Gandora High (Accepting)

Also whispering, "Indeed I have. While I got my ass handed to me on a silver platter, I think I surprised him a little bit. No doubt he expected me to be a complete idiot because I'm a first year, but I know a thing or two about fighting."
"A first year surppising Prof.? Well I havent heard that before, I say say you are going to be interesting to watch boy."*Ryohei praised the boy, it was unusual to hear something like that coming from the first years. Usually they would lose their confidence within their first fight with the prof. But this boy was something different. If you keep that attitude and grow I believe you will be something to watch indeed, Ryohei thought to himself.
An insane idea comes to Vaarsuvious, and he shouts out to stop the fight, "Hey, wait! I think I just solved it!" He gets a massive grin on his face, as though he just won the lottery. "This is a survival class, right professor? I just realized that the best way to survive is not to fight at all!"
Ebony sighed, lowering her spear as the white glow surrounding it dispersed in a shattering manor. The spear went back to being broken and used as she stepped out of the ring and walked towards Vaarsuvious. "This world centers around war and hatred." she said, stopping in front of him. "There are going to be people who wish for nothing but our destruction. To survive, we must fight against those people." Ebony tilted her head to the right. "Why do you think we're here? So that we can all learn to live together peacefully? Now that's just nonsense..."
"Hear me out," He says, "I'm not saying that we shouldn't defend ourselves, but if we simply aren't there to be threatened, we wouldn't need to fight to survive." He had hoped that she would understand. "I admit that we need to fight to achieve a world where fighting is no longer necessary, but theoretically, we could avoid all that suffering if we were to withdraw. I've put a great deal of thought into this, and I've deduced that the only way to end conflict without fighting is to create a new world. A new dimension, perhaps. It seems crazy, but you know summoning is possible, so why can't we summon a new place to live? I'll tell you why, it's because we simply aren't powerful enough. However, if we collected a number of ancient relics, and ammassed a great number of powerful magicians, it might just work!"
"Boy...If a child like you has thought of this now, then wouldn't others who have thought this through and lived longer found this theory would already done so?.*"Ryohei sighed light as he crossed his arms, still leaning against the entrance. Eyes scanning toward the girl and the boy back to the prof. He felt for the boy who took his time to think this through but to get shot down because of it.*
"Ah, but people who lived before and thought of this weren't me, were they?" He chuckles almost arrogantly, "I happen to know of atleast one such relic and even where to find it! I've just never considered acquiring it or even using it in this way because honestly, the way is perilous. I would need help if I were to go after it..." He looks at Ryohei, then at Ebony, then at Xavier, then back at Ryohei. "Don't you see? We might be able to end the war! I admit, there will likely be a hell of a lot of fighting, but it's probably less dangerous than if we were to go fight in the war... probably... So what say you? I must go, with or without you, if only to see if I am right about its existence. Admittedly though, you three would likely be imperative to the success of this little mission, as I am still young and I have much to learn about survival."
While the doctor and Vaarsuvious were talking, Ebony was putting away the spear where she found it on the weapon rack and getting her bag she left by the stool. "I'm sorry," she said, walking back over to him. "But a world without any kind of fighting, war, or conflict is not achievable." She looked him in the eyes as she said this. "It does not matter what amount of magic you put into creating an alternate reality, there will always be corruption no matter where you go. Let's say you succeeded in creating another dimension and form a civilization to unify the people. In order to keep order and obtain peace, you have to set boundaries or rules. Some people won't like these rules, so they break them. People get angry, and eventually divide. Hundreds of years later, everyone will forget that they were eventually one nation and go to war against each other. It's the inevitable fate for all living things."
"I am sorry you feel that way," he says, and looks deep into her eyes. "Perhaps we'll meet again some day." With that, he walks out the door and when he's outside, he spreads his wings and flies away.

(All this roleplaying makes me want to play dungeons and dragons really badly)
*Sighing deeply this time, Ryohei felt this boy in front of him held so much innocence and hope. It was almost heart crushing to find he was so easily alone for no one believes his theory. It was a good theory but like the girl said, there will always be corruption. Always. It was something daunting, yes, as well more the reason to fight even harder.*"Ai.....what troublesome matters..."*Ryohei touched his neck and rubbed it to ease the tension.*
Deox stood behind Ryohei with a smile one his face. " It's good to see that the students are making progress.

This fills me with a good amount of hope.

Wouldn't you agree ?" He walked forward to he stood beside him.We have something that needs to be discuss right away."

His calm smile turning into a concern look.
Ebony watched him take his leave. "Ah," she said. "He actually left." Then, she too started walking out of the classroom. "I honestly didn't think he'd be leaving so soon. I didn't even get to congratulate him, either!" she mumbled to herself as she stormed off.
*Ryohei blinked a couple times before he looked back, Deox. Smiling lightly he nodded in agreement, even though it was just small hope that was manifesting, it was definitely small. Turning toward the girl he lightened his guesture and made a small chuckle before Deox spoke quietly next to him causing Ryohei to tighten his jaw. Seeing as the girl ran off, Ryohei didnt look at him yet but answer in response.*"Would you like to discuss it here? Or ..."
At the moment it doesn't matter where as long as the students don't catch word.

He leaned against the wall and waited till he felt assured that no one was around.

" I've receive a letter from the Watchers." Deox sighed as he looked up.

" It appears a few humans have intercepted the school. And are posing as students." He looked to the window.

" We aren't sure where or who but right now we have to ensure that the students do not find out."
*Waiting for while was already consuming Ryohei as the news from Deox was never silly when he needed to talk to Ryohei alone. Finally the silence broke and Deox spoke in a quick matter. Eyes widen but then relaxed, the body wanted to react in a matter that would make commotion however Ryohei held himself still as usual.*"I see. Do you think they pose much of a threat to the students? Do you know anything other than what they are carrying that would harm someone?"
Deox shook his head. " The info we have at the moment is limited."

He looked at his hands and then back to window. " We must do whatever it takes to ensure that no harm comes to the students."

He watched the students walk down the hall calm and quiet the smiles and since of feeling at peace all read on their face.

" We worked so hard to keep this school a safe haven for creatures alike to find there true potential. We can't let that go in vain."

He looked up and smile. " So i wish you keep a good look out and if you seem anything out the ordinary let me know."
Vaarsuvious flew in silence for quite some time. He wondered if anyone was following him, and he almost wanted to stop and wait for them to catch up, but he knew it wasn't worth it. He knew in his gut that they all thought he was crazy. Perhaps he is, but he still needs to try. At sunset, he sees the ancient ruins of a tower. He decided that they would be a reasonable place to stay overnight, so he swooped down and landed on the rooftop. He focused hard on his tremorsense, and when no one was detected, he decided to climb in through the window.

Looking around, he noticed that the room had no doorway. This troubled him... ~why would someone build a room with a window but not a door?~ As he turned to leave, he froze. There, standing before him, was his father. Unable to speak, he reached out to touch him, to confirm that it was really him, but as soon as he made contact, the shade vanished into thin air. ~What the hell was that?~ he finally thought. Suddenly, he felt motion behind him and spun around, already swinging with his mace. He missed, but he was immediately glad that he did because the motion he sensed was that of a girl. She was short, clearly very young, that's why the mace missed her; it went right over her head. Still, his attack startled her and she jumped backwards, tripped and fell to the ground crying.

"Oh no," he began to apologise, "I'm so sorry, are you okay?" But she didn't answer. He noticed that his wings were spread wide, making him look bigger than he was. He folded them under his cloak, put his mace on its holder in his belt, and knelt down. "Please," he said, "don't be afraid. I'm a good guy." He held out his hand and waited.
*Ryohei held his breath, his own falter in his appearance could even misinterpret that something may be wrong. Looking away and smiling to the students that walked by, Ryohei knew this was not espiecally good. For he himself doesn't have any powers that he can notice that could be useful other than his eyes that could see like any other humans eye could.*"I see, I will of course. This school was not built to fall so easily, if I see anything I will immediately alert you. However let's just hope these children will come to their senses and not cause trouble."*Walking away, Ryohei felt himself alerting himself, his eyes was calm however they did keep a string of nervousness. It would be safe to presume one of the humans would enter in his hospitality sooner or later. It was just the later that bugged Ryohei.*
"That boy... what will I do with him. By the way, Ebony, you failed." He paused, then chortled with laughter. "I was kidding, impressive display. And your analysis on corruption being a constant in this world is correct. But, although I would never condone corruption, there is a certain truth to the fact that not only does it always manifest in any society, but it is, perhaps, an integral part to the progress of that society. However, it is part of Vaarsuvious's nature to be optimistic. After all, that is what angels do right." He said that last line with almost a tinge of sarcasm and self-loathing. With those closing remarks, he swept out of the classroom, the grand oak wood doors slamming shut in his wake.

(BTW: No one but Vaarsuvious knows of Prof. Xavier's status as an archangel. Plus, he is a new professor who is claiming to be a "human who just wants to help creatures realize their full potential", which could seem odd. So, he could be a possible "human" that the other teachers are suspicious of. Divisions in the faculty anyone? xD )
Vaarsuvious decides that a random little girl in a lonely crumbling tower can't possibly be good news, so he turns and leaves the tower. As he jumps out the window, he sees a figure in the distance and it looks familiar. It's Xavier! He did come! Vaarsuvious waved and did a backflip in the air, calling out "What took you so long?"
"Sorry, young one. I had to occupy everyone else. However, now that we are alone. I think it is time to test the skills you've got. Not fighting, I know you've got those." he said with a chuckle. "No. How about we first stretch our wings a little more? It has been ages since I've had some fun. Let's go." He motioned for Vaarsuvious to lead the way.
Grinning like a devil and laughing like a songbird, Vaarsuvious twirled once, landing on the rooftop, facing east. He crouched and then used all his supernatural might to kick off and fly as fast as the wind would carry him, straining his whole body with the exertion of his flight and leaving a crumbling hole where he took off.
Instantly, Xavier was next to him. "You don't think I'd let someone so young outdo me so easily, did you?" he said. He seemed to be gliding while Vaarsuvious was straining against the wind. "Vaarsuvious, don't fight the wind. You're an angel. Imagine that there is no wind, no air resistance, no gravity, no lift, no anything. Then, just pull your wings back and... FLY!" Xavier flapped his wings and burst forward like a blur. In seconds he was so far ahead that Vaarsuvious could barely see him. "Come on then, young one. Catch me! I'll even use one wing." he said jokingly. To illustrate his point he folded one wing back, and somehow defying physics, he stayed horizontal to the ground. "See, no physics! Just fly!" he shouted back at Vaarsuvious.
Vaarsuvious gaped openly at Xavier's speed, and thought hard about defying physics. He slowed his flapping and tried to calm his mind. He began to glide, and then, he suddenly didn't feel the wind. Amased, he let himself be carried onward, even going so far as to fold his wings. Distracted by his amasement, he began to fall for a moment and instinct took over, forcing him to flap his wings again.

He decided to try again, letting his mind clear once more, thinking of nothing but catching up to Xavier. The wind died on his skin and he raised his wings slowly. Then, with all his might, he forced his body forward with both body and spirit. "YEEEEEAAAAAAHHHH!!!"
Xavier fell back next to Vaarsuvious. "Perhaps the next time you fly, it would be pertinent that you remember that although the rules of physics don't apply to you, the rules of angels do. Meaning... you need your wings to fly. Now, give it all you've got. Your speed indicates that you have been holding back." However, it was then that Xavier noticed the amount of exertion Vaarsuvious had put into the flight. "Unless, that is your limit. But, even at this age, a young angel's powers should have manifested to give him faster flight... unless you're not fully angel." he exclaimed. Xavier stopped on a dime, letting Vaarsuvious bullet by. "Young one... if these lessons are to continue, it is imperative that you tell me about your past. Normally, angels shouldn't dwell on their past, as their past is probably eons long. But, now, it is important. Speak now. I do not ask you as your professor. I command you as Xavier, Archangel of God." he said in a deadly serious voice.

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