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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Afrien : Rampage

You begin running into the city and stabbing Imps. The Kinos gang up on them and kill a few, while the rest are collecting fallen GRIST. After a while you have reached the heart of the city. A much larger Imp sits in his throne. He is their King.

"You dare enter my lair?"

"You dare build on my land?"

"I... Fair enough."

Afrien : Tell Ken

TF: Dude

TF: The Imps have a King
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Afrien : Get Mad

You begin running at the ROYAL IMP and stab his guards a few times. AI still isn't as good as real intelligence. The ROYAL IMP pulls out his GILDED SCIMITAR and swings at you.

Afrien : Dodge

You slide away from the swing and jab your HORNY POKER into its arm. The ROYAL IMP drops its GILDED SCIMITAR and cries out in pain.

"Great Destroyer! Shall we attack!?"

"Yes! Kill him!"

The Kinos surround the ROYAL IMP, and begin climbing onto it. They begin biting on its flesh, while it screams in pain.

Afrien : Tell Ken

TF: Holy Shit

TF: Dude

TF: My Mushroom subjects Are Eating the Imp

TF: Savage little Fuckers
ES: Jesus

You turn your attention back to the "Return Node", as the strange creature called it. It looks similar to the portal that brought you here, glowing with a soft sky-blue light. You wonder if it really will bring you back to your house. And even if it does, will it bring Aura with you, or send her back to her house? You decide to question the turtle creature.

"Hey, turtle-thing!"

"Turtle-thing? How rude! I am a kappa!"

"Sorry, kappa. Will this thing send my friend back to her house, or bring her with me?"

"That, I do not know."

"Great. I guess there's only one way to find out..."
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Afrien : Watch Kinos

You hear several screams. Some coming from the Kinos being devoured by the dying ROYAL IMP in self defense, others from the Imp getting eaten. Nonetheless it is soon a corpse. Unfortunately as you did not deal the killing blow, no GRIST was dropped.

Afrien : Wear Crown

You pull the GOLDEN CROWN off of the ROYAL IMP's corpse. It turns out to really be a PYRITE CROWN.

"Fake Gold for a Fake King."

You begin to look around the throne room, and find a loudspeaker that connects to the city.

Afrien : Fuck with Imps

You turn on the SPEAKER to make an announcement.

"Hey Imps! You King is dead! Get the fuck out of my city!"

Using the TELESCOPE you watch the chaos in the streets. Imps flee the city en masse.

Afrien : Pester Ken

TF: Killed the King

TF: Now What
Afrien : Search Throne room

You look around the control panel behind the throne and find a Flashing "O" amidst the buttons. You press the "O" and a rift opens in the floor.

TF: Found It

Afrien : Examine Rift

Its definitely the Portal. You may not be able to return once you enter.

Afrien : Say Goodbye

You look to your hoard of subjects and sigh.

"The Imp City is now yours. Have fun with it."

"Great Destroyer‽"

"I'm leaving."

"You won't stay to rule us?"

"Sure, why not? I mean, then I could go back to my land... But, then again, I really have no idea why I want to go back. But, eh, whatever you wanna do."
Afrien : Do Something

You can't really remember why you paused. Maybe for dramatic affect? Who knows. You grab the GILDED SCIMITAR and captchalogue it. You then remember that your Lusus exists. Luckily, Freud flies through the Throne room doors. Seems he is loyal to you at least.

"Sooo... Yeah... I'm just gonna leave... Have fun..."

Afrien : Enter Portal

You grab Freud by the tail and leap into the portal behind you.
"I think we should explore a bit more first. I'll save the location for later."

You save the return node's location as a WAYPOINT on your interface glasses' navigation feature. You're about to thank the kappa, when...

"The youkai! They come!"

The kappa runs off as a huge herd of imps approaches from the opposite direction.

"Oh, boy... Look at all of 'em. There must be at least a hundred."

You summon your sword and look over at Aura.

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Afrien : Get Up

You landed in front of someone's Hive, but not your own. That reminds you, you left behind all the GASEOUS BEEF NUGGETS. You go inside and begin mass replication of GASEOUS BEEF NUGGETS.

Afrien : Pester Ken

TF: Went through The Second portal

TF: Lead to someones Hive

TF: What Now

You nod at him, then equip your mace. As the horde closes in, you fly up into the air, hovering. You wait for the perfect moment before striking.

Aura: NOW!

You fly in, smashing imps in your flight path.
You ease your sword a fraction out of its sheath, gripping the handle tightly. You wait for them to get closer... closer... closer...

Ken: Now.

You lunge forward, pulling your sword out of its sheath and slashing in one fluid motion. Passing by the mob of imps, you come to a stop on the other side. You put your sword back in its sheath as the imps you'd passed by fall to the ground, bursting into grist.
Duke: Examine home

Duke strutted around his newly-rebuilt home with amazement. It looks exactly the same as before. You didn't notice a single egg or chicken looking thing around, already a good start. Thou, you still miss your SPACESHIPS. Kind of a bummer they were lost in the rebuild. But hey, you got your house back, that's a good trade up. Not a win win, but you'll take it as one anyway.

Duke: Make cool stuff

You have made that before mention grist well flow that it's time to splooge some of it. You feel like you've earned it.

Duke: Use Punch Designix

You cannot use the Punch Designix because you don't have one, ugh. Kind of a bummer, but it's easily fixable. You hop back to your SPACE MONITOR and give you server user a quick call

Duke: Pester Mark

-- quirkyAlien [QA] began trolling digitalTestimony [DT]--

QA: Mark, if you're still alive, I require you to lay down the device called a Punch Designix.

QA: It shall allow me to basically create stuff in the form of punched cards, hence the name Punch Designix.

QA: I have reached a point where my grist be flowing like in a similar manner as a well and I want to make cool stuff.

QA: Make sure not to destroy anything while laying it down, just got my house back to normal.

QA: Speaking of house makeovers, I need you to start forming a tower on my house that goes upwards.

QA: There are a series of flashy circular portals along the way that I'll need to reach later on.

QA: Just try to make the tower look symmetrical, alright?

QA: No unnecessary platforms judding outwards for any reason.

You receive a message from Afrien, but you ignore it for the time being and continue fighting. But no matter how many imps you cut down, their numbers don't seem to drop.

Ken: Retreat

You turn and shout to Aura.

"Aura! We need to get out of here!"

Duke: Get annoyed

Ugh, once more, you're subjected to Mark's antics of not responding to you. He knows how you feel about it and only does it to get your metaphorical goat. God, if only you had something to do to pass the time, like have your own client player to tend to...Oh dear god, you forgot about Ken. Crap, crap in a hat, crap the hat into all craps. Quick, see if he's still alive. You're not sure when he'll get this, given that he may still be alive, but it doesn't hurt to leave a message.

Duke: Pester Ken

-- quirkyAlien [QA] began pestering electroShogun [ES] --

QA: Please tell me you're still alive and not lying in a ditch somewhere.

QA: Ken?

QA: ...

QA: Aw crap. Crap crap crap crap crap.

QA: ...

QA: Well, for the possibility that you're still alive and are just away from your computer, I'll just let you know that I've made some progress in my part.

QA: I've been encountering and eliminating Imps. I have even token down a fairly-larger one, with the help of Palsprite.

QA: The locals refer to it as an Ogre.

QA: I've gotten the grist well flowing like the Mississippi river.

QA: Unfortunately, Mark has been unresponsive to my request of a Punch Designix, but I'm sure he'll get to it.

QA: ...

QA: Just let me know if you're still alive.


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Aura: Switch to 3

You switch the switch to 3 in your desperation, and quickly zoom away from the imps at extreme speeds. You feel the turbulence as you continue to try and go straight, and thus try to turn the knob to 2.

Aura: Realize there is a 4th option

Wait... WHAT?!?! You quickly hurdle towards the ground at a very alarming rate, before shoving the knob in the opposite direction. You are able to stabilize it back into control, and quickly land in a tree.


Aura: Be very shaken up.

You're probably pale as parchment right now...
Duke: Panic

Oh god, oh dear god. What have you done. Your friend, Ken, has yet to answer. Yup, you're sure of it, he's dead. Just like a non-maintained tamagotchi pet, you've left him alone for to long and now he's dead.

Duke: Compromise

You gather up some stuff you had laying around and make a hobbled copy of your friend Ken. He looks actually a lot like him, minus the whole being made out of random crap.

Elder Con, um, Ruling Lawmaker notices you're going a bit bonkers. Better check on the meat-sack, see if he's gone rotten.

Ruling Lawmaker: Speak to Duke

Ruling Lawmaker: Have you gone crazy or something, meat-sack?

Duke: What, no, what are you talking about? I'm just hanging out with my friend, Ken. Say hi to Ken.

Ruling Lawmaker: ...Boy, I think you've lost it. Anyways, we don't have time for you to go off the deep end, more of the underlings are coming.

Duke: What, right now?

Ruling Lawmaker: Yeah, right now. So unless you wanna be clobbered while your having a tea party with your pile of crap, I suggest we get out there and mess them up good.

Duke: Ugh, what's going on, how come they just keep coming?

Ruling Lawmaker: Cut with the whining and get with the slaying.

Duke: Back to the battlefield
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Ken: Reply to chums

You realize that people have been pestering you. You reply to Afrien first.

ES: I guess find out who lives there

ES: I have a feeling that its your server player

@Midnight Phantom

You then reply to Duke.

ES: Im all right

ES: Kinda shaken up but okay

ES: I think Im onto something here though

ES: If Im right then Aura and I are en route to your land


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