Gandora High (Accepting)

Several hours passed and still the strange doorway remained open. Vaarsuvious decided that time was certainly no factor in its closing, and slowly stepped inside, choking on the stale, damp air. Much to his surprise, the doorway snapped shut the second he entered and torches on the walls burst to life, illuminating the stairway.

Well then, he thought to himself, it looks like the only way to go now is forward. He then made his long descent into what he could only assume was no good place. Strangely enough, however, the scent of decay slowly dissipated as he progressed. The walls seemed to grow dry and even clean.

After an indeterminable amount of time, Vaarsuvious reached the bottom of the stairway and was amased at what he saw. He had entered a massive underground burial chamber and knew that his search was near its end, whether he finds what he came for...

...or dies trying.

(Gabriel, where's Xavier right about now?)
(He is stuck with Vitez's character. Now, normally, I'd make my character do something like notice that the other character didn't feel like speaking and have him go back later. But, Vitez made another angel, so I feel like Xavier's position means he has to introduce himself and bring her to Vaarsuvious. Plus, he'll be really impressed if Vaarsuvious can get the artifact on his own ;)
Ebony shook her head. "Sorry teacher, but I have my own plans for lunch." she said with a smile. "I'll be going into town. But i'll probably be back for afternoon classes." Ebony giggled before exiting the rooftop through the stairs, though she appeared at the bottom within second. She waved goodbye to Deox before making her way to the front gates.
Deox smiled. " Such a nice girl." Deox looked over to see two gaurds coming towards him. " We have a bit of trouble sir." they replied. Deox sighed. " I'm a teacher not a disciplinary administrator." The guard looked bowed. " We know sir but the headmaster says you are one of the few we can count on. We've been noticing some weird going on we need someone to investigate." Deox sighed. " Yeah i understand." he thought back to Mariti his poor fairy was still shaken up in the summoning plain.
As Vaarsuvious stood, examining the many graves scattered throughout the massive room, he thought he heard something. He couldn't tell where it was coming from, and after a few moments he saw something that chilled him to the bone... The dead had begun to rise from their graves!
Ebony exited the front gates, closing them behind her, only to be greeted by the forest that blocked the school off from the neighboring town. Although she had walked to the town tons of times before, something seemed a little... off. However, she continued walking on as if nothing was wrong until she made it into town.
Deox notice something off. He looked over to see a student almost jittery as she looked around. He kept a close eye on her till she headed in his room. He watched as she began to sabatotage the potions and elixers. " She must be with one of the them." He kept on her until she left and began to fix the problem.
Dozens and dozens of skeletons with every manner of weapon clutched in their hands pulled themselves out of the ground. Drawing his mace, he did what he could to run through the room crushing as many as he could while they were yet unable to defend themselves. His dense, heavy weapon was a blur as he dashed between the half-buried creatures, crushing skulls and scattering ribcages.

He must have destroyed a hundred or more by the time he reached the opposite wall, and he could no longer see the stairway through the incalculably large swarm of mindless, shambling monstrosities currently closing in on him.
A shining image of Xavier appeared in the middle of the room with Vaarsuvious and the undead warriors. "I, Xavier, have answered your invocation, young one. What it is that you require of me?" the hologram asked in a heavenly voice.
"Oh no, professor," Vaarsuvious said as he scattered the bones of three skeletons with one swing, "This is MY fight! HYA!" He spun around, knocking away and shattering another five of the creatures with his wings. "I can handle this!"
(Sure. So... here we go. Summary of Gandora High in under 60 seconds. One. Two. Shoenice. (His videos are amazing!) So, first read the character descriptions. For some reason, mine isn't on the first page like everyone else's, so just look for it in the first few pages. Now, Deox and Ebony played a game of tag to see if Ebony had to go to her classes. She lost, so she has to go to class. Meanwhile, Deox suspects Xavier because no one but Vaarsuvious knows he is an archangel. (Xavier scared the sh** out of the spy Deox sent to keep an eye one him.) Vaarsuvious is off trying to recover a long dead mage's artifact from his tomb full of undead warriors. Meanwhile, Deox discovered some human tampering with the school potions. Lastly, there is another angel named Angelina, and Xavier is currently meeting her. The Xavier in the above posts with Vaarsuvious is a hologram from a magic crystal. So, there. xD )
( Holy shiz....... =.=" this is what happens when I decide to leave for a day or two ......thanks, that was a lot of work and I appreciate it ~ )
(( I will try, but if she posts herself leaving already then ==" -Been trying to get caught up, and tight now I have to respond to some major rps :/ thank you very much~ ))
It took several hours and Vaarsuvious's entire body was throbbing with excruciating pain, but at long last he stood victorious... and then fell over exhausted in a patch of soft churned dirt. He suddenly remembered his angelic ability to fly without the use of his wings and wondered if he could have applied that disregard of physics to his fighting.

With a sigh, Vaarsuvious slowly lifted off of the ground, floating high into the air. The roof of the underground room, now visible, was bare and had nothing useful to offer him. He looked back downward and had to think for a long while before he realized what it was that he was looking at. The entire floor of the massive room was mixxed and agitated from the rising of the skeletons, with only one exception: a small, grave-shaped patch of grass situated perfectly in the center of the room. He slowly drifted down and stood shaking a few feet from the grave. For some reason it hadn't occured to him previously that he might have to defile the wizard's grave in order to find what it was he sought. He thought for a long time before saying out loud, "You deserve your rest, I won't disturb your rest just for a little extra power."

No sooner had he uttered those words than had that lonely patch of untouched soil begun to stir.

(How do you guys like how I'm handling being on my own?)
(( Guess i'll have to save it then! ))

Ebony walked through the town, smiling as she crossed a street. As she passed, the phone in a phone booth started ringing. She stopped immediately, she expression completely different than what it was just a few seconds ago. She turned to it with a look of indifference, but there was also a hint of sadness in her expression as well. She approached the phone, picking it up once inside the booth.

"Hello?" Ebony answered. As the person on the other line spoke, she nodded sadly.

"Ah, I see." she said with a sigh. "I will locate the source of the problem and see if I could get rid of it before it causes any major issues. Actually, I may already have a lead, though it is a small one. But..." Ebony trailed off, a bit afraid to continue. However, she eventually said, "What if you're wrong about this one?"

As soon as she spoke, she regretted it. She was stormed with an angry reply from the other person, one that made her tremble a bit.

"Okay okay. Yes, I understand." With that, the other line went dead. She hung up the phone and left the booth.

"Aw, man!" Ebony said with an exaggerated frown. "Guess i'll be late for class today." She smiled, fixing her headband before continuing on her way. She had to figure out where Vaarsuvious went, and fast.
( To who it may concern i would like to apologize on my behalf. It is the holiday season and we are picking up so I'm not able to be on here like i would like. So basically you are in the care of our second owner for the time being. Once again i apologize and i will be back one the holiday is over. Take care and good luck.)

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