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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

you start connecting until you hear a loud roar, that must be dragon dad, the game is loading so you might as well tend to your lusus. You head to your lusus's room he roars again it hurts your ears with how close you are. As you enter the room you notice your lusus has a large scratch on his face, oh no, there was probably a rebellion at the mail office and your lusus took a hit. You grab a bunch of bandages and start to work on your guardians wounds forgetting about the game temporarily.
Duke: Answer Ken

You cannot answer Ken because a robotic fowl has entered your lounge. It looks pretty piss for some reason, you're not sure why though. It's wearing a purple cape, maybe it's a wizard or something. You watch as the mechanical poultry starts bashing your monitor. HEY! That's not just some cheap piece of equipment. This thing is now asking for it.

Duke: Chase

You chase this robot chicken outside and see that he didn't come alone. Surrounding you are five robot chickens with purple capes. Looks like this is an ambush. You're not sure if you can take them all on. Better get ready to...fight? You hear a battle cry from afar and see several other robot chickens with green capes come charging in. The purple caped clucks run off, for they were outnumbers five-to-twelve. You're very confused on what is happening right now, but you guess there are two factions of robot chickens. One wearing green and the other wearing purple. You're not sure if this is important or not so you take your mind off it. Looks like the robot chickens are now playing some extreme version of cops and robbers. You decide to stay out of it and walk back inside.

Duke: Examine monitor

Oh great, this is going to be a fixer-upper. You start scavenging for parts to fix your monitor. Dammit, you don't really have any proper parts. Maybe the locals can help you out, but they seem kind of nutty. Eh, guess it couldn't hurt to try.

Duke: Speak to locals

You talk to a green-caped robot chicken that seems to be leading the others. The leader proclaims himself to be Rooster Prime, the leader of robot chickens that believe in some sort of deity called "The Green One", you're not sure if that's a reference. Apparently the purple-caped robot chickens don't believe in The Green One and want to obliterate anything doing with it. You wonder who this green guy may be. They're probably someone who can help you out. You ask if they could help you repair your monitor. They gladly say yes and lead you to their headquarters.

Duke: Go along with it
DC: I'll do that then, thanks Ken!

DC: I wonder if giving grist is a thing...

DC: Well, I'll have to check later, but if I ever get to that point I will try to help all you guys out!

Aura: Find cool stuff

You look around your house, trying to find some kind of cool stuff to use. You grab a fan. Then you grab a lamp sitting around collecting dust.

Aura: Realize you have more cards somewhere

You do this, and try to scavenge for them as well. As you come to your bed, you see an orange corner of a stack sticking out from under it. There! You capchalogue the stack, then go to the machine. You put the fan card into the machine, then proceed to put the lamp card in after you input both the codes. You grab the carved cylinder from the totem lathe, then put it in the alchemiter. Light, the bingo. You pick up the inspector gadget-like equipment. It seemed to be a desk lamp with fan on top. You turn it on.

Aura: Regret decision

You go hurtling upward somehow, creating a spotlight below you. You Try and steer the hectic speed of the gadget, and end up going towards the highest stair case. You look up, and try to turn it off. As the fan's motion stops, you crash land. Next time, you should put it on two or one, but NEVER THREE. You realize you are on a platform, and some earthquakes can be heard. Oh god. Huge imps appear, and pull themselves onto the platform.
Duke: Speak to Rooster Prime

"I really don't get how this Green One could be causing such a conflict between you guys."

"The Green one is very powerful, cluck, he can inspire nations with just his very words, cluck."

"If that's so, then why ever have a war? Shouldn't this Green One just settle it with some enticing speech or some verbal treaty?"

"If only it were that simple, cluck. My arch-nemesis, Fowlatron, thinks that if he could overthrow The Green One that he would gain his powers, cluck. If Fowlatron ever had that much power, he would use it to take over the world, cluck. However, The Green One has given me the task to stop him from ever accomplishing that, cluck."

"Okay, is the clucking really necessary?"

"No, cluck."


"Well, here we are, welcome to The Nest, cluck."

Duke: Examine Headquarters

Pretty snazzy place they got here. Looks like some kind of giant chicken coop-like spaceship. It looks cool, but at the same time you feel the domestic fowl theme is getting pretty old. Inside was full of robotic chickens mingling among one-another. Oh, what's this, looks like Rooster Prime has a gift for you. It would appear to be a MOBILE COMMUNICATOR. Well, how very nice of him to offer you a gift.

Duke: Accept gift

You gladly accept the MOBILE COMMUNICATOR, you're in need of some sort of communication device anyway. It's okay, seems to be a chunky cellphone that folds out into three panels with one being a three inch touchscreen, one being a keyboard, and the last one being some function keys. At least now you have something to contact Ken with.

Duke: Answer Ken

QA: Wow, you really got this grist well flowing.

QA: Good job.

QA: Sorry for taking so long, one of the locals destroyed my monitor back home.
QA: I think I could fix it, but I would need new part.

QA: Hard Drive isn't broken, just it's interface.

QA: I'm currently speaking with the locals and seeing if they could help me out.
ES: Damn

ES: I was hoping you could deploy something for me

ES: Let me know when you get back k

Ken: Check on Aura

You look back to the view port and oh crap are those giant imps.

Ken: Assist Aura

You start picking up heavy objects and dropping them on the giant imps. It only succeeds in slowing them down.

ES: Watch out Aura youve got company
You finish up with your lusus and just sit there with him for a while with the feeling you had forgotten something. OH YEAH THE GAME! you swiftly sprint to your computer. The game appears to have loaded a while ago.

Contact Afrien

nobleHunter [NH] started trolling tyrannicalFigment -TF-

NH: Hey, I'm back from my unexpected venture to tend to my lusus.

NH: Where should I place down these machines?
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QA: Alright then, contact you when I'm back in action.

QA: Later.

-- quirkyAlien [QA] ceased pestering electroShogun [ES] --

Duke: Mingle with the locals

You talk to a few of the robot chickens to see if they could assist you with your monitor issue. They seem pretty down with it, grabbing spare parts and scrap metal. The locals rush over to your home and go straight to work. Wow, they fixed the monitor up in a manner of seconds along with the lounge, the ship bay, and the rest of your home. Wait what, what are they doing? You only asked if they could fix the monitor, what is with the rest of the work? You try telling them to stop, but they just continue with transforming your NASA moonbase into a egg-like structure. Now you're just downright frustrated. You go rushing off to Rooster Prime to see what is the big deal.

Duke: Speak to Rooster Prime

"Hey Rooster Prime, What are they doing? I only asked them to fix my monitor, not to turn my home into an egg. What is the meaning of these heavy modifications to my abode?"

"Oh don't worry my fellow comrade, they are working on HQ-2, cluck."

"Wait, what, HQ-2?"

"Yes, cluck. The Green One has told me that you have the potential to put an end to Fowlatron's evil ways so we've decided to help you in anyway we can, cluck. So we decided to move in with you, cluck."


"Yes, cluck. We need to make sure that Fowlatron doesn't catch you off guard again, cluck. This way, we can protect you and be there to help you twenty-four seven, cluck."


Duke: Sigh

Well it looks like you now have guess, a lot of them. You hope they at least have snacks or some sort of nourishment that aren't packaged in a tube.
you shrug and place down the CRUXTRUDER, TOTEM LATHE, ALCHEMETER, and PUNCH DESIGNIX in close quarters with each other so it wouldn't be too hard to do things all at once.

NH: There you go, all the machines i can currently afford at the moment.

you move around a bunch of furniture to make space for larger walkways around the machines, as you do so you accidentally shove Afriens dresser through his roof

NH: Oh crap! I'm sorry! I will try to fix that as soon as possible!
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Afrien : Laugh

You begin to laugh hysterically as the dresser pierces through the roof into the empty apartment above. Luckily no one lives there or you would be screwed by the apartment management.

TF: That was Fucking Hilarious
Duke: Pester Ken

-- quirkyAlien [QA] began pestering electroShogun [ES] --

QA: Okay, monitor's fixed...along with the rest of my home.

QA: ...hm, do you think mechanical domestic fowl taste like regular domestic fowl?
ES: I doubt it

ES: Theyd probably taste all metallic

ES: Anyway I discovered something cool

ES: You should be able to deploy a Punch Designix now

ES: Do that for me could you
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QA: Alright.

Duke: Deploy Punch Designix

You place the Punch Designix down against the wall of the living room, anywhere else would have disrupted the flow of the room and your inner feng-shui house designer wouldn't ever allow you to let that happen.

QA: There you are, one Punch Designix ready to go.

QA: That will be four units of Shale.
ES: Awesome

Ken: Experiment with the Designix

You decide to test out a theory you've had for a while. You go upstairs and retrieve a CAPTCHALOGUE CARD from your desk. You captchalogue it. You look at the back of the card containing the card, and enter the code into the Designix. You then retrieve the card from the card and punch it.

Ken: Carve totem

You use the newly punched card in the Lathe with a dowel and carve a new totem.

Ken: Alchemize

You place the totem on the Alchemiter and alchemize a CAPTCHALOGUE CARD. Hell fucking yes. More space in your Sylladex!

Ken: Alchemize more cards

You alchmize an additional five cards and integrate them into your Sylladex. Now you can carry around more stuff!
Duke: Micromanage

Since you're already getting a home makeover, you convince them to at least change the look of your house so that it doesn't resemble an egg. They agree to, however they would like you to do something. They would like you to reclaim a weapon from somewhere overrunned with underlings. You reluctantly agree to the terms, anything to make your house look less lame.

Duke: Explore

You take Palsprite and explore this overrunned area. Looks like some ruins of an ancient chicken race. You wonder what kind of weapon they could have in their. You think it would probably be something like a rubber chicken. You wouldn't be surprise if that turned out to be true. You see some imps walking around, time to go to work.

Duke: Strife

You repetitively toss your FRISBEE at them till they burst into grist. Surprisingly, Palsprite really steps up his A-game and helps you battle the imps. It takes you awhile, but you clear out the ruin. You wished that you had gotten more grist out of that, but at least you could use what you got to create something. Any who, not the time to repent on chump change, time to find this weapon.

Duke: Look for weapon

You have no idea what the weapon looks like so this seems like a fruitless task to you. You go deeper in the ruins and find a big-old locked door. Seems like a perfect place to keep a weapon. You try to see if you can open it. No good, you need some kind of key to open it. Maybe it's around here somewhere, wouldn't hurt to look around.

Duke: Look for key

Once more, you go on the hunt, this time for a key just to unlock the door of a room you assume has the weapon. The key your looking for seems to be pretty big, like the size of a baseball bat. You're not sure how to take that. Hm, oh hey, Palsprite looks like he/she wants you to follow him/her. Might as well do it, not like you're making any progress right now.

Duke: Follow Palsprite

He/She leads you to a ancient chest. You're a bit untrusting of Palsprite, given the last time he/she tried to show you something, but you open it. You got THE LOCK BREAKER. Okay, looks like you're making some progress, guess it wasn't all that bad...oh...look, it counts as a Probekind weapon...you question the true purpose of this key. Oh well, you toss aside PAL'S PROBE and equip THE LOCK BREAKER in its place. Palsprite reclaims PAL'S PROBE, afterwards. You make your way to the locked door and use THE LOCK BREAKER on it. Success, it opens with no troubles.

Duke: Go in

You walk inside to see an EGG CONTAINER on a cybernetic pedestal. You captchalogue it and start to head home. Well that was pretty easy...Is what you would have said if you didn't just activate a booby-trap. The cybernetic pedestal shows a counter saying 2:00 as red lights started flashing inside. Well, looks like it's time to go.

Duke: Run

You get the hell out of there, before the whole thing goes boom. Thank god you made it out alive, you almost ended up being a scrambled egg. Hehe, egg puns. You make your way back home and present the EGG CONTAINER to Rooster Prime. He seems to be going crazy over the sight of it, better ask what's up.

Duke: Talk to Rooster Prime

"Um, are you going to be okay there, Rooster Prime?"

"Buh-kaw! You got it, cluck! You actually got it, cluck cluck!"

"So i'm guessing this egg thing is pretty powerful?"

"That is the Egg of Leadership, cluck cluck."

"The what?"

"It's the egg that will light our darkest hour, cluck."

"So what does that entail?"

"With it, we can defeat Fowlatron. But first, you must sit on it, cluck."


"You have to sit on it so that it can hatch, cluck. It needs your warmth, cluck cluck."

"Can't one of you guys do it, I mean you guys are chickens?"

"We cannot, cluck. Our cold metallic bodies cannot offer the Egg of Leadership any warmth and might endanger it by sitting on it too hard, cluck. It is up to you to hatch it, cluck."

"Ugh, alright, I'll hatch your egg for you."

"Terrific, cluck. Thank you very much, cluck."

"Don't mention it....ever."

Duke: Sit on egg

Well this is awkward. The robot chicken hastily make you a nest out of green capes and place the EGG OF LEADERSHIP within it. You place your rump over it and begin the waiting game. You're so glad none of your friends can see this.
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Mark is doing what Mark does best, faffing about. This is an awkward situation, but it would seem Mark's rather far behind, unable to really know what he should do. Let's just play, this won't be a bad thing. Mark's going to see who's online.
Ken: Make cool stuff

You set off in search of items to combine and make cool stuff.

Ken: Combine BB gun and wooden sword

You create a WOODEN BB GUNBLADE. It has no edge, and it can only fire nonlethal rounds. Utterly worthless.

Ken: Combine fucking giant sword and BB gun

You create a RIDICULOUSLY HUGE GUNBLADE. It's way too heavy to aim accurately, and still only fires tiny metal pellets.

Ken: Combine favorite manga and wooden katana

You create the MURAMASA NO ODACHI. The meter-and-a-half blade hums with dark energies within its sheath. You don't think you want to unsheathe it.

Ken: Combine kazoo and ocarina

You create a KAZOOCARINA. ...You have literally no idea what you could do with this. It sounds terrible.

Ken: Combine glasses and laptop

You create a pair of INTERFACE GLASSES. Now we're talking! No more having to go back upstairs for your computer!

Ken: Combine tablet and laptop

You create a TOUCH-SCREEN LAPTOP. You've always wanted one of these.

Ken: Combine Muramasa no Odachi and BB gun

You create a MURAMASA NO JYUU. Just holding it in your hand makes you feel an incredible blood-lust. Too bad you can't actually use it.

Ken: Combine Muramasa no Jyuu and Muramasa no Odachi

You create a MURAMASA GUNBLADE. Finally, a useful gunblade!

Ken: Combine fucking giant sword and Muramasa no Odachi.

Whatever comes from this combination costs way too much grist. In fact, you've nearly depleted all of your grist already. Nice going, genius.

Ken: Equip non-shitty weapons

You equip the Muramasa Gunblade and the Muramasa no Odachi to your Strife Specibus. You toss the others into the pink ocean.

Ken: Put on Interface Glasses

You put on your Interface Glasses. Super convenience!

Ken: Remember Aura

Shit! You forgot about Aura! You quickly bring up the viewport and pester her.

ES: Aura are you okay
A young troll stands in her bedroom. It is a very special day. Today she is to play a game with her friends. Who is this troll?

Recouperacoon Wetter

That only happened once. We do not talk about that.

Arouri Clougi

Correct! Finally. You are Arouri Clougi. Today is the day you are supposed to receive your copy of that very special game today. You enjoy games, especially games with PUZZLES and GUNS. You are an avid collector of firearms and particularly enjoy PISTOLS. You also love MOVIES but not quite as much as GUNS. You feel that your game copy is taking way too long to arrive. You decide to pester one of your fleshy friends to see if they have gotten their copy yet.

Arouri: Pester
quirkyAlien [QA]

-- cyanideCrusador [CC] began trolling quirkyAlien [QA] --

CC: hello flesh friend.

CC: haVe you recieVed your copy of this amazing game yet.

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QA: Recieved?

QA: Dude, I've received, downloaded, activated, and entered.

QA: But that's beside the point, who are you and why are you interrupting my egg-sitting?
CC: yes i guess i am rather late to the grub fest

CC: why are you "egg-sitting" that sound Very much like a waste of time
Duke: Get embarrassed

It's pretty hard to explain that your trying to hatch some ultimate weapon thing for a race of robot chicken. You decide that it would be a bit hard to try and explain that, but you give it a whirl.

Duke: Explain

QA: Well...it is.

QA: But I'm the only one who can do it.

QA: A race of robot chickens need the egg to hatch so they can defeat an evil group of robot chickens.

QA: Weird, but they need it.

QA: Also, they'll fix my house if I do this task for them.

QA: To conclude, I scratch their backs and they scratch mine.

QA: It's a win for both of us.
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Arouri: Recieve game copy via lusus

Your lusus brings you your brand new copy of this amazing game. You thank him by feeding him a raw grub steak before inserting the copy into your disk drive.

Arouri: Continue trolling

CC: i think that your flesh habits are strange

CC: i do not understand why you are getting cyborg poultry to scratch your back

CC: my copy of the game arriVed

CC: i haVe to bid you farewell for now flesh thing

CC: but i will be back

-- cyanideCrusader [CC] ceased trolling quirkyAlien [QA] --

Arouri: Install game

Aurori: Resume trolling fleshy one

-- cyanideCrusader [CC] began trolling quirkyAlien [QA] --

CC: explain to me how this game works

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