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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Ken: Help Aura

ES: Okay from what I know

ES: Youre in the game now

ES: Those creatures are monsters

ES: You have to kill them

ES: Hope you have a weapon somewhere
Duke: Be confused.

Out in space? So she's dead? People cannot live in space! Well you can, but you're in a space station. You have more questions, but Mark is saying something might as well end your call with Ken for now.

QA: I am not sure how to take this, but I will have to contact you later.

QA: I need to speak with Mark, talk to you later.

-- quirkyAlien [QA] ceased pestering electroShogun [ES] at ...Um...Certain Time! --

Duke: Answer Mark

QA: Good.

QA: I'll accept you as my Server User right now.

QA: Then you should get to work laying down everything.

QA: And later I could teach you to use uppercase letters. Maybe even show you a thing or two about commas.
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Aura: Get weapon.

You look around your room frantically, looking for a weapon. You see a broken golf club in the corner, but that won't do. Hmm. You captchalog the Golf Club, then look for some tape. You decide to venture out of your room, and find that the monsters were everywhere... You run to the kitchen, avoid a few of the creatures, then grab the tape. You abscond, running back to your room with tape. As you shut the door behind you, you grab a spiked metal ball you had lying around. For some reason. Anyway, you tape it to the club handle and make A MAKESHIFT MACE. You equip it as your strife specibus, then hold it in your hands.

Aura: Feel awesome

YES! Now, you can vanquish all of your foes and destroy all of their hopes and dreams!


DC: I now feel powerful!

DC: So I just gotta kill them? What do I get in return for destroying them..?
ES: Something called grist

ES: Apparently we need it for some reason

ES: So get as much as you can

ES: Im gonna try and get in the game too

ES: Ill check in with you in a bit

-- electroShogun [ES] ceased pestering domineeringConflagration [DC] at 12:55. --

Ken: Install client copy

You insert the CLIENT DISC into your computer and start installing it. Hopefully this doesn't take too long. In the meantime, you continue searching your room for useful things.
Ken: Remember Sam

You remember that Sam was pestering you earlier. You return to your conversation with them.

ES: Hows the installation going
Aura: Start killing some baddies.

You firmly grasp your make-shift Mace, then open the door. You let out a battle cry, then go into a strife with one of the imps. God, these guys are kinda hard for first time enemies. Eh. You continue to strike the creature, then FINALLY destroy it. Some weird looking blue looking things pop out as the spoils, and you collect them. So this must be Grist. Why on Earth was it called that!? Eh, who cares. You got some of it.


As you smash your way through the imps with time, you notice your KernelSprite just sitting there. You decide, that maybe you should throw something else in the mix. You look at a lamp that you have lying around... Oh god. No... Uhhh...You know what, fudge it. Get that blanket, right there... You throw the blanket into the KernelSprite, causing another blast of light. Now, the KernelSprite looks like an alligator puppet blanket ghost. GENIUS.
Ken: Leave your comfort zone

You decide that you've found everything useful in your room. It's time to explore the rest of the house. Peeking through your window, you see that there are no cars in the driveway. Good, you're home alone. You open your bedroom door and step outside...

...God, look at this place. The walls are so... plain. No posters, no paintings, just a coat of off-white paint. Blegh.

You wander down the hallway, through the living room, and into the kitchen. You'll probably need food if you're gonna survive in the game for long.

Ken: Gather rations

You gather various CEREAL BOXES, BAGS OF CHIPS, INSTANT RAMEN CUPS, and ASSORTED SNACK FOODS. You contemplate raiding the fridge, but it's probably just full of ingrdients. You don't know how to cook anything more complicated than ramen, so you ignore the fridge.

Ken: Return to sanctuary

You carry your hoard to your room and check on Aura. She's bashing up those monsters. Go, Aura!

...wait. The glowing thing looks different.

Ken: Question Aura

-- electroShogun [ES] began pestering domineeringConflagration [DC] --

ES: Why is the glowing thing different
DT: man i am not using any of that gramatically accurate bullshiiiiiiiiiiiit

DT: nothins wrong with the way i type or anythin

And so, Mark, the player with the shittiest connection around began to place objects that seemed important. It was like, magic. Maybe this is some augmented reality game or something? After all, you're pretty certain you have *ZERO* idea who that guy is, probably Duke.
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QA: I swear, if I die because of you, I'm going to haunt your ass so hard.

QA: You'll be "chilling" in your room, all relaxed, then BOO!

QA: I would then continue to torment you with BOOs for the rest of your life.

QA: Now hurry along and make with the equipment.

QA: Try to fit everything in my lounge.

QA: And for the love of god, don't damage the hull of my home. I still need air to breathe and space is currently short on demand.
DC: I threw a blanket into it


DC: Well, sorta.

DC: Maybe

DC: But, uh, he looks like a ghosty goo now.

DC: Why on Earth is that?!
Sam: Check progress.

Sam stares at their screen, waiting for the installation progress. It's about halfway.

SM: its about halfway

SM: no wait it just finished

SM: man that's just the nicest thing!

Sam is grinning from ear to ear as they return to the program. There just seems to be a circular shape. With more circles and curves inside it. It's quite dizzying, but that's only because those curves keep shifting and moving.

Sam: Report to friend.

SM: so this logo of some kind popped up

SM: whats it mean?
(Please keep out of character conversations in the appropriate tab, @lostsoul and @MoltenLightning)

Ken: Answer friends

You first direct your attention to Aura.

ES: Thats a kernelsprite

ES: It takes the properties of whatever it touches

ES: But it wont change anymore

ES: So youre stuck with a Blanketsprite.

You then switch to your conversation with Sam.

ES: That means the games launching

ES: See if you can find someone to be your server player
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DT: alright alright im going im going keep your spacesuit on man

Mark's lacking a server player, if that's anything. However, the whole while, he's fucking up Duke's house. Say hello to about 10 extra cubic feet of not-space. Imps should be showing up soon enough. Cruxtruder deployed.
DC: More like Alliganket

DC: Allanket

DC: Anyway, I'm cool with it. Hes just kinda sittin' there.

DC: Looking at me

DC: Alliguppet

DC: Puppiganket


DC: Done!

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SM: alright cool

Sam: Look at friend list.

You think that Aura could help out here. That's only because the only other person is busy.

-- serendipitousMagician
[sM] began pestering domineeringConflagration [DC] --

SM: heyy so i hear youre not dead!

SM: that's great and all but

SM: i need a server player for game ageddon

SM: get it? like armageddon

SM: but with game
Aura: Answer Sam

DC: xD Amazing

DC: Anyway, sure.

DC: I can try, but


Aura: Engage Allimpator.

You slashed the creature with your mace, then take some damage. You decide to do it again, then destroy it. Wow, these are getting easier. You wonder if there's a level up system (?), but shrug it off.

Aura: Continue conversation

DC: Back!

DC: Oh, yeah!

DC: Lemme get my server disc...
Duke: Make filler.

You could have sworn that you just heard people talk about joining, but that would be crazy. You're in space, ALONE! Well, you got Pal so you guess you're not entirely alone, but he's not the best at conversation. He mostly makes beeping noises and slowly moves around everywhere. You're not quite sure why you even consider Pal your pet.

Duke: Stare at Pal.

You stare down Pal, seeing if he'll stare back. No good, Pal just kind of zooms in-and-out of your face and rolls away. You really start to question why you love this blasted thing anyways.

Duke: Look at Cruxtruder.

Out of thin air, a Cruxtruder appears and places itself on the floor of your lounge. Well that takes care of one thing. You worry, however, that Pal may get in the way while Mark is placing down the rest. Pal isn't the smartest space rover out of the lot.

Duke: Speak to Mark.

QA: Alright, very good.

QA: Try not to crush Pal, if you can.

QA: I'm gonna get started on searching for a server player for you.

QA: Be right back.

-- quirkyAlien
[QA] ceased pestering digitalTestimony [DT] --
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Ken: Venture outside again

You decide to head back out into the house and gather more supplies. You head downstairs to the den.

Ken: Find something amazing

Holy shit. Is that a gun?!

...No, it's just a BB gun. Damn. You take it anyway. It might come in handy if you ever get your hands on a BBGUNKIND abstratus.
DC: Oh, I made it into the actual game!

DC: Almost died,

DC: But made it!

DC: Anyway, there are these monsters you have to face called Imps. They look...

DC: Weird.

DC: Anyway, I'm installing the disc!

Aura: Watch installation

You watch as some strange sphere makes strange patterns on your screen, then flash a message that u need Sam's permission first before connecting.

DC: K, done!

DC: Now, I just need your permission!
Mark is doing the thing. Specifically, the thing where he doesn't crush Pal. In the scheme of things, somebody doesn't have a Client Player and Mark could easily be in the game soon. What's the order of connections thys far? Mark > Duke, etc, etc

Currently in the Incipisphere: Aura




Prototypings: Alligator puppet

(I'll do these from time to time, just to keep things a bit more organized.
You see a notification pop up behind pesterchum. You shrug and accept it, giving Aura permission.

SM: alrighty

SM: accepted le request

SM: permission granted

SM: etc etc
Aura: Look at monitor

You see some crazy looking cursors and options at the top, and clikc some of them

DC: Hey, I see you!

DC: Oh, what's this...

Aura: Put down the machines

DC: Wait, where should I put the machines?

DC: Do you have an open space I can put them in?
Sam: Wave to the camera!

You look behind you and, as if you were on The Office, wave at the camera. Or, where you think the camera is.

After dawdling a bit, you get back to Aura.

SM: um maybe in the living room

SM: just move the couch i guess

SM: if that's not enough room, there's always my uncle's room

SM: but that's a last resort cuz i have no clue what's in there

Your room is a bit cramped for any large objects to be put in there. Your bed is in the corner of your room, with a dresser right next to it, which may or may not contain dragon plushies on it. There are also quite a few other video game characters lying about in plush form.

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