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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Alright, since you've spent twenty hours faffing about your living space, now you're in a position where you have absolutely zero idea where you are. Mark Chenan, the poker playing extraordinaire is actually locked in his basement until he bests the one man better than him. His very father. Granted he has his tricks and winning shouldn't be too difficult, procrastination was simply, one hell of a disease. All things considered though, you have your respects for the art of your father's hand and you feel you've been cheated.

Out of simple spite for the peaceful man's antics, you manage to lay out your winning hand, finally free from this dingy unfinished basement and able to go back to your computer. Ah yes, sweet, internet-based salvation. The heat outside isn't much for making life easy or hard in one way or another. However, as things stand now, you're just fine signing into Pesterchum, as technical as your connection may be at times. Otherwise, however, you're just fine.
Duke: Get off the floor.

You have been spending all this time laying on the floor looking up at your ceiling. You really don't know why you have been on the floor for so long. Maybe you were hoping that it would get your mind of things. Sadly, it doesn't, it just makes you look pathetic. You decide it's time to take a stand. You get off the floor and dust yourself off. There, back on your feet and ready for action. Unfortunately, there's very little action that goes on where you live, but you're sure that you can find something close enough.

Duke: Look for some action.

You don't really see anything that could possibly be define as action. You guess you need to venture out of your lounge to actually find some. And with that, you journey out of the lounge. You walk through several corridors, looking for this so-called action. You're pretty sure you aren't going to find any, but you look just for the sake of humoring yourself. You eventually make it to the loading bay. Here can be found SPACESHIPS and STORAGE CRATES. there was a lot of both to go around. Its most notable feature was its AIR WALL THINGY. Ships could fly through it and your precocious are wouldn't be tampered with. You're not sure how it work, and your sure as hell know you'll never figure it out, but it doesn't really bother you. All you need to know is that it works. The really cool part about it was that you could see outside through it, like a big window to space. You could see a lot through it. You could see stars, planet Earth, some SPACECRAFT coming towards him....Wait, what? Oh, what do you know, looks like NASA finally sent you your package. It enters through the barrier and landed like a dainty butterfly.

Duke: Search Spacecraft.

You obtain your copy of Sburb. Hell yeah, about time. You make your way back to the lounge and look at your monitor. You see that none of your chums have contacted you, currently, but you're sure that you're gonna hear from them soon. You look at your copy of Sburb while taking a few glances and your monitor's disc drive. Might as well get on with it. You pop in it in and stare at the terms of agreement. You know it already, but you delay yourself still. You can't wait forever so you click accept.

Duke: Install Sburb.
Ken: Activate Cruxtruder

You click on the Cruxtruder.

...No good, that just picked it up. Put it back down before you mess things up even worse.

ES: Crap

ES: Duke never told me how to open this thing
DC: Fudge.

DC: Okay, wait.

DC: There's a button thingy up here!

Aura: Click button thingy

You can't because you are too short. Great. Another disadvantage to you vertical tiny-ness

DC: I think I need a stool or something...

DC: Here, bring one of those couches over so I can jump onto it!
Duke: Speak to your Server Player.

You cannot speak to your Server Player because you don't have one. Practically, one of the most crucial part of the game and you don't got one. Splendid, way to be prepared. Maybe you can pester on of your chums to take the role

Duke: Pester chum.

-- quirkyAlien [QA] began pestering digitalTestimony [DT] at 12:50 --

QA: Mark.

QA: Have you acquired your copy of Sburb yet?

QA: Don't mean to be a bother, but I need you right now.

QA: Be my server player, right now.

QA: I will find you a client player as soon as possible.

QA: But right now, I need you to be my server player.
Ken: Get couch

You click a couch and move it toward the Cruxtruder.

...Uh-oh. Your nose is tingling.

Ken: Sneeze.


In your fit of sneezing rage, you drop the couch on the Cruxtruder. It lands on the top, knocking the lid off. A KERNELSPRITE pops out.

ES: Well that worked out nicely
Duke: Try not to freak out.

You find it very hard to keep your cool right now. You're unpreparedness has not been helping out the situation. You need something to help you chill out.

Duke: Call Pal.

You click a button on your WRISTWATCH that contacts you pet. And here he comes, the most cutest space rover in the world. You noticed that he finally got the FRISBEE you threw. You can't help yourself but be impressed on how fast he got it. Twenty-five hours and six minutes is a vast improvement. You think that's enough playing around for right now. Maybe later, you'll throw the old whirligig.

You CAPTCHALOGUE the FRISBEE in your SYLLADEX, you can probably use it later.
You see that Ken has said something.

Duke: Answer Ken

QA: Please tell me no glowing thing popped out of it.
ES: Uhhh

ES: About that

Ken: Check on the glowing thing

Through the viewport you can see that the glowing thing is indeed the KERNELSPRITE. It seems to be just floating there, minding its own business.

ES: Doesnt look dangerous

ES: What is it
Duke: Commence ranting of the utmost importance.

QA: Well...

QA: Congratulation, you just started Armageddon.

QA: A meteor is going to begin its journey hurtling towards Aura's general location.

QA: Tell her to make like a tree and get the fuck out of there.

QA: Or at the most part, hurry it up.
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QA: Clam down.

QA: You need to stay focus.

QA: have you put down the totem lathe?

QA: It's very vital.
DT: what im like

DT: just getting online?

DT: i mean jesus man its a digital copy so its like

DT: already on my harddrive

DT: are we already starting this shit or something

The laidback attitude may in fact get you killed if you don't worry about the state of being. Partly because, well, you're simply not too concerned? Sure, it's hotter than Satan's asscrack right now but, other than that it's really just a normal desert day. Installing the Server for Sburb, well that may take awhile, sure your client is installed but it isn't running, and your server, its gonna be 10 minutes at best.
QA: Time to start crafting keys.

QA: Tell her to get started on making a cruxite dowel.

QA: That's the first thing she should do.

QA: Hold on...

You notice that Mark has finally got back to you. Most likely telling him to "chillax broksi" or something like that. You know he doesn't actually talk like that, but you like to imagine that he does.

Duke: Continue with Mark.

QA: Mark.

QA: This is very important.

QA: We need to hurry up and get everyone in.

QA: Ken has already started laying down Aura's equipment and, when I install my server copy, I shall do the same for Ken.

QA: We need to start hauling as with this if we want to survive.
DT: if you say so ill just get to installing this all then

DT: even if survival because a game seems like bullshiiiiiiiiiiiiit

And lo, Mark began his process. Intense beliefs will have you think that he's not doing anything, but in fact his shitty connection is installing the server.
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Ken: Relay instructions to Aura

You shift your attention back to Aura. The Cruxtruder is now displaying some sort of timer.


Clearly this is a countdown to when the meteor hits. You've got plenty of time, but better not let that counter get too low. You recover the couch you dropped on the Cruxtruder and set it down next to the device.

ES: Okay Aura dont panic but we need to move fast

ES: Turn that valve on the Cruxtruder again
QA: Alright, contact me when you've downloaded it.

-- quirkyAlien [QA] ceased pestering digitalTestimony [DT] at 12:51 --

Duke: Continue pestering Ken

QA: Sorry about that.

QA: So are thing going well?
ES: Relatively

ES: Auras just standing there staring at the glowy thing

ES: Theres a counter on the Cruxtruder now

ES: 40 minutes 58 seconds

ES: Is that counting to the meteor hitting
QA: Yup.

QA: Once that counter hits 00:00, Aura better be out of there.

QA: That's why you gotta make sure she has everything she needs.

QA: Speaking of which, I better get on with downloading my server user copy.

QA: This may take awhile, so give me one moment.

QA: I'll let you know when I try connecting with you.

Duke: Begin becoming Ken's Server User.
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Ken: Gather stuff

You grab your TABLET, which has the PESTERCHUM app on it, and start roaming your room, looking for stuff you could use later on.

ES: So once she gets the Cruxite she carves it with the Totem Lathe right
QA: Exactly

QA: Afterwards, captchalogue it and pre-punch the sylladex card you put it in.

QA: From there, alchemize it and claim your Cruxite Artifact.

QA: ...

QA: Has Aura prototyped her Kernelsprite yet?
ES: No she hasnt yet

ES: Shes still just kinda staring at it

Ken: Find a lost treasure

Oh hell yes! You lost this thing years ago! You reach into your closet and pull out your FUCKING GIANT SWORD. You paid RIDICULOUS AMOUNTS OF MONEY to get it made exactly like the one in one of your FAVORITE RPGs. It's a huge sword... made of smaller swords.


You CAPTCHALOGUE it, double-checking that you have your- oh god dammit. Your BLADEKIND Strife specibus is missing. Beter find it.
QA: Okay, good

QA: Tell her to throw something stupid in it.

QA: Something like a crippled cat or roadkill from off the street.

QA: Hell, toss a lame-ass frog in it.

QA: Anything that seems weak and/or pathetic.

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