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Fandom (Glitch Techs Crossover) GT×: Gnu Fork

"Juan of Arcade World, Pt. 2", 4.2.15 "Nudle Crane"
Pentifer just looked dumbfounded. "...Am I really that popular that a random stranger just points me out instantaneously..?" He tilted his head.
Elextrixtr, on the other hand, looked like she was about to throw a rock at someone's head.
"Anybody tries to de-res him and I start throwing bricks." She growled, holding Pentifer in a protective way. (Me who treats my best friends like siblings.)
"Nah. People keep non-sapient Glitches around all the time, though unlike Pentifer they're usually pets. Don't spread it around but he's like a good antithesis to Bolypius. Sapient, according to the Turing Meter." Hum explained, tapping an icon on his Hinobi-RobCo PIP-Boy, a device created in a collaboration between Hinobi and RobCo made during the 1970s Oil Crisis. "Hey, Juan, I'm going to pop the hood. I need you to flip the manual debugging switch from 'Fixed' to 'Broken'."

"What's a Turing Meter, again?" Juan asked, opening the hood and flicking a switch.

"A Geiger Counter but for self-awareness." Hum answered, and plugged his Gauntlet into the pink, bunny-themed Tech Van's USB-C port.

"...what's a Geiger Counter?" Elextrixtr added, as Hum tapped through some menues.

"...Look it up on Nobipedia or, if you need info only available to techs, look up Spoilerpedia now that you're a registered tech." Hum expressed, and pointed at the Vault-Tec Pip-Boy Mark V on Juan's left wrist. "But fun fact, if - like Juan - you have an actual Geiger Counter and it starts crackling as you get closer to something and then beeps annoyingly... Drop whatever radioactive material it's detecting and NOT the counter itself, run, and don't stop running until the counter is almost quiet, because it's probably labelled 'RADIOACTIVE DROP AND RUN' in capital letters for a very good reason. I think the Hinobi Store in Pripyat gets a surprisingly good soviet knockoff of the Hinobi Tech Gauntlet with a Geiger Counter function by default, those guys are hardcore badasses."

"Pripyat, Ukraine. I'm radioactive?" Pentifer asked.

"Oh, no, my bad. More like, ionizing radiation and sapience can both have purpose-built detector devices. Bolypius aside, sapience isn't inherently dangerous to everything in it's general vicinity, or we humans wouldn't have been around to create PLixel Tech. Cancer, as I'm sure you're aware from your backstory, is a relatively indiscriminate killer." Hum responded. "That, unfortuately, is why Ed's wife was uploaded using Horizen's new brain emulation tech. It works, but because you would just be a copy if it actually uploaded you, your brain is essentially file-sync'd to the brain emulation rig. Both the brain and the computer it's attached to become one, and when the brain dies, the mind lives on. That's how Melvin Ames Carne, the first person to become a transhuman, became undead. His real name is a mystery, but we know he used to be a top expert for the US Military and that his mind was too important to lose without fighting death itself as hard as possible. You know, like what they did with the brain of that Nazi rocket scientist slash evil mad genius in the Novel Comics movie Florida Man: The Winter Spoiler."

"But it's also pretty dubious technology for other reasons." Tobi pointed out. Hum nodded, opening a program to scan the file contents of the Tech Van's code. A progress bar slowly began to fill.

"Yeah." Hum agreed, "Unlike Gadg8eer, who only recently came around to the idea that maybe Melvin Carne really wasn't the greatest person and should not be the one - or ones, long story - pioneering transhuman living, I've always been willing to admit that about becoming a Zoenet. About 1 in 1000 attempts at immortality have resulted in an unresponsive lump of data in the shape of an avatar, rather than the mind upload that results the other 999 times a brain dies while hooked up to the machine. When it was revealed that Melvin cloned himself illegally countless times to have willing test subjects for unethical experiments, the scientific community pulled his creative license, but that only happened after the technology was approved for medical use."

"You said earlier you were worried about Ed's wife. What did she do that you think she wouldn't go to the place upstairs?" Pentifer asked.

"Ed's wife... She got a rare form of metastatic cancer, recently we all found out through the grapevine that she's not going to make it. Which in practice, means that if she's one of the unlucky ones... she really wouldn't make it." Hum explained. The scan was at 35%.

"But there is an afterlife." Pentifer responded, "Wait. Did humans make Heaven and Hell up?"

"To the best of our current knowledge, no there isn't and yes, we did. The details are still a mystery, but there isn't much evidence that any beings that would be called Gods ever existed. If there's no Gods, not even sufficiently-advanced aliens masquerading as gods, any afterlife that might potentially exist - by the nature of cause and effect - would have to be a creation of future or present day humans that does not yet truly exist. Zoenets are, in theory, immortal machines. Only problem is, it's not really immortality, because real computers actually have far less longevity than healthy and unblemished human bodies. It's rare for a computer from prior to the 1990s to still function today, and when they do the PLixels inside them have usually become prone to Glitches." he said, and checked the scan again. This time it was at 70%.

"Then she'll be gone before she knows it." Pentifer looked disheartened, knowing from his 'time' as a Lord of Hell - an angel assigned to punish the wicked and reform the suicidal, that life can be fleeting. "Will she at least be happy?"

"Hopefully, eventually. It takes a lot out of a person, their soul might be data but data is not just an illusion, and as I said, worst-case scenario is that her brain dies but it's all for nothing. Worse, except a Zoenet's family, nobody can visit them because the cybersecurity requirements needed for the Upload procedure are very tight. She can play singleplayer and local multiplayer games, but she can't talk to people unless they use a VR device attached to the Zoenet until she's been declared legally undead. If the brain is still alive, you literally have to airgap the brain-computer cybernetic being that the person becomes until they die because any interference by malware could do seriously nasty things, and for legal reasons no one undergoing the process is allowed to request their brain be killed as soon as they've integrated with the attached computer server. So it's a long, slow, boring wait unless you were already on borrowed time, and worse, if you are on borrowed time, there's a slim but very real chance that you'd be one of the 8 and a half million people out of 8 and a half billion alive today who for whatever reason, would die if they all tried to gain immortality via a Neural-Cybernetic Fusion Mind Transplant. That's the scientific term for 'make someone a Zoenet', and a Zoenet is a computer containing a self-aware and originally human mind."

"I... I didn't know." Pentifer said, sad. "You created us as a sort of prayer. You wanted to be saved from death so badly that you couldn't live without some hope of living forever, and when you tried it wasn't even good enough to actually save you."

"Not your fault. You wouldn't have been able to know, Melvin didn't succeed at his method of transhumanist ascension until 2010, a decade after your first game was published. It's not too bad, there are other ways to achieve immortality available now, but at the time being none of them are publicly available for a reasonable price. Fusion was the only way to do that for years, and only if you were dying of a lethal illness." Hum responded, his system at 70% still.

"Paid immortality?" Pentifer said, worried. He was well-aware of the hit 1980s genre-naming movie Cyberpunk 2013 and it's lukewarm sequel Cyberpunk 2020, though not of the ill-recieved Cyberpunk 2045 and the much more fondly-remembered Cyberpunk 2077. That last one was a new concept that was a smash hit. The main character, known in-game as 'V', was the viewer - specifically their body, Hiverse avatar, or PLixelf depending on whether they're still biological and whether they had a Hinobi ID - but rigged up as a digital actor. V wakes up as a passenger in the mind of the protagonist of the first movie, Johnny Silverhand, who has gone from Rockerboy celebrity to forgotten in the time between 2020 and 2077 as a metaphor of the changes between the 1980s and the year 2020 (when 2077 was shown in theatres) that made Cyberpunk irrelevant and then relevant again, like meeting an old friend and trying to reminisce but realizing your entire life sucked. Needless to say, the people who were reduced to playing games on discs again, during the co.vid_19 virtual pandemic that started eating the internet, ate that shit up.

"Hinobi makes these things called PLixelves, I actually found out about Gadg8eer becoming one after winning the Canadian National Bracket of the Hinobi HiTexpo when I saw him as his Hiverse avatar, but in real life, for the first time." Hum explained, spotting the system scan had jumped to 87%. "I was already aware he had won the Regionals and the Provincial but his simulation exposed that the hospital here is woefully underfunded and doesn't even have a surgeon anymore but needs one. See, it's mostly boring political stuff that has caused the most issues in recent history, not death. I won't go into details, but just a kilometer south of here in the States, they just elected the first female POTUS in '24 after having to wrench Hitl- I mean Kaard from literally committing mass voting fraud to steal the Presidency."

"What's a Potus?" Pentifer said, confused.

"Oh, right. Language drift. It's an acronym. President of the United States." Hum answered, and relaxed as the scan reached 98%. "Anyway, back to Gadg8eer. That's probably why he wasn't scared of Bolypius. He was more worried about everyone around him, since his prize makes him one of less than a thousand people in the world who have a PLixelf. Much worse odds than becoming a Zoenet, but he hit a jackpot. Too bad he's still broke as shit, but then I don't think you need cash when you're a living Hiverse Avatar." he explained, and then tapped the 'Okay' button which had appeared as the scan completed.

"Ah, that makes more sense." Pentifer said. "Hey, have you considered running for prez?" he asked Elextrixtr.

"We live in Canada." Juan pointed out.

"It's the middle of the night and I'm sweating in this hoodie, this can't be Canada." Pentifer half-joked. "Does it not actually snow here?"

"In winter it does. At least, most of Canada is pretty snowy in winter. Not so much in the summer." Juan pointed out.

"But here in Grand Forks specifically, we're in the only desert in Canada." Hum pointed out, and called up a map on his Gauntlet to demonstrate.

A U-shaped region was on the map, stretching from Grand Forks, British Columbia in the east down into Washington State in a U shape and then back up into Canada to the west of the other end, via Osoyoos through to the Okanagan.

"This area gets less rainfall due to the east-west valley making air currents a bit funky." Hum explained, and closed the map to return to his file scanner. "Not sure if it has a name, I keep having to explain this is a thing to yahoos on the internet who still think Canada has 6 feet of snow all year."
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"Juan of Arcade World, Pt. 2", 4.2.16 "Nudle Crane"
"Nah. People keep non-sapient Glitches around all the time, though unlike Pentifer they're usually pets. Don't spread it around but he's like a good antithesis to Bolypius. Sapient, according to the Turing Meter." Hum explained, tapping an icon on his Hinobi-RobCo PIP-Boy, a device created in a collaboration between Hinobi and RobCo made during the 1970s Oil Crisis. "Hey, Juan, I'm going to pop the hood. I need you to flip the manual debugging switch from 'Fixed' to 'Broken'."

"What's a Turing Meter, again?" Juan asked, opening the hood and flicking a switch.

"A Geiger Counter but for self-awareness." Hum answered, and plugged his Gauntlet into the pink, bunny-themed Tech Van's USB-C port.

"...what's a Geiger Counter?" Elextrixtr added, as Hum tapped through some menues.

"...Look it up on Nobipedia or, if you need info only available to techs, look up Spoilerpedia now that you're a registered tech." Hum expressed, and pointed at the Vault-Tec Pip-Boy Mark V on Juan's left wrist. "But fun fact, if - like Juan - you have an actual Geiger Counter and it starts crackling as you get closer to something and then beeps annoyingly... Drop whatever radioactive material it's detecting and NOT the counter itself, run, and don't stop running until the counter is almost quiet, because it's probably labelled 'RADIOACTIVE DROP AND RUN' in capital letters for a very good reason. I think the Hinobi Store in Pripyat gets a surprisingly good soviet knockoff of the Hinobi Tech Gauntlet with a Geiger Counter function by default, those guys are hardcore badasses."

"Pripyat, Ukraine. I'm radioactive?" Pentifer asked.

"Oh, no, my bad. More like, ionizing radiation and sapience can both have purpose-built detector devices. Bolypius aside, sapience isn't inherently dangerous to everything in it's general vicinity, or we humans wouldn't have been around to create PLixel Tech. Cancer, as I'm sure you're aware from your backstory, is a relatively indiscriminate killer." Hum responded. "That, unfortuately, is why Ed's wife was uploaded using Horizen's new brain emulation tech. It works, but because you would just be a copy if it actually uploaded you, your brain is essentially file-sync'd to the brain emulation rig. Both the brain and the computer it's attached to become one, and when the brain dies, the mind lives on. That's how Melvin Ames Carne, the first person to become a transhuman, became undead. His real name is a mystery, but we know he used to be a top expert for the US Military and that his mind was too important to lose without fighting death itself as hard as possible. You know, like what they did with the brain of that Nazi rocket scientist slash evil mad genius in the Novel Comics movie Florida Man: The Winter Spoiler."

"But it's also pretty dubious technology for other reasons." Tobi pointed out. Hum nodded, opening a program to scan the file contents of the Tech Van's code. A progress bar slowly began to fill.

"Yeah." Hum agreed, "Unlike Gadg8eer, who only recently came around to the idea that maybe Melvin Carne really wasn't the greatest person and should not be the one - or ones, long story - pioneering transhuman living, I've always been willing to admit that about becoming a Zoenet. About 1 in 1000 attempts at immortality have resulted in an unresponsive lump of data in the shape of an avatar, rather than the mind upload that results the other 999 times a brain dies while hooked up to the machine. When it was revealed that Melvin cloned himself illegally countless times to have willing test subjects for unethical experiments, the scientific community pulled his creative license, but that only happened after the technology was approved for medical use."

"You said earlier you were worried about Ed's wife. What did she do that you think she wouldn't go to the place upstairs?" Pentifer asked.

"Ed's wife... She got a rare form of metastatic cancer, recently we all found out through the grapevine that she's not going to make it. Which in practice, means that if she's one of the unlucky ones... she really wouldn't make it." Hum explained. The scan was at 35%.

"But there is an afterlife." Pentifer responded, "Wait. Did humans make Heaven and Hell up?"

"To the best of our current knowledge, no there isn't and yes, we did. The details are still a mystery, but there isn't much evidence that any beings that would be called Gods ever existed. If there's no Gods, not even sufficiently-advanced aliens masquerading as gods, any afterlife that might potentially exist - by the nature of cause and effect - would have to be a creation of future or present day humans that does not yet truly exist. Zoenets are, in theory, immortal machines. Only problem is, it's not really immortality, because real computers actually have far less longevity than healthy and unblemished human bodies. It's rare for a computer from prior to the 1990s to still function today, and when they do the PLixels inside them have usually become prone to Glitches." he said, and checked the scan again. This time it was at 70%.

"Then she'll be gone before she knows it." Pentifer looked disheartened, knowing from his 'time' as a Lord of Hell - an angel assigned to punish the wicked and reform the suicidal, that life can be fleeting. "Will she at least be happy?"

"Hopefully, eventually. It takes a lot out of a person, their soul might be data but data is not just an illusion, and as I said, worst-case scenario is that her brain dies but it's all for nothing. Worse, except a Zoenet's family, nobody can visit them because the cybersecurity requirements needed for the Upload procedure are very tight. She can play singleplayer and local multiplayer games, but she can't talk to people unless they use a VR device attached to the Zoenet until she's been declared legally undead. If the brain is still alive, you literally have to airgap the brain-computer cybernetic being that the person becomes until they die because any interference by malware could do seriously nasty things, and for legal reasons no one undergoing the process is allowed to request their brain be killed as soon as they've integrated with the attached computer server. So it's a long, slow, boring wait unless you were already on borrowed time, and worse, if you are on borrowed time, there's a slim but very real chance that you'd be one of the 8 and a half million people out of 8 and a half billion alive today who for whatever reason, would die if they all tried to gain immortality via a Neural-Cybernetic Fusion Mind Transplant. That's the scientific term for 'make someone a Zoenet', and a Zoenet is a computer containing a self-aware and originally human mind."

"I... I didn't know." Pentifer said, sad. "You created us as a sort of prayer. You wanted to be saved from death so badly that you couldn't live without some hope of living forever, and when you tried it wasn't even good enough to actually save you."

"Not your fault. You wouldn't have been able to know, Melvin didn't succeed at his method of transhumanist ascention until 2010, a decade after your first game was published. It's not too bad, there are other ways to achieve immortality available now, but at the time being none of them are publicly available for a reasonable price. Fusion was the only way to do that for years, and only if you were dying of a lethal illness." Hum responded, his system at 70% still.

"Paid immortality?" Pentifer said, worried. He was well-aware of the hit 1980s genre-naming movie Cyberpunk 2013 and it's lukewarm sequel Cyberpunk 2020, though not of the ill-recieved Cyberpunk 2045 and the much more fondly-remembered Cyberpunk 2077. That last one was a new concept that was a smash hit. The main character, known in-game as 'V', was the viewer - specifically their body, Hiverse avatar, or PLixelf depending on whether they're still biological and whether they had a Hinobi ID - but rigged up as a digital actor. V wakes up as a passenger in the mind of the protagonist of the first movie, Johnny Silverhand, who has gone from Rockerboy celebrity to forgotten in the time between 2020 and 2077 as a metaphor of the changes between the 1980s and the year 2020 (when 2077 was shown in theatres) that made Cyberpunk irrelevant and then relevant again, like meeting an old friend and trying to reminisce but realizing your entire life sucked. Needless to say, the people who were reduced to playing games on discs again, during the co.vid_19 virtual pandemic that started eating the internet, ate that shit up.

"Hinobi makes these things called PLixelves, I actually found out about Gadg8eer becoming one after winning the Canadian National Bracket of the Hinobi HiTexpo when I saw him as his Hiverse avatar, but in real life, for the first time." Hum explained, spotting the system scan had jumped to 87%. "I was already aware he had won the Regionals and the Provincial but his simulation exposed that the hospital here is woefully underfunded and doesn't even have a surgeon anymore but needs one. See, it's mostly boring political stuff that has caused the most issues in recent history, not death. I won't go into details, but just a kilometer south of here in the States, they just elected the first female POTUS."

"What's a Potus?" Pentifer said, confused.

"Oh, right. Language drift. It's an acronym. President of the United States." Hum answered, and relaxed as the scan reached 98%. "Anyway, back to Gadg8eer. That's probably why he wasn't scared of Bolypius. He was more worried about everyone around him, since his prize makes him one of less than a thousand people in the world who have a PLixelf. Much worse odds than becoming a Zoenet, but he hit a jackpot. Too bad he's still broke as shit, but then I don't think you need cash when you're a living Hiverse Avatar." he explained, and then tapped the 'Okay' button which had appeared as the scan completed.

"Ah, that makes more sense." Pentifer said. "Hey, have you considered running for prez?" he asked Elextrixtr.

"We live in Canada." Juan pointed out.

"It's the middle of the night and I'm sweating in this hoodie, this can't be Canada." Pentifer half-joked. "Does it not actually snow here?"

"In winter it does. At least, most of Canada is pretty snowy in winter. Not so much in the summer." Juan pointed out.

"But here in Grand Forks specifically, we're in the only desert in Canada." Hum pointed out, and called up a map on his Gauntlet to demonstrate.

A U-shaped region was on the map, stretching from Grand Forks, British Columbia in the east down into Washington State and then back up to the west via Osoyoos through to the Okanagan.

"This area gets less rainfall due to the east-west valley making air currents a bit funky." Hum explained, and closed the map to return to his file scanner. "Not sure if it has a name, I keep having to explain this is a thing to yahoos on the internet who still think Canada has 6 feet of snow all year."
"Its basically a giant freakin' microwave." Pentifer commented, adjusting his hoodie to try and cool himself down.

"Yeah- if microwaves didn't nuke food." Elextrixtr responded to him.
“Again? There was never a first time.” Bolypius corrects. “You are aware of this [Y/N]?”

“The first time I’ve seen people using non-hinobi signature tech to try and deal with glitches was during the incident just a week or so before I entered the battle that led me to evolve into my termina form. 28 years ago. The termina incident fundamentally changed how Hinobi looked at coverup stories and led to them developing mind wiping technology.”

“More importantly. It informed me that there was a bigger world at play here. That not just hinobi wanted to dethrone the so called glitch king. And that there were other players who weren’t quite scaled to that level, but who were looking for exploits.”

“It was an educated guess, since the coding was sloppier and they’d only sent one person to this location worthy of even challenging my weakened state, even though Hinobi can typically tell where I am due to the uniqueness of my signature.”

“At least. I thought so… keep an eye on the women with no sense of modesty. Gamer tag ‘Kill-6Trillion-Demons’ current alias Greed. Her ability set is extremely rare and only has an in-field usage ratio of 3/400 though I’m certain that implicates she’s well aware of how to use it.”

“I have reached 24% charge… approximately 7 minutes of power before I must retreat. If you plan on holding it against me. Don’t expect me to not cannibalize you for the data. I’ll grant your wish to see them crushed but one of you will likely have to sacrifice yourself for me to have the energy to fight them off if I am correct about the danger of Greed.”

“It was never a title to be shared. If you don’t want it. I’ll take it.”

“But I didn’t join to be held back just because our leader assumed his build wouldn’t need to worry about fall damage and min-maxed to his own downfall.”

“If any of you have any buffs to give me, hand them out now. I will take this win for myself.” Greed explains. “You can all leave once i blow a hole through the main frame.” She adds “but I’m going to claim the bounty on this fucker now that I have the chance. Job be damned, I never joined your little battle party because I wanted the pay, I joined it because I wanted to fight shit. I’ve never even shown you have of my main battle skills.”

“You might be perfectly fine hanging out with a narcissist under employ by a megacorp, as your leader. But I’m not.” Greed says.
At the skullfort!

"Umm Yes I was." Snare said in a way that might suggest that he was lying.
One Monologue Later

"Noted." Snare finally responded, As soon as Bolypius had finished his explanation the Knockoff Atom Girl fired up the communicator in a Cocky manner that definitely didn't indicate that he was somewhat disturbed by the implication that someone would have to be absorbed by Bolypius, let alone he himself. So part of him was hoping that 'Greed' wasn't that dangerous
(doctor X)

After Ordering Snare to look into Bolypius's Info on 'Hinobi but in Plainclothes' Doctor X returned to plotting the Downfall of who he called the "Zeven Deadly Ztupos" from his arcade Machine of Doom, titled "Maze of Madness!" With pictures of Monsters straight out of Dungeons and Dragons or "Gauntlet"* on the side. The First room Entailed some Red eyed Cycloptic Blob men that were traumatizingly Similar in Appearance to the "Golden Demon" boss fight from Atom Girl 1 that was infamous for being Difficult even with the Bosses Weakness. Some Adorably Eyed Scorpion robots that had Mini guns that Fired Pellets on their pincers that Grabbed you. And their tails if you were stabbed with them Shaved off 3 units off your health Bar so you had to button mash Fast to avoid being stung.
But anyways where were we? Oh yes!

"Yes, Zat is indeed interesting, not only Vere zey apparently here for that Little Discount Atom girl." If Dr X were human he likely would've spit in disgust at the mention of his hated enemy "But It Zeems Zat zey Vant her gone too."

"Perhaps she's Foiled their own plans for Dominating this World Doc?" Snare asked

"No I Do not Zhink zo, IOI is More Focuzed on Profit Zhan Power through Conquest. But Your Little Side-Rival likely haz zome sort of History vith zhem."

"Side Rival? Oh Please 'Zoe fought me through a Avatar, and that thing only survived Because of that Pixelated Brat. She probably wouldn't stand a chance against me if she fought me in Person. She's not even a Rival, Just a Pest."

Dr X Stared at Snare with his Arms Folded and his eyebrow raised "Are you Zure? Physical Ability alone doez not Guarantee Victory, You also muzt alzo have Ztrategy."

"Yeah Yeah Whatever." Snare brushed the bad Doctor off.

"Do Not Zay I didn't Warn you
zhould you lose to Zhose Meddlers again."

* MisterEightySix MisterEightySix Remember Gauntlet?
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"Juan of Arcade World, Pt. 2" Remastered, 4.2.13 "Neosaic Browser"
“It was never a title to be shared. If you don’t want it. I’ll take it.”

“But I didn’t join to be held back just because our leader assumed his build wouldn’t need to worry about fall damage and min-maxed to his own downfall.”

“If any of you have any buffs to give me, hand them out now. I will take this win for myself.” Greed explains. “You can all leave once i blow a hole through the main frame.” She adds “but I’m going to claim the bounty on this fucker now that I have the chance. Job be damned, I never joined your little battle party because I wanted the pay, I joined it because I wanted to fight shit. I’ve never even shown you have of my main battle skills.”

“You might be perfectly fine hanging out with a narcissist under employ by a megacorp, as your leader. But I’m not.” Greed says.
At the skullfort!

"Umm Yes I was." Snare said in a way that might suggest that he was lying.
One Monologue Later

"Noted." Snare finally responded, As soon as Bolypius had finished his explanation the Knockoff Atom Girl fired up the communicator in a Cocky manner that definitely didn't indicate that he was somewhat disturbed by the implication that someone would have to be absorbed by Bolypius, let alone he himself. So part of him was hoping that 'Greed' wasn't that dangerous
(doctor X)

After Ordering Snare to look into Bolypius's Info on 'Hinobi but in Plainclothes' Doctor X returned to plotting the Downfall of who he called the "Zeven Deadly Ztupos" from his arcade Machine of Doom, titled "Maze of Madness!" With pictures of Monsters straight out of Dungeons and Dragons or "Gauntlet"* on the side. The First room Entailed some Red eyed Cycloptic Blob men that were traumatizingly Similar in Appearance to the "Golden Demon" boss fight from Atom Girl 1 that was infamous for being Difficult even with the Bosses Weakness. Some Adorably Eyed Scorpion robots that had Mini guns that Fired Pellets on their pincers that Grabbed you. And their tails if you were stabbed with them Shaved off 3 units off your health Bar so you had to button mash Fast to avoid being stung.
But anyways where were we? Oh yes!

"Yes, Zat is indeed interesting, not only Vere zey apparently here for that Little Discount Atom girl." If Dr X were human he likely would've spit in disgust at the mention of his hated enemy "But It Zeems Zat zey Vant her gone too."

"Perhaps she's Foiled their own plans for Dominating this World Doc?" Snare asked

"No I Do not Zhink zo, IOI is More Focuzed on Profit Zhan Power through Conquest. But Your Little Side-Rival likely haz zome sort of History vith zhem."

"Side Rival? Oh Please 'Zoe fought me through a Avatar, and that thing only survived Because of that Pixelated Brat. She probably wouldn't stand a chance against me if she fought me in Person. She's not even a Rival, Just a Pest."

Dr X Stared at Snare with his Arms Folded and his eyebrow raised "Are you Zure? Physical Ability alone doez not Guarantee Victory, You also muzt alzo have Ztrategy."

"Yeah Yeah Whatever." Snare brushed the bad Doctor off.

"Do Not Zay I didn't Warn you
zhould you lose to Zhose Meddlers again."

* MisterEightySix MisterEightySix Remember Gauntlet?

Gluttony didn't say anything. He never did say much. Instead, his only response was to step forward to tank the damage as the Red Giant formed and stared it's glowing yellow eye at Greed. The others who Greed called out, though, had no more of a sense of common decency than their employer even when they were told to get their act together.

Sloth was, surprisingly, quick to react, taking advantage of the wait for the Red Giant to finish its' boss intro. He activated his last Escape Rope, and was instantaneously able to escape to the nearest IOI Central Office, located in Washington State. The thing is, IOI's SixerGuns (originally based off of the Nitrome BusterGun) have no built-in portal feature, being based off of AT&T, Comcast and other such ISPs rather than off of companies like Valve or pre-Facebook Oculus. Greed may or may not have had the foresight to get out, the rest of the Deadly Seven not so much.

The Red Giant noticed as Sloth left and slammed its fist down onto Pride, who had entered the boss room last true to form. His health meter dropped heavily, allowing him to use what IOI did have... a "watch this ad to refill your energy meter" mechanic. Which didn't even get to the words "sponsored by CordVPN" before the Red Giant took another swing, aiming for the one named Wrath.
Gluttony didn't say anything. He never did say much. Instead, his only response was to step forward to tank the damage as the Red Giant formed and stared it's glowing yellow eye at Greed. The others who Greed called out, though, had no more of a sense of common decency than their employer even when they were told to get their act together.

Sloth was, surprisingly, quick to react, taking advantage of the wait for the Red Giant to finish its' boss intro. He activated his last Escape Rope, and was instantaneously able to escape to the nearest IOI Central Office, located in Washington State. The thing is, IOI's SixerGuns (originally based off of the Nitrome BusterGun) have no built-in portal feature, being based off of AT&T, Comcast and other such ISPs rather than off of companies like Valve or pre-Facebook Oculus. Greed may or may not have had the foresight to get out, the rest of the Deadly Seven not so much.

The Red Giant noticed as Sloth left and slammed its fist down onto Pride, who had entered the boss room last true to form. His health meter dropped heavily, allowing him to use what IOI did have... a "watch this ad to refill your energy meter" mechanic. Which didn't even get to the words "sponsored by CordVPN" before the Red Giant took another swing, aiming for the one named Wrath.

Wrath being a Hothead decided to attempt to block the Fortress Boss's fist by Punching Back, sure he was one of the top Scoring Sixers, but Punching the Golden Demon/Red Giant's punch wouldnt go as he planned, As he got launched into a Wall. Costing the Angry Hothead 4 Health Points.

The Red Giant's Eye Began to Light Up as if the Monster was Charging an Attack, Then It Shot a Spreadshot of Buster Pellets at the Sixers, Which was definitely an Upgrade from its Original One Buster Pellet

"OHHH NO YA DON'T YA BIG RED VARMINT!!!" Wrath got up and decided to use his Sixergun "AH'M GONNA POP SUCH A CAP UP YOUR [EXPLETIVE EXPUNGED] THAT EVEN YER GRANDKIDS WILL FEEL IT!" And So Wrath charged Forward shooting at the Golden Eyed Red Giant Demon, And Catching a Buster shot to the Torso, Knocking him down and Costing him 1 Health Point.

The Boss Demon Meanwhile Closed it's Eye, Which was bad news because well...It began Splitting itself apart and sending Fragments of itself to the other side of the room to form itself over there instead of walking over there. This was the Deadliest attack the Red Demon had and unless you Memorized it's Pattern you were in Big Trouble.
[S] "Juan of Arcade World, Pt. 2" Remastered, 4.2.11 "Neosaic Browser"
At the skullfort!

"Umm Yes I was." Snare said in a way that might suggest that he was lying.
One Monologue Later

"Noted." Snare finally responded, As soon as Bolypius had finished his explanation the Knockoff Atom Girl fired up the communicator in a Cocky manner that definitely didn't indicate that he was somewhat disturbed by the implication that someone would have to be absorbed by Bolypius, let alone he himself. So part of him was hoping that 'Greed' wasn't that dangerous
(doctor X)

After Ordering Snare to look into Bolypius's Info on 'Hinobi but in Plainclothes' Doctor X returned to plotting the Downfall of who he called the "Zeven Deadly Ztupos" from his arcade Machine of Doom, titled "Maze of Madness!" With pictures of Monsters straight out of Dungeons and Dragons or "Gauntlet"* on the side. The First room Entailed some Red eyed Cycloptic Blob men that were traumatizingly Similar in Appearance to the "Golden Demon" boss fight from Atom Girl 1 that was infamous for being Difficult even with the Bosses Weakness. Some Adorably Eyed Scorpion robots that had Mini guns that Fired Pellets on their pincers that Grabbed you. And their tails if you were stabbed with them Shaved off 3 units off your health Bar so you had to button mash Fast to avoid being stung.
But anyways where were we? Oh yes!

"Yes, Zat is indeed interesting, not only Vere zey apparently here for that Little Discount Atom girl." If Dr X were human he likely would've spit in disgust at the mention of his hated enemy "But It Zeems Zat zey Vant her gone too."

"Perhaps she's Foiled their own plans for Dominating this World Doc?" Snare asked

"No I Do not Zhink zo, IOI is More Focuzed on Profit Zhan Power through Conquest. But Your Little Side-Rival likely haz zome sort of History vith zhem."

"Side Rival? Oh Please 'Zoe fought me through a Avatar, and that thing only survived Because of that Pixelated Brat. She probably wouldn't stand a chance against me if she fought me in Person. She's not even a Rival, Just a Pest."

Dr X Stared at Snare with his Arms Folded and his eyebrow raised "Are you Zure? Physical Ability alone doez not Guarantee Victory, You also muzt alzo have Ztrategy."

"Yeah Yeah Whatever." Snare brushed the bad Doctor off.

"Do Not Zay I didn't Warn you
zhould you lose to Zhose Meddlers again."

At the skullfort!

"Umm Yes I was." Snare said in a way that might suggest that he was lying.
One Monologue Later

"Noted." Snare finally responded, As soon as Bolypius had finished his explanation the Knockoff Atom Girl fired up the communicator in a Cocky manner that definitely didn't indicate that he was somewhat disturbed by the implication that someone would have to be absorbed by Bolypius, let alone he himself. So part of him was hoping that 'Greed' wasn't that dangerous
(doctor X)

Archive of Original Video
After Ordering Snare to look into Bolypius's Info on 'Hinobi but in Plainclothes' Doctor X returned to plotting the Downfall of who he called the "Zeven Deadly Ztupos" from his arcade Machine of Doom, titled "Maze of Madness!" With pictures of Monsters straight out of Dungeons and Dragons or "Gauntlet"* on the side. The First room Entailed some Red eyed Cycloptic Blob men that were traumatizingly Similar in Appearance to the "Golden Demon" boss fight from Atom Girl 1 that was infamous for being Difficult even with the Bosses Weakness. Some Adorably Eyed Scorpion robots that had Mini guns that Fired Pellets on their pincers that Grabbed you. And their tails if you were stabbed with them Shaved off 3 units off your health Bar so you had to button mash Fast to avoid being stung.
But anyways where were we? Oh yes!

"Yes, Zat is indeed interesting, not only Vere zey apparently here for that Little Discount Atom girl." If Dr X were human he likely would've spit in disgust at the mention of his hated enemy "But It Zeems Zat zey Vant her gone too."

"Perhaps she's Foiled their own plans for Dominating this World Doc?" Snare asked

"No I Do not Zhink zo, IOI is More Focuzed on Profit Zhan Power through Conquest. But Your Little Side-Rival likely haz zome sort of History vith zhem."

"Side Rival? Oh Please 'Zoe fought me through a Avatar, and that thing only survived Because of that Pixelated Brat. She probably wouldn't stand a chance against me if she fought me in Person. She's not even a Rival, Just a Pest."

Dr X Stared at Snare with his Arms Folded and his eyebrow raised "Are you Zure? Physical Ability alone doez not Guarantee Victory, You also muzt alzo have Ztrategy."

"Yeah Yeah Whatever." Snare brushed the bad Doctor off.

"Do Not Zay I didn't Warn you
zhould you lose to Zhose Meddlers again."

* MisterEightySix MisterEightySix Remember Gauntlet?
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"Bendy's Dreamblight Valley: Surveillance Breach, Pt. 2", 4.5.14 "Volpe Gogglefox for Portals 12"
Zoe sighs. "Your build's incompatible with my techniques. The things I know about fighting don't apply to your sort. The only way that a match between us to can end, especially in here, is me winning and you not learning."

"Every single NPC here has some fighting capabilities, weak, strong, or downright insane. But between the items I have here, and the fact that I programmed in my dreambuild with a combination of exported specs from over 100 different titles. the inner matrioshka's armory and the ability to call on the outer matrioshka, if I fought you seriously in here, even with meta-options aside like banhammering, no scoring system could be made to let you win in genuine combat."

"Nobody in this tiny little slice of the world is more powerful than me, because it's a little dreamscape I'm familiar with. There are about 160,000 abilities I don't even have, but they're still coded into here, and I could learn them if I wanted."

"That, and I have trouble raising my fists at you. Something about that face of yours is too cutesy for me to want to lay into."


"Pixie can fight you though... She's not as capable as I am." Zoe says.
"Should I arrange a ship for her, then, ma'am?" Anabelle asked. "Or is Biotechnica okay with using their primitive satellite uplink to lock onto your friend's shared node with the Nodegate?"

(( Lady Moldoma Lady Moldoma OOC: Get into the action? Or show something cool off about Pixie or the Matroishka? ))
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[S] "Juan of Arcade World, Pt. 2" Remastered, 4.2.12 "Neosaic Browser"

Wrath being a Hothead decided to attempt to block the Fortress Boss's fist by Punching Back, sure he was one of the top Scoring Sixers, but Punching the Golden Demon/Red Giant's punch wouldnt go as he planned, As he got launched into a Wall. Costing the Angry Hothead 4 Health Points.

The Red Giant's Eye Began to Light Up as if the Monster was Charging an Attack, Then It Shot a Spreadshot of Buster Pellets at the Sixers, Which was definitely an Upgrade from its Original One Buster Pellet

"OHHH NO YA DON'T YA BIG RED VARMINT!!!" Wrath got up and decided to use his Sixergun "AH'M GONNA POP SUCH A CAP UP YOUR [EXPLETIVE EXPUNGED] THAT EVEN YER GRANDKIDS WILL FEEL IT!" And So Wrath charged Forward shooting at the Golden Eyed Red Giant Demon, And Catching a Buster shot to the Torso, Knocking him down and Costing him 1 Health Point.

The Boss Demon Meanwhile Closed it's Eye, Which was bad news because well...It began Splitting itself apart and sending Fragments of itself to the other side of the room to form itself over there instead of walking over there. This was the Deadliest attack the Red Demon had and unless you Memorized it's Pattern you were in Big Trouble.

Archive of Original Video

Wrath being a Hothead decided to attempt to block the Fortress Boss's fist by Punching Back, sure he was one of the top Scoring Sixers, but Punching the Golden Demon/Red Giant's punch wouldnt go as he planned, As he got launched into a Wall. Costing the Angry Hothead 4 Health Points.

The Red Giant's Eye Began to Light Up as if the Monster was Charging an Attack, Then It Shot a Spreadshot of Buster Pellets at the Sixers, Which was definitely an Upgrade from its Original One Buster Pellet

"OHHH NO YA DON'T YA BIG RED VARMINT!!!" Wrath got up and decided to use his Sixergun "AH'M GONNA POP SUCH A CAP UP YOUR [EXPLETIVE EXPUNGED] THAT EVEN YER GRANDKIDS WILL FEEL IT!" And So Wrath charged Forward shooting at the Golden Eyed Red Giant Demon, And Catching a Buster shot to the Torso, Knocking him down and Costing him 1 Health Point.

The Boss Demon Meanwhile Closed it's Eye, Which was bad news because well...It began Splitting itself apart and sending Fragments of itself to the other side of the room to form itself over there instead of walking over there. This was the Deadliest attack the Red Demon had and unless you Memorized it's Pattern you were in Big Trouble.
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"Bendy's Dreamblight Valley: Surveillance Breach, Pt. 2", 4.6 "Typheus Browser"
At Elextrixtr's house, her laptop- model undisclosed- had been left active on a piece of code for a game that she had spent hours working on. The screen crackled and changed frames, and a single purple hand burst through the screen and pulled out an anthropomorphic purple wolf in a red shirt with a matching scarf. Its expression became a grin, and a low chuckle rang through the air as it dusted itself off and climbed out of the nearby window.*
"Bendy's Dreamblight Valley: Surveillance Breach, Pt. 2", 4.6.1 "Typheus Browser"
At Elextrixtr's house, her laptop- model undisclosed- had been left active on a piece of code for a game that she had spent hours working on. The screen crackled and changed frames, and a single purple hand burst through the screen and pulled out an anthropomorphic purple wolf in a red shirt with a matching scarf. Its expression became a grin, and a low chuckle rang through the air as it dusted itself off and climbed out of the nearby window.*

As it turned out, this being would be the first of a new category of glitches... Verseborn.

Back when the Hiverse was being implemented in 2026, just a couple short years prior to the present (2028) in this tale, Hinobi found an ingenious way to prevent glitches from becoming apparent. After the infamous "Wreck-It Ralph" Botnet issues (which coincided with the co.vid Virtual Pandemic of 2019), the world was not willing to let anything get this close to digital apocalypse ever again. Exploits like co.vid, the v-On Suite of hacking tools, and any potential for anything even close to Bolypius was eliminated by two sets of e-Police.

The Western World tried to rely on a variety of contractors (including Hinobi and various local privately-operated teams) to provide tech support precisely because nobody trusted NetWatch. When THEY got involved, not only were they a corporation and an especially callous one at that, they were exclusively a digital PMC for the most corrupt western governments like South Africa and Australia as well as online black ops for the 1% on the rare occasion that the internet had threatened to destroy the status quo, and they got Rouxles Kaard elected in 2016 using targeted advertizing aimed by the world's largest partly-illegal datapoint libraries. Yes, NetWatch is literally Cambridge Analytica, enough said.

Though after Kaard was prevented from having a second term by the Electoral College (on the grounds that he is a convicted felon, even if there "ain't no law", go figure), NetWatch was on shaky ground and had just made sweeping layoffs, which meant the increasingly rowdy netizens of the Hiverse were getting very dissatisfied with the current, Neo Cyberpunk state of affairs that had flourished because countries ranging from Jamaica to France to India had also been tampered with in 2024 and hadn't been so lucky politically. Huge sections of the world had banned the Hiverse because if used with encryption it was essentially impossible to hack a properly-configured Hiverse node, including Canada (see here for what lead to it), but legally the Canadian Constitution limited the power of the CRTC (Canadian Radio-television Telecommunications Comission) to stop hardware sales of AugReal equipment. The rest of the government of Canada was legally obligated to let the CRTC handle it but the CRTC had to follow the Constitiution and nobody, least of all heavy Hiverse users, cared about the scarily more authoritarian Canadian government that had emerged after the 2025 Canadian Federal elections.

In the East, the Satella Police served the same function. Founded by a coalition of Japan, South Korea and Taiwan to repel PRC cyberattacks, they were a proper international e-Police organization rather than just a money-making machine.

The 2026 Dataklash had made some of it unclear, but Hinobi sought to make such a thing obsolete. Convinced by Volpe and the Neozilla Foundation that the internet needed to return to a more anarchic and flexible state, Hinobi pivoted it's anti-cheat from simply auto-capturing Glitches to filtering them. Known as the Reaper, or the D-Reaper in places like the Parawatch forums (a conspiracy theorist gathering spot that usually overthought things or - if they didn't overthink it - misinterpreted a Glitch as some sort of "anomaly"), the program would gauge the intelligence of everything in the network. Only input judged as less intelligent than a housecat were blocked from roaming freely about the Hiverse, anything from a housecat up to Bolypius or a human being or higher should (at least in theory, they'll probably never have the opportunity to test it's accuracy at judging spacefaring aliens) be able to pass the simple tests the anti-cheat placed to catch "robots".

The process had evolved since then but the accuracy had only improved and there were no cases of people being completely unable to enter the Hiverse. The Reaper was certainly scary-looking but not evil or even dangerous. Instead, it guided Glitches through a "sandbox" back into a non-Glitched form, then sent a "Glitch captured" signal to Hinobi who passed it on to the DNS servers, which is - aside from being the spinal column of the internet, sleepnet and Hiverse - was where all GAME Mechanics happen to get their live data from. The sandbox was essentially a filter and AI debugging assistant in one. If a detected Glitch was just glitched, they would be temporarily placed in a replica of their expected operating environment (Ah, we just launched the new update. Some Glitches were bound to happen!), and if that alone did not fix a Glitch then it would evaluate if that meant the Glitch could only be UNWANTED SOFTWARE TAMPERING! or if it was a false positive. So far, the LLM they trained had never had a false positive for good reason; it was mindless, but it had learned from patterns what was Glitch and what was not.

Except no one realized there was only one way (other than that not actually being the case, but we won't open that can of worms) that could properly work. It knew the difference because it had never seen Bolypius in its' training data. As far as the D-Reaper was concerned, Bolypius's source code was too pure to be a Glitch, therefore it could only be one of three things, a biological lifeform (ruled out by a lack of DNA), a transhuman (ruled out by its date of creation), or a legitimate piece of software.

Since Nightwolf Primal was - for whatever reason - yet another sapient Glitch, and their game was a VR title, the end result of their Glitching and somehow ending up in the Hiverse instead... was to also be considered too consistent and flawless (in terms of code stability and data integrity) a piece of software to possibly be a Glitch. Thus, as she leaped out the window onto the virtual streets of the Grand Forks Municipal Geonode, she found himself not in the real world but in a virtual one that looked similar but not as boring. Of course, it being the early morning, the only thing less boring about it was that the Moon was sponsored by Roberts Space Industries (makers of the first commercial spacecraft and the first organization to have financial insurance - provided by Holtow - on their spacecraft), and a few holographic AR thingies pointed out the names of stars whenever he focused his eyes on a spec of light in the sky.

As for what their game was to be, and what their backstory had made of her, well... (( Captain Wyldstorm Captain Wyldstorm Congrats! You're now writing characters in both plot threads! Gadg8eer's residence - and thus the portal to his Node Cluster - are just to the Southwest along 72nd Avenue. I need to pretend US Politics doesn't exist and hope people who are actually qualified to handle reality will end this madness without hurting anyone innocent. Until then, let's get this show on the road. ))
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"Juan of Arcade World, Pt. 2" Remastered, "Neosaic Browser" (Hotfix)

Archive of Original Video

Wrath being a Hothead decided to attempt to block the Fortress Boss's fist by Punching Back, sure he was one of the top Scoring Sixers, but Punching the Golden Demon/Red Giant's punch wouldnt go as he planned, As he got launched into a Wall. Costing the Angry Hothead 4 Health Points.

The Red Giant's Eye Began to Light Up as if the Monster was Charging an Attack, Then It Shot a Spreadshot of Buster Pellets at the Sixers, Which was definitely an Upgrade from its Original One Buster Pellet

"OHHH NO YA DON'T YA BIG RED VARMINT!!!" Wrath got up and decided to use his Sixergun "AH'M GONNA POP SUCH A CAP UP YOUR [EXPLETIVE EXPUNGED] THAT EVEN YER GRANDKIDS WILL FEEL IT!" And So Wrath charged Forward shooting at the Golden Eyed Red Giant Demon, And Catching a Buster shot to the Torso, Knocking him down and Costing him 1 Health Point.

The Boss Demon Meanwhile Closed it's Eye, Which was bad news because well...It began Splitting itself apart and sending Fragments of itself to the other side of the room to form itself over there instead of walking over there. This was the Deadliest attack the Red Demon had and unless you Memorized it's Pattern you were in Big Trouble.

(( Lady Moldoma Lady Moldoma You're up. ))
"Juan of Arcade World, Pt. 2", 4.2.14 "Neosaic Browser"

Archive of Original Video

Wrath being a Hothead decided to attempt to block the Fortress Boss's fist by Punching Back, sure he was one of the top Scoring Sixers, but Punching the Golden Demon/Red Giant's punch wouldnt go as he planned, As he got launched into a Wall. Costing the Angry Hothead 4 Health Points.

The Red Giant's Eye Began to Light Up as if the Monster was Charging an Attack, Then It Shot a Spreadshot of Buster Pellets at the Sixers, Which was definitely an Upgrade from its Original One Buster Pellet

"OHHH NO YA DON'T YA BIG RED VARMINT!!!" Wrath got up and decided to use his Sixergun "AH'M GONNA POP SUCH A CAP UP YOUR [EXPLETIVE EXPUNGED] THAT EVEN YER GRANDKIDS WILL FEEL IT!" And So Wrath charged Forward shooting at the Golden Eyed Red Giant Demon, And Catching a Buster shot to the Torso, Knocking him down and Costing him 1 Health Point.

The Boss Demon Meanwhile Closed it's Eye, Which was bad news because well...It began Splitting itself apart and sending Fragments of itself to the other side of the room to form itself over there instead of walking over there. This was the Deadliest attack the Red Demon had and unless you Memorized it's Pattern you were in Big Trouble.

Greed was capable of maneuvering around the fragments using her Gearshift Sport technique, especially in the enclosed space, darting around the walls, however it was only barely enough. And the moment she moved past Gear 0, she started to risk overloading her own reserve of energy. Aside from the monster consumption perk that gear 2 and 3 provided.

Her skillset, Atomic Demon Engine granted her enough mastery to use some basic abilities via Gearshift, but they were mainly a re-allocation of her current form's stat points. More importantly, the nature of Gearshift meant that every movement had to be done with great caution for the attack.

She quick selected into her inventory, tossing out a pair of silvery spheres with lines running on their equators, which proceeded to burst open into two purple gas-clouds, one ahead of her and one behind the red eyeball.

This revealed that she had another, more glassy item in her mouth, crunching it between her teeth, causing a red aura to spread around her body and a floating target marker to appear beside her. This item was a "Greater Pinpoint Focusing Lacrima" from Fair Retail: Chuunibyo Quest. It was one of the higher class normal drops that someone could get ahold of for boosting critical hits.

The targeting marker moved down and aimed at her opponent, directly on top of their closed eyelid.

"Gearshift: Maximum Horsepower." She brought her leg down in a spinning axe kick on the closed eye attempting to force it downwards, to crater it into the ground and ignore its invulnerability frames via a critical hit. This form left her vulnerable and placed all of her available Gearshifted points into attack power, but it was better to deal with any enemies that were thrown at the team as quickly as possible.

"You know, it really pisses me off to have to use Items, luckily, I have an extra large inventory space as part of my title..." She grunts through gritted teeth.
"Bendy's Dreamblight Valley: Surveillance Breach, Pt. 2", 4.5.15 "Volpe Gogglefox for SphenuXR"
"Should I arrange a ship for her, then, ma'am?" Anabelle asked. "Or is Biotechnica okay with using their primitive satellite uplink to lock onto your friend's shared node with the Nodegate?"

(( Lady Moldoma Lady Moldoma OOC: Get into the action? Or show something cool off about Pixie or the Matroishka? ))
“The engine should have enough power to support his tech loadout. That’s considered a personal account aspect so only he can give out that data.” She says.

“I hope you trust me to delete it afterwards if you don’t want me keeping the selective cookies on your load-out spec. But it’ll be a hell of a lot harder to re-enter that info every single time than just to let me keep a copy of that specific loadout.” She says.

She scratches her chin, coming up with an idea.

“That being said, if you did give it to me. I could try and figure it out on my own and we could do something so that I can show you how I think that sort of powerset is best used.”

“Either way, it’s best we open up a pocket in the outer matrioshka. Gadg8, Do you have a preference for battlegrounds? The default is the training area from Skullchicks, but we could also do Ultimate Arena Destination from Grossout.”
"Bendy's Dreamblight Valley: Surveillance Breach, Pt. 2", 4.5.16 "Volpe Gogglefox for SphenuXR"
“The engine should have enough power to support his tech loadout. That’s considered a personal account aspect so only he can give out that data.” She says.

“I hope you trust me to delete it afterwards if you don’t want me keeping the selective cookies on your load-out spec. But it’ll be a hell of a lot harder to re-enter that info every single time than just to let me keep a copy of that specific loadout.” She says.

She scratches her chin, coming up with an idea.

“That being said, if you did give it to me. I could try and figure it out on my own and we could do something so that I can show you how I think that sort of powerset is best used.”

“Either way, it’s best we open up a pocket in the outer matrioshka. Gadg8, Do you have a preference for battlegrounds? The default is the training area from Skullchicks, but we could also do Ultimate Arena Destination from Grossout.”
"Huh. I'm not really familiar with this. I haven't used VR or AR much because there was no AugReal network in Grand Forks. An... Engine? Like a ship's engine? Or do you mean for a Browser or Game?" Gadg8eer asked.
"Bendy's Dreamblight Valley: Surveillance Breach, Pt. 2", 4.5.17 "Volpe Gogglefox for SphenuXR"
"Huh. I'm not really familiar with this. I haven't used VR or AR much because there was no AugReal network in Grand Forks. An... Engine? Like a ship's engine? Or do you mean for a Browser or Game?" Gadg8eer asked.
“It’s a modified version of the Code Kyoto++ engine. Matrioshka I mean. It’s Deep Dive AugReal, and might as well be Virtual Reality for full-dive users like myself. Calling it a game engine or a browser is a major disservice.”

“This is what I spent my fortune on. This, my streaming equipment, and donating to the Skullchicks crowdfunding campaign I guess, though that was a small thing at the time.”

“It’s not fully custom. But it’s wholly unique. Anything that anyone thinks they can do comparable to it is probably just some CEO passion project. I care about what i made more than anyone else who’d fund this sort of thing.”

“Idol culture is harsh, though. Once the collective cut me off, I was on a downwards slant.”

“Maybe someday I’ll get my mojo back, and be famous again, but honestly, right now, I just want to make sure I have friends to share it with and a reason to get up in the mornings.”

“What I mean to say is, among other things, it’s the engine of my will to live.”
"Bendy's Dreamblight Valley: Surveillance Breach, Pt. 2", 4.5.18 "Volpe Gogglefox for SphenuXR"
“It’s a modified version of the Code Kyoto++ engine. Matrioshka I mean. It’s Deep Dive AugReal, and might as well be Virtual Reality for full-dive users like myself. Calling it a game engine or a browser is a major disservice.”

“This is what I spent my fortune on. This, my streaming equipment, and donating to the Skullchicks crowdfunding campaign I guess, though that was a small thing at the time.”

“It’s not fully custom. But it’s wholly unique. Anything that anyone thinks they can do comparable to it is probably just some CEO passion project. I care about what i made more than anyone else who’d fund this sort of thing.”

“Idol culture is harsh, though. Once the collective cut me off, I was on a downwards slant.”

“Maybe someday I’ll get my mojo back, and be famous again, but honestly, right now, I just want to make sure I have friends to share it with and a reason to get up in the mornings.”

“What I mean to say is, among other things, it’s the engine of my will to live.”
"Oh! Yeah, I get it. It's a home, and friendships with AIs make a lot more sense now that I'm aware of Glitches. Just because they're machines, doesn't mean what you feel is fake or wrong, no one deserves to have to feel alone." Gadg8eer calmly agreed. "Is Lyoko the open source engine that replaced the Duality engine when the company that made Duality tried to charge every developer 50% of every game sale?" he said, referring to this story's equivalent to the Unity Engine and Godot Engine. "Let me fire up my gateway."

Gadg8eer opened an app menu in the air in front of him, and sent a connection request to ZoeIRL.

"Ah! I just received it, Mistress. Gadg8eer, your cluster's gateway node is located at +10 (810) 555-4423?" Anabelle asked.

"Yup!" the boy explained.

"Would you like me to record your info for Zoe or simply delete it after you leave?" Anabelle inquired.

"She can have it." Gadg8eer agreed. "Actually, I sent a friend request on Swarm before I went to sleep."

"If that's okay with you, Mistress, I've added his contact information to your address book." Anabelle smiled innocently at Zoe.

While Zoe chose whether or not to keep the data, Gadg8eer activated his "Skleatz™" and joyfully "skrolled" over to the full-length mirror that his nodemates had argued over for an hour; Germaine and her brother Daniel had been lifelong friends of Gadg8eer since the 2000s, and with the cost of node-hosting through the roof, they all signed as co-owners of a domain where they built a treehouse in Hinobi's Kids in Defiance AugReal game. He'd never been able to play it on the actual streets of his hometown, only in the local Geoscape Node's equivalents which dated back to 2017 and, thus, did not include many features of the town as it actually was in 2028. Especially not after the flood that caused the construction of the bevies on the confluence of the Kettle and Granby Rivers.

Germaine was fond of a secret bookshelf as a gateway interface, while her paternal twin Danny wanted something more like the phone booths in The Netwerks Online had been (before that game was closed down due to lack of players). When they asked Gadg8eer, he'd said he'd prefer to use desktop computers, given how rare desktops were now that devices like the Hinobi "Swarm Deck" (the "H-series" GamerDecks), the Arasaka Rally (a.k.a an "X-series" GamerDeck) and the Fenghuang Neo GamePlayer (a.k.a an "F-series" GamerDeck) were far more common. While not able to access things IRL the way GAME Mechanics' gauntlets can, the devices were routinely used in AugReal and VR games due to their extremely compact form and high power-to-size ratio, and an ability to wirelessly mesh with devices like the Hinobi SpyWear XR (as a display and additional storage) or the RumblePack (as storage and a GPU).

In the end, being unable to settle on a solution they all liked, Gadg8eer decided to use a magic mirror as their gateway so no one felt catered to. It was honestly very plain, a generic vaporwave-style full-length mirror about the size of a flat screen TV turned sideways (not that people used TVs much anymore). It emanated Biana Ross' It's Your Move like it was a broken speaker system in an empty mall at midnight, and Danny claimed the thing was haunted by the zeitgeist of vaporwave and sometimes - late at night or during the full moon - failed to connect properly and instead directed him to the Poolsuite, but it was all they were willing to spend money on considering they were less-than-responsible with their money when it came to their respective hobbies. Danny and Germaine at least had the fortune of being heirs to their parent's relatively modest savings, but Gadg8eer had been living on a disability pension his whole life and his new job was unexpected and potentially detrimental to his life because his Disability Pension could be rescinded if he earned more than $300 CAD (despite his pension being $900 CAD, which meant having a job might actually make him poorer under BC's ashtray mental health care policies.

The mirror shimmered as the Matroishka accepted the request, and Gadg8eer stepped through into the Matroishka and looked around...
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"Juan of Arcade World, Pt. 2", 4.2.15 "Neosaic Browser"
Greed was capable of maneuvering around the fragments using her Gearshift Sport technique, especially in the enclosed space, darting around the walls, however it was only barely enough. And the moment she moved past Gear 0, she started to risk overloading her own reserve of energy. Aside from the monster consumption perk that gear 2 and 3 provided.

Her skillset, Atomic Demon Engine granted her enough mastery to use some basic abilities via Gearshift, but they were mainly a re-allocation of her current form's stat points. More importantly, the nature of Gearshift meant that every movement had to be done with great caution for the attack.

She quick selected into her inventory, tossing out a pair of silvery spheres with lines running on their equators, which proceeded to burst open into two purple gas-clouds, one ahead of her and one behind the red eyeball.

This revealed that she had another, more glassy item in her mouth, crunching it between her teeth, causing a red aura to spread around her body and a floating target marker to appear beside her. This item was a "Greater Pinpoint Focusing Lacrima" from Fair Retail: Chuunibyo Quest. It was one of the higher class normal drops that someone could get ahold of for boosting critical hits.

The targeting marker moved down and aimed at her opponent, directly on top of their closed eyelid.

"Gearshift: Maximum Horsepower." She brought her leg down in a spinning axe kick on the closed eye attempting to force it downwards, to crater it into the ground and ignore its invulnerability frames via a critical hit. This form left her vulnerable and placed all of her available Gearshifted points into attack power, but it was better to deal with any enemies that were thrown at the team as quickly as possible.

"You know, it really pisses me off to have to use Items, luckily, I have an extra large inventory space as part of my title..." She grunts through gritted teeth.

The miniboss did indeed go down easily, exploding with the typical "dew-dew-dew" of the early Zoom Kazoom games. Then the entire wall of the back of the room (opposite the door they entered) began sliding upwards, revealing a horde of minor enemies in a large atrium that resembled the interior of a late 90s, early 00s shopping mall. From fairly tame minions of Yukhoe in the shape of cartoon beetles, to more GORE 3D demon creatures like Fleshballs, to the turrets from Hinobi's puzzle platformer series Aperture, there were around 100 different entities who were immediately aggro'd by the Deadly Seven.

Terrible person or not, Pride was extremely worried, and did his best to get his act together lest they legitimately be killed. He loaded up a "planet killer" weapon into his SixerGun from the indie MMO God game and space empire simulator Giants & Immortals. Due to the game putting the players in the roles of gods and the game's bulk of Glitch potential coming from 3D models for ships or celestial bodies like planets, it was actually merely an insta-kill glass cannon rather than having the capacity to destroy the entire Earth if fired. After all, that was a game where you could literally mold continents and then plant life that would - ostensibly - worship you (in reality the worshippers were merely a game abstraction using numbers, you can't exactly create a space-faring civilization and not expect them to come kick your ass if they don't like their treatment, something Zoe had known from the beginning and was careful not to forget as she raised her personal universe from cavewomen to celestial overlords, but that's neither here nor there). Therefore, it was only natural that an entire planet be merely a basketball to the players of Giants & Immortals, and that a superweapon capable of destroying a planet be a threat to a player ONLY on par with a mere gunshot to the head. Pride had very limited ammo, as he and other holders of the title of Pride only got one use out of it, requiring the title to be passed on and retaken for it to be refreshed for a holder of Pride.

So far he had successfully saved up 3 shots of the Planet Killer, and was aiming to keep the 4th from this time with the goal of unlocking the first part of the "Gunter's Quest" created in collaboration by Gregarious Games, Dragon Crystal Studios, Abstergo and Volpe for THE FINALS. He didn't panic when he saw 100 enemies show up, or he wouldn't have had the ability to earn the title he held, but he did dodge a few attacks by ducking behind his teammates, resulting in Lust, Envy and Wrath losing a fair amount of health.

Them being there in person was supposed to be to (re)gain Zoe's trust by scaring her with a false flag operation and "rescuing" her avatar. Meanwhile the second-best IOI crew would break into her house to tamper with her equipment and blame it on another false flag "betrayal". IOI knew quite well that gaslighting worked wonders when you could literally wipe memories, and had been in planning for days, fully prepared to slander Hinobi, Biotechnica and Volpe with well-made deepfakes. Tampering and Biotechnica becoming aware of the plan had prevented that from coming into fruition, but the Seven Deadly Sixers now had bigger problems. Immortality was, indeed, not yet widespread enough to protect them or any similarly prodigy-level skilled GAME Mechanics en-masse from death, and no one was coming to rescue them... at least, not quite yet.

They'd have to make full use of their talent and skill, or they might just be the first outright fatalities in the Tech Support field.
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"Bendy's Dreamblight Valley: Surveillance Breach, Pt. 2", 4.6.2 "Typheus Browser"
As it turned out, this being would be the first of a new category of glitches... Verseborn.

Back when the Hiverse was being implemented in 2026, just a couple short years prior to the present (2028) in this tale, Hinobi found an ingenious way to prevent glitches from becoming apparent. After the infamous "Wreck-It Ralph" Botnet issues (which coincided with the co.vid Virtual Pandemic of 2019), the world was not willing to let anything get this close to digital apocalypse ever again. Exploits like co.vid, the v-On Suite of hacking tools, and any potential for anything even close to Bolypius was eliminated by two sets of e-Police.

The Western World tried to rely on a variety of contractors (including Hinobi and various local privately-operated teams) to provide tech support precisely because nobody trusted NetWatch. When THEY got involved, not only were they a corporation and an especially callous one at that, they were exclusively a digital PMC for the most corrupt western governments like South Africa and Australia as well as online black ops for the 1% on the rare occasion that the internet had threatened to destroy the status quo, and they got Rouxles Kaard elected in 2016 using targeted advertizing aimed by the world's largest partly-illegal datapoint libraries. Yes, NetWatch is literally Cambridge Analytica, enough said.

Though after Kaard was prevented from having a second term by the Electoral College (on the grounds that he is a convicted felon, even if there "ain't no law", go figure), NetWatch was on shaky ground and had just made sweeping layoffs, which meant the increasingly rowdy netizens of the Hiverse were getting very dissatisfied with the current, Neo Cyberpunk state of affairs that had flourished because countries ranging from Jamaica to France to India had also been tampered with in 2024 and hadn't been so lucky politically. Huge sections of the world had banned the Hiverse because if used with encryption it was essentially impossible to hack a properly-configured Hiverse node, including Canada (see here for what lead to it), but legally the Canadian Constitution limited the power of the CRTC (Canadian Radio-television Telecommunications Comission) to stop hardware sales of AugReal equipment. The rest of the government of Canada was legally obligated to let the CRTC handle it but the CRTC had to follow the Constitiution and nobody, least of all heavy Hiverse users, cared about the scarily more authoritarian Canadian government that had emerged after the 2025 Canadian Federal elections.

In the East, the Satella Police served the same function. Founded by a coalition of Japan, South Korea and Taiwan to repel PRC cyberattacks, they were a proper international e-Police organization rather than just a money-making machine.

The 2026 Dataklash had made some of it unclear, but Hinobi sought to make such a thing obsolete. Convinced by Volpe and the Neozilla Foundation that the internet needed to return to a more anarchic and flexible state, Hinobi pivoted it's anti-cheat from simply auto-capturing Glitches to filtering them. Known as the Reaper, or the D-Reaper in places like the Parawatch forums (a conspiracy theorist gathering spot that usually overthought things or - if they didn't overthink it - misinterpreted a Glitch as some sort of "anomaly"), the program would gauge the intelligence of everything in the network. Only input judged as less intelligent than a housecat were blocked from roaming freely about the Hiverse, anything from a housecat up to Bolypius or a human being or higher should (at least in theory, they'll probably never have the opportunity to test it's accuracy at judging spacefaring aliens) be able to pass the simple tests the anti-cheat placed to catch "robots".

The process had evolved since then but the accuracy had only improved and there were no cases of people being completely unable to enter the Hiverse. The Reaper was certainly scary-looking but not evil or even dangerous. Instead, it guided Glitches through a "sandbox" back into a non-Glitched form, then sent a "Glitch captured" signal to Hinobi who passed it on to the DNS servers, which is - aside from being the spinal column of the internet, sleepnet and Hiverse - was where all GAME Mechanics happen to get their live data from. The sandbox was essentially a filter and AI debugging assistant in one. If a detected Glitch was just glitched, they would be temporarily placed in a replica of their expected operating environment (Ah, we just launched the new update. Some Glitches were bound to happen!), and if that alone did not fix a Glitch then it would evaluate if that meant the Glitch could only be UNWANTED SOFTWARE TAMPERING! or if it was a false positive. So far, the LLM they trained had never had a false positive for good reason; it was mindless, but it had learned from patterns what was Glitch and what was not.

Except no one realized there was only one way (other than that not actually being the case, but we won't open that can of worms) that could properly work. It knew the difference because it had never seen Bolypius in its' training data. As far as the D-Reaper was concerned, Bolypius's source code was too pure to be a Glitch, therefore it could only be one of three things, a biological lifeform (ruled out by a lack of DNA), a transhuman (ruled out by its date of creation), or a legitimate piece of software.

Since Nightwolf Primal was - for whatever reason - yet another sapient Glitch, and his game was a VR title, the end result of him Glitching and somehow ending up in the Hiverse instead... was to also be considered too consistent and flawless (in terms of code stability and data integrity) a piece of software to possibly be a Glitch. Thus, as he leaped out the window onto the virtual streets of the Grand Forks Municipal Geonode, he found himself not in the real world but in a virtual one that looked similar but not as boring. Of course, it being the early morning, the only thing less boring about it was that the Moon was sponsored by Roberts Space Industries (makers of the first commercial spacecraft and the first organization to have financial insurance - provided by Holtow - on their spacecraft), and a few holographic AR thingies pointed out the names of stars whenever he focused his eyes on a spec of light in the sky.

As for what his game was to be, and what his backstory had made of him, well... (( Captain Wyldstorm Captain Wyldstorm Congrats! You're now writing characters in both plot threads! Gadg8eer's residence - and thus the portal to his Node Cluster - are just to the Southwest along 72nd Avenue. I need to pretend US Politics doesn't exist and hope people who are actually qualified to handle reality will end this madness without hurting anyone innocent. Until then, let's get this show on the road. ))
As Nightwolf looked around, they saw a SynTaxi cab payphone nearby. SynTaxi was a virtual "taxi" company that provided ad-supported movement within Hiverse nodes, though having just been made real she was probably not yet aware of that.
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"Bendy's Dreamblight Valley: Surveillance Breach, Pt. 2", 4.6.3 "Typheus Browser"
As Nightwolf looked around, he saw a SynTaxi cab payphone nearby. SynTaxi was a virtual "taxi" company that provided ad-supported movement within Hiverse nodes, though having just been made real he was probably not yet aware of that.
So... much... technology!!!
Poor Nightwolf looked like she was about to become overwhelmed from all the tech, and immediately attempted to hide in an alleyway.
"What is this land...?" She asked herself quietly.
(For future reference, Nightwolf is female with she/they pronouns. But still... DOUBLE PLOT DISTRACTION LOL)
"Bendy's Dreamblight Valley: Surveillance Breach, Pt. 2", 4.6.4 "Typheus Browser"
So... much... technology!!!
Poor Nightwolf looked like she was about to become overwhelmed from all the tech, and immediately attempted to hide in an alleyway.
"What is this land...?" She asked herself quietly.
(For future reference, Nightwolf is female with she/they pronouns. But still... DOUBLE PLOT DISTRACTION LOL)
The alley in question was just to the southwest of the private node they had just exited. Nearby, she saw she was surrounded by relatively small buildings, none nearly so extravagant as the glow-y cyberpunk-looking payphone or the persistent transparent overlay which gave the moon the look of a projector casting "RSI" onto the moon's face. The lines on the road were lit with an irredescant glow, but there were no truly obvious signs that this place was truly futuristic beyond that, and the glowing road markings were not afforded to the gravel alley between the location's single- and two-story houses. The city was very conservative about their Geoscape Node and didn't like too much tech being visible.
"Juan of Arcade World, Pt. 2", 4.2.16 "Neosaic Browser"
The miniboss did indeed go down easily, exploding with the typical "dew-dew-dew" of the early Zoom Kazoom games. Then the entire wall of the back of the room (opposite the door they entered) began sliding upwards, revealing a horde of minor enemies in a large atrium that resembled the interior of a late 90s, early 00s shopping mall. From fairly tame minions of Yukhoe in the shape of cartoon beetles, to more GORE 3D demon creatures like Fleshballs, to the turrets from Hinobi's puzzle platformer series Aperture, there were around 100 different entities who were immediately aggro'd by the Deadly Seven.

Terrible person or not, Pride was extremely worried, and did his best to get his act together lest they legitimately be killed. He loaded up a "planet killer" weapon into his SixerGun from the indie MMO God game and space empire simulator Giants & Immortals. Due to the game putting the players in the roles of gods and the game's bulk of Glitch potential coming from 3D models for ships or celestial bodies like planets, it was actually merely an insta-kill glass cannon rather than having the capacity to destroy the entire Earth if fired. After all, that was a game where you could literally mold continents and then plant life that would - ostensibly - worship you (in reality the worshippers were merely a game abstraction using numbers, you can't exactly create a space-faring civilization and not expect them to come kick your ass if they don't like their treatment, something Zoe had known from the beginning and was careful not to forget as she raised her personal universe from cavewomen to celestial overlords, but that's neither here nor there). Therefore, it was only natural that an entire planet be merely a basketball to the players of Giants & Immortals, and that a superweapon capable of destroying a planet be a threat to a player ONLY on par with a mere gunshot to the head. Pride had very limited ammo, as he and other holders of the title of Pride only got one use out of it, requiring the title to be passed on and retaken for it to be refreshed for a holder of Pride.

So far he had successfully saved up 3 shots of the Planet Killer, and was aiming to keep the 4th from this time with the goal of unlocking the first part of the "Gunter's Quest" created in collaboration by Gregarious Games, Dragon Crystal Studios, Abstergo and Volpe for THE FINALS. He didn't panic when he saw 100 enemies show up, or he wouldn't have had the ability to earn the title he held, but he did dodge a few attacks by ducking behind his teammates, resulting in Lust, Envy and Wrath losing a fair amount of health.

Them being there in person was supposed to be to (re)gain Zoe's trust by scaring her with a false flag operation and "rescuing" her avatar. Meanwhile the second-best IOI crew would break into her house to tamper with her equipment and blame it on another false flag "betrayal". IOI knew quite well that gaslighting worked wonders when you could literally wipe memories, and had been in planning for days, fully prepared to slander Hinobi, Biotechnica and Volpe with well-made deepfakes. Tampering and Biotechnica becoming aware of the plan had prevented that from coming into fruition, but the Seven Deadly Sixers now had bigger problems. Immortality was, indeed, not yet widespread enough to protect them or any similarly prodigy-level skilled GAME Mechanics from attaining it en-masse, and no one was coming to rescue them... at least, not quite yet.

They'd have to make full use of their talent and skill, or they might just be the first outright fatalities in the Tech Support field.
Let's see, A bunch of Elite Tech support people Skilled at Fighting Glitches that just took down a Fortress Boss that got bumped down to a Mini boss vs a Bunch of Regular Mooks...

In theory it should have been a Wash, Straight 2024 Detroit Lions type timing for the Sixers, But There were some Factors against them.

Factor 1:Numbers, There are Seven Deadly Sixers, the Keyword is Seven, Not even Double Digits. And Sloth had bailed out like the Little fucking Bitch he was, Sloth ain't a Real one.

The Mooks Meanwhile Measured at 100, Gummies, Mighty Mites, Magic Birdies, Dynamikes, (That is Walking Explosives) and those Ghost Enemies. And those were just from Yukhoes Ranks Alone. Keep in mind there were Those Aperture Turrets and The Demons from Gore3D to worry about.

Factor 2:A Cohesive Front (Teamwork that is.) the Sixers are motivated by various things, Money, one Upmanship, Their own Egoes and Anger Issues, needless to say the only reason they worked together was for their own ends and because they had to, Plus Sloth wasnt even a Real one, Fucking Bitch.

Not like the Mooks front was completely Cohesive either, Sure Yukhoe's Ranks were pretty Cohesive but that was just Yukhoes Ranks. There were Literal Demons from GORE3D, And The Aperture Turrets, all 3 of the Mook Factions weren't used to working with each other.

In short:The Mooks had a Narrow shot at Defeating the Sixers, A. VERY. NARROW. SHOT.
"Bendy's Dreamblight Valley: Surveillance Breach, Pt. 2", 4.6.5 "Typheus Browser"
The alley in question was just to the southwest of the private node they had just exited. Nearby, she saw she was surrounded by relatively small buildings, none nearly so extravagant as the glow-y cyberpunk-looking payphone or the persistent transparent overlay which gave the moon the look of a projector casting "RSI" onto the moon's face. The lines on the road were lit with an irredescant glow, but there were no truly obvious signs that this place was truly futuristic beyond that, and the glowing road markings were not afforded to the gravel alley between the location's single- and two-story houses. The city was very conservative about their Geoscape Node and didn't like too much tech being visible.
Nightwolf just curled up in a ball, hiding from everyone around her.
"Bendy's Dreamblight Valley: Surveillance Breach, Pt. 2", 4.6.6 "Typheus Browser"
Nightwolf just curled up in a ball, hiding from everyone around her.
At that moment, she noticed that "a light was on" "inside" a nearby affordable housing building. They wouldn't have known it, but Geoscape Nodes - which mostly resembled the map of a game like Highway Robbery Online or Smart_watch in scale and the complexity of the software engine - were pretty much empty shells of buildings with textures on the outside that you won't notice when you're in a hurry.

These textures had two states: Offline and Online. An offline private node of a building's IRL owner would appear completely dark at night, but if the node and it's owner were online, the texture would glow faintly to let others know someone was home.

In the case of apartments, the corridors and lobby and such would always be considered a public thoroughfare, so some of the windows looked more "real" in having transparent glass panes, while others appeared to merely have silhouettes behind curtains that didn't feel like they were more than a textured polygon.

A small robot labelled "WALL-E" could be seen in the transparent windows of the corridors, heading down the stairs on a set of caterpillar treads. The machine, if it could be referred to as merely a machine in spite of its' shy, compassionate nature, emerged from the structure's front door and zipped over to a ramp placed next to a green dumpster. The robot headed up the ramp, dumped a cube of compacted garbage into the bin from a compartment inside its torso through a panel on its front, and was about to head back inside when it spotted Nightwolf in the distance, looking distressed.

WALL-E carefully approached the "ghost" (how his AI interpreted AugReal entities), cautious but hoping to soothe whatever poor soul this was.
"Juan of Arcade World, Pt. 2", 4.2.17 "Nudle Crane"
"Nah. People keep non-sapient Glitches around all the time, though unlike Pentifer they're usually pets. Don't spread it around but he's like a good antithesis to Bolypius. Sapient, according to the Turing Meter." Hum explained, tapping an icon on his Hinobi-RobCo PIP-Boy, a device created in a collaboration between Hinobi and RobCo made during the 1970s Oil Crisis. "Hey, Juan, I'm going to pop the hood. I need you to flip the manual debugging switch from 'Fixed' to 'Broken'."

"What's a Turing Meter, again?" Juan asked, opening the hood and flicking a switch.

"A Geiger Counter but for self-awareness." Hum answered, and plugged his Gauntlet into the pink, bunny-themed Tech Van's USB-C port.

"...what's a Geiger Counter?" Elextrixtr added, as Hum tapped through some menues.

"...Look it up on Nobipedia or, if you need info only available to techs, look up Spoilerpedia now that you're a registered tech." Hum expressed, and pointed at the Vault-Tec Pip-Boy Mark V on Juan's left wrist. "But fun fact, if - like Juan - you have an actual Geiger Counter and it starts crackling as you get closer to something and then beeps annoyingly... Drop whatever radioactive material it's detecting and NOT the counter itself, run, and don't stop running until the counter is almost quiet, because it's probably labelled 'RADIOACTIVE DROP AND RUN' in capital letters for a very good reason. I think the Hinobi Store in Pripyat gets a surprisingly good soviet knockoff of the Hinobi Tech Gauntlet with a Geiger Counter function by default, those guys are hardcore badasses."

"Pripyat, Ukraine. I'm radioactive?" Pentifer asked.

"Oh, no, my bad. More like, ionizing radiation and sapience can both have purpose-built detector devices. Bolypius aside, sapience isn't inherently dangerous to everything in it's general vicinity, or we humans wouldn't have been around to create PLixel Tech. Cancer, as I'm sure you're aware from your backstory, is a relatively indiscriminate killer." Hum responded. "That, unfortuately, is why Ed's wife was uploaded using Horizen's new brain emulation tech. It works, but because you would just be a copy if it actually uploaded you, your brain is essentially file-sync'd to the brain emulation rig. Both the brain and the computer it's attached to become one, and when the brain dies, the mind lives on. That's how Melvin Ames Carne, the first person to become a transhuman, became undead. His real name is a mystery, but we know he used to be a top expert for the US Military and that his mind was too important to lose without fighting death itself as hard as possible. You know, like what they did with the brain of that Nazi rocket scientist slash evil mad genius in the Novel Comics movie Florida Man: The Winter Spoiler."

"But it's also pretty dubious technology for other reasons." Tobi pointed out. Hum nodded, opening a program to scan the file contents of the Tech Van's code. A progress bar slowly began to fill.

"Yeah." Hum agreed, "Unlike Gadg8eer, who only recently came around to the idea that maybe Melvin Carne really wasn't the greatest person and should not be the one - or ones, long story - pioneering transhuman living, I've always been willing to admit that about becoming a Zoenet. About 1 in 1000 attempts at immortality have resulted in an unresponsive lump of data in the shape of an avatar, rather than the mind upload that results the other 999 times a brain dies while hooked up to the machine. When it was revealed that Melvin cloned himself illegally countless times to have willing test subjects for unethical experiments, the scientific community pulled his creative license, but that only happened after the technology was approved for medical use."

"You said earlier you were worried about Ed's wife. What did she do that you think she wouldn't go to the place upstairs?" Pentifer asked.

"Ed's wife... She got a rare form of metastatic cancer, recently we all found out through the grapevine that she's not going to make it. Which in practice, means that if she's one of the unlucky ones... she really wouldn't make it." Hum explained. The scan was at 35%.

"But there is an afterlife." Pentifer responded, "Wait. Did humans make Heaven and Hell up?"

"To the best of our current knowledge, no there isn't and yes, we did. The details are still a mystery, but there isn't much evidence that any beings that would be called Gods ever existed. If there's no Gods, not even sufficiently-advanced aliens masquerading as gods, any afterlife that might potentially exist - by the nature of cause and effect - would have to be a creation of future or present day humans that does not yet truly exist. Zoenets are, in theory, immortal machines. Only problem is, it's not really immortality, because real computers actually have far less longevity than healthy and unblemished human bodies. It's rare for a computer from prior to the 1990s to still function today, and when they do the PLixels inside them have usually become prone to Glitches." he said, and checked the scan again. This time it was at 70%.

"Then she'll be gone before she knows it." Pentifer looked disheartened, knowing from his 'time' as a Lord of Hell - an angel assigned to punish the wicked and reform the suicidal, that life can be fleeting. "Will she at least be happy?"

"Hopefully, eventually. It takes a lot out of a person, their soul might be data but data is not just an illusion, and as I said, worst-case scenario is that her brain dies but it's all for nothing. Worse, except a Zoenet's family, nobody can visit them because the cybersecurity requirements needed for the Upload procedure are very tight. She can play singleplayer and local multiplayer games, but she can't talk to people unless they use a VR device attached to the Zoenet until she's been declared legally undead. If the brain is still alive, you literally have to airgap the brain-computer cybernetic being that the person becomes until they die because any interference by malware could do seriously nasty things, and for legal reasons no one undergoing the process is allowed to request their brain be killed as soon as they've integrated with the attached computer server. So it's a long, slow, boring wait unless you were already on borrowed time, and worse, if you are on borrowed time, there's a slim but very real chance that you'd be one of the 8 and a half million people out of 8 and a half billion alive today who for whatever reason, would die if they all tried to gain immortality via a Neural-Cybernetic Fusion Mind Transplant. That's the scientific term for 'make someone a Zoenet', and a Zoenet is a computer containing a self-aware and originally human mind."

"I... I didn't know." Pentifer said, sad. "You created us as a sort of prayer. You wanted to be saved from death so badly that you couldn't live without some hope of living forever, and when you tried it wasn't even good enough to actually save you."

"Not your fault. You wouldn't have been able to know, Melvin didn't succeed at his method of transhumanist ascension until 2010, a decade after your first game was published. It's not too bad, there are other ways to achieve immortality available now, but at the time being none of them are publicly available for a reasonable price. Fusion was the only way to do that for years, and only if you were dying of a lethal illness." Hum responded, his system at 70% still.

"Paid immortality?" Pentifer said, worried. He was well-aware of the hit 1980s genre-naming movie Cyberpunk 2013 and it's lukewarm sequel Cyberpunk 2020, though not of the ill-recieved Cyberpunk 2045 and the much more fondly-remembered Cyberpunk 2077. That last one was a new concept that was a smash hit. The main character, known in-game as 'V', was the viewer - specifically their body, Hiverse avatar, or PLixelf depending on whether they're still biological and whether they had a Hinobi ID - but rigged up as a digital actor. V wakes up as a passenger in the mind of the protagonist of the first movie, Johnny Silverhand, who has gone from Rockerboy celebrity to forgotten in the time between 2020 and 2077 as a metaphor of the changes between the 1980s and the year 2020 (when 2077 was shown in theatres) that made Cyberpunk irrelevant and then relevant again, like meeting an old friend and trying to reminisce but realizing your entire life sucked. Needless to say, the people who were reduced to playing games on discs again, during the co.vid_19 virtual pandemic that started eating the internet, ate that shit up.

"Hinobi makes these things called PLixelves, I actually found out about Gadg8eer becoming one after winning the Canadian National Bracket of the Hinobi HiTexpo when I saw him as his Hiverse avatar, but in real life, for the first time." Hum explained, spotting the system scan had jumped to 87%. "I was already aware he had won the Regionals and the Provincial but his simulation exposed that the hospital here is woefully underfunded and doesn't even have a surgeon anymore but needs one. See, it's mostly boring political stuff that has caused the most issues in recent history, not death. I won't go into details, but just a kilometer south of here in the States, they just elected the first female POTUS in '24 after having to wrench Hitl- I mean Kaard from literally committing mass voting fraud to steal the Presidency."

"What's a Potus?" Pentifer said, confused.

"Oh, right. Language drift. It's an acronym. President of the United States." Hum answered, and relaxed as the scan reached 98%. "Anyway, back to Gadg8eer. That's probably why he wasn't scared of Bolypius. He was more worried about everyone around him, since his prize makes him one of less than a thousand people in the world who have a PLixelf. Much worse odds than becoming a Zoenet, but he hit a jackpot. Too bad he's still broke as shit, but then I don't think you need cash when you're a living Hiverse Avatar." he explained, and then tapped the 'Okay' button which had appeared as the scan completed.

"Ah, that makes more sense." Pentifer said. "Hey, have you considered running for prez?" he asked Elextrixtr.

"We live in Canada." Juan pointed out.

"It's the middle of the night and I'm sweating in this hoodie, this can't be Canada." Pentifer half-joked. "Does it not actually snow here?"

"In winter it does. At least, most of Canada is pretty snowy in winter. Not so much in the summer." Juan pointed out.

"But here in Grand Forks specifically, we're in the only desert in Canada." Hum pointed out, and called up a map on his Gauntlet to demonstrate.

A U-shaped region was on the map, stretching from Grand Forks, British Columbia in the east down into Washington State in a U shape and then back up into Canada to the west of the other end, via Osoyoos through to the Okanagan.

"This area gets less rainfall due to the east-west valley making air currents a bit funky." Hum explained, and closed the map to return to his file scanner. "Not sure if it has a name, I keep having to explain this is a thing to yahoos on the internet who still think Canada has 6 feet of snow all year."
"Okay, enough exposition for you guys today. I'm gonna have to start charging by the hour for that. That, or I could ask head office to let me do the tech training videos from now on. Actually, that's not a bad idea." Hum let out a loud yawn. "Alright, I have a hunch about what's wrong with your van. Let me just..."

Hum took a damaged HCP out of one of his many pockets and opened a cover panel on his gauntlet, where an additional HCP slot had been "mostly safely" soldered to the main board. He carefully placed the HCP into the slot and modified a... frankly concerning number of dip switches before closing the panel. "Okay, let's take a peek under the hood, shall we?"

The HCP surged to life with arcs of unsafe-looking electricity. But he knew what he was doing. They didn't call him HardModeWarez just because it felt like sandpaper to pronounce. A hand of strange, mystical looking cards was dealt into his palm, though one seemed to scramble with unstable PLixels, showing only the shifting pattern of television static. Thankfully, the card he was looking for present: A one-eyed sailor, holding a spyglass backward in front of his eyepatch. The words "REVERSE LOOKUP" were printed plain as day at the top. Hum took the card, dealt it onto the dashboard, and, for reasons seemingly only known to him, honked lightly on the horn. Immediately, an entire deck's worth of the strange cards sprawled itself out in the air in front of him.

"Hmm... One of these things is not like the others!~" He took a card labelled "Fake Item Box" from the array of cards and flipped it to Juan with a flick of his fingers as the remaining cards shuffled themselves back into a deck. "No disassemble, Juanny Five, I found your problem. Somebody set this van to 'evil'. When was the last time you flushed the inventory on this thing?"
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"Bendy's Dreamblight Valley: Surveillance Breach, Pt. 2", 4.6.7 "Typheus Browser"
At that moment, she noticed that "a light was on" "inside" a nearby affordable housing building. They wouldn't have known it, but Geoscape Nodes - which mostly resembled the map of a game like Highway Robbery Online or Smart_watch in scale and the complexity of the software engine - were pretty much empty shells of buildings with textures on the outside that you won't notice when you're in a hurry.

These textures had two states: Offline and Online. An offline private node of a building's IRL owner would appear completely dark at night, but if the node and it's owner were online, the texture would glow faintly to let others know someone was home.

In the case of apartments, the corridors and lobby and such would always be considered a public thoroughfare, so some of the windows looked more "real" in having transparent glass panes, while others appeared to merely have silhouettes behind curtains that didn't feel like they were more than a textured polygon.

A small robot labelled "WALL-E" could be seen in the transparent windows of the corridors, heading down the stairs on a set of caterpillar treads. The machine, if it could be referred to as merely a machine in spite of its' shy, compassionate nature, emerged from the structure's front door and zipped over to a ramp placed next to a green dumpster. The robot headed up the ramp, dumped a cube of compacted garbage into the bin from a compartment inside its torso through a panel on its front, and was about to head back inside when it spotted Nightwolf in the distance, looking distressed.

WALL-E carefully approached the "ghost" (how his AI interpreted AugReal entities), cautious but hoping to soothe whatever poor soul this was.
Nightwolf slightly shrank back in fear, finding herself against the wall."..Where the hell am I?! How did I get through that fourth wall I saw?!"*She panicked silently.

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