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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Duke: Be the architect you were born to be

While you wait for this egg to burst, you begin on Ken's tower of power. As you build, you make sure that the tower is equally proportionate on both sides. You certainly don't want your friend to live in a misshapen house, that would be just crazy. Hm, this tower looks boring. You know exactly how to make this baby look awesome. You work with what you got already started and make it into a DNA tower. Yeah, symmetrical and stylish. You even build a gift shop on the side, how sweet....although, now the other side needs something to be parallel with the gift shop. On the other side, you make a concession stand just to balance it out. There, equal and awesome, you are so good at this. However, you wonder if it was a good idea to actually build a tower to the portal. You know it's a portal because only portals ominously glow...Well, that and doomsday devices, but you guys already had to deal with one so you guess that this ring thing ain't one. So that begs the question, where does it go?...Da...Does it go to you?

Duke: Wonder
SW: Thank you.

severedWorth (SW) ceased trolling cyanideCrusader (CC)

Shadow sighed as she closed the HUSKTOP. She had gotten the answers she needed, but now what? She didn't really know anyone besides the one she just talked to and she wasn't to keen on asking someone else. She could just abandon this ridiculous idea all together, but she already installed what was on the two discs. She sighed again, trying to think of every possibility only to come up with asking someone else as the only possible option. She hoped she wasn't going to bother anyone else.
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Arouri: Become impatient

You server player is obviously not going to respond anytime soon. You decide you should just ask the fleshy one what you should do instead. You also wonder how his egg-sitting is going.

Arouri: Troll fleshy one

-- cyanideCrusader [CC] began trolling quirkyAlien [QA] --

CC: i haVe another question fleshy one

CC: i have teleported into another realm

CC: my serVer player is also currently not responding

CC: i killed some imps

CC: and they dropped a thing called grist

CC: anyways i do not haVe much of a clue on what to do

CC: also how is your egg-sitting going

CC: oh and do you haVe any fleshy friends who do not haVe a client player

CC: a fellow troll of mine needs a serVer player

DC: I guess I'll do that then.

DC: I'm going to continue my portal scavenging hunt, one second!

Aura: Find that portal! If it exists!

You get up, brush yourself off, and set you LAMPH to 2. You fly through the air, continuing to look around. Before you spotted anything, however, you notice a flock of flying purple snakes. You fly up to them, then notice one of them is leading. You fly up to him, then wave at him to get his attention.

"Have you seen a portal anywhere, by chance?"


"So... Which way?"


Well that was a major bust. It seemed these creatures were too worried about death to think. You would be too if you were cold blooded, but hey. You'd better just keep looking.
Duke: Stop wondering

The troll is back, seems with more questions than before. See if you can possibly get some interesting info out of this chat.

Duke: Answer troll

QA: To the part of me having a "Fleshy Friend" in need of service, yes I do have one.

QA: His name is Mark and I am his current client.

QA: He goes by digitalTestimony [DT].

QA: Give him a call, if you have the chance.

QA: My egg-sitting is going smoothly and you have just entered the Medium.

QA: This means you're now in the game of Sburb.

QA: Congratulations.

QA: You just nearly escaped being hit by a meteor.

QA: Now, onto the grist.

QA: Grist is kind of like building material that you can get by killing underlings and use to make cool stuff with the Alchemiter that you have.

QA: I assume you have one?

QA: Anyways, the name of the game is to kill underlings, explore the land, and I guess have your Server User make a way up to a glowy portal symbol thing in the sky.

QA: There, I think that explains enough, or at least what I have learned through my experience so far.

QA: Now, troll, I have a few questions for you.

QA: First off, what is your name?

QA: I get tired of calling you troll all the time.

QA: Second, I would like to know a little bit about your culture.

QA: How about you entice me with a story on troll history or something.

QA: Maybe some stuff on troll dating.

QA: Third, got any cool troll stuff I could have?

QA: I would like to examine some of your alien tech.

QA: Forth, why do you trolls keep pestering us humans?

QA: Is it part of troll culture to "troll" humans or are you just bored with trolling each other?

QA: Maybe I'm looking to deep into this one, but I really don't see why aliens need to spend their time annoying less-advance lifeforms.
Arouri: First, answer questions

CC: that is a large amount of questions

CC: but i will gladly answer them all

CC: my name is Arouri Clougi

CC: if you are asking about my ancestor when you want to know about troll history then

CC: i do not know much about her

CC: she had the same horns, blood and sign as me though

CC: i haVe found one of her diary entries

CC: she was braVe

CC: she was also smart

CC: anyways

CC: i do not think that we trolls have any "cool stuff"

CC: i believe it is quite simalar to your human tech

CC: i do not know why we troll you

CC: you seem to be quite useful though

CC: i will most likely ask more questions in the future

Arouri: Troll other human

-- cyanideCrusader [CC] began trolling digitalTestimony [DT]

CC: i need you to be the serVer player for another troll
Suddenly, attention is to be drawn to some unknown troll.

She's in her respiteblock, but here's the shocker: she's not standing! She's sitting! What kind of mockery is this?

What is this troll's name, anyway?

Enter name.


The troll cannot even express how shocked she is that you would do something so stupid and stereotypical.

Seriously, it must've been done about a thousand times. It's gotten a bit old, she would think.

What was she even talking about? Fuck if she knows.


As was quite literally just mentioned, your name is Anique Leppus.

Your respiteblock is nice and TIDY, the only mess being a small pile of BOOKS stacked in the corner. They're only there because you have too many to fit on your shelves, it's not your fault they're the LIGHT OF YOUR LIFE. These books are a part of your favorite series, IN WHICH A YOUNG, WEAK YELLOWBLOOD IS GETTING TOTALLY WRECKED AT FLARPING, WHEN HIS TEALBLOOD FRIEND SHARES HER SECRETS AND TEACHES HIM TO WOMAN UP; HE SURPRISINGLY TRIUMPHS OVER THE REST OF HIS FRIENDS, TO EVEN THE SHOCK OF THE TEALBLOOD, AS SHE WAS SURE... Uh. You don't remember the rest of the title, unfortunately. It's way too long. What you do know, however, is that you must've read EVERY PAGE of each of these books at least 20 times. You, like all trolls, have a variety of INTERESTS, which include but are not limited to GARDENING, SCI-FI, and ROMANCE. You think it's ironic that your favorite book series isn't really about any of those things.

You type in a sense that you believe c=omes =off as b=oth laid-back and intelligent, a win-win situati=on, really.

Right now, (or maybe you should say "write" now), you are working on writing a BOOK OF YOUR OWN. It will be totally amazing when it's finished.


Most of your inspiration comes from exploring the great outdoors, and definitely not from other people.

Speaking of other people, you could've sworn you heard a TROLLIAN notification just now. Who could it be?
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Afrien : Wake Up

You fell asleep for quite some time. Dumbass.

tyrannicalFigment -TF- began trolling cyanideCrusador [CC]

TF: You Teleported to your Land

TF: We all Have our Own Land

TF: Use Grist to Make Things with the Machines
Duke: Think

So trolls have ancestors that they inherit certain traits from? That's...actually pretty normal. You weren't sure what you wanted to here, you guess you were expecting something more crazy like they all where cat suits with watermelons on their head to please some god looking down from a screen. You were a bit bummed out to hear that you wouldn't be receiving any high alien tech gift coming in the mail. Oh well, Arouri had given you enough insight on the troll ways. You're sure you'll have more questions in the future, but for now you're pleased with what you got.
Shadow: Explore Hive

Shadow gets up and leaves her respiteblock. The longer she dwelled on contacting another troll, the more happier, and more nervous, she felt. Maybe taking some time cleaning up around her hive would calm her down and think this through. She knew she had to be polite, since she was asking a favor that anyone would would cringe at, but she also had to seem friendly enough so that she wouldn't seem cold and uncaring.

She began organizing the various bookshelves littered around her hive, making sure everything was in its place. The Sci-Fi were grouped together on the first three shelves by the door, the RomComs were aligned perfectly on the next four across from the Sci-Fi, the ones about troll history, though small in size, were in a corner by the stairs.

Shadow: Look around room

In this tiny area of her hive, the walls were lined with bookshelves and the floor was a simple black color. There was a few dragon scales littering the floor, which caused her confusion. Her lusus hasn't come back from whatever she left to do sweeps ago, so why would there be scales? Oh well, she'd pick them up later.

Shadow: Notice daggers

Upon further expectation, she noticed her two daggers laying around. She couldn't believe she just left such a dangerous object lying around. She picked them up and put them into her Blade Kind specibus. There, that was safer.
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Ken: Play a calming aria

You take out your kazoocarina and start playing it. You experiment with it until you figure out how to make it sound decent.
Duke: Jump around

What, jump around? Why on Earth would you do that right now? You're sitting on the egg, that would be...um...wait a minute, the egg is starting to kick again. It seems to be really active this time, bouncing you off of it and moving about. You are sure that it is finally time for this egg to hatch. As all the robot chickens gathered around, Rooster Prime began shouting out praise to the EGG OF LEADERSHIP.

Duke: Speak to Rooster Prime

"Buh-kaw, it's time, cluck cluck!"

"Um, Rooster Prime, what exactly lays within the egg of leadership? You kept referring to it as some sort of weapon...is it actually alive?"

"Yes, cluck cluck. He shall light our darkest hour, cluck!"

"Wait...He shall light our darkest hour? Are you saying that..."


Duke: Watch

As Rooster Prime yelled that, all the other robot chickens began to cluck in sync. The egg began to crack, light shining from the seams. Finally, the EGG OF LEADERSHIP burst out to reveal a heavenly light within. From the light came....um....what?

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/tumblr_n4qzq0dvUC1sqek1po1_1280.gif.06b0e4cb68fef8ee08cc79aae5cde32a.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="77372" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/tumblr_n4qzq0dvUC1sqek1po1_1280.gif.06b0e4cb68fef8ee08cc79aae5cde32a.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Duke: Be confused

What the fuck? From the egg hatched...a....dancing piece of kale....huh. Looks like "The Green One" had something to say.

Duke: Speak to The Green One

"Hi, I'm Seth Green."

"Um, I really doubt that."

"Oh, believe me, I am the one and only Seth Green. Famous Hollywood actor and god of mechanical domesticated fowl."


"Hi, I'm Seth Green."

"I got that."

Duke: Be shoved aside

You are forcibly pushed away as the robot chickens start hailing their god's return. Flat on your ass, you watch as they yell "All hail The Green One." You now understand that they just needed you to get their god out of the egg...you feel so used.

Duke: Feel used



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Afrien : Experiment

You have a shit ton of GRIST and decide to make things. You create more GASEOUS BEEF NUGGETS to have a stockpile, and begin more combinations. GASEOUS BEEF NUGGETS and LUSUS DUNG create the useful SHIT GRENADES.
Duke: Get up

You decide that you've had enough time laying down and get up. Can't stay on the floor forever. You dust yourself off and just like that, you're good as new. You're still pissed that they just shoved you aside like that. Like, what the hell, you sit on an egg for them and they just treat you like chopped liver. You at least expected them to be a bit more grateful towards you for having to deal with all their shit. They still haven't fixed your abode and your really doubt they were going to anyway.

Duke: Get pissed

Screw these guys, you don't need to take their shit. You are better than being someones errand boy.

Duke: Get out

You decide to go to the ship bay and take one of the MANY SPACECRAFTS out of here. What the hell, where are they? Last time you checked, you had over a baker's dozen, where did they all go? Dammit, those bird-brained bots must have used them for parts to make your home a giant stupid egg. Fuck it, you decide to just walk out. Palsprite decides to follow you and, once more, shout out a series of ones and zeros. God, you had to deal with enough shit for today, now you have Palsprite spouting out numbers again. Why does he/she like tormenting you? Does he/she enjoy it? All you know is that it's really irritating when a ghostly robot of your former pet space rover starts crunching numbers out loud.

Duke: Get loud

"01001001 00100000 01110100 01101000 01101001 01101110 01101011 00100000 01001001 00100000 01101011 01101110 01101111 01110111 00100000 01110111 01101000 01100001 01110100 00100111 01110011 00100000 01100111 01101111 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01101111 01101110 00101110 00100000 01010100 01101000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01000110 01101111 01110111 01101100 01100001 01110100 01110010 01101111 01101110 00100000 01101101 01110101 01110011 01110100 00100000 01100010 01100101 00100000 01110010 01100101 01100010 01100101 01101100 01101100 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01100001 01100111 01100001 01101001 01101110 01110011 01110100 00100000 01010100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01000111 01110010 01100101 01100101 01101110 00100000 01001111 01101110 01100101 00100000 01100011 01100001 01110101 01110011 01100101..."

"Oh my god, shut up. I've had it up to HERE for dealing with people's shit today and I most certainly don't want to add-on to that pile of shit. Do you understand me? Cut that shit out! I'm tired of you babbling ones and zeros all day. I actually missed the old you, at least he or she was quiet. Now, you're just some robot ghost that won't stop bothering me, just like the rest of these robots. I am sick and tired of fucking robots, especially you Palsprite. Why don't you go make yourself useful, for once, and just get as far away from me as possible! Can you at least do THAT for me? Hey, we'll pretend like it's when we use to play fetch, except this time you don't come back. EVER! So, why don't you make like a good little ghost-bot and GO AWAY!"

"...01000110 01101001 01101110 01100101."

And just like that, Palsprite flew off.

Duke: Get glad

Good riddance, you can now hear your thoughts again. You could barely think with Palsprite around shouting out numbers. You start enjoying how nice it is being without Palsprite. Who needs that stupid phantom droid anyway, right? All he/she ever did was get in your way....Well, there was that one time where he/she gave you his/her probe to bust open the boulder. Without it, you would have never reached the ore and you would have been meteor chow. There was also that time he/she helped you battle-off imps. Heck, he/she even found the LOCK BREAKER...Huh, as you think about it, he/she has been very useful to you. Sure, he/she was annoying, but he/she stuck by you all the way...You just sent away the only thing that truly had been there for you...The only one, that cared for you...

Duke: Get sad
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Afrien : Pester Ken

TF: So I have Been Faffing around in My Land

TF: Is this It

TF: Is This the Whole game

TF: Or do I need to Use the Portal in The Sky
Ken: Contact Duke

ES: You stopped building

ES: Are we out of grist

ES: Did something happen

Ken: Answer troll

ES: Yeah get your server player to build a way up to that portal
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ES: No way am I trusting codes from you again

ES: Theyre probably primed grenades or something

ES: Assuming you trolls even have grenades
Duke: look at mobile communicator

You check your MOBILE COMMUNICATOR and see that Ken is contacting you. Looks as if he's concerned of why you've stopped working on the DNA tower. Better not wait.

Duke: Answer Ken

QA: No.

QA: We haven't run out of grist.

QA: I'm just away from my monitor, right now.
Afrien : Explain to Ken

TF: They are Shit Grenades

TF: Odorless until they Hit and Object Quickly

TF: *An Object

TF: Then they Smell Bad enough to Kill monsters Made of Shit
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