"Juan of Arcade World, Pt. 2", 4.2.20 "Neosaic Browser"
Sir loin of beef
Two Thousand Club
((Do Not Merge Without Looking, That's For anyone who Reads this post that's Currently Learning how to Drive.))((Going to do a little thing to merge into traffic on the Hum/Elextrixtr/Pentifer arc.))
"Fscking finally!" Pride complained.
He spoke too soon.
"Zho you think you're out of the woods?" Dr. X proclaimed. "Ve're just getting started! Mwahahahaha!"
Before them, a massive mechanism lowered the next wall, revealing a huge turret with two cannons that was already charging its' laser.
The resulting Shoop-da-Whoop blew a hole in the stone wall at the back of the room below the trap door. Lava began to flow from the broken opening, due to a Glitch of the lava from microDyne's WorldCraft: Flintstone Edition being placed behind it. The lava slowly leaked to ooze threateningly into the area, while the cannons readied their first shot.
Meanwhile, above ground, the driver of the Behemoth returned the flip-off to Ele and returned to browsing the Fediverse on his Horizen Fire tablet.
Hum knocked on the door of the truck to have a word with the driver. "Hey, can't park here."
"Look, buddy, I've got 7 employees in there right now on important, confidential business who need a lift when they're done. If you're going to give me any of that Juris-my-diction crap, you can shove it in your A: Drive." he dismissed. "They've been in there a while, should be back soon."
Hum just shook his head sadly. "No, Sixer, your people are already doomed." he said, motioning to his teammates to follow him. They ran up to the front door, which instantly rolled up and revealed the interior of the arcade and the masterminds behind it. Needing to think quickly, Hum pointed his gauntlet threateningly. "Freeze! Tech support! Drop the joystick!" he shouted, and Dr. X looked at him, startled. Hum then recalled the report momentarily in his head. "Well, well, well. According to Dave's explanation, you're the terrorist who blew up every bridge in town. Care to explain who you really are?"
To His Credit, Dr X Recovered Quickly from Being Surprised by a Sudden Raid twice in one Night "Ohohohoho, I Could Eazily Explain who i Truly am Tech." Then the Most Terrifying thing Happened, Despite the Danger he was in, Dr X Smiled Menacingly.
"But Zomezhing Tellz me zat You'll be Taking..." Dr X Pressed the Button with his Thumb, Opening the Trap Door Beneath them.
"The Fall instead! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!" The Council Joined Dr X in his Maniacal Laughter.
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