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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Duke: Walk

You have reached a point you see no monumental structures, no chicken based buildings, nothing. Actually, that is exactly what you see, nothing. Nothing, but a metallic wasteland, empty a deprived of life. There is nothing around you, you're alone. You weren't sure where you were trying to go in the first place. All you really wanted to do was get away from the robot chickens and The Green One. Your moment of temper has lead you to the road of silence.

Duke: Feel fatigue

Damn, you have hardly eaten anything all day and now you're stuck in the middle of nowhere with no food. As you wander, your knees start to weaken, you can barely stand. You collapse to your knees, now forced to crawl your way forward, but even that is too much strain for you. Running on fumes, you drop to the ground. You start to loose consciousness, slowly slipping away into the realm of your mind. The only thought you have is what you could have done differently, to have prepared for this, to have prevented this. Finally, you blackout.

Duke: Sleep
Ken: Relax

You suddenly realize how tired and hungry you are. This has been one insane day, and judging by what you've heard, it's only going to get crazier once you enter that portal. You head back to your room and grab a snack from your pile. A chocolate-chip granola bar. Awesome. You eat it and lay down on your bed. Before you know it, you're asleep.


Ken: Awaken

You slowly open your eyes. What a nice, relaxing nap. You sit up and take a look around. Wait... this is unfamiliar. Why is everything... purple?

Ken: Investigate

You stand up and examine your surroundings. It looks just like your room, except everything is purple. Where the heck are you...?
Duke: Awaken

Yup, it finally happened, you're dead. You died in the middle of a mechanical barren wasteland from fatigue...Not your proudest moment, given how much time you spent trying to prepare for Sburb. Well at least you went to heaven. Heck, you even got your old room back...Well, your room and you're lounge, given that you're room is more like a closet. But hey, heaven ain't that bad. You even got snazzy yellow pajamas. Heaven's pretty cool so far.

Duke: Investigate

You fly out of your room, lounge, Rounge? Whatever. You fly out and explore the land. There seems to be a lot of white people, by color not by ethnicity, scurrying about wearing really odd clothes. You question it, but move on. Heaven has a lot of very fancy building, you expect no less for heaven to have the finest structures. So far, you're okay with how this turn out.
Afrien : Get Bored

Combining Random items is getting boring and going out to grind for GRIST has become tedious. Troll your Server Player.

tyrannicalFigment -TF- began trolling cyanideCrusador [CC]

TF: Need Anything

TF: Seriously

TF: Anything

TF: I'm fucking Bored

Afrien : Go Outside

As you walk outside, a surge of energy covers the Land, transforming the SHIT MONSTERS. They lose their brown coloring and shape back into WEIRD CHIMERAS.
Ken: Explore

You float around the room, looking at everything. Nothing out of the ordinary.

Wait... floating?

Ken: Look down

You realize that you are, indeed, floating above the ground. This must be a dream.

Ken: Go outside

You float out a window and look around. Everything is a deep, brilliant purple. There are black figures scurrying between towers. How strange.

Ken: Look up

You look into the sky. The blue orb is much farther away than it was when you were awake. What could that mean...?
Duke: Be happy

Ywah, heaven is awesome. You are so glad you died for this. No more pain, no more problems, just living the afterlife in style. You take on a more comfortable position and just lay back, floating in the air. Yup, this is pretty sweet.

Duke: Relax

You...can't relax. Something seems wrong. Everything seems wrong. You can't be dead, you had way too much shit to take care of before you kicked the bucket. Your friends still need you, right? OF COURSE THEY DO! You got to find a way back, ASAP!

Duke: Find a way back
Shadow: Look around

Shadow sighed as she noticed she had cleaned everything in her hive. She now no longer had any reason to avoid contacting anyone about the game. Maybe she'd ask that same troll if they learned anything new? No, that would be a bother. But who else would she ask?

Shadow: Head upstairs and reopen Trollian

She slowly made her way back up into her respiteblock and logged back into Trollian. She had decided to ask if the troll she talked to earlier to see if they had any ideas about who she should talk to for this game.

severedWorth (SW) began trolling cyanideCrusador (CC)

SW: Um, I'm sorry to

SW: bother you again, but

SW: I was wondering if

SW: you had any idea if

SW: there was anyone who needed

SW: a server player or vise versa.
Ken: Explore more

You float over towers and walkways, observing the scenery. Everything looks the god damn same. You expected more variety from your dreams.

Looking forward, you notice a definite curvature to the horizon. Is this a small planet?

Ken: Fly higher

You float higher and higher, watching the ground shrink beneath you. Eventually you notice that you were indeed on a small planet. Behind that planet, however, is a larger one, though it looks almost the same as your little one.

Ken: Explore the smaller planet

You decide to explore the small planet first. You continue your flyover, looking for... well, anything different. Eventually, you notice an especially tall tower.

Ken: Investigate

You float in through the tower's window, into another purple room. This room looks familiar...

Ken: Notice sleeping girl

You look over to a bed in the room and notice a girl sleeping there. Careful not to wake her, you inch closer and get a look at her face.

Is that... Aura?!
Arouri: Stop faffing around!

You realize you've been messing around for too long. You come back into focus and realize four imps have walked in and are terrorizing your things.

Arouri: Strife!

You quickly kill these ones just like the last. You collect the grist. Man! They ruined so many things! You decide you have more important things to do right now instead of getting angry. You decide to play around with the machines and see if you can make any new things. Before you can do anything else your LIZARDSPRITE pops up in front of you. It seems to be staring at you with cold dead eyes. You wonder if you throw something else in it, it'll turn into something cooler. You search your room for something awesome. Hm. What could possibly be cool enough. Your eyes finally settle themselves onto a cool looking pair of GRUBSHADES. You chuck these into your LIZARDSPRITE and whatch as it becomes a LIZARDSPRITE with an awesome pair of GRUBSHADES. Sweet. Still can't talk though. Too bad. You decide you should make yourself a better weapon so it'll be easier to kill imps.


You put your DUAL WIELD PISTOLS in the cruxtruder. You decide combining one of your SUBMACHINE GUNS would be a good idea. You CAPTCHALOGUE the dowel that the CRUXTRUDER carved. Then you place your SUBMACHINE GUN into the now empty TOTEM LATHE. Soon enough you have two carved dowels hot and ready to be combined. You realize that your going to need another machine to combine these objects though.

Arouri: Ask server player to place down needed machine

CC: yeah

CC: i need a machine to combine some stuff

Arouri: Respond to other troll

You see that the friendly troll from earlier is back and asking more questions. You decide to inform tell her that if she looks hard enough she'll probably find someone.

CC: there are these things

CC: called humans

CC: i am certain there is one who could help you

CC: they are currently playing the game also
Afrien : Help Server Player

You Use your BUILD GRIST to place an ALCHEMITER inside Aurori's Hive. You decide to attack the WEIRD CHIMERAS, and discover they are much stronger than the SHIT MONSTERS.
Humans? Those sound interesting, but she wondered if they would react if she behaved the way she did with this troll.

Shadow: Ask the other troll about Humans

SW: Humans?

SW: Are they different from us?

SW: Is there anything I need

SW: to know about them?

SW: Anything that might

SW: offend them without me

SW: knowing it?
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Ken: Wake up

The shock of seeing Aura shoves you out of your dream. You wake up in a cold sweat. Without even sitting up, you turn on your interface glasses and contact Aura.

-- electroShogun [ES] began pestering domineeringConflagration [DC] --

ES: Aura are you okay
Kersin: inspect land

Your land seems a bit...depressing actually. You can easily pick out specks of greenish black froglike creatures you can only assume are one of the inhabitants of this new world.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.edab956fe88c929dc598897144719c02.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="77499" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.edab956fe88c929dc598897144719c02.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Kersin: interact with leo sprite

You look at leo sprite. Isnt he adorable, pretty much useless at the moment but still quite adorable

Kersin: alchemize some crap

You punch a few of your cards (including your staff) and wounder what the heck to do. You grab your toater thinking you could make something pretty sweet with it. You end up combining it with your staff to make the TOASTY STICK. Unfortunately that used up the rest of your grist. What is that behind you!!

Kersin: strife

You fight off a bunch of imps who thought they could pull an old sneak attack trick. You collect the steaming hot piles of grist. Not that they are actually physical beings who could be steaming in the first place but you decide to roll with it.



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Afrien : Look around Land

You have realized that the only other living beings on your land (Aside from you and Freud) are monsters. Maybe there is more life elsewhere. You putz around and discover a tiny village. You step through the village and hear a small squeal of agony, before inspecting your foot.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/KinoDizzy.png.48a074674b43934407cb4e33df9b6935.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="77501" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/KinoDizzy.png.48a074674b43934407cb4e33df9b6935.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

A Tiny Mushroom is stuck to your foot.



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Arouri: Respond to kind troll first

CC: i think they're pretty ok

CC: one helped me adVance in the game

CC: they haVe some weird customs

CC: but i guess they're ok

CC: i don't think you could offend them

CC: they're pretty nice i guess

Arouri: Combine carved dowels

You place both of your freshly carved dowels into the ALCHEMITER. It quickly creates a BURST FIRE DUAL WIELD PISTOLS set. You grin with glee and decide to use your new toys on some imps. You walk outside of you hive and spot a group.

Arouri: Strife!

You unleash two clips on five imps and kill them all. You're surprised by how much stronger these are compared to your old weapon. You quickly collect the grist and decide to take a small break. You sit down and lay down letting your gaze drift towards the sky.

Arouri: Jump back up

As soon as you see the giant symbol in the sky you jump back up. What is that? You decide to ask your server player.

CC: hey

CC: what is that giant fucking symbol in the sky

Afrien : Reply to Arouri

TF: I think it Is a Way off of Our Lands

TF: Some kind Of Portal

TF: Also I just Discovered a Race of Small Mushroom people
Afrien : Interact with Mushrooms

You look at the Tiny Mushrooms as they pour out of their small shacks.

"Its is the Great Destroyer!"

"The what?"

"The Great Destroyer! His Power can save us from the Big Beasts!"

"Unless he chooses to Destroy us!"

"The fuck are you on about!?"

"We must usher him to the throne!"


You are shown to a stool by the Mushrooms.

"Hail our King of Demise!"

"Hail the Tyrant!"

"Long live the Tyrant!"

Arouri: Reply to server player

CC: i guess i'll haVe to find a way up there

CC: mushroom people?

CC: are they friendly?
CC: what does that mean?

CC: are you sure they're eVen good?

CC: a deity of chaos doesn't exactly sound nice
Afrien : Demand Answers

You demand to know the identity of the Mushrooms, and who the Big Beasts are.

"We are the Kino!"

"The Big Beasts are winged creatures that eat our people!"

"The Great Destroyer is our Giant Savior who can fell the Big Beasts!"

"So you want me to kill those Weird Chimeras?"

"The Tyrant will be our savior!"

"Hail the Tyrant!"

"I will go kill some of them. Make me a crown for when I return."

"Best of luck Great Destroyer!"
Kersin: explore?

You could go exploring but you have the feeling you have something important to do.

Kersin: pester aura first

nobleHunter [NH] began trolling domineeringConflagration [DC]

NH: I'm alive.

NH: And with my brand new Toasty Stick!

NH: This thing is hot, quite literally.

NH: So, I am currently conflicted, I feel like there's more to do with my client player.

NH: Do you know what I possibly need to do?
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Afrien : Kill Chimeras

You begin a rampage and slay tons of WEIRD CHIMERAS until you cannot hold anymore GRIST. You return to the Kino Village and they greet you with the CROWN OF TWIGS.

"All hail the Great Destroyer!"

Afrien : Ask about Portal

"Alright, how do I get to that ring in the sky?"

"The Outerworld Portal must be climbed to!"

"Someone from another world must build you a path to the sky!"

Afrien : Message Arouri

TF: I know How to Get to The Portal

TF: I have to Build a Ladder to It
Aura: Try and answer friend

DC: Umm...

DC: I'm super tired right now... For some reason...

DC: A client player..?

DC: Who...?

Aura: Accidentally fall asleep

You fall onto the ground, the warmth of the ground and exhaustion lulling your senses.

Aura: Awaken

Hm. Strange how there's purple... EVERYWHERE. Everything looks kind of the same, but... The color is just purple. Then, you realize your feet are not touching the ground. Okay, well that's kinda normal for a dream... Hey, wait, whose that? Another person appears to be sleeping in your room, but you don't know who he is. You don't recognize him, unless... Hes Ken? or just some random person? You decide that, since this is a dream, you should try waking him. You poke him, then start shaking him

"Helloooo?! Earth to person, anyone home!?"

Okay, maybe now you were just being rude. Besides, it didn't look like he was getting up anytime soon. You look out the window that had been there, and gasp. Whaaaaaaaaaaaat?! A WHOLE PLANET?! This is insane, and you love it.

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