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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Duke: Check installation.

It appears that you server copy is finally done installing itself onto your monitor, It's about time. You better inform Ken about this right away. He's probably going to be very pleased to hear the news.

Duke: Pester Ken.

You cannot pester Ken because Pal is getting in your way. DAMMIT, PAL! Can't even go over one mile per hour and yet still finds a way to be an obstacle. Oh well, you hope that maybe Ken will receive some sort of massage or something, given that Pal decided that being directly in front of the monitor was necessary right now.
Ken: Wonder about Duke

You wonder if Duke's copy of the game has finished installing yet. You decide to ask him.

-- electroShogun [ES] began pestering quirkyAlien [QA] --

ES: Is your copy done installing yet
Aura: Accidentally grab dresser.

You grab the dresser from the ground on accident, making it float in the air. Whilst trying to put it back, you accidentally put it on the bed. Oh god...

DC: Um...

DC: That was an accident

DC: Sorry

DC: I'd recommend going to the living room so I can see

DC: But before that, I'll just fix this thing here...

Aura: Try and fix thing

You try, but end up slamming it out the wall. MY GOD YOU SUCK AT THIS DON'T YOU?! Uuuugh. Well, you guess its too late to get it, at least for now.

DC: ....

DC: ..................



Aura: Rage

You can't, because there's nothing to get really angry about... BUT SOON...
You watch as your dresser floats into the air... and then falls onto your mattress, causing all of your plushes to fall off. You then watch as your dresser rams into the wall, rather, through it, and to the ground two stories below.

SM: oh my god

SM: what the hell just happened

SM: i mean obviously my dresser just flew outside but

SM: why and how
DC: Um...

DC: I may or may not have goofed

DC: Very,

DC: Very,

DC: Very badly.

Aura: Realize your mistake

Oh, you CAN free roam.. Oops. Well, you decide to go to the living room really fast, then place down the machines. Before you can place down the CRUXTRUDER, however, another friggin' imp appears out of nowhere.

Aura: Slap him with mace

Done. Now, you collect the grist and get back to what you were doing. Goodness, how were these things even coming in?! You decide to shrug off that thought, and place the CRUXTRUDER

DC: Okay, done.

DC: I'll be right back to get your dresser...

DC: Which I'm sorry about

Aura: Get dresser

You scroll over to the outside of the house and find the dresser, set at a peculiar angle. Either way, you grab it and try to place it back into the hole calmly. Success, though you accidentally put it on the bed again. You know what?! Good enough.
Duke: Get pissed.

Dammit Pal, can you not see that someone on pesterchum is trying to contact Duke? That's it, time to manage this mutt.

You equip the FRISBEE to your Strife Specibus. You prefer to use a DiscKind, however you're not sure why. Maybe it's for ironic reasons. But that doesn't matter right now, getting pass Pal is the main goal and you don't think it's gonna be an easy task.

Duke: Strife!

You begin handling Pal the only way you know how...THROWING A DISC AT HIM! You chuck that shit at him with pure rage. Take that, Pal, and that! You keep hitting him, till he somewhat decides to get the hell out of the way. YES! Finally, that derpy droid finally moved.

Quickly, check to see who's pestering you.

QA: Yes, both are done installing, I can now be your Server User.

QA: Sorry for the wait, Pal decided that he wanted to help me out by blocking the monitor.
You jump, startled by a sudden THWUMP coming from your living room. Before you can see a dresser fly in through the wall, you go out to investigate. There now seems to be a large pyramidal machine with a valve on the side.

SM: man this is


SM: its like sims but

SM: real life
ES: Awesome

ES: Go ahead and connect

Ken: Return to your room

You return to your room and check your computer. Sure enough, someone is trying to connect to you. You allow them to connect.
DC: I know right?!

DC: Its pretty awesome

DC: Anyway, you see that button on the top? You've gotta push it, to get a weird sphere. I chucked a random toy into mine, but it turns out that was probably a bad idea. The imps are now alligators, so that happened, but still. Get something that you think'll be useless, but also useful for a kernelsprite. Unlike mine.

DC: I may or may not have done an alligator hand puppet, and a blanket.

DC: Which I may or may not regret.

DC: He just kinda sits there... Staring at me.

DC: I decided that naming him APB would be the best, but-

DC: Wait, he moved

Aura: Walk up to APB

APB floats there, staring at you with dead eyes. Maybe I should have done something that was alive... Eh, oh well. As you were about to turn around and leave, APBSprite pulls you into a blanket wrapped embrace. My god he is fluffy. You know what? Your gonna name him Puffie. or maybe something else.

Aura: Consult Sam about it

DC: He just hugged me with his blanket arms.

DC: I really wanna name him Puffie

DC: But, do you have any suggestions?
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Duke: Give thumbs up.

Hell yes, things are finally going your way. You're now officially Ken's Sever User. That's one less thing to be worried about. This calls for a celebratory drink. Unfortunately, all you got is that GROSS SPACE FOOD. Yuck. Might as well be happy with the progress and leave it at that.

Duke: Don't worry, be happy.

Already on it. You're practically a spring of joy.
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ES: I dont have much open space around the house sorry

ES: Go ahead and move around anything you need to

ES: Except the stuff in my room

ES: Thats off limits
QA: Alright.

QA: It you say so, Ken.

QA: Any preferred locations for me to drop all of it?
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QA: Got it

Duke: Make some space.

You choose to set up shop in the living room. You think it's a logical choice, given the room. You start moving things to the side so you can use the living room more effectively, however you can't help but get your feng-shui on. You move everything into a way where there's still room in the middle to deploy anything, but also in a way where the integrity of the living room's usage wouldn't be messed with. You feel like you should be some sort of house designer for this. You're really proud of your work, even though you haven't deployed anything yet. You basically wasted time playing around with Ken's living room furniture, but at least it looks stylish.
QA: Relax, Ken, you'll be fine.

QA: Your Cruxtruder hasn't been activated so you should be good for now.

QA: I could place it down, right now, if you want.

QA: Do you really wanna jump into meteor hour, right now?
QA: Well I guess I could just place it down...

QA: But don't try and use it just yet.

QA: At least not until you're ready.

There sure does seem to be a lot of noise going on behind you.

Duke: Look behind you.

Oh it's just Pal again playing with the Cruxtruder, what could go wrong.


DAMMIT, PAL, your need to be an annoyance has just activated it! And now the timer has started, great, just great. At least it can't get any worst...Say, what's Pal doing right now? Pal seems to be staring at the now released Kernelsprite...No...No, Pal, stop...STOP! GOD DAMMIT PAL! And just like that, the stupid space rover jumped right into it. Well great, now you go a ghost bot, just fantastic. You would start beating the shit out of him with your FRISBEE, but your sure that as an apparition, it wouldn't really be all that effective.

Duke: Inform Ken.

QA: *Sigh*

QA: Speaking of which, Pal just activated mine and now he's a sprite.

QA: ...

QA: Do you think I can kill a ghost?
QA: That's all I can ask from you.

QA: Okay, talk to you later.

-- quirkyAlien [QA] ceased pestering electroShogun [ES] --

Duke: Skulk.

This is bad. Thanks to your mangy machine, it's literally the final countdown for you. Luckily you got all the equipment you need to survive! Although you would have placed it better, maybe even smashed Pal in the process. You regret telling Mark not to. But hey, that's all in the pass, time to walk towards the future. First step, get out of here before a meteor hits.

Wait a minute, you're on the moon, how is it going to hit you? Am mean really, it's not like it's...a...oh.

Duke: Take a gander.

You access your monitor and get a look outside. Using the camera system, you zoom in to what appears to be a giant red rock heading towards your way. Well...ain't that lovely. Just to rub the salt even deeper in this sore, you just realized you wasted over 7.5 million dollars moving to the moon to avoid a meteor that was going to destroy you on earth that's now heading right towards you...If you had the time, you would be flipping the fuck out.

Fuck it, you got time and everything you need, lets do this!


You manage this bad situation like a pro and use your anger to fuel your actions. You pop out a Cruxite Dowel from the Cruxtruder, pre-punch the crap out of that Sylladex Card, carve the key to your victory, and jump straight towards the Alchemiter. Yes, this montage really did help, you even got time to spare. Now lets get to it.

Duke: Create your item.

The Alchemiter produces a what appears to be a green boulder. What the hell is this, this is my item, how are you even suppose to break it? Hm, what's this? It seems that Pal, ur, Palsprite has something to say.

Duke: Listen

01001001 00100000 01101000 01100001 01110110, SWEET MOTHER OF GOD WHEN WILL IT END!?!? You gladly tell Palsprite to stop talking and just show you whatever.

Duke: Follow Palsprite.

Looks like Palsprite lead you to room cluttered will robot parts. It's Palsprites room, of course, but what's here that could help you break through that thing. Palsprite leads you to cabinet and opens a drawer. You don't understand what could be in there that would help, but you decide to go take a peek.

Duke: Take a peek.

OH MY GOD, PALSPRITE, WHY WOULD YOU HAVE ONE OF THOSE!?!? You look into Palsprite's drawer to see a large PROBE. This just went to a whole new kind of weird, why on Earth's moon would you have one? Unless...hm. You take into consideration the possibility that Palsprite might be a fembot. You never really thought that Palsprite had a gender, always thinking that it was just some machine that he fooled around with, but you guess anything is possible. It's still wierd that he or she has one. There's no way you're gonna touch it. However, Palsprite doesn't look like he's going to let you leave without it. Wait, you can't even use it, you don't have a ProbeKind Strife Specibus. Ha, take that. Hahaha...ha...huh...Oh...wait, Palsprite seems to have one for you...oh goody...You let out a slow lingering sigh and reluctantly take both of the questionable items. Well you now feel really awkward, but you might as well get to work.

Duke: Probe it.

You repetitively ram PAL'S PROBE into the green boulder, penetrating right through it. You speed things up as the counter shows that you only have one minute. With one last thrust, you break through the boulder and see your real item, the ore within.

Duke: Break Ore.

With five seconds to spare, you grab the ore and chuck it to the ground shattering it.

One second left, you look towards the monitor and see the meteor closing in. You give off a smirk as the counter reaches zero.

Duke: Enter Medium.
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Ken: Stay away from the Cruxtruder

You keep your word to Duke and stay clear of the Cruxtruder. You instead examine the Alchemiter. Interesting... Looks like there's a port for add-ons or something. You wonder if there are other machines to deploy.

Ken: Read manga

You take out your manga and start reading. Man, you can't believe you forgot about this! This is the volume where the protagonist finally confronts his own inner darkness!

Soon enough, you find yourself completely engrossed in the manga.
SM: puffie

SM: puffie is definitely what you should call it

Sam: Open Cruxtruder

You look at the machine, and see the button that Aura mentioned. You stretch and nearly fall off the machine but you press the button, which causes the top to fly off, knocking you down. When you look up again you see a floating purple sphere, which Aura referred to as a "Kernelsprite." You dash into your room and look around for something to throw into it. You have a few choices. There's the pile of dragon plushes to choose from on your bed, and there are a few other characters lying about. You also have a pet snake which may be an option, though he's in a cage which totally won't open later. For now you grab a dragon and head back out into the living room and toss it in. After being blinded for a moment, you are then faced with a floating cloth dragon ghost. Cool.
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Duke: Wake up.

You awake in the Land of Night and Robotics. It's...different, then again you guess anything would be different from space. You were, however, hoping for something a bit more natural. Oh well, you shouldn't really complain. You like technology and you're now in a world made of it. You are pretty sure you've seen this concept before, but for the strangest reason you can't recall from where. Oh well, you're sure that you'll figure it out eventually. Right now, just be glad you and your home made it out, or "In" in this manner. Whatever, you're in the medium, be glad.

Been some time since you last talked to Ken, better inform him.

Duke: Pester Ken.

-- quirkyAlien [QA] began pestering electroShogun [ES] --

QA: Okay, I'm in.
Ken: Answer Duke

B-But you're just getting to the best part! You can't stop reading now!

Ken: Answer Duke.

Okay, okay. Saving yourself from Armageddon is more important. You can read the rest later. You toss the book over your shoulder and pick up your TABLET. Unbeknownst to you, the book lands squarely on the Cruxtruder and releases the Kernelsprite. The timer starts counting down.


ES: Awesome

ES: So now youll help me get in right
Duke: Notice shenanigans.

QA: ...

QA: Yes, yes I will.

QA: I'm so glad you waited to activate your Cruxtruder.

QA: By the way, I've noticed that you got a new friend with you.

QA: He seems pretty bright, mind introducing me to him?

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