Lady Moldoma
Professional Sweetypie
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[Transition to OST - Leaving the Devil On Read]...but when the top barrel was gone, a spooky-looking 2D sprite of a rather pensive Fleshball from GORE 3D was staring back at him, it's 2D existence necessitating that it always face him, and was absolutely ready to attack!
The shuriken that Zoe had stolen earlier came screaming through the air, piercing straight into the Fleshball's eye, as she had exited the van the moment it appeared.
"Whatever the hell they've got planned, there's gotta be more. Toss me one of your yoyos and get de-rezzing, I can hold off whatever they send." Zoe says, running in with her bat dragging on the ground. "Start from the top down, these things follow volatile physics rules." She jumps, mounting the Fleshball and tearing the Shuriken out to reuse for later.