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Fandom (Glitch Techs Crossover) GT×: Gnu Fork

"Bendy's Dreamblight Valley: Surveillance Breach, Pt. 2", 4.6.8 "Typheus Browser"
Nightwolf slightly shrank back in fear, finding herself against the wall."..Where the hell am I?! How did I get through that fourth wall I saw?!"*She panicked silently.
Well, it was a WALL-E. Like a weird cross between The BRIX Movie and a Pixar film, in Sidney's The Loneliest Robot on Earth, a subtle product placement for the Buy-n-Large "Waste Accumulative Load Lifter Engine" was turned into a surprisingly good feature film. In other words, "Roomba: The Movie" made the WALL-E line the flagship of BnL's RefUrbanoid ("Refurbished Urbanoid HCP") product line of backwards-compatible household robots.

While the WALL-E that was in the movie was merely based off of the missing one that had "disappeared" when Erwin O'Skunk fled his former hometown of New Pemberton, this one was the real deal. He wouldn't be hooking up with an EVE unit, but then it wasn't the exact same one so the canon of the movie was unaffected. In this case, the WALL-E was quite happy living with a kindly old lady, though he was empathic enough to go out of his way to help someone in distress.

Unsure of how to handle the scared hologram, but recognizing they probably couldn't hurt him, WALL-E approached to what would feel like a comfortable distance for Nightwolf. "I... WALL-E. You?"
"Juan of Arcade World, Pt. 2", 4.2.18 "Nudle Crane"
"Okay, enough exposition for you guys today. I'm gonna have to start charging by the hour for that. That, or I could ask head office to let me do the tech training videos from now on. Actually, that's not a bad idea." Hum let out a loud yawn. "Alright, I have a hunch about what's wrong with your van. Let me just..."

Hum took a damaged HCP out of one of his many pockets and opened a cover panel on his gauntlet, where an additional HCP slot had been "mostly safely" soldered to the main board. He carefully placed the HCP into the slot and modified a... frankly concerning number of dip switches before closing the panel. "Okay, let's take a peek under the hood, shall we?"

The HCP surged to life with arcs of unsafe-looking electricity. But he knew what he was doing. They didn't call him HardModeWarez just because it felt like sandpaper to pronounce. A hand of strange, mystical looking cards was dealt into his palm, though one seemed to scramble with unstable PLixels, showing only the shifting pattern of television static. Thankfully, the card he was looking for present: A one-eyed sailor, holding a spyglass backward in front of his eyepatch. The words "REVERSE LOOKUP" were printed plain as day at the top. Hum took the card, dealt it onto the dashboard, and, for reasons seemingly only known to him, honked lightly on the horn. Immediately, an entire deck's worth of the strange cards sprawled itself out in the air in front of him.

"Hmm... One of these things is not like the others!~" He took a card labelled "Fake Item Box" from the array of cards and flipped it to Juan with a flick of his fingers as the remaining cards shuffled themselves back into a deck. "No disassemble, Juanny Five, I found your problem. Somebody set this van to 'evil'. When was the last time you flushed the inventory on this thing?"
"Not my van, compadre." Juan reminded him. "I wouldn't be caught dead driving-"

"You drove my van just yesterday!" Tobi reminded Juan.

"-something salmon-colored?" Juan nervously, trying to lessen the impact. "Ow!" he said as Tobi jabbed him lightly in the ribs with her elbow.

"What's in the inventory? I've been meaning to sort through it, but my Sylladex config is awful and we're not supposed to make use of our Tech stuff off-duty." Tobi asked.
"Bendy's Dreamblight Valley: Surveillance Breach, Pt. 2", 4.6.9 "Typheus Browser"
Well, it was a WALL-E. Like a weird cross between The BRIX Movie and a Pixar film, in Sidney's The Loneliest Robot on Earth, a subtle product placement for the Buy-n-Large "Waste Accumulative Load Lifter Engine" was turned into a surprisingly good feature film. In other words, "Roomba: The Movie" made the WALL-E line the flagship of BnL's RefUrbanoid ("Refurbished Urbanoid HCP") product line of backwards-compatible household robots.

While the WALL-E that was in the movie was merely based off of the missing one that had "disappeared" when Erwin O'Skunk fled his former hometown of New Pemberton, this one was the real deal. He wouldn't be hooking up with an EVE unit, but then it wasn't the exact same one so the canon of the movie was unaffected. In this case, the WALL-E was quite happy living with a kindly old lady, though he was empathic enough to go out of his way to help someone in distress.

Unsure of how to handle the scared hologram, but recognizing they probably couldn't hurt him, WALL-E approached to what would feel like a comfortable distance for Nightwolf. "I... WALL-E. You?"
"...N-Nightwolf..." her voice, obviously showing overwhelmed and overstimulated signs, quietly escaped the clearly cautious being.
"Bendy's Dreamblight Valley: Surveillance Breach, Pt. 2", 4.6.10 "Typheus Browser"
"...N-Nightwolf..." her voice, obviously showing overwhelmed and overstimulated signs, quietly escaped the clearly cautious being.
"Hello... Nigh-it-wolf!" WALL-E softly said. "You... need... help?"
"Bendy's Dreamblight Valley: Surveillance Breach, Pt. 2", 4.6.11 "Typheus Browser"
"Hello... Nigh-it-wolf!" WALL-E softly said. "You... need... help?"
Nightwolf perked up, her eyes slightly sparkling as she realized it was worried. "Y-Yeah, uh... where am I..?"
Of course she'd ask that. "This place is... really overwhelming and I do not like overwhelming places..." she admitted.
"Bendy's Dreamblight Valley: Surveillance Breach, Pt. 2", 4.6.12 "Typheus Browser"
Nightwolf perked up, her eyes slightly sparkling as she realized it was worried. "Y-Yeah, uh... where am I..?"
Of course she'd ask that. "This place is... really overwhelming and I do not like overwhelming places..." she admitted.
If WALL-E units were programmed to be more vocal, they probably would choose to be more talkative if they were to gain a Glitch personality, but as the line was originally made to take garbage out and look cute/cool, this one had of course developed a personality from that basic code. It wasn't unheard of for most robots to display traits similar to heavy autism when they gained some sort of personality, though to be fair such an occurrence hadn't happened since the Urbanoid-compatible Killbot Incident of 2000 for obvious reasons.

As such, WALL-E didn't quite know what to do himself, but he had a good idea of who could, and after putting his grasper to a spot roughly equivalent to his chin in a moment of thought ( He was made in the early 1990s, his Random Access Memory was in the kiloPLixels; I think we can cut him a break :P ) snapped his gripper-appendages to express getting an idea and motioned to follow him back to the building the little robot emerged from.
"Bendy's Dreamblight Valley: Surveillance Breach, Pt. 2", 4.5.19 "Volpe Gogglefox for SphenuXR"
The mirror shimmered as the Matroishka accepted the request, and Gadg8eer stepped through into the Matroishka and looked around...
Zoe turned her head to the side and rose her arm, letting a single finger raise. "Gate." She said, and a see-through portal to a large white area opened up.


"If we're not going for ringouts, the standard modular combat experimentation room should work." She tells Gadg8.

"I hope you're not touchy about me showing you how I think your abilities should be used. Namely that you should stockpile and craft as much fuel as you can for that jetpack, or get one that doesn't rely on something like ammo. Maybe one that has a regenerating fuel meter or something." She says, stepping inside. "It's crucial to like, half of the things I'm gonna show you. So aim for that."
"Bendy's Dreamblight Valley: Surveillance Breach, Pt. 2", 4.6.13 "Typheus Browser"
If WALL-E units were programmed to be more vocal, they probably would choose to be more talkative if they were to gain a Glitch personality, but as the line was originally made to take garbage out and look cute/cool, this one had of course developed a personality from that basic code. It wasn't unheard of for most robots to display traits similar to heavy autism when they gained some sort of personality, though to be fair such an occurrence hadn't happened since the Urbanoid-compatible Killbot Incident of 2000 for obvious reasons.

As such, WALL-E didn't quite know what to do himself, but he had a good idea of who could, and after putting his grasper to a spot roughly equivalent to his chin in a moment of thought ( He was made in the early 1990s, his Random Access Memory was in the kiloPLixels; I think we can cut him a break :P ) snapped his gripper-appendages to express getting an idea and motioned to follow him back to the building the little robot emerged from.
Nightwolf quietly and hesitantly got up, deciding to follow the small and friendly robot.
"Bendy's Dreamblight Valley: Surveillance Breach, Pt. 2", 4.5.20 "Volpe Gogglefox for SphenuXR"
Zoe turned her head to the side and rose her arm, letting a single finger raise. "Gate." She said, and a see-through portal to a large white area opened up.

View attachment 1200405

"If we're not going for ringouts, the standard modular combat experimentation room should work." She tells Gadg8.

"I hope you're not touchy about me showing you how I think your abilities should be used. Namely that you should stockpile and craft as much fuel as you can for that jetpack, or get one that doesn't rely on something like ammo. Maybe one that has a regenerating fuel meter or something." She says, stepping inside. "It's crucial to like, half of the things I'm gonna show you. So aim for that."

"I mean, I can't really argue if it's objectively a more effective method." Gadg8eer shrugged. "What's your recommendation beyond that it involves spamming my jetpack?"
"Bendy's Dreamblight Valley: Surveillance Breach, Pt. 2", 4.6.14 "Typheus Browser"
Nightwolf quietly and hesitantly got up, deciding to follow the small and friendly robot.
Inside, WALL-E led Nightwolf up the stairs to the second floor, and knocked on Mrs. O'Skunk's door. A VidWindow opened to show that it was receiving data from the little robot. The intent was just to declare a virtual visitor was requesting permission to enter, using Blume's "EZ-Habbo" SmartHotel AI manager system.

As Nightwolf followed behind, reaching the top of the stairs, the door of the unit across from the one the robot was attempting to enter opened, and what appeared to be an 11 year old girl straight out of Dudley Dunsparce and the Fountain of Youth. "Pardon my interruption. WALL-E, did you see Oliver leave this way? I need administrator permission to install a-" she was saying, when she noticed Nightwolf. "Oh! Hello, I'm Germaine. Are you a visitor or a new neighbour?"
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"Bendy's Dreamblight Valley: Surveillance Breach, Pt. 2", 4.5.21 "Volpe Gogglefox for SphenuXR"
"I mean, I can't really argue if it's objectively a more effective method." Gadg8eer shrugged. "What's your recommendation beyond that it involves spamming my jetpack?"
"Proper usage doesn't require spamming. A jetpack is a maneuverability-centric passive, so you should use it as a modifier to your other abilities." She states. "Take into consideration that using your cleats, you have a rolling maneuverability." She says.

She moves to change her outfit, selecting from a menu to enter a tight black tubeneck with long sleeves and baggy white pants. "That allows for quicker movement but has an acceleration vector and only really works on certain surfaces."

She copies the abilities, the pair of roller-cleats appearing on her shoes and the jetpack on her back.

"With the use of the maneuverability from the jetpack, you have the option to strafe or spin in a direction of choice through light bursts of either engine. You can use it correctionarily, and in a pinch, you can spin yourself around to halt momentum, though I don't recommend it because it leaves your back vulnerable."

"Additionally, by angling properly against walls, you can briefly walljump or chain them to create a sliding effect."
"Bendy's Dreamblight Valley: Surveillance Breach, Pt. 2", 4.5.22 "Volpe Gogglefox for SphenuXR"
"Proper usage doesn't require spamming. A jetpack is a maneuverability-centric passive, so you should use it as a modifier to your other abilities." She states. "Take into consideration that using your cleats, you have a rolling maneuverability." She says.

She moves to change her outfit, selecting from a menu to enter a tight black tubeneck with long sleeves and baggy white pants. "That allows for quicker movement but has an acceleration vector and only really works on certain surfaces."

She copies the abilities, the pair of roller-cleats appearing on her shoes and the jetpack on her back.

"With the use of the maneuverability from the jetpack, you have the option to strafe or spin in a direction of choice through light bursts of either engine. You can use it correctionarily, and in a pinch, you can spin yourself around to halt momentum, though I don't recommend it because it leaves your back vulnerable."

"Additionally, by angling properly against walls, you can briefly walljump or chain them to create a sliding effect."
Reacting to Zoe's will, the Matroiska provided a swarm of nanomachines to form an obstacle course out of "dust". It had a zig-zagging path, what appeared to be a Japanese sand garden, and a series of those blocks that disappear and reappear in a hard-to-remember pattern over some sort of nasty game hazard like boiling koo- I mean "lava", various point-ed spineties, or a non-euclidean bottomless pit of dubious plausibility.

Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada
2028-06-29@421.24 Winks
"We are now ready for takeoff, Mr. Strong." the autopilot of the IOI private jet said to Gavin.

"Finally. This day can't get any worse." Gavin grumbled. "AUTO, execute order 66."

"Aye-aye, Mr. Strong. Attention all passengers. Due to turbulence, we will be deploying lo-fo smooth jazz to relax and do evil planning to in 3... 2... 1..."

And then a "vaporwave" song that was literally just Kenny G slightly muffled and slowed down started to play.

"Ah. I've been waiting a long time for this... The finger pyramid of evil contemplation." Gavin said, sitting back in his luxury leather massage recliner. "If we can't get Ms. Wingon to join our team, I think I know who will. AUTO, have my secretary contact user ID Xer0_h0ur."

Kyoto, Japan
2028-06-29@421.73 Winks
"...and this? This is my favorite tactic." Xer0_h0ur said to his streaming fans. "Watch this."

2028-06-29@422.15 Winks
"Got you- Wait, what?" a random gamer girl said. "You can't dodge that. You CAN'T-"

Kyoto, Japan
2028-06-29@422.16 Winks
"TELEPORTS BEHIND YOU!" he obnoxiously stated, and backstabbed his opponent in Oversight Squadrons 2: Zenith Legends. "Done like dinner." he laughed, and glanced at the stream chat.

hotcoffee_squad: Isn't that cheating?

loneWanderer: yeah pretty sure he's using hax

kimmie66: this guy is the hack. what a waste of 45 minutes. can't believe i watched this $#!+ just for the free cosmetic items.

"Pssh, whatever. This is a pro-gamer move, you're just jealous." Xer0_h0ur deflected.

Parzival: What team do you play in then?

Xer0_h0ur paused for a second. He couldn't lie but he couldn't tell the truth either.

IOI-616000: Ours, of course.

Xer0_h0ur blinked. Had he just seen that?

Parzival: Wow, what a sellout.

loneWanderer: Oh, you're one to talk, Parzival. How's the luxury condo, you poser? Hope it was worth ruining your own book with a ghostwritten sequel and a shitty VR tech demo disguised as a full price game for. Gregarious Games are a bunch of hypocrites. Seriously though, damn, and here I thought Xer0 was a Libertarian.

"Why the hell do you randos even watch me then?" Xer0_h0ur said, annoyed.

Parzival: Watching you try to bluff your way to stardom was entertaining, until it turned out you're just corpo clickbait. Enjoy welcoming your new IOI overlords, I have an easter egg hunt to win.
Parzival has logged off.

loneWanderer: Who watches game streams anymore? I just popped in to see if you'd come crawling back with your tail between your legs when you realize that. Bye.
loneWanderer has logged off.

kimmie66: i have class in half an hour. later.
kimmie66 has changed their status to idle.

"And you? You need to leave me hanging alone?" Xer0 asked.

hotcoffee_squad: No. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

"I'm straight." Xer0 annoyedly pointed out.

hotcoffee_squad: I'm female. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
hotcoffee_squad was banned for this post

"Damn, I could've tapped that but... not on air. I do that, and as Zarkiplier used to say, hoes gon' get me de-monetized. What do they think this is, a harem anime? Anyway, thanks for saving my respawn timer from an uncomfortable question. What do I owe you this time?" Xer0_h0ur asked.

IOI-616000: We need fresh talent to meet the requirements of an e-sports team. You seem to know your way around scratches, snaps and system restores, legality aside. How would you like a job?

"You know I'm broadcasting, right?"

IOI-616000: And as of a year ago, we own this streaming platform.

"But that's censorship. Is that even legal?"

IOI-616000: Contrary to popular belief, the US Constitution doesn't protect freedom of speech on a corporate-run communication system.

"Well, I don't want to end up like that guy you threw out a window. Or was that Arasaka that did that?"

IOI-616000: So we have a deal?

"Sure, but I don't come cheap. I'm the best game hacker in the biz, after all."

IOI-616000: Yes, I'm sure you are. Interesting how none of your neighbors or your landlord have pointed out they know you're Chinese on a fake passport. It would be a shame if you were suddenly reported as a PRC spy...

"I can probably bend to this, but don't push your luck. My bosses have every reason to kill you already. Minimum wage and a spot in the Seven Deadly Sixers. Final offer."

IOI-616000: Very well. You will receive details via other, more professional channels. You should expect a package soon.

At that moment, someone knocked on Xer0_h0ur's apartment door.

"That soon?" he asked. No response came, so he headed to the door. Waiting outside for him was a small box labelled with stamps from various shipping companies, including "Planet Express", "Redwing Couriers" and the logo of the Japanese postal service, but the company of origin was the most prominent... Metacortex.

He tore it open and found two things inside. A tablet PC and an IOI-branded smartwatch.

As he picked up the tablet, it unexpectedly turned on to show a video call with a woman in white hair.

"Mr. Lee?" the woman presumed.

"Shh! I have a username for a reason."

"Ah. Yes, right. I assumed, though with actual knowledge of the culture, that the name was common enough it wouldn't matter. 92 million is a very sizable number of people for anyone to rule out, believe me, we've tried. Mister... Anihiro... no. Apologies, I'm reading this in the wrong direction... Mister Yomata. There we go. Excuse me for a second... I KNOW YOU'RE INSTALLING EQUIPMENT UP THERE BUT KEEP IT DOWN! WE'RE TRYING TO WORK!" she said, and turned back to the screen. "Oh, well that's just unprofessional of me. I missed the mute icon when I clicked and haven't even introduced myself. My username is Mirage. I'll just cut to the chase."

A contract appeared on the tablet screen.

"Read this over, sign it if you agree. Basic rundown is, you're signing a sponsorship deal to be a contestant in Season 1 of a new e-sport league." the woman explained. "The sponsorship deal is with my employer, Innovative Online Industries. You'll be playing alongside other members of your team per match, depending on game mode, pay is minimum wage plus permanent ownership of the #7 Top Score in the IOI Employee Rewards Program. You'll also be considered IOI Tech Support for the purposes of public records, enrolling you in the IOI Employee Rewards Program." Mirage explained.

"One problem. I don't do tech support. Can you fake it?" Xer0_h0ur asked.

"No. Let's just say there's a very important reason Tech Support has to sign an NDA, and it's not just protecting trade secrets of a single company. Remember when you called about a broken router last week?" Mirage said.

"No, it started working again. How'd you know I had internet trouble? I'm in Japan, not Ohio, and I definitely didn't get hacked with the Party breathing down my neck. They should have been on it if my computer so much as sneezed." Xer0_h0ur pointed out.

"I'm afraid I can't tell you unless you sign the NDA, but rest assured your Party is well aware of what happens when a video game starts to Glitch."

"When a video game starts to glitch..." Xer0_h0ur recalled. It felt like an oddly familiar saying. He took his phone out of his pocket and tapped it to the tablet's edge, which triggered the use of his Arasaka ID (mostly a formality due to it being an alternative to having a Hinobi ID, an alternative that was actually taken seriously in Japan, unlike how having one in North America or Europe was like having an Epic Games account as your primary gaming account irl) to sign the agreement.

"Okay, now put on the IOI smartwatch that was included with the tablet."

Xer0_h0ur did his best to pretend he was doing so just now, instead of having had it on for 3 minutes. "Done."

"Good. Power it on."

"I'm no rookie."

"Yes, but you're a leaker to the CCP working at the Matsushiba robot factory. Now you need to also be Tech Support."

"I'm listening." he said, and powered on the smartwatch.

"Hello, Mr. Yomata. Would you prefer I call you Taro, Mr. Yomata, or a nickname derived from Xer0_h0ur?"

"Xer0 is fine." he told it.

"Thank you, I will pronounce it as Zero. My name is ADA, and I am currently an AI algorithm product created by Abjad, Incorporated at the Nudle Campus. My current owner is Innovative Online Industries, a Limited Liability Corporation based out of the United States, but I have been modified to sever all ties with the American government for the purposes of sale within the People's Republic of China."

I was wondering why my internet back home was like a turtle on its back. he joked internally. "We're in Japan, and as far as anyone else should know about me, that's always been the case."

"Already accounted for, but thank you for confirming, Zero." ADA responded.

"I'll let you two get acquainted." Mirage said, and ended the call.

"Wait, I'm supposed to be briefed... by an AI?" Xer0 asked.

"A Language Learning Model, actually. I am not capable of output without input, or in layman's terms, I don't look like it but I'm really just a mindless machine with no soul or free will. However, I have been given instructions from IOI on how to proceed before you are granted a user license. Please tap the icon labelled XR Scanner on your Horizen Smartwatch."

He followed the instruction, thinking his mission info was disguised within a modified copy of an AugReal app. He was greeted by a HUD that was part of what looked like an augmented reality game like Flunky Quest Red Ace Version.

"This is just a video game. I know it's my specialty but what's going on here, Ada?" he asserted.

"Tech Support is not a game. This is an Ingression Scanner, the result of Project Niantic." Ada explained.

"Project Niantic was vaporware." he pointed out.

"Project Niantic was a cover story for a joint program between the US Navy, Innovative Online Industries, and Hinobi Technologies in the New 10s. Welcome to the world of the Glitch-Augmented Mesotechnological Entity Mechanics, or GAME Mechanics for short. You are identified as IOI-616007, one of the IOI Sixers."

"You're telling me IOI's glorified bowling team is actually a front?"

"How familiar are you with PLixel technology, Zero?" Ada asked.

"I'm involved in cryptography-breaking. AugReal displays are something even I only barely understand."

"Permastatic Liminal X-Cels, also known as PLixels or Xels in street slang, were invented by Dr. Hiro Tadashi at Krei Technologies in pre-Metrobelt San Fransokyo in the 1930s, and adopted by Dr. Albert W. White at the Los Almas National Laboratory in 1943 for use in the Philadelphia Experiments. It was then integrated into the warheads of the Manhattan Project, used for non-lethal neutralization of mainland Japan in 1945. Post-War, they became standard due to adoption by RobCo, Arasaka Corporation, Panoramic, Hinobi, Wiwang, and various other electronics manufacturers. As PLixels are mesomachines, they are capable of manipulating reality to project solid entities from digital records. What even most Tech Support workers do not know is that PLixels do not rely on standard mechanical principles even as molecular-scale robots. The version developed by Dr. Tadashi was the size of a teddy bear, while the versions used in Game Boy and Pack Man were self-replicating military-grade machines - primitive RoboWars - known as Omnidroids that were the size of battle tanks. They still had the same capabilities as modern PLixels in lesser quantities, but not the miniaturization. The secret has always been that PLixels use what appears to be a backdoor to the laws of reality itself, allowing access to an API of unknown but extremely large scope. As you are already trained in resisting torture efforts, you are permitted by the PRC to know this fact. Local laws are not as favorable due to your illegal status and the lack of regulations towards captured espionage agents, but keeping State-sponsored espionage and this secondary employment separate is in everyone's best interest and nothing you do on duty will break any Japanese laws. Keep in mind this information is not meant to be used and it is a war crime to modify reality in ways that violate sapient beings under the UN Charter of Human Rights - thus including Japan - and within some non-signatory Nation-States including the People's Republic of China."

"A lot to take in, but I think I get it. You're the guys who go around wiping memories and fixing major disasters, then."

"Correct. The PRA has military divisions with access to devices like this gauntlet who are considered First Responders. As an IT company, IOI is obligated to provide Tech Support for their systems within their service area of the United States. You may find the Memory Reset and System Restore functions in the menues available to you. However, you have not technically been hired for tech support, only listed as one in military, medical and police records to get around a restriction."

"I thought what I was doing was legal?"

"It is. The UN Charter of Rights says so. This is not a game, but THE FINALS is. While I am subject to laws preventing abuse towards humans and other free willed beings, it is not a war crime or an enforceable breach of law to cheat at a sport, only a violation of game rules. Being caught only comes with minimal penalties, especially given that you registered using a false identity. As they say, if you don't get caught, it's not really cheating."

"I like the sound of this job now." Xer0_h0ur smirked. "So tell me... how did IOI get ZoeIRL on the team?"

"I don't see ZoeIRL among the other teammates." Ada responded. "Were you expecting her?"

"No. I just figured most streamers can't actually play in the big leagues." he said, letting on he knew he was the backup plan. "She was one of the few that could, until... Never mind. She's old news."

Outer Matroishka, ZoeIRL's Matroishka-on-the-Brain
2028-06-29@422.34 Winks
Gadg8eer had tried several times to actually succeed at the obstacle course, but he hadn't used the Sleepnet since CyberWorldZ shut down their virtual world and it felt much different to be doing it like it was really happening. He hadn't improved much in the 20 minutes or so since they'd started, unfortunately.

By his 10th attempt he was starting to get bored, so with a running start he tried again one last time. The problem was conserving fuel, or rather, conserving it too much. Gadg8eer was the kind of gamer who never really used consumable items that had stacked up, and it was only on this try he was willing to admit it required the use of his jetpack.

Originally he'd assumed he had no fuel left (apparently flying to the Gnu Forks shop the previous day had used the minimal amount of fuel included with the PLixelf avatar) but noticed something. It was then that he started asking what the Matroishka had available as a Hiverse node. Since it ran on the same technology as their Tech Gauntlets, things like a crafting table were a common household furnishing in the constructed world, which he took advantage of to have one of Zoe's NPCs craft one barrel of Jetpack Fuel from a barrel of Explodeum. He wasn't going to git gud tonight, but he wasn't leaving without the item Zoe had placed to encourage him. A BeeCoin, which was literally a giant floating coin straight out of Super Meatball Bros. but with the "₿" symbol on it.

With one ₿eeCoin (supposedly) being worth over $100k USD, it wasn't actually 1 BeeCoin, but rather a fraction of it with a still-notable value. It probably wouldn't be worth much outside of the Hiverse, but 0.01 BeeCoins was - at that moment - worth $1,081.07 CAD (around $2600 USD - the cost of a plane ticket from LA to NY) thanks to the stagflation of the US economy from 2025 to 2028, though fortunately Hinobi paid employees more to compensate). At that value, even ₿0.10 was worth more than Gadg8eer received in a Disability Pension over an entire year. She hadn't stated the actual value of it (it could indeed be worth nothing), but he appreciated the opportunity and was giving it an honest try.

As Gadg8eer's Skleatz activated, he gave a carefully-honed balancing act to stay on the narrow zig-zagging beam. The problem was, even when he got this part right, he'd fall off at the 90-degree right-hand turn. This time his plan was to try using the barrel of jetpack fuel to at least invoke the key rule of developing any video game: The development team has to think of everything. (Well, at least in this Glitch Techs Expanded Universe, they do. Otherwise Glitches would be public knowledge.)

He tried to activate the jetpack with the goal of boosting backwards and to the right in order to compensate for the tight turn, only to sail past the 90-degree left turn that was the second half of that section. The surprise and frustration was so intense he flung a Glo-Yo at the narrow path as he began falling into the pit of packing peanuts placed below him. That was when something surprising happened.

The Glo-Yo missed the beam but went over it and then quickly lost altitude as its upward momentum stalled, causing it to wrap itself around the beam like it was the Archaeologist's Whip from The Great Cave Hibernation in Buddy Bear's Box of Games. This caused Gadg8eer to suddenly be swung under the winding beam and up into the air by his jetpack. He went soaring over the sand garden and landed in the resting spot by the disappearing blocks (again, over a pit full of packing peanuts).

"Oof!" he said as he landed roughly on his butt. "Whoa. That... actually worked out sort of okay."
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"Bendy's Dreamblight Valley: Surveillance Breach, Pt. 2", 4.6.14 "Typheus Browser" - Error 424: Failed Dependency
Inside, WALL-E led Nightwolf up the stairs to the second floor, and knocked on Mrs. O'Skunk's door. A VidWindow opened to show that it was receiving data from the little robot. The intent was just to declare a virtual visitor was requesting permission to enter, using Blume's "EZ-Habbo" SmartHotel AI manager system.

As Nightwolf followed behind, reaching the top of the stairs, the door of the unit across from the one the robot was attempting to enter opened, and what appeared to be an 11 year old girl straight out of Dudley Dunsparce and the Fountain of Youth. "Pardon my interruption. WALL-E, did you see Oliver leave this way? I need administrator permission to install a-" she was saying, when she noticed Nightwolf. "Oh! Hello, I'm Germaine. Are you a visitor or a new neighbour?"
(( Captain Wyldstorm Captain Wyldstorm ? ))
"Bendy's Dreamblight Valley: Surveillance Breach, Pt. 2", "Typheus Browser" (Hotfix)
((Trying to come up with a good response for 'wolf to say ^^ she is very stupid, plus she doesn't know much about interaction. I might have her act like she struggles to speak so she doesn't have to talk much. Although I can imagine how the others will react to seeing Nightwolf!!))
"Bendy's Dreamblight Valley: Surveillance Breach, Pt. 2", "Typheus Browser"
((Trying to come up with a good response for 'wolf to say ^^ she is very stupid, plus she doesn't know much about interaction. I might have her act like she struggles to speak so she doesn't have to talk much. Although I can imagine how the others will react to seeing Nightwolf!!))
(( Captain Wyldstorm Captain Wyldstorm If you're still here, don't worry too much about anyone's responses in-universe. Nightwolf is currently in a funky sci-fi VR metaverse, nobody will bat an eye because anyone could just have an avatar like that. It's only in the physical world that Glitches are considered abnormal-looking by non-Techs. ))
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"Bendy's Dreamblight Valley: Surveillance Breach, Pt. 2", 4.6.15 "Typheus Browser"
(( Captain Wyldstorm Captain Wyldstorm If you're still here, don't worry too much about anyone's responses in-universe. Nightwolf is currently in a funky sci-fi VR metaverse, nobody will bat an eye because anyone could just have an avatar like that. It's only in the physical world that Glitches are considered abnormal-looking by non-Techs. ))
((Aight, and I've had an idea.))
"Oh, uh... just visiting is all!" Nightwolf responded, acting a bit timid- like her brother, who she thought was legendary, had taught her. Her tail swayed lightly as she adjusted her scarf.
"Bendy's Dreamblight Valley: Surveillance Breach, Pt. 2", 4.6.16 "Typheus Browser"
((Aight, and I've had an idea.))
"Oh, uh... just visiting is all!" Nightwolf responded, acting a bit timid- like her brother, who she thought was legendary, had taught her. Her tail swayed lightly as she adjusted her scarf.
Grand Forks, Canada
2028-06-29@416.20 Winks
The door to Mrs. O'Skunk's "homepage" Node Cluster opened, the avatar of the owner standing in the doorway. "Of course I'll help, Wall-E. Oh, hello, Germaine. How have you been doing?"

"Not well. We had a family emergency. Daniel is flying in from Chicago, I have to pick him up when I'm done here." the young Hogsworth Legacy player responded.

"Oh my. Well, I hope things turn out alright for you, dear."

"Thank you, Anna. If you'll excuse me though, I'm looking for Oliver. I need to add permission for Daniel to log into our node cluster from here in London. This is the first time we've talked in person since my father passed away, it would simply be far more comfortable for the two of us to do so without our past getting in the way." horcruxiteDowel explained.

"That long? I don't mean to pry, but what happened?" Mrs. O'Skunk asked.

"We'd never seen eye to eye on anything in the real world. Somehow, when we drifted apart as siblings, we kept in touch through the internet and now virtual reality. We understand each other here, but I don't know why or how. I just know we're not our real selves face to face." Germaine elaborated.

"Ah. No, I last saw Oliver head up here to sleep. From the local rumor mill, he got a job working tech support for DPort. He had Olly and the whole crew working late when a big storm went through."

"That's odd. He never told me anything about Ol' Eurodollar being his boss. I assumed all the stores were official Hinobi kit, like here on this side of the pond." Germaine explained. "Oh well. I'll ask him when he wakes up. Though it does leave me with an hour to burn. You lot fancy a cup o' tea? Well, virtual tea. I do have some Chamomile here, but obviously I couldn't just hand it to you like I'm standing right next to you. A heavy downside of VR, that."

(( Captain Wyldstorm Captain Wyldstorm Sorry if it feels like I'm mocking you, definitely not my intent. Germaine was already supposed to be an Anglophile because she's a fan of a franchise which is the RP's fictional counterpart to Harry Potter, but since I've never been outside the Americas I just made her sound as inoffensively British-ish as possible. Hope that's okay? ))
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"Juan of Arcade World, Pt. 2", 4.2.17 "Neosaic Browser"
Let's see, A bunch of Elite Tech support people Skilled at Fighting Glitches that just took down a Fortress Boss that got bumped down to a Mini boss vs a Bunch of Regular Mooks...

In theory it should have been a Wash, Straight 2024 Detroit Lions type timing for the Sixers, But There were some Factors against them.

Factor 1:Numbers, There are Seven Deadly Sixers, the Keyword is Seven, Not even Double Digits. And Sloth had bailed out like the Little fucking Bitch he was, Sloth ain't a Real one.

The Mooks Meanwhile Measured at 100, Gummies, Mighty Mites, Magic Birdies, Dynamikes, (That is Walking Explosives) and those Ghost Enemies. And those were just from Yukhoes Ranks Alone. Keep in mind there were Those Aperture Turrets and The Demons from Gore3D to worry about.

Factor 2:A Cohesive Front (Teamwork that is.) the Sixers are motivated by various things, Money, one Upmanship, Their own Egoes and Anger Issues, needless to say the only reason they worked together was for their own ends and because they had to, Plus Sloth wasnt even a Real one, Fucking Bitch.

Not like the Mooks front was completely Cohesive either, Sure Yukhoe's Ranks were pretty Cohesive but that was just Yukhoes Ranks. There were Literal Demons from GORE3D, And The Aperture Turrets, all 3 of the Mook Factions weren't used to working with each other.

In short:The Mooks had a Narrow shot at Defeating the Sixers, A. VERY. NARROW. SHOT.
The only issue with video game baddie minions is that they tend to be rather... limited.

While the danger was large, Pride had a brain blast in that moment. "Standard Combat Patterns! Check the User Manuals!"

Indeed, the .scp file format was for files which no Hinobi product could ever exclude: Win conditions. For all the sheer numbers, the Gummies and Mighty Mites and such had a guaranteed defeat method. Aperture turrets had to be aggro'd and could be hacked by any GAME Mechanic with the hacking skill tree unlocked.

The concerning part was the GORE 3D fleshball demons. They always faced towards the closest player, and had a rugged health meter, with the downside being that if heavy weaponry were used, it had no armor points. Still, though heavily-armed, the Seven Deadly Sixers were not reimbursed for any ammunition they expended.

Wrath, Lust and Envy, slipshod as it was, took a typical tactic out of the eSport playbook. Lust summoned the Blitzenglamour, a limited-edition weapon variant from Swarm Fortress 2 that allowed her to SuperCharge a teammate. In turn, Wrath brought out the non-lethal heavy ordinance wartool known as the Zorg-Hinobi ZH-1, the original inspiration for Nitrome's OmniGun line and a well-maintained antique as far as PLixel Tech goes.

Finally, Envy took out her own weapon, Feeney's Longshot, a sniper rifle skin from SBURB. In one swift, well-practiced motion, she took out a Fleshball by using the one weakpoint it did have... Right in the eye.

This just made it, and it's friends, angrier. Like scarfies turning red, the fleshballs all turned to Envy and beelined towards her with their jaws gnashing. However there was a strategy. As soon as the Fleshballs were distracted, Wrath let lose his own weapon upon them, rapidly de-rezzing half a dozen of the cackling demons.
"Bendy's Dreamblight Valley: Surveillance Breach, Pt. 2", 4.6.17 "Typheus Browser"
Grand Forks, Canada
2028-06-29@416.20 Winks
The door to Mrs. O'Skunk's "homepage" Node Cluster opened, the avatar of the owner standing in the doorway. "Of course I'll help, Wall-E. Oh, hello, Germaine. How have you been doing?"

"Not well. We had a family emergency. Daniel is flying in from Chicago, I have to pick him up when I'm done here." the young Hogsworth Legacy player responded.

"Oh my. Well, I hope things turn out alright for you, dear."

"Thank you, Anna. If you'll excuse me though, I'm looking for Oliver. I need to add permission for Daniel to log into our node cluster from here in London. This is the first time we've talked in person since my father passed away, it would simply be far more comfortable for the two of us to do so without our past getting in the way." horcruxiteDowel explained.

"That long? I don't mean to pry, but what happened?" Mrs. O'Skunk asked.

"We'd never seen eye to eye on anything in the real world. Somehow, when we drifted apart as siblings, we kept in touch through the internet and now virtual reality. We understand each other here, but I don't know why or how. I just know we're not our real selves face to face." Germaine elaborated.

"Ah. No, I last saw Oliver head up here to sleep. From the local rumor mill, he got a job working tech support for DPort. He had Olly and the whole crew working late when a big storm went through."

"That's odd. He never told me anything about Ol' Eurodollar being his boss. I assumed all the stores were official Hinobi kit, like here on this side of the pond." Germaine explained. "Oh well. I'll ask him when he wakes up. Though it does leave me with an hour to burn. You lot fancy a cup o' tea? Well, virtual tea. I do have some Chamomile here, but obviously I couldn't just hand it to you like I'm standing right next to you. A heavy downside of VR, that."

(( Captain Wyldstorm Captain Wyldstorm Sorry if it feels like I'm mocking you, definitely not my intent. Germaine was already supposed to be an Anglophile because she's a fan of a franchise which is the RP's fictional counterpart to Harry Potter, but since I've never been outside the Americas I just made her sound as inoffensively British-ish as possible. Hope that's okay? ))
(No, no, its perfectly fine! Tbh I'm not really too fussed about this and I'm playing an American in a musical anyway [and I've never been out of England XD])
Nightwolf tilted her head. Tea sounded nice."...You have tea? I haven't had that in ages, mainly because we ran out back home." She perked up, ears twitching lightly as her expression lit up to one of someone who was happy.
"Juan of Arcade World, Pt. 2", 4.2.19 "Nudle Crane"
"Not my van, compadre." Juan reminded him. "I wouldn't be caught dead driving-"

"You drove my van just yesterday!" Tobi reminded Juan.

"-something salmon-colored?" Juan nervously, trying to lessen the impact. "Ow!" he said as Tobi jabbed him lightly in the ribs with her elbow.

"What's in the inventory? I've been meaning to sort through it, but my Sylladex config is awful and we're not supposed to make use of our Tech stuff off-duty." Tobi asked.
With a slight fumble, Juan caught the card as it fluttered through the air. "A fake item box? How'd that get in there?"
"What? Let me see that." Tobi plucked the card out of his hands. "Oh, fantastic, this is probably from-- no wonder."
"Esperate," Juan replied, putting his hand to his chin. "If that was in the inventory, then--"
"Hey, yeah! How did it affect our controls instead of being deployable?" Tobi finished.

"Got me," Hum answered, "But the good news is, we're back in business." He hopped out of the driver's seat, leaving the engine running. "We'll see you at the arcade. And be careful with that thing, it might be useful later."

( Gadg8eer Gadg8eer That's one. Do a little timeskip and give me a description of the front of the arcade and I'll do another one today.)
"Juan of Arcade World, Pt. 2", 4.2.20 "Nudle Crane"
With a slight fumble, Juan caught the card as it fluttered through the air. "A fake item box? How'd that get in there?"
"What? Let me see that." Tobi plucked the card out of his hands. "Oh, fantastic, this is probably from-- no wonder."
"Esperate," Juan replied, putting his hand to his chin. "If that was in the inventory, then--"
"Hey, yeah! How did it affect our controls instead of being deployable?" Tobi finished.

"Got me," Hum answered, "But the good news is, we're back in business." He hopped out of the driver's seat, leaving the engine running. "We'll see you at the arcade. And be careful with that thing, it might be useful later."

( Gadg8eer Gadg8eer That's one. Do a little timeskip and give me a description of the front of the arcade and I'll do another one today.)
*Elextrixtr had fallen asleep in the back of the van, with Pentifer happily guarding her out of pure protective instinct.*
*The two were rather humorous to see like that.*
"Juan of Arcade World, Pt. 2", 4.2.21 "Nudle Crane"
*Elextrixtr had fallen asleep in the back of the van, with Pentifer happily guarding her out of pure protective instinct.*
*The two were rather humorous to see like that.*
With the issue fixed, they continued on their way, passing through the highway bridge at the East end of Grand Forks, heading westward into town. Finally, Hum's van turned into an alley to approach the arcade from the East instead of a more visible northbound or southbound approach, only to reach an unexpected obstacle.


"What the hell?" Hum said, as they found a large truck blocking the alley just before the arcade's street. "Someone's blocking the alley! Java, identify that vehicle."

"Loading information... Brand is Militech. Model is Behemoth. Model variant is MT-3. Scanning license information... Vehicle Ownership NFT is IOI-500401. Vehicle registered to official Innovative Online Industries motorpool." the voice of his van's AI, which he called Java.

"What. That can't be right, IOI is an American ISP, they only do tech support on US soil. Or at least they're supposed to... Goddammit, is IOI up to their old tricks again? Java, install a tracking cookie in that truck."

"Tracking cookie installed." Java responded.

"Hey, Ele? Gotta wake up, we've got a bad one here. I think we might have a Black Ops team from the States interfering with places outside their jurisdiction." Hum said.
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"Juan of Arcade World, Pt. 2", 4.2.18 "Neosaic Browser"
The only issue with video game baddie minions is that they tend to be rather... limited.

While the danger was large, Pride had a brain blast in that moment. "Standard Combat Patterns! Check the User Manuals!"

Indeed, the .scp file format was for files which no Hinobi product could ever exclude: Win conditions. For all the sheer numbers, the Gummies and Mighty Mites and such had a guaranteed defeat method. Aperture turrets had to be aggro'd and could be hacked by any GAME Mechanic with the hacking skill tree unlocked.

The concerning part was the GORE 3D fleshball demons. They always faced towards the closest player, and had a rugged health meter, with the downside being that if heavy weaponry were used, it had no armor points. Still, though heavily-armed, the Seven Deadly Sixers were not reimbursed for any ammunition they expended.

Wrath, Lust and Envy, slipshod as it was, took a typical tactic out of the eSport playbook. Lust summoned the Blitzenglamour, a limited-edition weapon variant from Swarm Fortress 2 that allowed her to SuperCharge a teammate. In turn, Wrath brought out the non-lethal heavy ordinance wartool known as the Zorg-Hinobi ZH-1, the original inspiration for Nitrome's OmniGun line and a well-maintained antique as far as PLixel Tech goes.

Finally, Envy took out her own weapon, Feeney's Longshot, a sniper rifle skin from SBURB. In one swift, well-practiced motion, she took out a Fleshball by using the one weakpoint it did have... Right in the eye.

This just made it, and it's friends, angrier. Like scarfies turning red, the fleshballs all turned to Envy and beelined towards her with their jaws gnashing. However there was a strategy. As soon as the Fleshballs were distracted, Wrath let lose his own weapon upon them, rapidly de-rezzing half a dozen of the cackling demons.
And So what Could have theoretically been a Total Jumping became a Reverse Jumping session, Honestly the only threats were the fleshballs and that was because GORE3D was a 2.5D Game so they always looked at the player as said in the post up above.

But Yeah, The entire Mook Mall Was Screwed. A Bunch of Mighty Mites attempted to Jump the Rest of the Sins. Guess how that Went? Yeah not well for the Mooks.
"Juan of Arcade World, Pt. 2", 4.2.22 "Nudle Crane"
With the issue fixed, they continued on their way, passing through the highway bridge at the East end of Grand Forks, heading westward into town. Finally, Hum's van turned into an alley to approach the arcade from the East instead of a more visible northbound or southbound approach.

"What the hell?" Hum said, as they found a large truck blocking the alley just before the arcade's street. "Someone's blocking the alley! Java, identify that vehicle."

"Loading information... Brand is Militech. Model is Behemoth. Model variant is MT-3. Scanning license information... Vehicle Ownership NFT is IOI-500401. Vehicle registered to official Innovative Online Industries motorpool." the voice of his van's AI, which he called Java.

"What. That can't be right, IOI is an American ISP, they only do tech support on US soil. Or at least they're supposed to... Goddammit, is IOI up to their old tricks again? <AI Name>, install a tracking cookie in that truck."

"Tracking cookie installed." Java responded.

"Hey, Ele? Gotta wake up, we've got a bad one here. I think we might have a Black Ops team from the States interfering with places outside their jurisdiction." Hum said.
*Pentifer shook Ele awake, and quickly poked his head out from where he was at. Ele was up now and pokws up as well. She mumbled something in what sounded like Irish, and just huffed. She tossed Pentifer some sweets and flipped off the driver of the IOI truck.*
"Juan of Arcade World, Pt. 2", 4.2.19 "Neosaic Browser"
And So what Could have theoretically been a Total Jumping became a Reverse Jumping session, Honestly the only threats were the fleshballs and that was because GORE3D was a 2.5D Game so they always looked at the player as said in the post up above.

But Yeah, The entire Mook Mall Was Screwed. A Bunch of Mighty Mites attempted to Jump the Rest of the Sins. Guess how that Went? Yeah not well for the Mooks.

((Going to do a little thing to merge into traffic on the Hum/Elextrixtr/Pentifer arc.))

"Fscking finally!" Pride complained.

He spoke too soon.

"Zho you think you're out of the woods?" Dr. X proclaimed. "Ve're just getting started! Mwahahahaha!"

Before them, a massive mechanism lowered the next wall, revealing a huge turret with two cannons that was already charging its' laser.

The resulting Shoop-da-Whoop blew a hole in the stone wall at the back of the room below the trap door. Lava began to flow from the broken opening, due to a Glitch of the lava from microDyne's WorldCraft: Flintstone Edition being placed behind it. The lava slowly leaked to ooze threateningly into the area, while the cannons readied their first shot.

Meanwhile, above ground, the driver of the Behemoth returned the flip-off to Ele and returned to browsing the Fediverse on his Horizen Fire tablet.

Hum knocked on the door of the truck to have a word with the driver, who turned on the intercom built into the door.

"Yeah?" the person said, their voice muffled slightly over the windowless vehicle's intercom.

"Hey, can't park here." Hum said.

"Look, buddy, I've got 7 employees in there right now on important, confidential business who need a lift when they're done. If you're going to give me any of that Juris-my-diction crap, you can shove it in your A: Drive." he dismissed. "They've been in there a while, should be back soon."

Hum just shook his head sadly. "No, Sixer, your people are already doomed." he said, motioning to his teammates to follow him. They ran up to the front door, which instantly rolled up and revealed the interior of the arcade and the masterminds behind it. Needing to think quickly, Hum pointed his gauntlet threateningly. "Freeze! Tech support! Drop the joystick!" he shouted, and Dr. X looked at him, startled. Hum then recalled the report momentarily in his head. "Well, well, well. According to Dave's explanation, you're the terrorist who blew up every bridge in town. Care to explain who you really are?"
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