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Fandom Gijinka academy

".. .Can we kill him yet?" The mention of Aria losing organs to this guy already gave Bayah the urge to tear this man apart, maybe use the doctors limbs to make a little voodoo doll to stab for his amusment. The last one got lost in the cargo area.

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River would point a cannon into the air as he yells "hailstorm" it would begin hailing and pelting the carnivine with hail.

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Hehe you are all idiots" his vines returned "ive gained all my power, im now twice as strong as before...oh and im much smarter then all of you....even the ghost toy and shell head are nothing to me"

Sagley snapped "oi no ones mean to these people but me ya cannibalistic dandelion" marcus nodded to sagley "nice one snakey", suddenly rootley evaded the hailstorm yawning "yawwwwn..im sorry are you trying baaaaaka"
"...heheh.... Dandelion, nice one, ah.... wait, did you just call me a Ghost toy. [inappropriate Content] called me a ghost toy. And you don't call River there, a Shell head." Sure, Sagley called most of them names, but everyone was used to that.

"If you think you have the brains to take on everyone, Aight. But dodge this first." While distracted with the Hailstorm, The banette's eyes started to glow, then that same glow swarmed towards Rootley in a blinding light. You might know this as Dazzling Gleam.

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The carnivine cackled before learning back, his stomich pulses glowing purple, coughing up two purple sludge piles exploding "heheh sludge bomb keh huh..wait...where...did shell head go"

Logan picked up river "lets take him out" horns curl to form army helmet "allllright doggy where goin to war!!!" Divebombs with river on back.
Aria smiles as well and sets kito on her back."Ready to fight buddy."She flys above the battle and sends gusts at the carnivine."Kito use thunderbolt."
(The show was put on hold until some more me mbers cone on. This is another branch, if you wanna help fight c:)

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Kito charges thunderbolt as rootley smirks widley, avoiding the gusts "ahaha sunnyyy day!!!" A large yellow orb goes up, as he then used the super charged sun to super charge a solar beam.

Kito gets really angry "raaaa thuuuunder!!!!!" Shoots a massive thunder destroying the solar beam.
Rootley smiled widley using tentecles to literally leapfrog over and kicks kito off. "Hehe your mine bug" kito panicks but marcus shoots thunder shocking the plant hard.

Rootley screamed in extreme pain, before attempting to dig away.
The plant smiles shooting his vines towards aria as she charges but they pierce sagley. "Ahhhh h..how dare you STRIKE A LADY!!!!" His body erupts with the abbility "overgrow".

Rootley looks "m..m..m...must dig escape" bites into the earth digging quickly. "Heheh"
(sorry at work) "blizzard." river says as the air around the carnivine freezes and turns to ice shards that surround and attack him. He then crashes straight into the carnivine from Logans back. "skull bash!" he yells

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The carnivine was pulled out only to be rammed by the blastoise's skull bash. "Ahhh hehe" one red vine lunges for the turtles soft neck. But somthing goes in the way.

"D...damn...thought i timed that right" sagley was stabbed in the throat, before rolling to one side.
Sagley stood up again "heh..you forget" gives a kind smile "im stubborn...." wobbles abit trying to stay up. "S..sorry king of fossils..our rivalry...ends...today...heh....keep being strong ahhh!!" Sagley charges weakly eventually getting faster.
Aria as always is fast as ever being the flying type she is and she wraps both arms and wings around sagley and then she picks him up and flys away from the battle with him."Not happening Sagley."
Sagley sniffles, seeing as then rootley digs away "later peoples" kito and marcus try zapping him. "Crap" both missed as he escapes.

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