Gandora High (Accepting)

Having decided that Xavier could catch up no matter what kind of head start he has, Vaarsuvious continued on his way toward where he knew the artifact to be. The robes of Patris Orationis... I hope no one beat me to them, he thought to himself. As powerful as Patris Orationis was, his burial place is not known by enough people for lowly graverobbers to have discovered it. He wondered if perhaps something worse than a simple thief had sought the robes...
Ebony grinned, jumping down almost immediately. "I love games! Tag is one of my favorites, too." she said enthusiastically. "So, what are the terms?"
" It's very simple." He looked up to the sky and smiled. " All you have to do is stay untouched for ten minutes. If you're able to pull that off. Then i'll give you a passing grade for the whole year and pull some strings so you don't get in trouble with school patrol or anyone else. But if i can catch you. I would like to see you bright an early for every one of my classes and you'll work with me after school as well." He looked at Ebony with a smile. " Sounds fair right. After all in a vast school like this ten minutes will be a breeze a easy win for you."
(Hey YoungChaos I sent ykur orb back with a thrashing xD . You should check that post out. The fairy would probably be back... or it could come back in the middle of your tag game and cause Ebony to win. Xavier is going to need her after school anyway.)
(lol Ebony isn't dumb enough to take that deal, she knows Deox is a powerful wizard, obviously capable of finding her anywhere)
"Only ten minutes, huh?" Ebony tilted her head to the right in thought. After a few moments, her grin grew wider and she straightened up, nodding. "Okay okay, I'm in. So, when do we start?"

(( What was that? ))
Nina and Angelina swooped down to the ground on Toniyoli.

"Thanks for the ride, Angelina. Wanna check things out with me?"

Nina smiled, her tail swirling around as she popped the question.

"Well of course!"

Angelina replied in her beautiful singsong voice, smiling as Toniyoli followed her every move.

They stopped in front of the courtyard waiting for something to happen.
Would it be alright to join now?! This looks fun. But... could someone give me an update? I apologies in advance for interrupting you all. Sorry! :(
(Hello, oh no of course not~ never to late... I hope ^.^" Just make ya chara here on this thread and Young Chaos or Nappy will approve of ya ;3

Basically, everyone is getting to know everyone under circumstances of classes or fighting against Hydras. So far everyone has met everyone, except the the newcomer and ya as well. Young Chaos and my chara have talked of a warning that humans have trespassed the school and pretending to be students here at the school. No one knows this except my chara and Young Chaos's chara. But so far there hasn't been much development other than kids are skipping classes and the profs are catching them in the act xD ))
Xavier felt the presence of another angel in the vicinity of the school. 'I don't know if I should be pleased, or if I should be exasperated.' So, he resolved to be both. But, most importantly, he decided to introduce himself to the new angel. Xavier walked out in front, of the angel... it seemed there was someone with her. Now, he would have to find a way to tell her his status without letting it on to the other creature. 'How troublesome.' he thought with a mental groan.
Thank you very very much! I appreciate it. I'm guessing its a birding school? Anything else I need to know about the school?
It isn't a birding school. In fact, a non-angel/non-winged character would be great since everyone else seems to have them. You could add variety xD .
(( There are at least three people who aren't angelic or with angel-like wings. And it's fine, nothing to forgive. ))
Name: Kitsumi Yakima, nickname: Kit

Age: 16

Race: Kitsune

Rank ( first - fourth year)) First

Looks: (picture or description)

View attachment 8750

Bio: Kitsumi was originally from Japan until the humans had driven the supernatural creatures out of Japan. She had no choice but to move to America. It was still bad in America to. She heard about the school and decided to join the fight. No one was going to persecute her for being her. She vowed to bring the humans down

Extra: She is a Kitsune so she also has a fox form.

Weapon: Bladed Asian fan

Other: She is also a skilled martial artist and is very flexible.
( same here, can't see it U.U And man... Everyone is so powerful with ya skills and what not ;0 regrets making a male with no powers ~ )
Ebony didn't wait for a reply from the teacher before leaving. "Hey, come find me when you're ready to start the game!" she said before running off to god knows where.

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