Gandora High (Accepting)

Amber had just arrived at the school. How magnificent. She was ready to learn and make lots of friends. She had a bag with her that contained an extra pair of cloths (a skin tight combat suit) and her weapon. A steel fan. She did not quite know where to go. There seemed to be enough people around though. She bound to get information from someone. She was happy to be here in the fight against humans. It was better to know how many people had her back. The hod between the super natural was great.

She found her way around, seeing a number of out door classes. She wasn't sure of her schedule yet do that would be kind of bad. She made her way into the building. Touring the hallways and class rooms. She didn't know where her room was so she didn't know where to set her bag yet. She made her way back outside and sat undet a shady tree. She set her bag beside her and pulled out a juicy red apple.
Ebony had gone to a vending machine just outside of the cafeteria, where she was eyeing a particular piece of chocolate candy. She didn't have any money, but she had other methods of getting her snack. She placed a hand on the machine and they both started to radiate a white glow. Moments later, the machine started to shake and the chocolate bar fell out, allowing her to grab it and head back to where she was before. When she got there, however, it seemed as though another student had taken resident under her tree.
Nina sensed that the supernatural that walked up wanted some time alone with Angelica. She could here him groan inside at her presence. It kinda hurt her feelings, and made her quite angry, so she walked off, tail flicking irritably. She hid behind a nearby tree and pulled out something she had been hiding in her backpack. A small dragon, Cupid, and her fairy, Yvonne. Angelica seemed to be doing boring Angel stuff with the other kid, obviously an Angel, but she sent Yvonne out to spy on them anyway.

Angelica kept looking in the direction of where Nina was heading, but there was obviously an Angel standing before her. She could feel it. Why did he have to get her alone to tell her. Angelica felt uneasy, and Toniyoli kept getting hotter and hotter in her backpack. He was charging in case she needed him. And she just might.
"Hullo Xavier, I'm Angelica. And the Neko you saw walk away, that was my friend Nina. Pleased to meet you." Angelica was nervous, tense, and ready to bolt. She didn't often meet other Angels, and when she did it wasn't always pleasant. She hoped Nina was looking out for her…somewhere.
"It is a pleasure to meet you too, Angelica. Oh, and the same goes for your friend, Nina. However, it seems she doesn't trust me because it seems she sent a fairy after me." said Xavier with a smile. He plucked the fairy straight out of the air and held it out to Angelica. "I do hope you two weren't planning on doing anything because I'm afraid that you're going to have to come with me now."
"Hey," Ebony called out, approaching the girl underneath the tree. "Sorry first-year, but this spot is taken." Her usual kind and slightly childish demeanor was gone for some reason, however her usual smile still remained, her tone giving it a sort of eerie feeling. Now, she seemed like a whole other person.

"Are you listening?" she asked, after not receiving an answer after a few moments. Ebony walked closer, squatting down to her height, folding her dress back as she did so.
Kitsumis eyes fluttered open in shock. She actually dropped the apple in her hands. She must have looked like an idiot with her mouth wide open. "Uh... I'm sorry!" She said in a worried manner. She picked her things up and looked at the girl. "I'm new here. I really have no clue what's going on. It doesn't help that I'm from a different country." She sighed. "I'm Kitsumi. You are?"

Kitsumi wasn't quite sure if she had this friendship in the bag yet. "I'm a Kitsune." She took out her fan and snapped it open.
Ebony waited for the girl to leave before sitting herself down against the tree, giving the first-year no second glances as she left. She smiled cheerfully as she unwrapped her candy bar and bit into it. She seemed to be back to her old self now.

"I wish Vaarsuvious were here," she said to herself before biting into it again. "A snack always tastes better with a friend."
Kitumi gritted her teeth. "That didn't go to well." She figured she go find her room. Another long walk around the campus. She really didn't even know if they had rooms. She decided to go to the cafeteria. The half eaten able didn't do much. After eating a lovely salad and getting a pop she figured she could at least train.

She went back to the yard with the many people and many taken trees. She changed into her suit in a bathroom. She set her bag down and began. She mainly practiced many kata and flipping her fan up in the air. She also did a couple contortion. She figured since no one else needed to be anywhere, neither did she. She layer in the grass and took a much needed nap.
Deox watched the girl leave as he thought about what she said. " Alright then i-" it wasn't long till his poor fairy had found him she was shaking almost looking like a strobe light from the terror. " What happen to you ?" Deox replied confused at what could have startled her. But alas she was too shaken up to even mumble a faint reply. " As i thought...something isn't adding up." he said to himself. " I better keep an eye on him myself the next time i see him." Deox walked around the courtyard. " I forgot to give out room keys to the students...all this commotion has sent me for quite the spiral." Deox put his hand in the air and winged letters went out to all the students. In there letter was a golden key with a number on it. The letter it self said.

* To whom it may concern i want to welcome you all to Gandora. The key you see before is to your luxurious room in Olympia Manor. Here you will be staying for the next few years. We encourage that you relax and enjoy your stay here as well as meet new friends and open your mind to new abilities and new ideas. If your room is not up to par please let us know and we will do what ever it takes to make it so. Thank you all and please enjoy your year at Gandora High.*
Vaarsuvious eventually reached his destination, a rocky outcropping near the top of a grassy hill surrounded by forest. The boulder itself had what looked like a doorway carved in its northern face, and to the west of it stood a lone white tree. Into the tree was carved a phrase, "Aapud mortis, Veritas." Latin. It translates to, "In death, truth."

Hmmm... I wonder what it means, he thought to himself. An idea came to him. He touched the surface of the door-like carving and spoke out loud, imbuing his words with magic, "I am Vaarsuvious, son of whom I do not know, and I seek the power to end the war between humans and supernaturals." Nothing happened. This puzzle is going to be more difficult to solve than I expected. He sat and crossed his legs, mulling it over.
Kitsumis nap did not last very long. She woke up to a letter, landing on her face. She was pleased to see that the letter informed her of there rooms. She slowly got up, groggy from her nap. She grabbed her bag and headed for her room. "Olympia Manor... I like the sound of that. If a letter about the rooms was sent out, maybe there will be one on class schedule."

Kitsumi held her bag in her mouth. She was going to transform into her fox form. It was much easier to and faster to travel on four legs. It wasn't long until she arrived at this luxurious hotel of sorts. It took her a while to find her room since there were so many. The rooms were magnificent. They were fine and she didn't want to change anything. She unpacked her things and sat on a coach in a living room area. To pass time she read a manual on Society and Social Graces of America.

Ebony stood behind Deox now, finishing off her chocolate bar. "Ready to start our game now?" she asked him, crumpling up the candy wrapper with a smile.
Vaarsuvious is lost in thought, and a winged letter falls in his lap. "What the...?" He reads it, puts the key in his pocket, and discards the letter. Returning to his contemplation, he says to no one in particular, "In death, truth... hmmm..."

Suddenly, a wild idea occurs to him. He waits a while, and when no other options strike him, he takes out a hunting knife. Still, he hesitates, hoping for a better plan. *sigh* "I hope this works," and he slides the edge of the knife across his palm drawing warm blood to the surface. He clenches his fist, spreading the blood around, and looks at it for a moment. It shimmers in the greying light, but there is no distinct reflection. Then, he wipes his hand on the cold stone surface and winces with pain.

When Vaarsuvious removed his hand from the stone, the blood began to spread in all directions across the surface of the stone, and from where his hand touched it first, a hole began to open until the entire stone was a very large fateway. Looking in, he could see stairs going down, and the scent of decay wafted over him. "Well, that's pleasant..." he remarked sarcastically. He didn't see any way to close it, so if it wasn't simply going to remain open forever, then it would probably close on its own shortly.

Having decided to play it safe, he sat back down and waited to see if it would close.
(Hey, Vaarsuvious. My character would be with yours, but since Vitez isn't online, her character can't respond. Unfortunately, Xavier just asked her to come with him, so.... he's stuck for now. On the bright side, Ricia might let me join the Knights of Eitheria xD .)
Deox looked over to see ebony i guess he could keep his promise. " Alright let the games begin ." Deox sat down on the ground. " The ten minutes have begun so good luck to you." Deox snapped his finger one last time and a hour glass formed in the sky.
Ebony giggled along with a nod before running across the courtyard and disappearing in a sea of students. Soon enough, Ebony had made it to the rooftops of the dormitory. She looked across the campus for Deox or someone else who might be "it".
Deox walked causal around the school 7 minutes had passed as he was in his thoughts. " He was actually surprised no student had even gotten this far. He continued his walk around campus as it soon went towards the nine minute mark. " It seems i might actually lose this one." he said with a smile.
"This has started to turn into hide and seek." Ebony said, watching the teacher walking around below. She wondered how much time had already passed by then. "Boooring~" she yelled as she stretched, standing up.
Deox tapped on Ebony shoulder. " And that's the game." He smiled while standing behind her. " Most people hide in the bathroom or there dorm but the roof. That is genius." He watched the of the sand hit the bottom of the hour glass.
Ebony turned around, first with a look of surprise then with a wide smile. "You got me!" she surrendered, holding up her hands. "I'm glad I got to play the game, though. I had more fun than I would have just sitting around."
" Glad but i do expect you to come to class for now on." He smiled. " Maybe you may find something interesting through your classes." Deox laughed. " How about we call it a day and we can go to lunch my treat."

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