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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

SW: Alright.

SW: Just let me know

SW: if you need anything

SW: else.

severedWorth (SW) ceased trolling digitalTestimony (DT)

Shadow: Sleep

Shadow rolled her eyes. She wasn't tired, but she also had nothing to do now. Her client player, the human name Mark, didn't need anything at the moment, and she herself didn't have a server player, so she was at a loss. Besides, how bad could a small nap do her? She closed her eyes and drifted off.

Shadow: Awaken

Shadow opened her eyes to a purple room that only had one way out, and that was through her window by her bed. She sat up, very confused for a minute.

Shadow: Look out the window

Shadow looked out the window, wondering how far a drop there was to the ground, and she almost gasped. She was very high up. She looked up to see another tower, but she didn't know who could possibly be there or how she would even get over. Maybe if she explored, she might find a way out?
Afrien : Respond to server player

After getting home with your hoard of Kino, you answer your troll companion.

TF: Can't help You if I Don't know Where The Fuck you Are
Aura: MOVE

You snap out of your daze, then quickly climb the steps. As you near the top, you see the ogres climb back up, their faces scowling. They seemed pretty beat up, but still willing to fight. You swiftly prompt Ken to come, so you can fly to the portal. You lift you weapon to the skies, ready.

Aura: Go

In your rush, you switch the fan's intensity to 3, sending you both sailing upwards in a blast of air. The portal comes into view faster then you expected, and you brace yourself.

Aura and Ken: Enter
You and Aura fly through the portal and crash-land in a forest. The trees are in bloom, pink petals fluttering in the breeze. You get up and dust yourself off, then help Aura up.

"Well, that was exhilarating."
You laugh.

"That's an understatement. Where are we, anyway?"

You look around, and noticed the pink petals around you.

Duke: Get slapped

Ouch! Palesprite gives you a good slap on the back, knocking you to the floor. Well what the heck was that for, that really hurt?

Duke: Speak to Palesprite

"Ow, what the hell, Palesprite?"

"That was f0r n0t try1ng t0 learn b1nary."

"Oh yeah, silly me, because binary is just common knowledge. Do you honestly think I have a binary translator on board?"

"Well yu0 c0uld have tr1ed t0 at least f1gure 1t 0ut."

"Look, Pal, I know there was a language barrier between us and I didn't try to decipher it, but it's really hard to when you basically shout out everything."


"Ugh, what do you want me to say? I'm really sorry, okay?"

"Ap0l0gy accepted."
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"I'm assuming this is my land. Looks about right."

You look around at your surroundings. Cherry blossom trees spread as far as you can see. Ah, the beauty of spring.

"So... now what?"

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Afrien : Get impatient

Your Host has not helped you in several days. As Kersin has become an unreliable source of progress, you take matters int you own hands. Question the Kinos on the PORTAL.

"Alright, I need to get to the portal."

"The great sky gate?"

"Sure, whatever. As your Tyrant, I command you build me a stairway to the Portal."

"All hail the Tyrant!"

The Kinos run off towards the forest, to begin collecting wood. This could take a while.
"Hmm.. I don't know. Look around, maybe? I might return to my own land eventually, cause I feel like something important might be there..."

You look back to where you just came from, and realize that there was no portal. Looks like you'll just have to look for a portal too.
"Wait. What's that?"

You point at something in the distance. It appears to be some sort of creature.

"I think we should go check that out."
Arouri: Reply to server player

CC: sheesh

CC: don't you have a computer nearby?

CC: i mean come on here

Arouri: Pout

You would, if you were a few sweeps younger. You decide to try to get out of the hole yourself. You attemp to claw your way up, but no success is to be had.

Arouri: Wait

You decide you're going to have to wait until your sever played accesses another computer.
Ken: Look closer

You take a good look at the creature on the horizon. It appears to be some sort of gray turtle that stands on its hind legs.

"Whatever it is, I hope it's friendly."
Shadow: Look around room

Shadow stood up and began looking around the room she found herself in. It looked almost exactly like her respiteblock, only...more purple. She's honestly becoming a little sick because of much of the color there was. She looked around, noticed bookshelves, books, and her desk without her HUSKTOP. Everything was basically there...except for a door. How was she going to get out?

Shadow: Realize this is a dream

She feels like an idiot. She fell asleep in her recuperacoon earlier, so of course this was a dream. Meaning, even if she plummeted to her death by jumping out the window, she'd only wake herself up on impact. It was so obvious that she forgot.

Shadow: Jump out window

She sat on the edge, looking down. It may be a dream, but it is still a long way down. Anyone would be frightened of falling for that long to be meet with the hard ground below them. But she had to do this. She took a deep breath and pushed herself off. She shut her eyes as she assumed she would start falling toward her wake up call, but...she didn't feel the wind she was expecting she would feel as she fell.

She opened her eyes and saw she was still by the window, overlooking the purple town below. She thought for a moment she hadn't pushed off like she thought she had, but when she looked down, she was indeed off of the windowsill. Now, she was just hovering.

Shadow: Realize you can fly and do flips in the air

Now you are being ridiculous. Her main concern now was getting down to the ground. She began to ease her way down, watching as the buildings got closer and eventually were above her. Once she got close enough, she saw a few black chess-looking people walking around. So there were citizens of this dream town. Amazing.
Ken: Approach

You and Aura approach the strange creature. It is standing near a lake of pink water, staring at its reflection. You approach the creature.


The creature jumps up and stares at you.

"Nanda? Anata dare?" (What? Who are you?)

"Oh, jeez, it speaks Japanese."

"Nani?" (What?)

You tap into your very limited knowledge of Japanese.

"Uhh... E-Eigo o hanasemasu ka?" (Do you speak English?)

"Eigo? Yes, some."

"Oh, thank God. I have so many questions. First, where are we?"

"You are in the Land of Hana to Umi. (Blossoms and Oceans)"

"R-Right... Do you know if there's a way to go back?"

"A way back? Boku ni shitagatte kudasai. (Follow me.)"

The creature begins walking away, beckoning for you to follow. You look at Aura.

"Think we can trust it?"

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Afrien : Wake Up

You slept for quite a while waiting for Aurori. You look outside and HOLY SHIT. In the time you slept the Kinos built a staircase up to the portal.

Afrien : Troll Nerd

tyrannicalFigment -TF- began trolling electroShogun [ES]

TF: My server Host abandoned Me

TF: But I had my Subjects Build a Staircase

TF: Should I go through The Portal
Ken: Respond

As you follow the turtle creature, you activate your interface glasses and respond to Afrien.

ES: Yeah

ES: Thats how you progress in the game I think

ES: I think itll bring you to another area of your Land

@Midnight Phantom
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Aura: Follow Ken

You have no clue what any of that conversation was, but you decide to follow.

"Well, it is our only lead..."
Afrien : Climb Stairs

You begin the trek up the stairs, before returning to the bottom. You then ride the MUSHTHRONE, being carried by the Kinos, up the stairs.

Afrien : Enter Portal

The Kinos carry the throne into the Portal, transporting you all.

You land outside a giant city.

"It's the Big Beast City!"

"How in the fuck did they build a city!?"
ES: Well Duke did prototype a robot into them

ES: I guess they have an AIs intelligence

@Midnight Phantom

The creature comes to a stop near a blue ring on the floor.

"This is a Return Node. It will bring you back to your home."

"I see. So we just step into this?"

"Yes. But you must return here the long way."

"Well, that's disappointing."

You look at Aura.

"Should we go for it?"


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