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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

"Duke knows of your aversion to curse words. I trust he will watch his tongue."

You turn to the two sprites in the corner. You catch a brief snippet of Alisprite's voice.

"...absolutely unacceptable! Your sole purpose is to serve the Witch of Rage, just as mine is to serve the Knight of Space!"

"Alisprite! Puffiesprite!"

The two sprites turn to look at you.

"C'mon, we're going!"

Alisprite nods and floats to your side.

PuffieSprite solemnly nods and doesn't meet anyone's eyes, as if he were a child that just got yelled at by his mother.

Aura: Follow Ken

WAIT! You quickly run to the totem lathe, and then re-scan your VEGILAMPH BASHER card, and alchemize another one. SWEET! YOU GOT IT BACK! You run back to Ken, ready.
Shadow: Wake up

After cleaning her respiteblock, she went back to her recuperacoon and closed her eyes. Let's see if this will wake her up.

When she opened her eyes again, she was back in her non-purple respiteblock. She sighed with relief as she got out of her recuperacoon. She decided to ask the human Ken if there was anything after getting a client player.

Shadow: Troll Ken

severedWorth (SW) began trolling electroShogun (ES)

SW: Hello Ken.

SW: I have help Mark.

SW: Is there anything else

SW: I must do with this

SW: game in which we are

SW: playing?
SW: Thank you.

SW: And I will.

Shadow: Troll Sam

severedWorth (SW) began trolling serendipitousMagician (SM)

SW: Hello.

SW: I was told to ask you

SW: by the human named Ken

SW: if you would be so kind

SW: and be my server player.

SW: Of course,

SW: you don't have to if

SW: it will bother you.

Ken: Lead on

You lead Aura and the Sprites onward through the wilderness, searching for the portal. After some walking, you spot another kappa. You call out to it, and it approaches as fast as it can.


"We need to find the next portal. Do you know where it is?"

"The Gate? Yes, I do know where it is located."

The kappa kneels down and draws patterns in the ground, forming a crude map.

"We are here, and the Gate is north-west of us. It is high in the sky, far above the Gamagama Shrine. That place has been taken by the youkai, but I know that you can free it!"

"Excellent. Thank you."

You wave at the kappa as you begin heading north-west.

"So, the imps have set up camp under the portal. We'll have a fight on our hands when we get there. You up for it, Aura?"

Eventually, you see a large temple in the distance. Atop it is a large sculpture of a frog's head. Far above, you can see a deep green portal.

"That must be the place."
Aura: Look out!

PuffieSprite tries scooping you up in another fluffy embrace, but you quickly run away again. Okay, you never in your life thought an alligator would have a crush on you. You ran around in a circle, then turned your weapon to 1 and started to float. He too, however, can fly. Fudge. You start flying in a circle, air borne, waiting for AliSprite to return. Urg...


No! And stop doing that! You try and keep your tolerance level heightened, but they were slipping down. Your anger, however, heightened at the opportunity. This was starting to get on your nerves.
Alisprite returns after a couple minutes.

"I counted fifty imps and three ogres inside the temple. It seems that they are desecrating the shrine."

"Desecrating it?! What do they have against frogs?"

"It is a long explanation, and we do not have time for it at the moment. I shall explain all in time."

"All right, then."

You turn to talk to Aura, but she isn't there. You look up and see her floating above the ground.

"Aura! Come down here and get ready for action!"

Afrien : Get Bored

You stand in Kersin's room awkwardly. Eventually, you decide to browse the internet. Downloaded a PDF of "Lord of the Flies". Now you can make jokes about the book.
Arouri: Reply

CC: i do not know if i want to do that exactly

CC: but i do belieVe I will rule them like they'Ve neVer been ruled before

Arouri: Rule them like they've never been ruled before

"alright guys. i'Ve decided i'm gonna be your queen pretty hard."

"Yay! We finally have our queen!"

"yeah. anyways. first order of business. build me an awesome castle."

"We shall do as such for our amazing queen!"

Arouri: Watch

You watch as these weird lizard things start running around trying to build a castle. You realize this is probably going to take a minute and you take the opportunity to explore.

Arouri: Happen upon some huge imps

You stumble open some pretty big imps. They don't see you yet because your hiding behind a large Boulder, while they do imp things on a large cliff.

Arouri: Move to the right

You move to the right two steps and accidentally knock over a rock pile that comically makes a bunch of noise. Oh no! They've noticed you.

Arouri: Strife!

You pull out your BURST FIRE DUAL WIELD PISTOLS and unload on those imps. Oh man. They do not look happy. You quickly reload and repeat your previous action. They charge towards you and you decide it'd be best to run.

Arouri: Get the heck out of there

You get your caboose into gear and blow that Popsicle stand. The imps are thundering after you and you decide to unload a few more clips on them. You continue this process until you don't think you can run for much longer. Then suddenly they burst into a bunch of grist. Yes!

Arouri: Realize how much you've climbed the echeladder

Wow. You haven't really been paying attention to this echeladder thing. You sure have climbed a few rungs though. You are heftily rewarded with some weird currency. Neat I guess.

Arouri: See if the castle is done

You return to the village that your weird lizard subjects reside in. You look around and finally spot your new castle. Well. It kind of sucks. It's made of a bunch of misproportioned rocks and dead plant life. Gross. You decide you won't be moving into your new castle.

"Are you happy with the castle we made you my queen?"

"uh yeah sure. anyways. haVe you seen any portals in the sky around here?"

"Why yes we have! We can take you there if you'd like."

"uh yeah. i command you to take me to the second portal."

Arouri: Follow lizard people

They all start walking in a certain direction. As if they all heard you and decide to lead you there together. Well. Whatever. As long as you get there. As your waiting to get there you decide to ask your server player if they've gone through the second portal yet.

CC: hey haVe you gone through the second portal yet

CC: those weird lizard things are leading me there and i just want to know what i'm walking into here

@Midnight Phantom
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Afrien : Respond to Server Player

TF: Oh you are Alive

TF: Cool

TF: The second Portal leads to your Server Hosts house

TF: I am currently At Mine

TF: Pass through Your Second Portal

TF: Pass Through my First

TF: Tell the Kinos you Are the Tyrants friend

TF: Pass through My Second Portal

TF: And we Will all be Together

CC: oh alright

CC: that actually sounds pretty cool

Arouri: Arrive at portal

The lizards finally lead you to your destination. The portal is high up in the sky and you have no hope of reaching it until you have a stairway similar to last time.

"alright. i like command you guys to build me a staircase up to that portal."

"Of course! Anything for our queen!"

Arouri: Watch

They lizards quickly get to work. I guess it's good they all came. Otherwise this would take forever. You decide while they build the staircase to take a nap. You haven't slept since you've entered the game anyways.

Arouri: Nap

You quickly fall asleep and wake up. Wait what? Where are you? Is just some crazy dream? Your wearing weird purple pajamas. Well they are pretty comfy though. Hey, this place looks like your hive! Except it's all purple... Hm... You walk up to a window and look out. Your gaze drifts across a vast purple city. Your jaw slackens in slight awe. Before you can explore you wake up.

Arouri: Be rudely awakened.

You are awoken by one of the lizards. They point to the now built stairway. Huh. That sure was a weird dream. You quickly thank and say farewell to your lizard friends as you ascend the newly built stairway.

Arouri: Go through second portal

You jump through the second portal just like you had the last one. You find yourself in front of someone's hive complex.

Arouri: Tease server player

CC: hey i went through the portal

CC: and i am no realizing

CC: i can totally just go snoop through your stuff

CC: > :D

@Midnight Phantom
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???: Troll Afrien

You notice a name on your chat client that you don't recognize. You decide to confront them in the nicest, calmest way you can.

-- carcinoGeneticist [CG] began trolling tyrannicalFigment (TF) --


@Midnight Phantom
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@Midnight Phantom
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