"Keep Slaying and Nobody Explodes!", Beta 1.34b "Creamsicle"
K.i.D Player 10
- Group
- Nation Building
Gadg8eer hadn't seen this side of her, but he damn well understood it. The fact the flood would have doomed the whole town to poverty meant he was no less angry than she was. He opened the manual and did a search, but didn't find anything useful on the subject. "Hmm... I mean, being continuous about it would be cruel but..." he said and then gave a vengeful smirk before striking Shinobi Man with his left hand yo-yo.“Gadg8… what does the digital handbook say that sub-HP-damage does to a glitch?” Zoe turns her head to gadget, her display only showing the image of a single translucent vector of a photograph of an eye.
“Is it painful for them?”
"Agh! You little brat!" Shinobi Man yelped, glitching a bit due to his health meter dropping below zero.
"Looks like it. The manual does say glitches are as intelligent as a chimp at their smartest, and if we're not supposed to treat them like inanimate objects I doubt the labs are going to do anything horrible either, so... Like she said. Imprisonment?" he asked, "Or should we beat the truth out of you? Because you just threatened the livelihood of this entire town and as far as Hinobi knows, glitches don't have motivation outside of their programming, so either someone reprogrammed you, or something very fishy is going on, and considering Hinobi built every piece of hardware we have on us including the ability to wipe memories and doesn't seem to be taking any action to keep us from investigating, I can't help but assume they're just as surprised and disturbed by this as we are, and very interested in ensuring we find out whatever we might find out. We need to know, nobody who knows about us is likely to want to stop us, and the reason that its a bad idea to negotiate with terrorists is because people who kill and kidnap hostages to get their way never keep their word. Computer program or not, you do understand what I'm saying, right?"