Gandora High (Accepting)

Ebony took his hand, her lips slowly curving into a lazy smile. "It's nice to meet you, Vaarsuvious." she said. "I'm Ebony, and as long as you're fine with me I'll gladly be your friend. I guess that makes you my first friend, newbie!"

"So, you decided to skip out on introductions? Unless, of course, they're already over." She tilted her head again, thinking about it. "Ah, I actually think the real classes will be starting soon."
*Looking down, Ryohei found his airplane decided to take a different route but it didn't bother him. Seeing as the girl was talking to another next to her. Sighing, Ryohei decided to take a moment to stroll down the hall on his break. Making his way down he saw a couple of students running, scolding them as he walked pass them he found himself liking the wind pass through his hair. Almost caressing it softly, remembering a muddled memory of his father running his hand through his hair when he was young made him smile. However the smile was tight and facaded as usual when his past seem to creep from time to time on him.*
"Well Ebony, I'd have to know what right by you is in order to do it," he chuckles, "But yeah, I imagine the real classes are getting ready to start soon. What subjects are you taking?"

As he says this, he turns and begins walking toward the building. He wonders how Ebony got her name, and considers whether or not he'd be able to take her down if she were ever to turn on him... he is yet unsure.
Name: Prof. Xavier Deveraux

Age: Unknown (He was created at the beginning of time.)

Race: Archangel (They were the leaders of the seraphs, who were, in turn, leaders of regular angels, such as Vaarsuvious.)

Rank: Teacher (He has a doctoral degree in almost all subjects imaginable. Being infinitely old gives one a lot of time to do one's homework xD .)

Looks:Imagine this picture, but he has short, bouncy blonde curls for his hair. He wears suits and fedoras. His wings manifest if he feels like he needs them. Otherwise, they are kept tucked away in another dimension. He has invisible sigils all over his body, but when he manifests his angelic powers, they glow a bright white. Physically, he isn't a wrestler, but he is lean and well-toned in terms of muscles.

Bio: He wandered for years before settling as a teacher. No one knows he is an angel, not even his colleagues. To them, he is simply an exceptionally smart human who is interested in helping others, in this case, creatures. However, he doesn't fully trust anyone.

Weapon: His wings feel like feathers. However, should the need arise, he can harden them to the point of steel that was enchanted by mages. He also conceals a large sword that he forged with the guidance of Michael, the leader of the archangels, himself. It is very dear to him, and he only uses it as a last resort. All physical abilities and senses are superhuman, greater even than normal angels. However, he likes to keep the guise of being human, so he doesn't do anything that would give him away.

Other: When an archangel comes to earth, he must suppress most of his power. Even the most dire of circumstances probably wouldn't be enough for Xavier to risk unleashing his true power... probably. When he unleashes his power, his sigils and eyes glow white. All six of his wings unfold. Anything that has evil intent withing a mile radius of him will feel excruciating pain. He will speak with the voice of the archangels, but he won't have any control over himself. That means no morality, just the divine decrees of God. After such a state, he will undoubtedly be weak... but for how long? It would probably be for weeks on end. That is why he can't use it unless he trusts the others. They have to help him after such a state.
(( Accepted, but when it comes down to fighting try not to god-mod too much because some people tend to overdo it. I trust that you won't do that, though, despite the possibilities of power your character can have. ))

Ebony hurried to pick up her bag that lay somewhat behind the tree and catch up with Vaarsuvious. "I'm just doing the basics; you know, spells, weaponry and fighting. Though I will admit I'm pretty bad at casting spells." as she talked, she seemed to be doing strange motions with her hands, which to her had everything to do with what she was saying, but to others it may look like she's trying to conjure up some evil spirit. She also had an abnormal kindness about her, despite her cold appearance and the fact that the other students who weren't first-years seemed to avoid being within two feet of her.

"Hey, Vaarsuvious," Ebony said, looking up at him. "Your name is pretty long isn't it? Is there anything else I could call you?"
Xavier was strolling through the corridors, thinking to himself. "What a delight this year is going to be. I can sense... something familiar. Anyway, I'd best get ready for my classes. I wouldn't want a repeat of last year." He chuckled to himself, clearly remembering a day in the past. Xavier was so caught up in his reminiscing that he didn't notice the two students walking together. He nearly ran directly into them! Nearly meaning he would have run into them had he not instinctively reached out and stopped them in their tracks without glancing at them. When Xavier noticed what he'd done, he quickly retracted his hands. He quickly pressed his suit down and adjusted his fedora. "It won't due to reveal my secret to students of all people right now. Note to self, be more cautious." he thought to himself. Speaking to the students now, he said, "It is a pleasure to meet you students. I am a new professor here. It is my privilege to help you achieve your goals. Ah, where are my manners? You are...?" Xavier gestured with his hand to suggest they respond.
Vaarsuvious stopped in his tracks, thinking deeply. "I suppose it doesn't matter what you call me," he turned to look into her eyes, "for a rose by any other name smells just as sweet, yes?"

When he noticed how the others kept their distance, he instinctively edged closer to Ebony to compensate. He wondered what kind of relationship theirs would turn out to be. He also noticed her hand motions and smiled inwardly ~that's so cute~ he thought

In reply to professor xavier, vaarsuvious replied, "My name," he bowed graciously and spread his wings out from under his cape, "Is Vaarsuvious Illerius Crystalshard. I look forward to learning from one such as you." He clearly knows a fellow angel when he sees one.

Straightening, he smiled and once again folded his wings under his cape, thirstily drinking in the strange looks the motion had surely aroused from the other nearby students.
"Well, well. An angel then. Very interesting. No need to bow, it would raise... questions about who I am. After all, why would an angel bow to a human who simply wishes to help creatures realize their potential." said Xavier. He motioned slightly with his head in the hopes that the angel would understand not to speak or act as if he knew of the professor's angelic nature. "And who this young lady? I don't believe we have had the pleasure of meeting either." he said with a grandiose flourish. (What? He is an archangel. He has to have some outlet for his dramatic tendencies xD .)
"I merely bow because you are not only my elder, but my superior in an untold number of ways." He says and relaxes his stance a little, making for more casual stature. He feels a draft and pulls his cloak around his chest for warmth. "I should like to see you every so often, professor, for some private lessons. Perhaps you can show me a thing or two or three."
Ebony eyed Vaarsuvious's movements carefully out of curiosity, but immediately snapped her attention towards the professor. "I'm Ebony, sir." she said, bowing slightly in imitation to her friend, but much less dramatic. "Since you're new, i'm guessing you're Professor Deveraux. I've heard a lot of talk about a human coming to teach at this school. It's quite the controversial topic around here."
"Well, we can discuss the lessons at a later time." said Xavier. "Second note to self: teach this angel about communication. Seriously. He needs it." he thought to himself. Responding to Ebony, he said, "Yes, well, I simply have a passion for teaching. After the discovery of creatures, the normal curriculum of human life seemed so... mundane. I thought I was fairly intelligent, so why not help with a new branch of teaching? By the way, which classes are you two going off to?"
(Nah, the creator is really nice, albeit a little new. This RP could use some older members, ya know. Just post your character skeleton right on this thread since there isn't one in the actual section.)
(vaarsuvious didn't actually say anything that even implied that you were an angel, xavier)

"I'm trying my hand at advanced melee combat, with specialization in blunt weaponry, as well as divination and general magics," he says.
"Ah, the magics. Interesting... although, you shouldn't be needing that class. Sorry, it isn't my place to tell you what classes you can or cannot take. And you, Miss Ebony? What activities will you be partaking in this year?" he questioned.
"Anyway, I have some things I must attend, and I will be gone for I know not how long." He turns to Ebony. "I hope you and I have some classes together this year, because I'd certainly like to learn about you in particular, Ebony." He winks at her and excuses himself from the conversation.
Ebony watched Vaarsuvious leave before turning back to Xavier. "This year, i'll be continuing my advanced fighting classes, as well as practicing channeling my abilities into my weapons."
"What a fortuitous coincidence! As it happens, I am the new professor for that course." After a pause, he continued, "Don't let the suit and hat fool you. This human knows a thing or two about advanced fighting... especially the weapons aspect. Come along, let's make sure we aren't both late to the first real classes." He gestured for Ebony to follow him, and then set off at a brisk pace towards the training grounds.
Name: Valentina Stone.

Age: 17 years old.

Race: Half human- Half dove.

Rank: 3rd year.


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Bio: Valentina was raised in an Italian wealthy family. Her entire family were half human- half Dove, so it wasn't a surprise when she was born with wings. She was quite happy with her life. At least.. That was for awhile. In the middle of May, her family was murdered, and she was forced to leave her wealthy life behind and live with her Aunt. Her aunt wasn't particularly the nicest person, and made her do hard tasks constantly (Kinda like the story of Cinderella, except without the stepsisters..). Valentina was recently sent to Gandora High, since it was a decision made by her aunt. She truthfully didn't want to go, but her aunt insisted since she thought of it as a better school for her.

Extra: For some reason, Doves are attracted to her, and try following her around a lot.

Weapon: A long white sword with a Japanese word imprinted in the middle of the blade. (さいあい which means 'Beloved' in Japanese:P)

Other: She speaks fluent Italian and Japanese.
(( Accepted, jump in any time. ))

Ebony hesitated for a moment, but she eventually followed after the professor to the training course. As they walked, the girl's mind wandered to last year. She could remember watching all of the first-years fighting in advanced classes just so they could show off their skills, but ended up getting beaten and not fitting the criteria. She giggled at the memory and wondered if it would be the same.
"Well, then. We have arrived, Ebony. Take a seat on those stools over by the weapons rack. I have to prepare." he said with a smile. As the. other students filed in, Prof. Xavier took of his suit coat and hat and carefully placed them on this own stool. then he loosened his tie and undid the first button on his shirt. By this time, the other students had filed in and had taken their seats. Many were conversing with their friends. Xavier didn't attempt to quiet them. Instead, he stood still for a moment, and suddenly, everyone stopped speaking in unison. Students who were there that day said they felt a serene calm wash over them, making them want to be quiet and tranquil. A few of them would eve swear to seeing white symbols glowing on Xavier's body underneath his white shirt, but no one could be sure. Xavier's demeanor had completely changed from the smiling professor to the tough drillmaster. "Welcome to advanced fighting class. Everything you learned before... forget it. Any ideas you had of your own capabilities... forget them. This class won't teach you how to fight, it'll teach you how to survive." said Xavier in a dramatic voice. And then, he grinned in such a way that an involuntary shudder shook each student's spine.
Valentina scrambled down the hallway, her eyes wide with exhaustion as she struggled to find her class.

"Great.. I'm late on my first day.." She muttered to herself, looking again at the small map that sat in a crumpled square in her palm. She glanced at the room she was next to, sighing deeply in relief when she realized this was her classroom.

Slowly, she opened the door, folding her wings behind her back as a faint blush of embarrassment appeared on her cheeks. She was quite late. About 10 minutes.

"I'm sorry I'm late.. I couldn't find my way around the school and got lost." She said quietly, looking at Prof. Xavier who was at the front of the room. She felt her ears grow hot with embarrassment as she felt multiple eyes staring at her curiously. Her bright colored eyes glanced around the room frantically, finding a seat in the back of the classroom.
Ebony only glanced at the student who arrived late before turning back to the professor. Something about his sudden change in demeanor startled her, but in a way she wasn't surprised. The only thing she wanted to do was fight, and that was all that had been running through her mind this morning. However, she did find a little amusement from the girl's embarrassment.
"Allow me to elaborate on my earlier statements. There are those who wish to learn how to fight. And that is all well and good. But, when it matters, a creature's true instinct is not to fight. And no, it isn't always flight either. It is to do whatever it takes to preserve its life - in short, survival. Those who believe that they can fight and survive already will be moved to a specially supervised class for the best of the best. However, there is an entrance exam. Grab a weapon and stand in a line next to the fighting ring - if you dare." he said with a frightening grin.

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