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Fandom (Glitch Techs Crossover) GT×: Gnu Fork

"Juan of Arcade World, Pt. 2", 4.2.20 "Neosaic Browser" New
((Going to do a little thing to merge into traffic on the Hum/Elextrixtr/Pentifer arc.))

"Fscking finally!" Pride complained.

He spoke too soon.

"Zho you think you're out of the woods?" Dr. X proclaimed. "Ve're just getting started! Mwahahahaha!"

Before them, a massive mechanism lowered the next wall, revealing a huge turret with two cannons that was already charging its' laser.

The resulting Shoop-da-Whoop blew a hole in the stone wall at the back of the room below the trap door. Lava began to flow from the broken opening, due to a Glitch of the lava from microDyne's WorldCraft: Flintstone Edition being placed behind it. The lava slowly leaked to ooze threateningly into the area, while the cannons readied their first shot.

Meanwhile, above ground, the driver of the Behemoth returned the flip-off to Ele and returned to browsing the Fediverse on his Horizen Fire tablet.

Hum knocked on the door of the truck to have a word with the driver. "Hey, can't park here."

"Look, buddy, I've got 7 employees in there right now on important, confidential business who need a lift when they're done. If you're going to give me any of that Juris-my-diction crap, you can shove it in your A: Drive." he dismissed. "They've been in there a while, should be back soon."

Hum just shook his head sadly. "No, Sixer, your people are already doomed." he said, motioning to his teammates to follow him. They ran up to the front door, which instantly rolled up and revealed the interior of the arcade and the masterminds behind it. Needing to think quickly, Hum pointed his gauntlet threateningly. "Freeze! Tech support! Drop the joystick!" he shouted, and Dr. X looked at him, startled. Hum then recalled the report momentarily in his head. "Well, well, well. According to Dave's explanation, you're the terrorist who blew up every bridge in town. Care to explain who you really are?"
((Do Not Merge Without Looking, That's For anyone who Reads this post that's Currently Learning how to Drive.))

To His Credit, Dr X Recovered Quickly from Being Surprised by a Sudden Raid twice in one Night "Ohohohoho, I Could Eazily Explain who i Truly am Tech." Then the Most Terrifying thing Happened, Despite the Danger he was in, Dr X Smiled Menacingly.

"But Zomezhing Tellz me zat You'll be Taking..." Dr X Pressed the Button with his Thumb, Opening the Trap Door Beneath them.

"The Fall instead! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!" The Council Joined Dr X in his Maniacal Laughter.
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"Juan of Arcade World, Pt. 2", 4.2.21 "Neosaic Browser" New
((Do Not Merge Without Looking, That's For anyone who Reads this post that's Currently Learning how to Drive.))

To His Credit, Dr X Recovered Quickly from Being Surprised by a Sudden Raid twice in one Night "Ohohohoho, I Could Eazily Explain who i Truly am Tech." Then the Most Terrifying thing Happened, Despite the Danger he was in, Dr X Smiled Menacingly.

"But Zomezhing Tellz me zat You'll be Taking..." Dr X Pressed the Button with his Thumb, Opening the Trap Door Beneath them.

"The Fall instead! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!" The Council Joined Dr X in his Maniacal Laughter.
*Elextrixtr, having heard the noise, bounded out of her seat before running over. Skidding to a stop, she looked at Dr X.*"HEY! UGLY!"*She shouted.*"THE LOCAL SCHOOL CALLED, THEY WANT THEIR CRAPPY SCIENCE TEACHER BACK!"*She insulted, as Pentifer came over to try and stop the sleep-deprived teen from causing a ruckus.*
"Juan of Arcade World, Pt. 2", 4.2.22 "Neosaic Browser" New
The trap door opened, but Hum - who was still standing just outside the building's garage-door-like entrance - could only snicker as they harmlessly dangled in the hidden vertical shaft, a few feet inside the arcade.

"Ohhh! That was for me, wasn't it?" he jested, already connecting his Gauntlet to one of the damaged HCPs in his inventory.
"Juan of Arcade World, Pt. 2", 4.2.23 "Neosaic Browser" New
*Elextrixtr, having heard the noise, bounded out of her seat before running over. Skidding to a stop, she looked at Dr X.*"HEY! UGLY!"*She shouted.*"THE LOCAL SCHOOL CALLED, THEY WANT THEIR CRAPPY SCIENCE TEACHER BACK!"*She insulted, as Pentifer came over to try and stop the sleep-deprived teen from causing a ruckus.*
Dr X's Current Mood:Tranquil Fury

"Ah." Doctor X said in his Normal Voice, Which had some Hints of Anger Beginning to Creep Into it. "Vittle Girl, Do You Honeztly Zink i am Some Common Criminal who can be Easily Distracted by Schoolyard Taunting? Bah! Your Drivel is Vorthless to me, And You and your Occultic Friend." Doctor X Gestures to Pentifer "are Meaningless Peztz Fit only to Annoy, Your Little Mind game Amounts to Less than Nothing for Vou Three are Lezz zhan Threats to me at Ze Time Being." Dr X Stated Smugly.
"Juan of Arcade World, Pt. 2", 4.2.24 "Neosaic Browser" New
Dr X's Current Mood:Tranquil Fury

"Ah." Doctor X said in his Normal Voice, Which had some Hints of Anger Beginning to Creep Into it. "Vittle Girl, Do You Honeztly Zink i am Some Common Criminal who can be Easily Distracted by Schoolyard Taunting? Bah! Your Drivel is Vorthless to me, And You and your Occultic Friend." Doctor X Gestures to Pentifer "are Meaningless Peztz Fit only to Annoy, Your Little Mind game Amounts to Less than Nothing for Vou Three are Lezz zhan Threats to me at Ze Time Being." Dr X Stated Smugly.
*Elextrixtr rolled her eyes. Then she gestured to some nearby grass.*"Oh, I know. But you see that over there? You should go touch it considering how fossilised you look."*Pentifer facepalmed and just protectively got in the way.*
"Juan of Arcade World, Pt. 2", 4.2.25 "Neosaic Browser" New
Hum took the opportunity to finish his preparations while Ele spoke.

"To put that another way, Herr Doktor, I've had a very long night of overtime without a single drop of coffee and I'm running out of clever things to say. Zo ve can do zis ze easy vay..."

Suddenly, Hum's body transmuted into a human-shaped mass of thick, swirling black smoke, and surged forward like a bolt of lightning. Before anyone else could really register what had happened, a long sword, with a shiny black blade of rhomboid obsidian shards connected together like the blade of a utility knife, had been drawn by Hum from seemingly nowhere and was now positioned threateningly over Dr. X's neck.

"...or we can play on hard mode."

(Don't try guessing what game is being referenced here, everybody. This one's from one of my own personal creations. :xFwink:)
"Keep Slaying and Nobody Explodes!", Beta 1.59b "Candy Cigarette" Remastered New
[Transition to OST - Leaving the Devil On Read]

The shuriken that Zoe had stolen earlier came screaming through the air, piercing straight into the Fleshball's eye, as she had exited the van the moment it appeared.

"Whatever the hell they've got planned, there's gotta be more. Toss me one of your yoyos and get de-rezzing, I can hold off whatever they send." Zoe says, running in with her bat dragging on the ground. "Start from the top down, these things follow volatile physics rules." She jumps, mounting the Fleshball and tearing the Shuriken out to reuse for later.

[Transition to OST - Leaving the Devil On Read]

The shuriken that Zoe had stolen earlier came screaming through the air, piercing straight into the Fleshball's eye, as she had exited the van the moment it appeared.

"Whatever the hell they've got planned, there's gotta be more. Toss me one of your yoyos and get de-rezzing, I can hold off whatever they send." Zoe says, running in with her bat dragging on the ground. "Start from the top down, these things follow volatile physics rules." She jumps, mounting the Fleshball and tearing the Shuriken out to reuse for later.

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