Gandora High (Accepting)

Suddenly sobered by Xavier's tone, Vaarsuvious slows to a halt and stares at him dumbfounded. "Okay..." he hesitated. "Well you're right, I'm not a full angel. I don't know my father by name, I only barely remember what he looks like. My mother is human, and when she found out the truth about my father she went insane. I've been on my own ever since. I only recently heard that there was a school for beings like me, and I came as soon as I could. What else would you like to know?"
Xavier's expression softened. "I apologize, but I had to know. Did you ever learn the name of your father?" He said the last line with some contempt. After some thought, he added, "And also, is your mother still alive? Perhaps, receiving medical treatment at a mental institution."
"A simple scrying spell should reveal the location of my mother; a drop or two of my blood has a strong enough bond with her to locate her across fields of reality. As I said before though, I know nothing of my father's identity." Vaarsuvious looked around, noticing how dark it is and said "We should find somewhere to rest. Full angels need rest as well, yes?"
"To be precise... yes, we need our rest. However, our definition of time is a little different than yours." Xavier closed his eyes for a few moments, during which the light he constantly emanated dimmed a bit. Then, he opened his eyes, and his radiance went back to normal. "There. That is probably all the rest I will need for the next few days. However, it would be beneficial for you if I kept watch as you rested. Meanwhile, I'll do the scrying spell. No worries about the blood, I've already got it." He smiled and held up a vial with a few drops of blood in it. "I snatched it while you watched me "rest". Besides my speed, it seems like the humans invented something useful - misdirection."
"Yes, well..." Vaarsuvious searches himself for any kind of cut, "Uhmmm... please warn me when you do things like that please. Kind of creepy, if you ask me." He looked around and found a clearing with some nice comfortable-looking moss and circled above it a few times looking for anything suspicious. Finding nothing, he lands on the moss and lays down. "Please don't mess with me while I'm asleep, professor."
"I wouldn't dream of it." Then, with a grin, he continued, "But, then again, I don't dream of anything." He began to chuckle, his laughter like the ring of bells, perfectly in harmony with the nature around them. His laughter reverberated around the tower. At that moment, one could truly see the connection of angel and nature itself.
( [MENTION=3719]YoungChaos[/MENTION] I hope it's not too late to join :3)

Name: Nina

Age: 16

Race: Neko

Rank ( first - fourth year)) First

Looks: (picture or description)
View attachment 8738

Bio: I really would not like to say much about myself, if I like you and can trust you, you might glean info…but it's not available to anyone and everyone.


Weapon:(not optional) Glistening silver sword

Other: (not optional) Nina is a very good person, and she is best friends with Angelina

Name: Angelina

Age: 16

Race: Angel

Rank ( first - fourth year)) First

Looks: (picture or description)
View attachment 8739

Bio: I'm a angel. 'Nuff said. If ya wanna hear my Bio, earn my trust


Weapon:(not optional) A light orb, named Toniyoli, that is VERY dangerous

Other: (not optional) Best friends with Nina

I know it seems a bit skimpy, but I'm a good RPer…don't worry
(Nah, I think there is still time to join. The plot hasn't really progressed much, so you won't have missed too much. Plus, you have cool characters xD .)
( you are accepted ^.^)

Deox spent the rest of his time teaching class after class. He enjoyed watching the new and returning students listen in on the history of spells and enchantment. It gave hope and pride knowing he was doing a job well done. " So you see students that is ho---" Deox shook as he heard the Enraged roar that shook the school. The students jolted up with curiosity while others covered there ears. He looked up as the second roar unleashed setting off the students to run out to the window to see the commotion. Deox knew that sound it was one he had heard many times before. It was the Hydra one of the beast that was stored in the mystical habitat it had escaped......and it was angry.
Xavier's senses picked up a roar coming from the direction of the school. He glanced back to look at Vaarsuvious, and found that he was still resting. Deciding not to wake him, Xavier shot off to the school without making so much as a little gust of wind. Xavier flew at supersonic speeds, and he though, 'I've heard that roar before... it is a hydra. I could kill it in my sleep. However, I am supposed be human. I'll let one of the other teachers handle it, and then I'll congratulate him. I have to get some friends in the faculty.' Within seconds of his departure from Vaarsuvious and the tower, Xavier arrived at the scene of the commotion. He landed in an adjacent courtyard so that no one would see his wings. Then, he walked into the area where the hydra was lurking.
Deox watched the school patrol try and handle the hydra situation but they failed. Each one getting flown in multiple directions or nearly stomped on. He sighed as he jumped out from his window and walk towards the beast. " Orita-ti-gatsu " he replied as his body quickly glowed for a brief second. The First hydra had locked on and opens his jaws wide trying to chomp down on Deox but he was already gone sitting in the tree above it. He examined the beast noticing a crown that wasn't there before. He took a closer look to see the it was letting off a weird energy. The hydra looked at the wall and swung his tail aiming for the students. Deox extended his quickly as magical chains wrapped around the beast tail and neck. He grunted as he did what he could to restrain the beast. " You're a big boy...but it's time for you to take a nap. " Riga !!!" He jumped from the tree as an magical blade formed along his hand. He slashed down at the crown and it burst into a surge of electricty. The Hydra roared in pain before it fell to the ground that was now collapsed and unconscious on the ground. " You can take him back now. But you better hurry i'm not sure how much longer he will be sleep." He looked back at his class and made an uneasy smile. " Class dismissed. " He watched the students scurry away some looking at the hydra others trying to get to there next class. Deox headed back to his class doing his best not to draw anymore attention to himself.
Xavier walked up to the man, obviously a powerful mage, while slowly clapping. "Phenomenal performance you put on there. I'm guessing that makes you a mage, and a powerful one at that. I'm Professor Xavier Deveraux, a new teacher here. And who might you be?" he asked with a small smile.
Deox looked at the man knowing he never seen him before. " Professor Deox a spells and enchantment teacher here. Welcome... and sorry i don't mean to be a show-off but i don't like when my students become threaten." He watched as the hydra was ported away and sighed with relief. " Tell me Professor Xavier from what parts have you traveled?"
"Oh, I'm from here and there. I dabble in a little bit of everything. Tell me, what do you think of the facility? I mean all these creatures together in one spot learning to become great. Oh, I think it is marvelous. Personally, I'm a human. But, as a human, I do what interests me the most. What could be more interesting than teaching the supernatural beings all about their powers!" he exclaimed. While talking, he made grand gestures to illustrate his points.
Deox seemed confused. " A human....? No human has ever stepped foot in this facility must be some new way to allow supernatural and humans to co-exists together." He looked back up at Xavier and smiled well i hope you enjoy and we both get to chat on a much less excitable environment.
"Yes, I agree. Let's speak again sometime. Preferably, under better circumstances. Goodbye." Xavier turned on his heels and walked away. Once he was sure Deox was gone, he turned towards the magic classrooms. 'I might as well do the scrying spell there since I came all the way to the school.' he thought.
Vaarsuvious woke to find himself alone and was greatly unnerved. "Where the heck did the professor go now?" He decided that surely there must be a good explanation for his disappearance and decided to practice maneuvering with his newfound speed, doing loops and barrel rolls and feeling so alive that his skin tingled with excitement!
Deox felt uneasy as he watch Xavier leave. " Mariti..." a small glow of light formed as a fairy flew around him. " Keep and eye on him will you. But don't get caught i need you to be my eyes." The small fairy nodded and smiled hovering off keeping a eye on Xavier.
Ebony had been sitting underneath her favorite shady tree all day, picking at the grass and watching the students go from class to class. The only exciting thing that happened was the Hydra escaping, but it was over as quick as it had occurred. "This place is too uptight." she pouted.
Xavier was walking away from the unsuccessful scrying spell when he noticed that he had a tail. 'Let me teach this one a lesson.' he thought. He turned around and caught the small pixie. He evoked the power of his true form and spoke with the voice of the archangels, which commanded absolute authority and respect. "Tell your master that it is not wise to deal with that which you can't comprehend. Be gone now! " He let go of the fairy and watched it fly away. It was obviously shaken.

(He didn't release his full form, he just evoked some power to scare the fairy.)
Deox smiled. " Then i'll make you a deal." He snapped his fingers. " Since you seem not to understand the meaning of this school. I'll make you a wager a little game of tag with some pretty high stakes." He looked up at her with a smile. " I assure you might really enjoy what i have to offer."

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