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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Duke: Wonder

You're not sure who this person is, but from their earlier statement, you assume that they're probably the alien race known as trolls. Ken has talked about them from time to time as being...well...trolls, but more in a sense of the internet variety. This...actually may be interesting. An alien is speaking to you, this is a perfect time to learn of some cultural differences. Hell, the mere fact you're in a conversation is amazing on its own part. In the name of intergalactic knowledge, you can't let a chance like this slip away. Let's see what you can find out about trolls from this one.

Duke: Bargain

QA: Tell you what, how about we exchange information.

QA: I'm guessing you're not human, perhaps troll?

QA: So, how about we make a deal.

QA: You tell me a little bit about your race and your race's culture.

QA: In return, I shall answer questions about Sburb.

QA: Seems fair?
CC: yes i am a troll

CC: i do not like deals but

CC: i will make an exception
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QA: Well, my dear troll, you have just gotten the most greatest game in the world.

QA: To play this game, you're require a computer and a good friend who has a server copy.

QA: Do you have anyone who can be you Sever User?

QA: Any friend you can trust?
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CC: well i do not trust much of anyone but i guess i could ask one of my fellow trolls

Arouri: Beging trolling fellow troll

-- cyanideCrusador [CC] began trolling tyrannicalFigment [TF]

CC: you haVe the game i presume
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tyrannicalFigment -TF- began trolling cyanideCrusador [CC]

TF: Yes I have the Fucking Game and someone Just Wrecked the Roof of my Apartment
Your startled by a loud roar, a warning?! There must be government goons attacking your house! You haven't even found someone to be your host yet!!!

Kersin: sprint to lusus

As you sprint to your lusus you can hear gun fire near the entrance of your hive and a loud banging which suggests they are trying to break in. You enter your lusus's room to see he is ok, but startled.

"Dad, you need to set the forest on fire around the house then return here! Get further in the house if need be. I will take care of getting us out of here!"

As dragon dad nods he flys out and begins the greatest fire in all of the tundra surrounding you.

Kersin: get back to computer

You run swiftly back to your computer pushing over a dresser in front of the door to keep the goons from getting in. You quickly equip your staff kind strife specibus and begin pestering your moirail

nobleHunter [NH] began trolling domineeringConflagration [DC]

NH: Aura, I'm under attack and I haven't found myself a server host yet!!

NH: I need you to find someone for me whilst i defend my hive!

NH: Can you do that for me?!

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Arouri: Continue trolling tyrannicalFigment

CC: you're pleasant today

CC: i need you to be my serVer player

CC: that's what the flesh one told me at least

Arouri: Look around room

You decide to look around your room and maybe gather some supplies. You graciously grab your DUAL WIELD PISTOLS and CAPTCHALOGUE them in your STRIFE SPECUBIS labeled PISTOL KIND. You decide you might need a snack too and grab a TOTALLY NON SUSPICOUS CONTAINER FULL OF UNKNOWN LIQUID. It immediately is CAPTCHALOGUED into your SYLLADEX.
NH: Not any that I can recall at the current moment.

NH: Oh no, they are trying to break through the door I will not be able to contact anyone if they break through.

NH: I have sealed off the door to the best of my ability and my lusus is setting the forest a blaze but it won't hold for long!

You check on Afrien and notice the timer on the CRUXTRUDER, 59:57 He has everything he needs to get through and certainly enough time. You on the other hand with the forest a blaze and the government on your tail you dont have much time.

Kersin: pester random troll

nobleHunter [NH] began trolling cyanideCrusador [CC]

NH: Please tell me you have the game!

NH: I need a server host and quick!
TF: Fine I will be Your Server Player

Afrien : Get your shit together

You look around your room for the shit you need. Captchalogued your Glaive. Strife Specibi Glaive Kind obtained. Captchalogued Paper.

Afrien : Pester Nerd

tyrannicalFigment -TF- began trolling elevtroShogun [ES]

TF: I have My Strife Specibi and another Object How do I use these Machines

TF: Also why the Fuck is the Cruxtruder counting down
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Arouri: Answer [NH]

CC: um ok yeah sure ok

Arouri: Try to understand the game as quickly as possible

You finish downloading both game discs and start searching for a way to connect to Kersin. You somehow figure this out and a box pops up saying you need permission from Kersin.

CC: um ok well i need you to let me be your serVer player i guess so Verify please
Kersin: click accept

You click accept right as the goons burst through your front door, you swiftly take them out with your staff then look out your purple tinted window. The forest was completely on fire and your lusus was probably escaping to the top floor of your hive. all was chaotic here as more and more goons plowed through the door. you needed to block it somehow!

Kersin: strife

You battle to no end and you cannot make it to the door to place further barricading. You hope your server host will be able to do something about it.
Arouri: Gain access

You see that your host player is having trouble with some goons. Before thinking you quickly pick up his dresser and drop it on top one of the goons while blocking the doorway at the same time. You hope that will buy your friend some time.
Kersin: observe dresser

The dresser that had crushed that troll was now oozing brown blood. ew ! that provided you with some time to focus though. 'lets see' you think whilst gazing upon your corpse filled room.

Kersin: captchalog weapon rack

You capchalog a weapon rack mostly because it was filled with spears that will come in handy when you run into more goons and or other things that might show up as well. you start to traverse through your hive to the top floor where your lusus should now be fighting off any air attack. Sure enough there are bats birds other dragons harpy's etc. attacking from the air. you pat your exhausted lusus's tail and launch three of the five spears, striking a bird, a bat and a harpy all in either the heart or the head.

NH: Start placing the machines.

NH: We need to get out of here as fast as possible.

NH: I can hold off the attack from here.
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Duke: Wait

That's really all you could do right now, just sit and wait. You were waiting for the troll to respond, waiting for the egg to hatch, waiting for Mark to...wait, Mark. Sweet mama jama, you forgot about Mark! That does explain why you haven't been receiving any new equipment. Better give him a call.

Duke: Pester Mark

-- quirkyAlien [QA] began pestering digitalTestimony [DT] --

QA: Hey Mark, still alive or did a meteor get to you?
Ken: Answer Afrien

ES: I cant see what youre doing so this is gonna be tough

ES: Get a cruxite dowel from the cruxtruder and carve it with the totem lathe
Afrien : Mess with the Machines

You press some buttons and smack the CRUXTRUDER until a CRUXITE DOWEL pops out. The Timer falls to 19:59. Shit. You stick the Captchalogued PAPER into the PUNCH DESIGNIX, and get a PUNCHED CARD. Finally you stick the CRUXITE DOWEL and the PUNCHED CARD into the TOTEM LATHE and get a WARRANT OF ARREST.

Afrien : Continue Pestering Ken

TF: I got my Thing from The Totem Lathe now How do I Kernel Sprite

TF: Why the Fuck did the Cruxtruders countdown Clock Jump from 59 Minutes to 19 Minutes

TF: What does The Clock Mean
Arouri: Look for the machines

You quickly panic because you have no idea what to do. You start spamming buttons like a madman until you place down a CRUXTRUDER, TOTEM LATHE and a thing called an ALCHEMITER. You are able to place all these things I'm the room without crushing anything else.

Arouri: Alert fellow troll to your success

CC: hey look i did the thing you asked > :D
Kersin: alchemize stuff

You quickly mess about with the CRUXTRUDER untill the kernel sprite and crixite dowel pop out. You look around for the PUNCH DESIGNIX but you dont see it.

Kersin: pester host

NH: Hey wheres the punch designix?

as you stare at your computer screen you hear soft thuds on the upper area. what could that be?

Kersin: check noise

It appears that one of the lusi are dropping plush lions from the sky with an angry yelling troll on the back of it. you wonder if they are even part of the attacking goons or just someone whose lusus is, in the confusion, getting rid of something they don't need.

Kersin: shield the kernel sprite

Too late! one lion falls in and your doomed with Leo sprite. you start to hope you can throw in something else to make it slightly better.

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CC: oops sorry i'm on it

Arouri: Search for thing called PUNCH DESIGNEX

You search the tab where you found the other machines and quickly find the one the other troll requested. You quickly place it.

CC: better?

Kersin: alchemize thing

you do the things with the machines and alchemize a FANCY CROWN. what? a crown!? you never liked the idea of being a king what so ever!

Kersin: smash FANCY CROWN

you smash the FANCY CROWN to pieces sending you to the medium

Welcome to the land of Night and Plague
Arouri: Watch shenanigans

What is he doing? That is a beautiful crown and he just smashed it. Well, I guess it worked out for him anyways because you now see him in another realm away from the goons. You decide that you should probably get back to you flesh friend.

Arouri: Resume trolling quirkyAlien

CC: i am back

CC: i became sometrolls server player and somehow saved them
Ken: Help Afrien

ES: Dont panic but the clock counts down to a meteor hitting your house

ES: Throw something useless into the Kernelsprite

ES: Then once you do that use whatever your item is
Hm? Looks like Mark's situation will have too wait, the troll is back.

Duke: Answer troll

QA: Congrats.

QA: Glad you didn't kill your client.
Afrien : Feed Freud

You hand some Fart Niblets and he immediately shits on the floor. You Kernelsprite the Pile of Shit.

TF: Wait so a Meteor is Going to Hit

TF: I just Fucked Over the Communal Hive Stem Im in

TF: Thats Fucking Hilarious

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