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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Kersin: startle

Kersin jumps at the kicking open of the door. :" JEGUS CAN YOU GIVE A WARNING NEXT TIME" kersin yelled in shock. Dragon dad was glaring at Afrien with a mixed look of confusion and a protective stare as if waiting for Afrien to attempt to try and kill Kersin. "It's ok father, It's just my team mate he is not going to hurt me"

i hope" kersin thought to himself
Afrien : Laugh

You finally found another troll. Now you have someone other than a human to talk to.

"I had to kill so many Imps. So much Grist. Anyways we need to find a way to link our session with the fleshbags."

@Kurai Okami
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"Where does this lead? Please tell me back to my house."

You huff. If this led you on another escapade, you SWEAR. You are going to tear up an imp with your BARE HANDS.
"Okay, that's cool too. As long as my dear heart gets a break. GOODNESS GRAVY."

You sigh, your favorite statement coming out in your flashback to the earlier events.
"I think we both could use some rest."

Ken: Enter return node

You and Aura step into the return node. You are enveloped in a blinding light, and when it fades, you are standing in your living room.

"I'll secure the perimeter and gather some supplies. You just sit back and relax."

Aura: Do that thing called 'relaxing'

Thank the heaven you get to rest for a second. You plop onto a nearby couch, then decide to take a small nap

Aura: Sleep

You can't, for some reason. The action seems to have rendered you unable to for now, so you just relax.
Ken: Secure perimeter

You head outside, sword drawn, looking for any intruders. You perform three sweeps of the area, finding nothing.

Ken: Check inside

You head back in and check every room in the house. Still nothing.

Ken: Get to work

You put your sword away and head back to the living room. You attempt to captchalogue the Punch Designix, and to your surprise, it works. You take note of the code, then redeploy the Designix and use the code to punch a card. Now you can get this to Duke.

Ken: Captchalogue supplies

You head upstairs and captchalogue the pile of food you left in your room. You wander the house, gathering everything that could be useful. You end up collecting a length of rope, a stepladder, a case of water bottles, a toolbox, and a Swiss army knife. Phew, that should be enough.

Ken: Rest

You head back to the living room and sit down in your dad's recliner. Your mind drifts to thoughts of your family. You hope they're okay...
Duke: Be a genius

You come up with the perfect solution to your imp infestation. You grab a PEN and PAPER and quickly write on it "No Imps Allowed!" in red ink. You have created a GENIUS SIGN. You are sure that they will understand this and quickly get the hell of your property. They're kind of stupid like that. You run outside and hang up your masterpiece. Yes, perfect, that will show those pesky imp...not sure how it'll do against ogres thou...oh well, you set up the perfect line of defense.

Duke: Direct

You tell the imps to get the hell out for this is a no-imp zone. Defeated by perfect logic, the slowly walk away, returning back to the pits from once they came.

Duke: Climb that echeladder

You jump your way up the echeladder to the LOGICALLY ENLIGHTEN rung. Your LIGHTBULB HAT is well deserved.

Duke: Collect loot

You roll around in your hard earned 12,609 BOONDOLLARS. With all this wealth, you're not sure what to spend it on...or how to spend it, in that matter. Seriously, what is even a "Boondollar". Oh well, you got a lot of it and that's what counts!

Sign. Level up for defeating imps

The GENIUS SIGN has triumphantly marched its way from the rung: PARTY STOPPER, to the rung: PRODIGY DIRECTER-IN-TRAINING! The sign receives 560 BOONDOLLARS. Pretty sweet.
Arouri: Finally climb out of hole

You finally make your way out of that damned hole. You're greeted by a nice hoard of imps who you kill off. You look around and come to the conclusion that there isn't much around. You decide to just start walking.

Arouri: Walk

You walk for who knows how long. You start to feel tired when you spot a weird town. You run up to it gratefully.

Arouri: Enter town

You walk into the town and see many small houses. They are made mostly of stone with some dead twigs for roofs. Weird red and brown lizard like people walk around and seem not to notice you at first. You don't know wether they're hostile or not so you decide not to approach them directly. Before you can decide on an action to take, one notices you.

Arouri: Be noticed

"It is the one! The Solver of Riddles!"

"Wait. What? What are you talking about?"

"Yes you are most defenitly the one. You will save us all."

"Um. Alright. If you say so..."

Arouri: Ask server player about weird lizard people

CC: hey didn't you say you had some weird mushroom people call you king

CC: well that's kind of happening to me

CC: what the hell do i do

@Midnight Phantom
You just begin to finally relax, when you get a message from Afrien. God dammit.

Ken: Respond

ES: Hey look at that

ES: Now you have someone else to talk to

ES: So go talk to them

ES: Im trying to relax here

@Midnight Phantom
Kersin: think

"What if we were able to link their session through a second computer somewhere here on LoNaP?" he thought about this for a minute "No that wouldn't work we would probably make a copy of one of our lands that way," he thought out loud "and not to mention the extra possibility of meteors bombarding LoNaP." he thought long and hard about this for many minutes until Leosprite started to poke him "What do you want you blasted lion!" kersin yelled at it, it pointed to the recupracoon "Now is not the time for another nap." kersin said in a frustrated like tone.

Kersin: calm down

You fail to calm down and end up grabbing a snow globe from your desk and proceed to throw it out the window.
Shadow: Continue exploring

She had floated over most of the purple city and saw nothing in particular that could prove useful to figuring out where she was in this odd dream of hers. She had since decided to try talking to the citizens of this place she was presently calling Purple City. It had a nice ring and it was obvious enough so she wouldn't forget.

As she walked around, she noticed she kept getting stared at by the citizens. She also heard the occasional whisper from them, which led her to conclude that she did not know their language. This would be harder than she thought.

Shadow: Fly back to purple respiteblock

Shadow, tired of being stared at, decided to head back. Maybe there ws a map of some kind hidden away in her purple version of her private living space that she would find useful. Of course, she doubted this just as much as she doubted that anyone else is there that would prove useful in furthering her knowledge of this world.

Shadow: Search respiteblock

As she reached her respiteblock, she began searching for anything that could be of use. She tossed her books into piles on the floor, making a mental note to clean that up later. She pulled things from their previous places and even moved a few things that should never have been moved. When she finished, she came up empty handed and a completely trashed respiteblock. If her lusus had stuck around, she would be disappointed.

She sighed before collapsing onto the floor. Nothing. She found nothing than what she owned and cherished. Nothing helpful, or even leading to a hint. Her only option was to go back out and try communicating with the strange citizens of this town, but she would have to look for a way to learn the language first. She heaved another sigh. This respiteblock wasn't going to clean itself.
Afrien : Respond to Troll

TF: Rule them With an Iron Fist

TF: Command them To do your Bidding

Afrien : Question Kersin

"The fuck is that tiny animal."
Aura: Notice how warm you are

Okay, whoa. You feel warm, and before you were cold. And, you swear you feel cloth of some sort...

Aura: Suddenly Notice Puffie hugging you


"Oh. Hi! You are SO WARM. HOLY COW."


"Yeah, uh, thanks for helping me relax?"

"Sure! Anytime! Hehe!"

"Okay... And, sorry about forgetting about you."

"Hehehehe..! What do you m-mean..?"

"... U-um... Nothing!"

"Yay! Heheee!"

Aura: Be very freaked out

You swore, his eyes just became a much darker and more menacing shade than before. Better not upset him.
Ken: Notice shenanigans

You notice that Aura suddenly has some sort of creature with her. You have a nagging feeling in the back of your mind, but can't place it...

Ken: Remember

Your sprite, stupid! It's just been standing in your room since you entered the game! You quickly run up to your room and find your Pegasprite lying on your bed. You wonder how you managed to miss it earlier.


The sprite looks at you with a glare that chills you to the bone.

"L-Listen... I'm sorry I left you behind."

Pegasprite continues its stare.

"Um... C-Can you talk?"

The sprite nods.

"But you won't talk 'cause you're mad at me.

It nods again.

"C-Can I make it up to you somehow?"

Pegasprite nods, and points a hoof out your door, toward your sister's room.

"Huh? You want to go in there?"


"Okay... Follow me, then."

You lead Pegasprite into your sister's room. For the first time since entering the game, you take a good look around. The walls are covered in BOY BAND POSTERS, and her shelves are lined with DOLLS AND FIGURINES. Pegasprite points toward another pony figurine, this one with a horn.

"Oh, jeez... You want me to prototype that into you?"

Nod. You sigh and reach out for the figurine. Gripping it in your hand, you involuntarily take a moment to admire the craftsmanship. The figurine is actually rather well-made. Its wale white body is immaculately painted, like a pearl. Its mane, a deep violet, flows over its masterfully sculpted head and down to its shoulder. It- what are you doing?! This is no time to be examining this thing! You toss it into Pegasprite, and it disappears in a flash of light. The Sprite takes the form of a ghostly horse, wings sprouting from its back and a horn protruding from its forehead.


The sprite's voice resonates through the room. It is less high-pitched than you expected, sounding like a mature woman. You notice its slight accent, a tinge of British mixed into its voice. It gives the impression of a noblewoman, a graceful, elegant lady of high standing.

"I trust you will not leave me behind again?"

"O-Of course not! I'll captchalogue you if I have to!"

The sprite raises a hoof to its mouth and lets out a small chuckle.

"Wonderful. Now, would you be so kind as to escort me downstairs and introduce me to your young friend?"

"Oh, right! Aura! Of course!"

You lead the sprite out of your sister's room and down to where Aura is.

"Aura, I want you to meet someone. This is... erm..."

The sprite gently brushes you aside.

"I am Alisprite. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, miss Aura."

You suddenly notice the new sprite floating by. So THAT'S where the pony imps came from. Puffie, hugging you carefully, looks over at the Alisprite.

"And I'm PuffieSprite! Hehe!"

His voice was kind of high pitched, but not childish. It seemed he was trying to act childish, but you remembered his cold stares from before. He was, in fact, very intelligent, seeing what would happen if he kept up a childish impersonation. Or, maybe you were just over analyzing things. Either way, you waved at the very regal sprite

"And I'm Aura, as you have already found out. So Ken, you like horses..?"

You ask him, realizing that the Pegasus Unicorn, or Alicorn, was all horse.
Ken: Get defensive

"N-No! It's not like that! The first prototype was an accident, and I didn't have much choice for the second! I don't like horses!"

"Oh, hush, child. You had time to find something different for the first prototype."

"Did not! I had literally seconds to spare as it was!"


Alisprite gives you a disapproving stare. You ignore it and look at Puffiesprite.

"So... this is your Sprite, huh?"

You nod, noticing your sprite hug you tighter.

"He-hey! Thats a little tight!"

You notice he has a very determined look on his face, and he starts floating upwards, with you in tow

"Hehe..! Yes, yes I am. But, its more like shes MINE."

He faces Ken, then addresses you in the folds of the blanket.

"I think we should go. I mean, I wouldn't want you getting hurt, right? We should just go to you house, then stay there. Without these... Other creatures."

He said the last part angrily, somehow picking you up and heading towards the door. You attempt to struggle, but the layers of blankets he has you covered in prevent such movements. So, it seems you are trapped. Fudge. Was he.. Seriously... Jealous?!

"Hey! Wait a second, put me down! No, I need to finish this game!!! AGH, NO!!!"

Aura: Struggle like your life depends on it
"Says the floating pony. Now, I'm trying to help her. I'm preventing her from being KILLED! She can't get killed, because then..."

He stopped, hesitating. You used the opportunity.


You equip your trusting LAMPH, realizing you still need to make your VEGILAMPH BASHER again. But, besides that, you turn the LAMPH to 3, soaring through a gap and getting away from any resistance by him. You turn it off, then land on the floor. You look at him, a scowl appearing on your face.


Surprisingly, he does just that, whimpering a very strange. You sigh. Yup, he has a fudging crush on you. Great.

"Sorry about that. Hes just protective, I guess."
"Highly inappropriate behavior for a Sprite. I shall reprimand him."

Alisprite floats to the corner and begins lecturing Puffiesprite.

Ken: Laugh awkwardly

You laugh awkwardly, without knowing why. It just seemed like the right thing to do.

"Anyway, back to business. We need to get back to LOBAO and find the next portal. That should bring us to Duke."

"Oh yeah, Duke. Did you tell him I hate cussing? BECAUSE I SWEAR IF HE DOES... Okay, that wasn't meant to be a pun, but still. Hopefully you understand what I mean."

You giggle at you own joke.

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