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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

SW: Yes, that's the game.

SW: And I'm Shadow.

Shadow: Be slightly happy

These humans were a lot nicer than she thought they were going to be. Mark was a little worrying, though, but he seemed pretty laid back and uncaring. Don't know if that will be good later on, but he still seemed like a nice guy in the long run.
DT: aight cool

DT: yeah im down with you being my server player

Mark is doing alright, his attitude might have adverse affects, but then again. Adverse affects are a common thing in attitudes and Mark Chenan is about to get an entire climate change if you're keen on those things.
Aura: Turn around

You flip around to face the voice, and realize that the person was awake. You cross your arms with a smirk on your face.

"You sleep like a rock, you know that?"

"Oh, wait, are you Ken?"

It seemed like a viable question to ask, as you've never seen Ken's face before.
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"Yep, that's me."

You shuffle your feet awkwardly. It's always hard meeting new people, even if you've talked with them online before. Plus, she's like four years younger than you, and you're trespassing in her room. Even in a dream, that's not cool.

"So, uh... Any idea where we are?"
Shadow: connect to Mark

She tried to connecting to Mark as his server player but it said I needed his permission.

Shade: Continue trolling Mark

SW: If you don't mind,

SW: could you accept me as

SW: your server player?
"Nope! I thought this was one of my really really really strange dreams again, but maybe not. Since you're here. In my... Room. But, hey, at least I actually know what you look like. I think this might be another part of the game. Have you looked around? Whats it like?"

You try not to question him too much, but still. You were anxious to know stuff.
"I've flown around a bit. Everything looks kind of the same, really. Just purple towers everywhere."

You walk over to the window and point downward.

"But take a look down there. There are some kind of creatures walking around."
Mark had just done that as the prompt had showed up, so there should be no worries for this. The mun is busy anyway, so take care.

((Tag me in anything pertaining to Mark, aight? ))
"Your right.. They look like the Imps! Weird. I'm gonna go investigate..."

You jump out the window, then soar towards one of the creatures.

"Hi there, um, sir."

"What'd you want?"

"Um, nothing, I was just-"

"Wantin' to get lost? Cause that'd be great."

"No, I just really want to know where I-

"No. Go away."


Aura: Try not to get angry

It isn't working very well. You clench your fists and fume, on the inside. This always happens, you have to try and hide your fury, but its hard. Especially when someones being ignorant and arrogant. Your fist moves, and you punch him in the face. You clench your teeth. Fudge, you couldn't contain it. You really need to use your anger for something productive, but that too was hard. He crashes into a building, getting knocked out. Oops.
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Shadow: Deploy machines

Shadow looked for a space large enough for the machines she had to lay down, but she had to move a few things around. She felt bad, but she completely rearranged his living room before setting down the the CRUXTRUDER, the TOTEM LATHE, and the ALCHEMITER.

SW: I'm sorry,

SW: but I rearranged one of

SW: your rooms to make room.

SW: Is that alright?

"Yeah... Uh, sorry. That was an accident, he was being kinda rude. So..."

You sighed. And now Ken thought you were insane. Great.

"Anyway, do you know how to wake up??? Or, leave?"

Duke: Go to your room

You rush back to the golden ball containing your room/lounge thing and look for anything that could help you get the hell out of there. Ugh, nothing, absolutely nothing. God dammit, your stuck here with no way out. This was like some sort of nightmare, some heavenly forsaken nightmare. God, if there was anything in this golden world you could wish for, it would be for someone to wake you the hell up!

Elder Consort: Wake him the hell up

Elder Consort got bored with waiting for the boy to wake up, so he used a crowbar across his head. Yeah, that'll wake him up.

Duke: Wake up

You feel a burst of pain rush to your head. It was as if someone took a crowbar and bashed you in the head with it. You want to put your hand on your head to ease the pain, but you can't. You seemed to be tied up for some reason. You have been strapped down to an old mattress.

Duke: Be confused

What the hell, you were in the middle of a barren wasteland earlier, where the heck are you now? Well, at least you're not dead...yet.

Duke: Notice Elder Consort

You see a bearded robot chicken standing before you wearing pretty cool goggles and a purple cape. Crap, purple cape, he's one of the evil robot chickens bent on evil stuff. Not what you wanted to deal with today. He was probably the one who brought you here. You think he took you here to interrogate you, maybe get some info on The Green One. You don't see how that would be vital information, but everyone here sure does seem to care about him a lot. Looks like he's about to say something.

Duke: Listen

"Alright, meat-sack, where is that menace?"

"What, menace? What are you talking about?"

"You know who I'm talking about, The Green One!"

"You mean Seth Green?"

"What? NO! Who the hell even is that? I'm talking about the goddamn dancing piece of kale! I know you let him out of his prison cell and given him to those green-caped idiots."

"Wait what, you imprisoned him in the Egg of Leadership?

"Egg of Leadership? What the heck are you talking about? It's just an egg-shaped canister, don't be given it any unnecessary fancy-pants names."

"What, but Rooster Prime told me it was called that."

"Rooster Prime? Oh please, tell me what else this "Rooster Prime" has told you."

"Well he told me that you guys are basically in a war, green vs purple, over who has The Green One? That sums it up, right?"

"Sure, yeah, that bout sums it up. We're bad, woooo, lookout. Bid bad scary cluckers coming by."

"K, I got it, sarcasm be strong with this one. So then what is all this about."

"Dammit, boy, don't you listen? It's that damn kale, turning our race into a bunch of morons."

"I think, for my sake, you need to illiterate on that. I get they're kind of dumb, but that's just society in a nutshell."

"Oh really? Society is just dumb enough to terraform their own planet into an uninhabitable ball of cast-iron, to the point where they need to use cybernetic enhancements in order to live?"

"...Yeah, pretty much."

"Well...you're right, but it was all caused by that damn kale. He ran our race straight down the shitter. We use to be noble fowls with a thriving ecosystem, now we're nothing more than walking tin cans of our former selves. "

"Wait, so let me get this straight, a dancing leaf made your race go full-on techno?"

"You really that surprised, you've seen how stupid they are. They just keep listening to his shitty ideas."

"I didn't know kale even had ideas."

"No, not the kale, my boy."


"Your so called Rooster Prime is actually my son."

"...So...if you both were on this platform, that lead to some pillar thing and you just cut off his hand after an epic fight over the fact that he thinks you killed his dad, would you tell him that you are his father?"

"I'm not sure what you're trying to reference, but stop it. He's just my dumb boy who watches way too much TV and gets people involved in his dumb ideas. Like the whole turn our natural land into machine, that was on him and that kale."

"So what, he uses The Green One as a figure head to have people follow his stupid ideas?"

"Like you said, they're pretty stupid. They just want to watch the damn thing dance and they'll do anything to do so. Apparently, even terraform a planet."

Duke: Realize what you did

Ah, god dammit, you helped the bad guys. Well, shit, you got to fix this mess.

"Look, if you let me out of here, I'll help you fix this mess."

"How do I know I can trust you? What if you're in cahoots with my boy? Tell me what you have against my son and the kale?"

"Well, they made go on a wild goose chase for an egg, made me sit on said egg for like forever, took over my house and turned it into one big egg base. As you can imagine, I'm pretty pissed about it."

"Fair enough, welcome to the rebellion."

Duke: Suit up

As they untie you, Elder Consort slaps on your very own purple cape. Feels pretty soft, like cotton. They even give you back your MOBILE COMMUNICATOR, sweet.

Duck: Go home

You and your new associates head back to your home, ready to reclaim it. Time to show Rooster Prime what happens to chickenbots that mess with your stuff.
"As far as I can tell, the only way to leave is to wake up. Oh, look at that!"

You point upward into the sky at several faint specks of light. They are all sorts of different colors. For some reason, your eyes are drawn to the pink one.

"Pretty, aren't they?"

Aura: Look up

"Whoa... Yea, what are they...? Think we can fly up to them..?"

You ask him, your gaze transfixed upon the glimmering lights.

Sam: Snap back to reality.

What do you mean? You've been in reality this whole time! And, while you weren't paying attention, you had prototyped a second time, forming BANADRAGONSPRITE. Long story short, you dropped a banana. As for your puzzle box, and the misuse of a banana, you smashed the box open, causing a bright flash and a faint explosion can be heard in the distance.

You open your eyes to... nothing different. Well, the banana/dragon ghost is still there. Though, outside looks a lot darker than before. You make your way to your balcony and open the blinds. As you do so, the first thing you notice is that there are no roads or trees like there used to be.

Sam: Pester friends for help.

-- serendipitousMagician [SM] began pestering domineeringConflagration [DC] --

SM: so uhm what happened

SM: where am i?

Between you and me, you have arrived in the Land of Secrets and Keys

"I'm not sure. I doubt it. They're really far away, by the look of it."

Your gaze focuses on the pink spot. You swear you can make out something inside it...

"Hey, does that pink one look brighter to you...?"

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Kersin: be tired

You realize that you have been up for several hours and you are feeling quite tired. You decide to "hit the sack" so to speak, but as you do so leo sprite roars a small roar. "oh, shut up will ya." you say in a tired anger. you take your jacket and shirt off and jump into your recupracoon and swifty drift into a deep sleep

Kersin: wake up

You wake up on the same purple planet you've been on for nearly a sweep now. You look around quickly. last time you woke up here one of the chess guys had a knife to your throat. You look out the window to see two other figures in another tower. huh that's new you suppose.
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"I swear, that one's so much brighter... It's like it's calling out to me..."

Suddenly, you drop to the floor, fast asleep.



Ken: Be woken up

A group of imps have sneaked into your room and ambushed you! Groggily, you get up and summon Muramasa no Odachi.

Ken: Strife!

You draw the sword from its sheath and slash at the imps. Your swing is wild, and you end up slicing into your dresser instead. Dammit, wake up!

Ken: Slap self

You slap yourself awake. Now to deal with these imps. You take another swing, aiming much better this time, and take down an imp. You do the same with the rest of the imps.

Ken: Level up

Congratulations! You've climbed up your Echeladder from the fifth rung to the sixth and earned the title of DREAMING RUROUNI! You gain 6,400 Boondollars! Whatever they're used for.
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Ken: Worry about Aura

You wonder if that was really Aura in your dream, or if she was only a figment of your imagination. You decide to message her.

-- electroShogun [ES] began pestering domineeringConflagration [DC] --

ES: Hey Aura

ES: Just checking in on you

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Aura: Wake up

You wake to the sound of messages, sitting up and then looking at your messages.

DC: Hi!

DC: I swear, I just saw you in a dream...

DC: Was it real?

Aura: Realize you have tons of purple snakes surrounding you.

You look around, and it seemed that hundreds of purple snakes with wings were on all sides, staring at you.

"Um... Hi?"



"Oh god, not this again..."

Aura: Fly away

You grab your LAMPH, then turn it to 2. You quickly fly away from the circle, where the purple snakes continue to watch you from the ground. (What happens when she finds the portal?)

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Duke: Keep walking

God, this is taking forever. You forgot how long of a walk it was from the metallic wasteland to your home. Your stomach begins to growl, asking for some kinds of nourishment. You still haven't even eaten anything. Well, there was that SPACE FOOD, but it tasted like crap. Ugh, you're starting to miss being dead. Speaking of which, how did Elder Consort bring you back to life?

Duke: Speak to Elder Consort

"Hey, Elder Consort?"

"First off, that isn't my name. Secondly, can't you shut your stomach up?"

"No, I can't keep it quiet, I'm freaking starving. Wait, what? Then what's your name?"

"My race doesn't have need for names, we use our titles as a source of identity. I was Ruling Lawmaker, now I'm Rebel Leader."

"Eh, kinda lame. I'm gonna call you Rusty."

"Why, cause I'm old?"

"Well, yeah, you're pretty old-looking."

"Fine, meat-sack."

"Ugh, don't say meat. I could really go for some now....Say, can you lay me an egg?"

"What? NO! What do I look like, a henbot?"

"But you're a chicken. Chickens lay egg. Now come on, make with the protein."

"I don't lay eggs, boy."

"Awww, but I'm freaking starving. You got to have something, right?"

"Oh yes, cause robot chickens need to eat."


"I think I liked you better when you were out cold, at least you were quiet."

"Oh yeah, that reminds me, how did you bring me back to life?"

"I dunno, I just hit you over the head with a crowbar."


Duke: Theorize

Hmmm, being hit over the head with a crowbar brought you back to life....that...is....BRILLIANT! Wait, what are you saying, that makes no sense. How on earth did that even work?...unless...It's a SCIENCE CROWBAR! Yup, that makes perfect scene. Only crowbars made out of pure science can bring back the dead. Sounds legit, enough said. It's not like there's some sort of realm you can only enter when you're unconscious, that would be just silly and dumb.

Duke: Examine home

Ah, you FINALLY made it back to your house. Yup, looks the same as you left it, egg shaped and covered in imps...wait...IMPS?!?! What happened, you thought Rooster Prime had this place fortified. Dammit, there's a whole shit ton of them surrounding your house. How did this even happen? Where's Rooster Prime? Why is there no one defending your house? There's no way you can take them all on, on your own. You're gonna need some help, there's just to many off them. Hm, wait, what's that up in the sky?

Duke: Look up

Is...Is that?....Oh my gosh, it is! Palsprite! Palsprite is back and ready for some action. Well you can't let him have all the fun, you go rushing towards the battlefield. Heck, looks like the rebels what to join in too. You pull out your FRISBEE and get ready for some heavy-duty fighting.

Duke: Strife!
Afrien : Wake Up

You awake in a daze from the Kino Throne. Your Server Player has been nagging you to build shit.

TF: I fell Asleep

TF: One Second

Afrien : Build

You begin placing a wall of wooden planks under Arouri's Portal, and sticking pegs in the wall for climbing.

TF: Have Fun

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