AtlasTheShapeless)

Fontaine would quickly drag her. "Stay calm, alright?" Fontaine would say, as he escape on a back door, managing to escape the demon sight, as he throw a potion on the ground, to camuflage them.

Fontaine would make a left, throwing another potion, as he enter in a building.

(The potion mislead the "smell", you know.(

(20/30 minutes)
Tekinai stayed quiet, biting her lip from the pain of the wound. It felt horrible to be paralyzed, knowing that no matter what happened she couldn't move until it wore off, if it ever did. Blood seeped onto her pure white sleeve and slightly dripped onto the ground as he dragged her. When he put them into camouflage, she stayed silent. One wrong move and they could be dead.

Fontaine would reach the abandoned aprtment, as he put her in the ground, grabbing some cloth, as he "patch" the wound.

"Stay calm, alright?" Fontaine would say, as he lean on the wall.

(You can timeskip the poison effect...if you want to...)
After breaking down the door, Maximimilian begins to search all the rooms and closses in the house. After failing to find anything, Maximimilian starts to roar in angry as he starts to tear up the house. Finally calming down, Maximimilian leaves the house through the front door and begins to make his way back to the city.
Tekinai nodded, wincing at the patchwork he did for her wound. She closed her eyes, and quietly breathed long, deep breaths. 'Why did he poison me?' Her thoughts questioned as she looked at the boy without moving her head. This was the moment she feared the most, especially as a kid. People told her about demons, and warned her not to talk to older men. That was the way they used the demon's tale. But for Tekinai it was something more. It was a warning, and she was glad that she stuck with the literal sense of the story, and not the theme that adults used to teach kids a lesson.

Tekinai listened carefully, making sure that she heard or saw nothing from Romulus's house. "Is... Is he gone?"

(Nah I won't skip, just to add effect)
Fontaine would turn his head to her. "Hey.. i'm sorry for poisoning you... it was the only way... as you wouldn't accept my help...,don't hate me.. ok?" Fontaine would say, as he sat down.

"I think he is gone..." Fontaine would say, closing his eyes.

Fontaine would grab his dagger, as he put it on her hand, closing his eyes.

Fontaine would cover his face. "You hate me? don't you...?" He ask.
Tekinai slowly got up, moving her hands and legs. When he gave her the dagger, she threw it behind her. The blade landed into a wall, and stuck in it. "If you just told me about it, I would've understood, rather than you just telling the demon where I was. Messing with a demon is a dangerous thing, and should never be done..." Tekinai rested a hand on his shoulder. "I have no place to hate. But, you must be smarter about your decisions." She got up, and patted his shoulder before removing her hand from him. When she went for the door of the abandoned apartment, she looked around at the city from the building's view. The demon was walking away from Romulus's wrecked home. That creature was taller than a door to a house, and she didn't want to be mixed up with it again. 'It knows Romulus and my face... I will never be safe in this city now.' Fear entered her mind just by thinking of the demon. It stayed in her mind when she realized that it could and would kill her without remorse. "I must go. Be safe..." She then walked out of the building and into the city. Romulus would find her soon enough, and she would search for him. Once she was out into the city, she hid in the alleyways, being careful of who saw her and where she was. Although she didn't know where to go, she stuck with the shadows, where she felt most comfortable during combat or any other dangerous situations.

@Barbas @AtlasTheShapeless
Fontaine grab his dagger from the wall, as he just walk away, his head lowered, as he would walk towards an alleyway. He sat down, as his hand start to shake. He aim the dagger at his neck, closing his eyes.

(Dis char is a bit depressed...)

Before Fontaine could suicide, three men would stp by him and start to beat him, stealing everything that he was carrying.

"Don't come back to the Inn..." One of them would say, before stabbing his chest, as they would walk away.

Fontaine would yelp, still covering his face, as a small blood pool would be around him.
Tekinai looked around the alleyways, seeing the boy again. But this time, his knife was stuck in his... "Oh no!" She quickly rushed to his side, and examined where the knife was. It was close to his heart... Tekinai scrambled to the townspeople, yelling out for all to hear. "Someone get a doctor! This boy is hurt!" She called, which people rushed to her side with a stretcher. When she returned to the boy with the people, they lifted him slowly onto the stretcher and whisked him off to the hospital.

Even if she barely knew the boy, she was worried about him. The doctors carried him to the emergency center and did an urgent surgery. Tekinai sat outside of the hospital, taking a smoke. She hoped that the boy was going to be okay, and that the demon wouldn't find her. If he did find her outside of the hospital, she'd be at a disadvantage. Suddenly, Tekinai remembered. 'I left my katana at the house...' She suddenly went into a sprint towards the house. Her legs took her as fast as she could down the city sidewalks. At the moment, she had forgotten all about the demon. All she could think of was the injured boy, her katana, and of course the missing Romulus.

@AtlasTheShapeless @Barbas @Romulus Deathbringer

(Hey, maybe Maximilian can be changed into his disguise, and he bumps into Teki as she's running. Sound good?)

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