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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Ken: Help everyone

You realize that everyone deserves to have extra inventory space. You send the same message to everyone that's in the game.

ES: When you get a Punch Designix use the code 11111111

ES: Itll give you more captchalogue cards

ES: Youre welcome
tyrannicalFigment -TF- began trolling cyanideCrusador [CC]

TF: Place an important Object in the Cruxtruder to get A Dowel

TF: Get a Punched Card from the Punch Designix

TF: Then place The Dowel and Punched Card into the Totem Lathe

TF: Then Use your item

TF: Oh Yeah Using the Cruxtruder initiates a 60 Minute Countdown to a Meteor Strike so move Fast

Afrien : Fuck with Captchalogue

You enter 11111111 into the Punch Designix and get a shit ton of Captchalogued stuff.

Afrien : Pester Ken

TF: How do I get a Small Computer
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Ken: Answer Aura

ES: I cant see you anymore

ES: I think I can only see your house

ES: Are you safe

Ken: Answer troll

ES: Combine a computer with some small light item

ES: Even better combine it with something wearable like glasses

ES: Just be careful some combinations are fucking weird
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Afrien : Fiddle with stuff

You copy your glasses and your computer, before fusing them into a pair of TECHNO LENSES. They go onto your glasses and give you your PC UI. Nice. Then you try to fuse more shit, before you are out of GRIST. You go outside and begin killing more SHIT MONSTERS. GRIST everywhere. You go back inside and start fusing Beefgrub Steak and Fart Niblets. You create GASEOUS BEEF NUGGETS. The Nuggets have the taste of Beans and Beefgrub blended nicely. And Portably. Nice.

Afrien : Pester Ken

TF: Dude

TF: I just Ate the Best Food

TF: Holy Shit

TF: Captchalogue ID is 48372910
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DC: I'm fine, it just sucks that you can't see this gorgeous landscape!

Aura: Realize you don't have any of your machines





DC: Okay, wait. I can fix this.
Arouri: Freak out

No! Do not do that. That will only cause more problems. You calm down and decide to follow his instructions step by step.

Arouri: Look for important item to place in CRUXTRUDER.

You avidly search your room for something that would qualify as important. You quickly find your SMALL ORNATE DAGGER. You have no use for this anyways.

Arouri: Place item into the CRUXTRUDER

You place the item into the machine and watch as it carves a strange dowel like thing. You then watch as a countdown begins and a bright orb pops out of the machine.

Arouri: Ignore bright orb for now and continue instructions given.

You grab the dowel and CAPTCHALOGUE it. You then walk over to the PUNCH DESIGNEX and press buttons until you somehow obtain a punch card.

Arouri: Ask server player what the orb of light is

You decide before continuing that you should ask you server player what this glowing orb of light is.

CC: what is this shiny thing in my room

CC: what do i do with it
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TF: That is the Sprite

TF: Use it on a Useless object to get a Kernelsprite

TF: Make sure its Something Useless to Weaken the Monsters

TF: I Used Lusus Shit
Ken: Use code

Against your better judgment, you trust the troll and enter the code into your Punch Designix. You alchemize GASEOUS BEEF NUGGETS.

Ken: Taste the food

You cautiously lift one up to your mouth. Oh, God, the smell. Smells like bugs and rotten beef. You carefully put it in your mouth and chew...


You spit out the vile chunk of whatever the hell it is. Dear God, it tastes horrendous! You rush to your kitchen and wash your mouth out. With soap.
Duke: Answer Ken

QA: Hey Ken.

QA: What do you need?

QA: Please don't say you want me to baby sit something?
A young troll sighs and she sits up. She had been laying on the roof of her hive for far too long. She had gotten a couple of game disks awhile ago and didn't know what to do with them. Maybe she'd install them to check. As she headed back down, she tries to remember her name. What was this young troll's name again?

Rowdy Fatalism...X

No, that's not it. Try again.

Shadow Malria... :D

There we go, that's it.

Shadow headed into her respiteblock and sat down at her desk, pushing a few books aside to get to her HUSKTOP. Beside it was the two discs she had laid down. She decided to install them and see what they did. She remembered there was a new game coming out that needed more than one player. She wondered if she should ask someone.

As she thinks this over, let's get to know her a little better. Shadow is a shy troll who's interests include reading, writing horrible stories, and enjoying the breeze on her roof. She isn't very social and prefers to listen than to talk and she has a knack for helping others.

Shadow: Look around room

Her room is very plain with bookshelves littering the walls. The few other things included her desk, HUSKTOP, dresser, and her recuperacoon. She has made sure to keep this space clean in case she ever needed to find anything in a hurry.
Ken: Answer Duke

You finish washing your mouth out, then answer Duke.

ES: No nothing like that

ES: Look way above my house

ES: Theres a ring there

ES: I need you to build up to that ring so I can get up there
Afrien : Be Confused

TF: What do You mean

TF: The Nuggets were The best Thing I have eaten In Years

TF: Do Humans not Like Troll Cuisine
Duke: Examine

Yup, you see it, that is surely a portal.

QA: I see what you're talking about.

QA: I will begin making you a stairway to heaven.

QA: By the way, can you inform me of out "connection situation", if you don't mind?

QA: I mean for both us and the trolls.

QA: It's very vital that we understand who is connected to who and how.

QA: Mark is still not in and he requires a Server User.

QA: I'm not sure if any of our other friends are also in need of one, but I know Mark still does.
DC: Okay... I'll try

Aura: Explore surroundings more.

You decide that using the LAMPH to get around would be the best option, since you are on floating islands. You set it to 2 and fly around, looking around. Whilst doing so, you accidentally run into one of the flying purple snakes. The creature flails about in your arm, but letting it go could be bad. You switch it to 1, then go back towards the ground. As you land, you try and talk to him.

Aura: Talk to denizen of lands

"Hi! I'm Aura, an-"


"Huh? Hey, take it easy, I'm not gon-"


The serpent writhes around again, but you keep him in your grasp.

"Why are you going to die?"


"But why are we going to?!"


"Wh... What?"


"Oh... Uh, well, I'll try and fix that then, I guess..?"


He struggles out of your arms, and flies away anxiously. Well that was... Weird. You sit down for a second to contemplate what he just said.

Aura: Tell Ken about predicaments

DC: Um...

DC: This purple snake with wings just made me the profit or something

DC: War hero, maybe?

DC: I don't know, but apparently I have to save all of their existence somehow...
Ken: Freak out




Ken: Vomit

You vomit into the sink. Turning on the faucet to wash it away, you wipe your mouth and check on the connections list. You relay the information to Duke.

ES: Okay the connections go from Mark to you to me to Aura to Sam

ES: Sam still needs to become Marks server player

ES: As for the trolls theyve already made a full loop

ES: Theyll need to break that at some point to merge with us

ES: Their connections are Kersin to Afrien to Vrouri to Kersin

[P.S. All useful information (Locations, connections, prototypings, etc.) can be found under the Notes tab]

Ken: Answer Aura

You rinse your mouth out again as you respond to Aura.

ES: Uhhhh okay then

ES: Maybe this is part of the game

ES: Just go with it I guess
Duke: Reply to Ken

QA: Interesting...

QA: How are we going to achieve this merging of sessions?

QA: Wait, never mind, that isn't important right now.

QA: So Sam needs a client, I'll see if I can fix that

QA: Brb.

-- quirkyAlien
[QA] ceased pestering electroShogun [ES] --

Duke: Continue pestering Mark

QA: Well, Mark, today is your lucky day.

QA: Our dear friend, Sam, is in need of a Client User.

QA: A.K.A. you.

QA: Try asking politely to see if Sam would be interested in being your Server User.

QA: Then we can get things rolling.

QA: Just don't die, I still need you to upgrade my equipment.

QA: Try to see if you can give me something cool with the grist I got so far.

QA: Talk to you later, Mark.

-- quirkyAlien
[QA] ceased pestering digitalTestimony [DT] --

Duke: Wait

You swear you can feel this egg kicking. Kind of weird, you wonder what's gonna pop out. You just hope it isn't something that inserts alien babies in your chest, that would majorly suck.
Shadow: Try asking one of your fellow trolls.

She doesn't like the thought of communicating with the others, but it was the only thing she could think of to learn more about this game. She looked through Trollian to find anyone who was on. She clicked one and hoped they could provide some answers.

severedWorth (SW) begins trolling

cyanideCrusader (CC)

SW: Hello

SW: May I ask something of you?

SW: If it isn't too much trouble.

Shadow leaned back in her chair after sending the request. She hoped she didn't sound rude in any way. Maybe she should have picked someone else to ask. What if they felt bothered by someone like her asking a question? She couldn't help but sigh, wishing she could now take it back.
Arouri: Look around for useless thing to throw into orb

You look around your room. You see guns, movies, and books. Well that and your tip top secret collection of LIZARD PLUSHIES. You decide one of these will have to do and grab a blue one. You throw it into the glowing light and watch as it turns into a floating lizard ghost creature.

Arouri: Look at time

Oh no! The time is now at one minute! You decide to hurry your butt up and finish what you have to do. You quickly combine the punched card and dowel in the TOTEM LATHE. You watch as a trophy of some sort come out of the machine. You do not have enough time to look at it, as you jump for cover from the oncoming meteorite. You land on top of the trophy and it breaks in the process.

Arouri: Open your eyes

You notice that you are not dead. You look around and you are still in your hive. You walk outside and realize you are now in the land of RIDDLES and TRICKS. You walk back into your hive and decide to check your HUSKTOP for any messages. You quickly see you have one from a random troll.

Arouri: Answer troll

CC: what is your question

CC: i am currently not troubled
Shadow: look at HUSKTOP

She does, for what felt like the hundredth time. She had been so nervous that she couldn't bear looking away for too long. She was relieved to know she wasn't being a bother. That didn't, however, calm her for too long as she went to reply.

SW: It is about the game

SW: that everyone has been

SW:excited over.

SW: I was wondering the, um,

SW: purpose, of the game

SW: and if there was anything

SW: I needed to know about it...

SW: besides that I had to install it.

She leaned back again, wondering if they were going to be troubled with how she wrote it out. Was she too forward? Maybe she wasn't clear enough.

Shadow: Commence panicking

Already on it. She always got this way whenever she talked to someone new. It's why she had her hive built away from everyone else, though her lusus wasn't to thrilled about it.
Arouri: Reply

You see that yet another troll has gotten the game. You decide to inform them as best s you can.

CC: you are going to need a serVer player

CC: they will help you progress in the game

CC: speaking of which i should contact mine

Arouri: Contact server player

CC: yo serVer player

CC: i teleported somewhere else

Arouri: Notice lizard like imp creature walk in

You watch as an imp walks in. It has lizard like features. Two more follow, one with robotic extremities and the other a Pegasus/crocodile like creature. You quickly deduce that they are not friendly and pull out your DUAL WIELD PISTOLS.

Arouri: Strife!

You unload each clip onto all three imps. Two die dropping weird blue objects. The last one still stands. You quickly reload and unload another clip onto it before it also dies. This one also drops the blue objects. You walk up to them and somehow they are added into a section of the game labeled GRIST. You decide to ask your server player about this.

Arouri: Troll tyrannicalFigment

CC: ok so i killed the imp like creature and collected something called grist

CC: what is it

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