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Multiple Settings Stray Dog Haven- Ghost's Pack

Ghost met Walker’s inquisitive gaze before briefly looking down at his paws. Of course, she had noticed. She always did.
For a moment, he considered how much to share. Walker was a close friend, a steady presence at his side, and if there was anyone he could trust, it was her.

“Have you noticed how Bo dotes on Agnes?” he said finally, motioning toward their friend. “It seems… effortless for him.”

There was no bitterness in his voice, only quiet observation. It was a simple truth—one Ghost had turned over in his mind more times than he cared to admit.

“Leading comes naturally,” he continued, a note of resignation in his tone. “But this?” He shook his head slightly. “Finding that kind of connection? I’m not sure I know how.”

Silence stretched between them, the distant rustling of the wind filling the space. Then, as if to shift the weight of his own admission, Ghost turned the question outward.

“What about you?” he asked, glancing at Walker. “Have you ever considered finding a mate? Having pups?”

His tone was even, his expression unreadable, but the question lingered—one part curiosity, one part deflection.

*** Still in his chair in the living room
Fawn’s tail nub wagged enthusiastically as she returned Ches’s friendly greeting, pressing a few warm licks to his snout. His presence was easy and she was glad for it.

She caught the way his words faltered when he mentioned his owner, and her heart ached with understanding. She had once known that same love, that same bond.

“You know,” she said softly, her gaze drifting across the room, “I had owners too. They lived here.” Her voice carried the weight of memory, of puppyhood filled with warmth and laughter. She could almost hear the tiny paws of her own pups scampering through the house, feel the love she had for them still lingering in her chest.

Her golden eyes found Ches’s once more, filled with gentle reassurance. “It’s okay to miss them,” she murmured. “That love doesn’t disappear just because we’re here now. But we can still find happiness, still make a home with Ghost’s pack.”

She offered him a warm, affectionate look before returning to the river topic.

“I suppose, being a Spaniel, I should know how to swim,” she mused with a soft chuckle. “But my owners never took me.” She recalled the long walks, the peaceful moments, but they had never quite reached the river before her owners would turn back, too weary to go farther.

“The father of my pups had, though,” she continued, her tone fond but distant. “He was always in the water, competing in sports. He told me all about it.” The memory of the brown-and-white male surfaced—polite, friendly, never a true mate, but a good companion in the moments they had shared. And together, they had brought beautiful, well-behaved pups into the world.

Fawn exhaled softly, her gaze drifting back to the river. “I always wanted to see it for myself. We got close a few times, but my owners… they were too old to walk the whole way.”

There was no sorrow in her voice, only quiet longing. A life left behind, but not forgotten. And perhaps, here, with Ghost’s pack, with Ches to take her, she could finally reach the river.
Agnes, who had been intently listening in on the meeting Ghost announced lightly and then to Albatross' loud remarks to Fawn, was currently being heftily pestered by Lumi. She had previously said how Chive was going to be quite alright, but the small white and black speckled pup wouldn't leave her alone. The medicine dog was just about to bite the little one's ears off, when Bo stepped up with a beautifully, sweet-scented flower. Her body relaxed, almost engrossed into the flavor of the air. The striker seemed to have gotten exactly what she had wanted. She dipped her head to Bo. "Good to hear. A slobbery mess wouldn't heal anyone, would it?"

She cocked her head to the side, attention geared back to Lumi, then the Calendula settled down. With a small eye roll, she bit into Lumi's scruff to get the English Setter's attention. "No need to part easy on me. All pups have to leave the ones they feel most comfortable with. You just have to give them' dogs a chance." Agnes flicked her tail to her packmates that stalled around in the room. "If you cling onto someone for too long, you won't learn how much better it is knowing you can trust several others." It was obvious why the pup was staying for much longer than usual. Agnes has seen several experiences like these happen back when she was at her paleskin's home. Even the two kittens she grew up with hadn't grown off Agnes' paleskin until later on. They all just needed some time.

"If you have too much anxiety about this, you can come back to me and I'll help soothe it down. But if it's not all that bad, than I can suppose we're both able to speak with Nessie, right? I'm sure that pitbull has plenty of time on her paws to finally notice you." Agnes raised her head, seeing Bo waited. "You can leave us be, or stay, your choice. But thanks again for the flowers, they seem good for my storage." She hummed, picking up the stems gently and holding them in her jaws with a tight grip.

Interactions/Mentions: SilverFlight SilverFlight , Society of Strays Society of Strays , & Chaotic Poem Chaotic Poem

expression darkened as the weight of Nessie's praise settled over him. His lips, once curved in a faint smile, straightened into a tight line, and the warmth in his golden eyes seemed to flicker and dim. The Kangal shifted his paws uncomfortably, the muscles in his broad frame tightening as though bracing against an unseen burden.

When he spoke, his voice was low and measured, stripped of the kindness that had surprised Nessie moments earlier. “I was simply doing my job,” Chief said, his tone distant and cold, as though distancing himself from the weight of her gratitude. He shook his head slightly, his large ears flicking back briefly.Chester was there, he would’ve done the same. Any dog here would’ve for that matter.”

His gaze briefly shifted toward the ground, as if trying to focus on something mundane instead of the emotions that threatened to bubble to the surface. Chief’s words came out as clipped and matter-of-fact, an unspoken wall rising between him and the earnest gratitude Nessie had offered. It wasn’t that he dismissed her feelings entirely, rather, he seemed unwilling to accept the weight of praise for what he saw as a duty, not an act deserving of recognition.

He let out a quiet sigh, then straightened his posture, looking away from her and toward others in the pack who were dispersing from the recent meeting. Though his body remained steadfast and stoic, there was a faint shadow in his expression—something unspoken lingering behind his guarded exterior. Whatever it was, Chief clearly preferred to leave it unvoiced, retreating into the steadfast role of protector rather than allowing himself to linger in the vulnerability her words might evoke.

Chief's attempt at a smile was slow and deliberate, the corners of his mouth pulling into an expression that, while slightly awkward, carried sincerity. His eyes briefly laid upon Nessie, and though his smile seemed forced, there was no mistaking the warmth behind it. Guarding came naturally to him. It was ingrained in every fiber of his being. But guarding himself, keeping those walls intact, felt just as instinctive. He feared what might happen if he let them crumble, if his vulnerability led to failure for those he wished to protect. Again.

As Nessie chuckled and spoke about her son with such genuine admiration, Chief found himself softening, his tension easing slightly. Her words carried the kind of love and pride that reached even him, though he hardly knew how to respond to it.

"You've surely got yourself a handful now, with Trinket and Lumi added to the mix," he said, his attempt at lightening the mood coming in the form of a low, rumbling quip. The words were accompanied by the faintest wag of his tail, a gesture that hinted at his endearment, even if he struggled to express it fully.

His tongue flicked over his nose in a quick, nervous gesture, betraying his unease as he continued. "I've probably got duties to attend to here soon," Chief added, his tone shifting to something slightly more uncertain, "but after, I'd not mind helpin' out with 'em."

Realizing how his words might be misinterpreted, he quickly tried to clarify, ears falling back in a brief moment of bashfulness. "Not that you can't do so yourself—you're more than capable," he said hurriedly, the candor of his statement clear in his tone. "Just thinkin' even dogs like you, Ness, need a break from time to time. I wouldn't mind givin' you that."
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Lumi stared up at Ages as she listened, tears welling in her round eyes, but when Agnes said she could come back if she was afraid, her tail began to wag again.
It seemed that was all she needed.
Bo looked on with a smile on his muzzle.
"Ok pup, howabout you go gather the other young'uns in the nursery, and I'll be up to read you all a story."

That did it, Lumi gave a little bounce for her excitement and galloped out the door.
Bo couldn't read, and he suspected the pups knew that too, but pretending he could and making up stories was one of Lumi's favourite games to play.

Lumi raced outside to Trinket, jumping on him playfully. "Trinket Trinket Bo's gonna read us a story!"

Bo watched the little pup dash away. "Seems like just yesterday we picked her up, huh Agnes?" He shot her a teasing look. "You wanna come up to the nursery for story time too?" He asked as he headed for the door.

Bo found Nessie, Chive and Rogue. "Hello dogs," He came up to Chive with a sympathetic smile, leaning closer to him to say in a low voice: "Heard you got into a bit of a tussle today." He gave the pup's wound a short sniff. "Ain't no shame in scars pup, they're the story of our lives written under our fur." To prove the point he put one paw forward, showing off a ribbon of white fur, where one of his own scars was.
"Got that one from a sheep." He admitted proudly.

CHUUYAS_HAT CHUUYAS_HAT m4ngy.mutt m4ngy.mutt Society of Strays Society of Strays Redrin Redrin

Chive's entire form wiggled happily, glad to be back in the company of who he'd consider his closest friend. His mood was quickly dampened, however, as Rogue caught smell of the raccoon that was still etched into his pelt. He held still as she examined his injuries, feeling her warm puppy breath as she snuffled over his head and neck. When she asked for his retelling of the ordeal, his instinct had been to shy away from the topic, but the female's comforting lap at his ear combined with her familiar face and scent made him stop. It was Rogue, after all. He could tell her anything, even if it was somewhat embarrassing. "Well... I was playing with Lumi and Trinket, and we were playing chase... And I chased her outside. And there was a smell out there! Like pale-skin food.... Rogue, it was like bread..." He paused on the word, his tail thumping against the ground. He knew how Rogue liked bread. It was the same way he felt about peanut butter. "So, of course I have to go investigate! Because, duh! And, and.... I was followin' my nose and all, and that took me into a bush, and there was this.... Critter! Well, I know now that it was a raccoon... I didn't at the time, though. I thought it was just an odd lookin' dog, honest! And it was eatin' that pale-skin food... It had a whole pile in front of it! Of course I wanted some... I asked real polite if I could... But that raccoon didn't say nothin', just stared at me... So, I thought maybe there was a language barrier or somethin'... Figured I'd try a bite - Just a small one! But, but... The raccoon didn't like that at all... Stingy critter attacked me! And, well... The rest is history, I suppose. Chief and mama got involved pretty quick so it wasn't too bad. And... I did get to eat the pale-skin food in the end. I would've saved some for you, but I was sorta anxious... Sorta just stress ate it all real quick... Sorry 'bout that..." The golden retriever detailed the events that had led to his gash. He felt better after confiding in Rogue, finally getting to share his side of the story. Upon concluding his tale, he smiled brightly and leaned forward to boop noses with his pal once again. "Okay, enough about me... Tell me about your day! And don't leave out any juicy details!" He woofed, excitement clear in his expression. He tilted his head in eager anticipation of her response. He hoped she'd gotten the chance to chow on some delicious food during her own adventures.
Chive was so engaged in his reunion that he was startled by the sound of Bo's voice directed at him. Sliding onto his belly, Chive offered a shy smile towards his much larger counterpart. "Thanks, Bo. And, well, you should see the other guy." Chive giggled. Sure, he hadn't been the one to end the raccoon's life, but the creature was still dead and Chive was still standing, so he'd take what small wins he could. The pup ogled the scar that Bo displayed, impressed. It made him feel somewhat proud of his own injury. Maybe the scar would make him look tough in front of Rogue and the other youngsters. "Woww... Tell us the story of your scar, Bo! It's storytelling time!" He yipped excitedly. It seemed everyone had fun stories to share tonight.

Nessie was startled by the sudden shift in Chief's mood. Unsure of what exactly she'd said or done to cause the darkening of his expression, the she-dog felt her own muscles tighten instinctively. He seemed displeased by her compliment, assuring her he'd only been doing his duty. She nodded stiffly, her golden gaze falling to the ground. She chose silence as her defense, no longer confident in her ability to continue the conversation. Her social skills were still limited, and she was still navigating the strange territory that came with understanding how to be a part of a pack.
Uncomfortable, she returned her attention to her pup. He was trembling with excitement, overjoyed to be in the presence of friends. It was her continual solace that she'd done the right thing by joining this pack, despite her moments of awkwardness and uncertainty. It was a learning curve, but one she was willing to navigate. For Chive's sake. And possibly for some of her own.
When Chief spoke again, his voice had returned to it's usual gentle tone. She looked back towards him, ears folded neatly against her nape. She took in his words and found a small smile forming on her lips as he backtracked his statements, finding his bashfulness somewhat endearing and amusing. Maybe they both felt a little clumsy in their interactions. The idea was comforting, made her feel less alone. "You're always welcome in the nursery, Chief. I know you've got your paws full of important work already, so rest assured there's no expectations of you from me. But, just know that I won't turn you away if you do ever happen to show up wanting to offer help." Nessie established good-naturedly. She rested her paw briefly on top of his own before making her departure, allowing the Striker to return to his aforementioned duties. Refocusing on her own responsabilities, the pit bull noticed Lumi dash outside after Trinket. She wasn't about to let there be a sequel to the day's unlucky festivities and so made her way through the room in pursuit of the dappled youngster. She'd make sure to chaperone the group to the nursery where she'd overheard they were all due for a storytime from Bo.

m4ngy.mutt m4ngy.mutt
Redrin Redrin
SilverFlight SilverFlight
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As Chive recounted his tale, Rogue listened intently, her ears perked, her eyes wide with curiosity. She didn't interrupt, not even when he mentioned bread, her absolute favorite food. Still, despite her best efforts, her tail thumped wildly against the floor, betraying her excitement. Before she knew it, her whole body was wriggling in anticipation, and she had to mentally scold herself to calm down. By the time Chive finished, only her tail was wagging again, though it twitched with restrained energy.
Hearing the full story from Chive was intriguing. It all sounded like a complete accident, so why was Ghost so worked up about it? But when she thought about it more, it made sense. He was the leader, and leaders carried weighty burdens. Rogue wouldn’t want that kind of responsibility, ever. No wonder he was on edge.
Then, at the mention of food, her stomach twisted. She hadn’t eaten since yesterday morning, too nervous the night before to stomach anything. But her role had changed now, and she knew she wasn’t allowed to eat yet. She pushed the thought aside.
“Oh, Chive, I’m sorry you got hurt like that,” Rogue gushed, leaning forward with sympathy. “But don’t worry! I bet all the grown-up dogs have made mistakes too,” she assured him, playfully bopping his nose in return. Then, she straightened up, chest puffed out with pride at the mention of her own adventure.
“Chive, you won’t believe it!” she began, her voice rich with excitement. Leaning in, she took a fighting stance, spreading her paws wide as if ready to pounce. “In a dark, smelly ravine, I came face to face with the largest, most powerful…” She paused for dramatic effect, her eyes gleaming. “The King of Rats!”
With a sharp bark, Rogue bounced into the air as if reliving the moment.
“He was guarding a blanket, one I knew we needed for the nursery pups. At first, I was scared, I’ll admit it,” she added, lowering her voice as if revealing a great secret. “But then Bo came in and, oh, Chive, he was amazing! He told me exactly what to do, and with a little skill on my part, I took down that rat! I made my first kill! Can you believe it?”
She couldn’t hold still any longer; her paws danced against the ground, her entire body quivering with pride. The way she recounted the tale made it sound thrilling, not nearly as terrifying as it had actually been. Telling Chive about it made her relive the best parts, the parts where she had been brave.
Just as she thought she was finished, another memory struck her, and she crouched into a playful bow.
“But then, Ghost poked his nose right into a whole nest of the buggers!” Rogue yipped, tail wagging furiously. “We ran so fast, Chive. I don’t think anything could have caught us!” She ended her story with a triumphant nod of her creamy head, still basking in the glow of her own adventure.
However, her excitement quickly faded as Bo approached. At first, Rogue tensed, sure he was coming to reprimand her for chatting or give her another task. Her tail tucked between her legs, ears pinning back instinctively. When he got close enough, she gave his chin a quick, submissive lick, hoping to appease him. But Bo wasn’t here for her, he was here for Chive. Rogue’s body relaxed, her tail beginning to wag again. He was inviting the pups for a story, but… was he inviting her? She wasn’t a puppy anymore. She was Bo’s apprentice now. Would it be wrong for her to sit in on a tale meant for the younger ones?
Slowly, she edged back, hovering on uncertain paws. Should she stay? Should she go? Her stomach rumbled again, reminding her of how hungry she was. Maybe she should slip away and find something to eat. But Bo was her mentor. Stories could be a part of her training, right? Rogue hesitated, ears flicking as she waited for some sign, some clue, of what she was supposed to do next.

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