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Fantasy Guardians of the Forest!

Tekinai lifted her head to look at him, her smile lightly appeared from the sadness of her thoughts. "Thank you... you're so sweet.." She smiled, moving herself closer to Romulus. "How did you do that?" Her hand rotated left to right as she looked at it, the glowing had disappeared when he took his hand away. 'His hand... is so strong and warm. Romulus really is perfect, isn't he?' She lifted her head, and then smiled at him. The waiter then arrived to their table, speaking in an french accent. "Sorry Madamoiselle and Monsieur, the restauran' is filled with people. What would you like, Madamoiselle?" Tekinai smiled at the waiter, responding to his question. "I would like Baccala with a fine red wine." The waiter wrote her order down on his small note book, then looked up at Tekinai. "Merci, Monsieur..." Tekinai looked at the name tag for the waiter, the said his name followed with "monsieur". "André." The waiter then nodded, and looked over at Romulus. "And what would you like, Monsieur?"

@Romulus Deathbringer
"Alright brother." Fontaine would enter the restaurant and sat a bit away from the front, as he order some meat.

Fontaine would grab a coin from his pocket, with a wolf in one side and a werewolf on the other, throwing it up, and grabbing it before falling on the ground.
Linus ordered chicken alfredo, and told the waiter to just leave the wine bottle. He planned on being here a while. He glanced around the tables in his general area. He noticed the wolf boy a few tables away and a fe-

That girl has a fox tail.

So much for being the only beastkin in this damn city, Linus thought, paying no mind to the man fox girl was sitting across from.
Fontaine would close his eyes, thinking: "If i can shift into a wolf... i think i can shift into a person..." Fontained would start to think about a random person.

(Fontaine is the "Untrained" shape-shifter)
While eating his baked Pheasant with his cane leaning against the table, Maximilian discreetly watches Linus and Fontine in order to see if they detected him.
Linus gazes at nothing in particular, occasionally looking around, sipping from his wine while he waits for his food.
Suddently, Fontaine would change his form, now being disguised as one of the waiters, he stand up.

(Untrained shifter)

Fontaine, now disguised as a waiter, would go towards Linus table, sitting down on the other chair. "Hello brother." Fontaine would say, changing back to his "normal" human form.
The waiter nodded and went off to the kitchen in the restaurant to give the cooks their order. Tekinai sighed and looked around. There was something strange about an old man in the back of the restaurant. It was strange of him to be looking around like he was. Could that be the dangerous monster that people in her city talked about? No, it couldn't be. 'Those were just wives tales to scare children... weren't they?' A churning in her stomach appeared, making her fear that man that was in the back of the restaurant. That was the man that stories were told about. She just turned around and looked at the table, fearing that something would go horribly wrong in the restaurant.

Thirty minutes after they ordered their food, it was given to them by the same waiter, along with a complimentary basket of garlic breadsticks. Tekinai picked up her silverware, and began eating her Baccala, taking small sips of her red wine every now and then.

@Romulus Deathbringer
Linus looked at the boy as he sat down and grunted in response to his greeting. He was trying to focus on keeping watch for anything out of the ordinary.

When Fontaine voiced his concerns however, Linus looked at him and raised an eyebrow, curious.
Linus payed notice to the fox girl. She seemed... unsettled...

He couldn't figure out why... and that itself unsettled him.

He felt something bad was going to happen soon. He loosened his blade in its sheathe, ready for anything.
Fontaine would walk towards Romulus and Tekinai table. "Psst, you two? anything ''suspicious'' around?" Fontaine would ask, still on his waiter form.
"You, how are you alive? I took you out... I know who you are. But we'll settle this tommorow ok? Also, I sense a demon round here. Thats all I'm telling you."
(Yo if I don't respond, just assume Linus got drunk on wine or left or something. Just somehow out of the rp for a little while)
Sensing the fear coming from Tekinai, Maximilian bebins to carefully watch her to see if she knew that he was a demon.
Fontaine would walk around the restaurant, going towards the old man table, as he sat down on another chair. "Hello there , pal." Fontaine would say, changing to his "normal" human form.
Confused, Maximilian looks at Fontaine hor a few moments beore speakinf. "I assume that you have a reason for interrupting my meal?"
"Just asking... did you spotted something "suspicious" around? as you stared blankly at the fox girl..." Fontaine would grin, looking to Tekinai.

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