Gandora High (Accepting)

Vaarsuvious stepped out of a dark corner in the room, as though he had materialized from nothing. He then threw off his cloak, drew his mace, and assumed a ready stance. His muscles tensed, and his tribal tattoos seemed to snake across his skin. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and opened them again, searching for his opponent ans sizing up everyone in the class.
"So, Vaarsuvious. I see you've decided you want to be in the part of the special class. Well, let me see what you've got. That's right. The entrance exam to the top class is a duel with me. Now then, Vaarsuvious... proceed." he said with a gesture. However, Prof. Xavier stayed in a relaxed, almost nonchalant stance.
Ebony watched as the students both eagerly and frighteningly headed for the weapon racks before standing up herself. She moved passed those who didn't already steer clear of her and picked up a spear. It wasn't the best-looking weapon, for the blade was chipped and the handle was just made out of wood. Nevertheless, she chose it and it didn't matter to her. Ebony moved away from the group, examining her weapon while waiting for more instructions.

When Vaarsuvious appeared, everyone turned to look, including Ebony.
Vaarsuvious backed down a bit. "What, waiting for others to test the waters... good survival strategy. Although sometimes you have to get your hands dirty. It seems that Miss Ebony is ready with her spear. Come on then. And do go easy on me, I'm only human." he said with a smirk. He settled back into his nonchalant stance.
Vaarsuvious heard the professor's statement and advanced toward him. He positioned himself so that his mace was in his right hand and ready to swing, his left hand was pointed toward the professor, his wings were folded close to him, his legs were bent slightly, ready to block or run as he sees fit. He carefully monitors the students with his tremorsense, and searches the professor for any weakness... he's having trouble finding one...
Seeing the students' apprehension, Xavier proclaimed, "For your benefit, I will permit every individual here to attack me at the same time, as a whole. In fact, I shall go further. I won't retaliate, meaning no attacks from me. I will only use defensive maneuvers. And yet, the outcome will remain the same - I will win. It is up to you to prove me wrong and to prove yourself worthy. Come then, we don't have all day."
Deciding to trust Xavier, norgren decides to be the first to take a shot at him. He jumps, flaps his wings once, and comes down with all his might right toward him.
Xavier perceives his movements almost before they are performed. He is out of the way before Norgren hits the ground, and he uses Norgren's own momentum to disarm him and flip him out of the ring. "Much to flashy. That won't help you survive... what it will do is give your opponent a big target." Xavier explained as he brought the blunt of the weapon down and stopped inches from Norgren's skull. "And now, you'd be dead. So... FAILED." He turns and looks at the others. "Who's next?"
The professor fell straight into Vaarsuvious's trap. He held firm to his mace and jammed his shoulder into Xavier's chest. "You were saying...?"
"Very good, Vaarsuvious. What I was saying was that flashiness won't help you survive. It is a signal for others that you are about to attack. However, being completely surreptitious is not the answer either." While saying this, the Xavier that was trapped by Vaarsuvious vanished into thin air, as did Vaarsuvious's mace. Xavier was behind Vaarsuvious, and he put his hand on Vaarsuvious's shoulder to keep him from falling, all the while holding the mace next to Vaarsuvious's neck. "You have much to learn about the angelic magics, young one." he whispered in Vaarsuvious's ear.
"Excuse me, professor," said Vaarsuvious, "but I was unaware that magics were allowed in a melee combat class." His annoyance at the misconception was evident on his face, but he took defeat graciously, standing and bowing to his superior, then he held out his hand for the return of his mace. When Xavier gives him the mace, he leans close and says, "One day, professor, you will look up at me from the flat of your back."
"I've said it before. This is a class for survival, not for melee or weapons. There is but one parameter when it comes to survival: Come out alive. Beyond that, the choice is yours." Before turning to the next opponent, Xavier whispered so that only Vaarsuvious could hear. "The day that day comes is the day that Michael himself will be slain by a mere human."
"I suppose you did. Congratulations are in order... but, they'll have to wait until after the rest of your classmates take the "exam". For now, return to your stool."
He smiles from ear to ear, then catches himself and regains his composure, backing away silently and retrieving his cloak. He then watches the rest of his classmates, eager for a show.
Obviously invigorated by Vaarsuvious's display, the rest of the students began to attack. Xavier lithely dodged and disarmed everyone, shouting "FAILED" over and over. In the end, most of the class lay in a heap outside of the ring, while the professor dusted some nonexistent dust off of his dress shirt. "So... that only leaves Miss Ebony. It's your choice whether you take the entrance exam, or not. Decide quickly because we have things to discuss." he implored.
Ebony wanted to go congratulate Vaarsuvious, but instead she sighed and walked into the ring. She dragged the spear along behind her, eventually stopping a good distance away from the professor. She motioned the weapon to her front, creating a half circle on the ground. "I'm ready when you are, sir." she said.
Vaarsuvious had almost forgotten about Ebony, and when he looked at her, he felt a twinge in his chest... He wondered what it meant, and he suddenly found himself hoping that she passes the test as well.
Ebony nodded, holding the spear out as a white glow spread from her palms and onto the spear, coating it to the point you couldn't even see the weapon. Then, swiftly, she lifted the spear and dashed for Xavier, preparing to stab through him.
"You should be careful where you are pointing that spear." said Xavier. He was now in the same spot that Ebony had originally run at him from.
Ebony dug the spear into the ground, using it to spin her around. "You're pretty fast for a human, sir." she said, grinning. She ripped the spear out of the ground and took a step forward. She readied her weapon again and headed for the professor again, but this time she moved in a blur. Within moments she was beside him, the spear pointing to the ground while the end of it was up against his head.
*Ryohei who was just seemingly passing down the halls caught a fight going on. Eyes fled open wide however he controlled himself as he saw the Prof. Quietly walking to the door of the entrance, Ryohei noticed it was the girl he saw this morning fighting against the him. Shaky in the beginning but as she was getting more into it her movements began to smooth out. Each limb had a pattern, stopping all of the sudden though made her flow of her energy to cease. Power was gone the moment she launched the spear to the ground. Sighing, Ryohei had a feeling what was going to happen next.*

(( -.-" I just missed 3 pages worth of rp. Ouch..))
Vaarsuvious felt Ryohei walk to the door and stop there, so he went to it and nodded his head in greeting to him. Then he leaned on the door and continued watching the fight. After a few seconds, he turned to Ryohei and asked him if he was a student or a teacher.
*Taking a moment to stop watching the fight, Ryohei found himself to be staring at a boy. Without a moments spare, Ryohei spoke quietly as he flickered back to the fight and the boy.*"I am neither. I am the school's doctor. My name is Ryohei but you may call me Doctor or Savatore."*His tone seemed tense of aggression but his expression told otherwise of kindness.*" i take it that you have fought the prof.?"*Asking the question he finally looked at the boy again with acknowledgement.*

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