Creator of Dreams
- One on One
- Group
Shenra thought for a moment, then her face brightened for a second. "That's it! That's the first time you've said something that makes sense, Luminita! They sure must be the ones bribing the guards! Then if we knock them out and use the coin they have in their pockets, we could be a stand-in for the bribers and bribe the guards ourselves!" She looked hopeful at the other two. "Could you make a distraction so I can use blunt force and knock those two out?"
Without waiting for an answer, she handed the torch to Elodie, crept forward and hid behind a wooden crate that was between the two ruffians and Elodie and Luminita. The loud voices were clearer now, and she could hear some of the conversation. "...tween now and a week. Maybe the boss wants us to be there too. I wouldn't mind getting a fat pay from just guarding when the transfer happens." A lower voice answered. "Yesh, but I shink that the bosh only wantsh hish besht men, not ush. It'sh hish biggesht job ever, sho he wantsh it to shucsheed. It'sh not every day he getsh to deal with the Shupreme Lord himshelf." Shenra thought for a moment. A transfer? What does that entail? Do they mean... people?
Shenra signed to the others and gave the thumbs up. She waited for them to act so she could pounce onto the two at the entrance.
Without waiting for an answer, she handed the torch to Elodie, crept forward and hid behind a wooden crate that was between the two ruffians and Elodie and Luminita. The loud voices were clearer now, and she could hear some of the conversation. "...tween now and a week. Maybe the boss wants us to be there too. I wouldn't mind getting a fat pay from just guarding when the transfer happens." A lower voice answered. "Yesh, but I shink that the bosh only wantsh hish besht men, not ush. It'sh hish biggesht job ever, sho he wantsh it to shucsheed. It'sh not every day he getsh to deal with the Shupreme Lord himshelf." Shenra thought for a moment. A transfer? What does that entail? Do they mean... people?
Shenra signed to the others and gave the thumbs up. She waited for them to act so she could pounce onto the two at the entrance.