Gandora High (Accepting)

*It was midday and already Ryohei was feeling the heat cling to skin making it unbareble to sit still. He looked at his watch whiched pointed at 1:03. It was time for him to relax, slipping off his white coat he found himself sighing in relief as his skin invited a cooler wave of air hit his pores. Pulling himself from the chair he went toward the bathroom seeing his riveting red eyes blending in darker than usual almost mahogany. Splashing water to his face before turning away, he went toward the windows and closed them making the air around him stagnant. Before he turned he saw at the corner of his eye a paper airplane skimming through the air, it was definitely eye catching as it passed the window and around a tree. He saw as light bounced off of the plane making it as a bright to the point it blinded it him but something tugged on him to watch where it landed.*
( Who the hell said i abandoned this rp i've been working my ass to try to get hype on other sites failed miserably by the way but i am back and nappy-MAKE YOU BIO!!!!)

* Deox had finished the final preparations need to begin the school year.

He smiled as he looked up at the Large golden " G" That hung above his board.

It had seem only days after he had took this jobs and now he would be teaching a new branch of students.

" This year is gonna be a good one i just know it." he replied with a smile.

" New creatures each one willing to learn and-." He was interrupted by a later the flashed in by a bolt of lighting.

His smile quickly turned into a frowned as he folded up the letter and begin to tap it on the desk.

" This may complicate things." He replied to himself as he looked back to the emblem.
(( And what makes it a black girl's name? ))

Ebony laid underneath her favorite shady tree, watching the cloud go by above. She yawned and turned over on her stomach, picking at the grass and small flowers that surrounded her. The school was empty, as always, but her spot was particularly quiet, which was much to her delight.
*As the paper airplane flew downward to a tree, it collided and fell crushed into a girls' head. Watching, Ryohei saw the girl from afar, his eyes took in details of her blondish hair and her pasty pale skin. His eyes detected nothing wrong with the girl however he did notice she was skipping. Turning away, Ryohei grabbed a piece of paper and wrote a message in it.*

Little girls shouldn't skip.

With that, Ryohei folded the piece of paper into a airplane and cracked open his window. Shooting the airplane out toward the girl, he watched as it also hit the tree and fell on the ground next to her.*

Ebony flinched in surprise from the impact of the first paper airplane. She picked it up, examining it with confusion as she sat up on the grass. She started to crumble it up when another one landed next to her, but this time she looked to where it came from. She eyed the window before unfolding the paper airplane, reading the note while a smile formed. Ebony started to laugh as she dug around in her dress pocket for her pencil, writing underneath it: There's nothing to skip. She folded the paper up as it was, sending it back to where it came form.
*Seeing the expression of the girl, Ryohei scrunched his eyebrows together as he found himself recieving his paper airplane. Catching it as it flew aside the window, Ryohei unfolded it and saw the message written below his. His eyebrows raised and his eyes soon turn downward to the girl again before he wrote on the paper.

And why isn't there?

*Folding it again, Ryohei lightly threw it in the air and this time it landed on the girls lap.*
Ebony picked it up, now crossing her legs as she read the note. She scribbled down her answer again, creasing it and tossing it back towards the window. She watched it fly away, as if guiding its movements with her eyes, and leaned back against the tree once it reached the window. Her answer wrote: Half the students haven't arrived yet, and the only thing i'll be missing are introductory classes.
Vaarsuvious is flying toward the school building when he sees a girl by a tree throw what looks like a paper airplane at a window. His curiousity getting the better of him, and deciding that he really wasn't interested in all the first-day commotion, he swoops down and alights softly on the ground several yards away to introduce himself.

"Hello," and he hesitates, too shy to know what else to say. Awkwardly, he continues, "Whatcha doin?"
Ebony didn't notice the first-year right away, for she was way too preoccupied with picking out the small flowers and the grass to notice someone had landed someone near her, let alone trying to make conversation. Eventually, though, she could see someone shuffling around in her peripheral vision. She turned to face him after a minute or two he'd been standing there. The girl tilted her head to the side, wondering if he was just talking to himself. "I'm sorry," she said, using the tree trunk to aid her with her stand, brushing the grass off of her dress before pointing to herself. "Were you, perhaps, talking to me?"
Deox walked down the hall. The school was now buzzing with commotion and that put a smile to his face.

It seem that this year would turn out much better then the last. He looked at each student smiling and nodded as they greeted him.

It was a false since of security that he was aware but he didn't mind. At least the students were happy for the time being.

He looked at his watch and realize it was time to start his class. He raced over to his room preparing for the new day ahead.
Vaarsuvious had mixxed feelings about her lack of perception. On one hand, she may have truly been distracted, but he feels somehow like she was deliberately ignoring him.

Of course, he couldn't be sure, so he decides to give her the benefit of the doubt.

"Indeed I was," he began, "I greeted you and inquired as to what it is you are doing all alone by a tree." His annoyance at the thought of being ignored seems to have banished his shyness.

"Now, allow me to introduce myself; I am Vaarsuvious Crystalshard, and I tend to keep to myself. However, I have decided that it would be worth while to have a good friend to watch my back, and in return, I can watch yours. What do you say?" The whole time he was talking, he was walking closer to the girl and when he was done, he extends his hand for a handshake.

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