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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Ken: Be confused

ES: Wait what

ES: What are you talking about

Ken: Turn around

You turn around and come face to face with a glowing ball and an ominous timer.

ES: Oh fuck
QA: If I were in your situation, which I was, I would start hauling ass.

QA: No time to panic, get doweling.
Ken: Haul ass

You quickly get a Cruxite dowel from the Cruxtruder. Putting it in the Totem Lathe, you suddenly remember that your Kernelsprite hasn't been prototyped. You sprint up to your room and grab the first harmless-looking thing you see.

...a pony doll? How did this get in your room? Oh, wait, this is your sister's room. Crap. Oh, well, this will have to do. You rush back downstairs and lob the winged pony at the Kernelsprite, forming a Pegasprite.

Ken: Hurry the hell up

You carve the totem and put it on the Alchemiter. It creates an electric blue watermelon. You run upstairs again, entering your room this time, and grab your WOODEN SWORD. You run back downstairs and glance at the timer. Twenty seconds. Shit.

Ken: Break the watermelon

You smash the watermelon with your wooden sword. It bursts into refreshing neon blue juices. Delicious. But the timer's still going! What now?!

Ken: Eat watermelon

You pick up a fragment of melon and bite into it, just as the timer hits zero. Everything goes white. Were you too late?

Well, if you didn't make it, at least your last memory is of the tastiest watermelon you've ever eaten.
Ken: Wake up

You sit up with a start. You're alive! You can hardly believe it! You made it!

Ken: Assess surroundings

You stand up and look out the window.

Oh, my... Wherever you are, it's beautiful.

Ken: Report to Duke

You had back to your computer and answer Duke.


Duke: Congratulate.

QA: Fantastic.

QA: So glad you made it out, alive.

QA: I have to say, you had me worried for a moment.

QA: Now we can get onto business.
QA: Now, we need to get the grist well flowing.

QA: We are going to need a lot of it, if we want to make cool stuff.

QA: Of course I'll be sitting in the comforts of my abode while you go kill hordes of underlings and collect all that sweet grist, but I'll be here to cheer you on.

QA: I'll be like, "Woo-hoo, go Ken!"

QA: I think that's fair enough, right?
ES: Youre in the game too

ES: You should fight monsters too

ES: That way we get double the grist

ES: Itll be like

ES: Double grist well

ES: All the way across the sky
DC: Puffie it is.

DC: Alright, I see you've done...

DC: A dragon.

DC: Oh my.


Aura: Engage Imp

You look behind you to see a dragon alligator Imp, who looks AWESOME. Anyway, you get out your mace, then attack him. It takes several more hits then just a regular one, but look at all this GRIST! WHOOO!

Aura: Celebrate

You kinda do a little dance, then remember the issue at hand

DC: Hopefully, the dragon won't add a ton of difficulty or I'm dead.

DC: But, hey.

DC: At least he looks cool!

Aura: Keep fighting off Imps.

DC: Some of these Imps look like Robot Ponies. And some of them look like Alligator Dragons.

DC: So weird, but so cool.
QA: I'm a maker, not a fighter

QA: Besides, the only thing I've ever fought is now a apparatus apparition.

QA: I just don't think I'm combat ready.

Duke: Look at Palsprite.

Look at him/her over there, staring at you with his/her soulless eyes. He/She thinks he's/she's hot stuff now that they've been upgraded. What an asshole. Actually, you're not all that sure what Palsprite is thinking. You would ask, but you don't want to have to deal with that loud pronunciation of ones and zeros again.

Duke: Bargain.

QA: How about this, you go fight some imps and I'll take notes on the play by play of your battles.

QA: That way, I can prepare myself for possible confrontation.
SM: hey it was a plush dragon

SM: plush means cloth

SM: dragon means badass aesthetic

SM: also there's a timer now.

SM: slightly worrying

SM: what do I do?

Sam: Worry

You start worrying and start to pace. As you pace by the Cruxtruder, you trip over a purple cylinder, and it rolls under your couch. It seems to glow faintly so it's not hard to lose, and you grab and captchalogue it.
ES: Fine

ES: But you owe me one

Ken: Draw forth thine vorpal blade

You draw your FUCKING GIANT SWORD. No normal person could wield this magnificent blade; fortunately, you've trained well in its use. Unfortunately, though, you're indoors, and such a massive sword is a hindrance. You dismantle it into a GREATSWORD, two KATANAS, two DAGGERS, and a SHORTSWORD. You store all but the GREATSWORD in your Sylladex. In doing so, you drop your tablet. Whoops, looks like your Sylladex is full. You pick up your tablet again, expelling the BB gun. You'll come back for it later... maybe.
A young troll stands in his room, today was supposed to be the day that you play a game with your friends but unfortunately you had accidentally fell asleep whilst waiting for one of your friends to pester you.

What is this young trolls name

Princely PooperPants X

cummon, really! That's just mean.

Kersin Likaru :D

Thank you. Your name is Kersin Likaru and you are very surprised that your moirail hasn't pestered you yet. Either that or your internet connection has been very slow for the hour you've been asleep. ANYWAYS you live in the alternian tundra with your LUSUS, DRAGON DAD, he hasn't gotten home yet, but he usually is a little late home. Your interests include mostly collecting various WEAPONS and leading any REBELLION and or RIOTS caused by the alternian government. You also like to HUNT and mostly watch NATURE DOCUMENTARIES.

Pester moirail

nobleHunter [NH] began pestering domineeringConflagration [DC]

NH: Hey shorty ;)

NH: What's new?
Ken: Go fight things

You hold your greatsword aloft and exit your house. There are strange creatures all over the place. There's some robot ones, some with wings, some that look like alligators, and... are those dragons?! Hoo boy. This is gonna be intense.

Ken: Strife!

You engage a group of imps. You expertly take down each one of them. They explode into generous amounts of grist. You quickly gather the grist, then move on to the next batch of imps.
Duke: Examine Ken.

What the hell did everyone prototype their Kernelsprite with? You see parts from Palsprite, but what is everything else? You can swear that some have alligator features, horse parts, and apparently dragon anatomy. You're pretty sure this is not what you had in mind when you told Ken to throw stupid stuff into the Kernelsprites.

Duke: Rant.

QA: Ken, what did you do?
Ken: Answer Duke

You finish off the last Imp in the area, collect the grist, then take out your tablet and answer Duke.

ES: What do you mean what did I do

ES: I killed the imps and got lots of grist
A teen troll stands in his empty apartment. He just woke up from a powernap that lasted 7 hours. Oops.

What is his name?

LordOf TheFlies X

Really? Jokes about books you have never read? Get it together!

Afrien Araeus

Finally! Your name is Afrien Araues, and you are a giant doucebag. You heard that some weird fleshbags have shown up in Sburb and you are determined to fight them. You are very violent and lie to get your way. Everyone hates you.

Afrien: Annoy People

Afrien: log on as
tyrannicalFigment (TF)

Afrien: Pester electroShogun

TF: Hey Nerd come and Fight me
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Ken: Respond to troll

ES: Oh its you

ES: If you wanna fight me you gotta enter the game

ES: Do you have a server player yet

ES: Better question

ES: Do you even have the game
Afrien : Rummage through pile of stuff

Afrien finds the Sburb Beta. Obtained Captchalogue.

TF: Of course I have the Fucking Game

Afrien : Loads up installation

TF: 30 minutes. I am stealing from my Neighbors Bandwidth, Tell No One
Aura: Answer Kersin

DC: Aaaaay

DC: Wait a second...



Aura: Forgive and forget, as normal

DC: Anyway, hows the game goin'?

DC: Got it installed?

DC: Oh, wait.

DC: Sam needs me, one second.

Aura: Answer Sam

DC: Whoa there, sorry. Um, take the prepunched card, and put it in the totem lathe with one of those cylinders...

DC: Then, shove the totem into the Alchemiter and destroy whatever comes out.
Duke: Rant.

QA: I said to throw stupid stuff into the Kernelsprite.

QA: Who tossed in an alligator?

QA: Also, did someone prototype their Kernelsprite with a dragon?

QA: How are these weak thing?
ES: I have no idea about the dragon but Aura threw an alligator puppet in before I had a chance to tell her

ES: I assume the robot parts are yours
QA: Ugh, yes, Pal was being stupid and jumped into my Kernelsprite.

QA: Now he's/she's a floating, ones & zeros shouting, robo ghost.

QA: But at least he/she ain't a slow piece of crap that gets in my way anymore.

QA: I'm not sure what to do with him/her.

QA: Side note, don't ask why I address Palsprite as either a guy or a girl, it's just too weird.
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ES: Im not gonna question a robots gender

ES: Thats too weird even for me

ES: Anyway I noticed something with the Alchemiter earlier

ES: Looks like it might be a modular system

ES: Are there any other devices you could attach to it

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