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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Aura: Realize what just happened

"Oh... Uh, sorry. I got a little over my head there. I just need to calm down a little bit..."

Aura: Breath...
"You are the Witch of Rage, Aura. Your anger is your strength. Don't suppress it. Use it."

Alisprite looks to the portal.

"Duke awaits us. Let's not keep him waiting."

"But how do we get all the way up there? It looks too high for the Vegilamph Basher to reach..."

"My.. Strength? What? No, that's ridiculous. I'm always told that I should not let my anger get the best of me, and thats what I've always tried to do. This time I couldn't control it... That's what I'm afraid of, that my anger is going to get the best of me..."

You barely state that last part. It was a fact you didn't like to admit, and tired to ignore. There were a lot of fears you tried to ignore, actually, but some just couldn't be shouldered off forever.
"Listen to me, child. That may have been true in the world you knew, but things have changed. Earth... is gone."

Alisprite gives Aura a sympathetic look.

"In this world, in the Incipisphere, you cannot afford to be afraid. Hesitation could mean death. You need to let go of your fears."

She gently lifts Aura's head, looking her in the eye.

"And, you need to learn to
control your anger, Aura. Here, your anger, your Rage, is a powerful weapon. Control it, and you will be able to defeat any foe."

Afrien : Panic

It took you until now to notice something crucial. Not only have you been ignored, but nothing is moving!

Afrien : Yell at Ken









You had no clue how to reply to that. It didn't seem possible, as her Rage was a very dangerous tool. She didn't want to risk it. Somewhere at the back of her mind, however, she knew she could use it for many things. So many things, and these strange, dark thoughts scared her. The Rage itself was quite terrifying, rearing its head and forcing her to think of a great many petrifying things. And she also knew, they were real things she could do. To anyone.

Aura: Calm down

You try to push these thoughts back to the dark corners of your mind, but they still lingered, storming your thoughts. You kept s straight face. You looked towards AliSprite, then simply nodded.

"Fine, then lets go."

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Duke: Check out work

Looks pretty good, they've made a decent tower. Looks sturdy, well supported, and it even has two dome buildings at the base of the tower. You actually kind of like the building, though you're not sure what to use them for. Maybe you can use it a storage for...hey, wait a minute. Oh very funny, must think they're really hilarious, but this is no time for jokes!

Duke: Tell them to cut the crap

You tell them to cut the crap and get rid of the two dome buildings at the base of the tower. Besides the stupid joke, the tower looks great. They mainly built a protected stairway up to the first portal, which they've made a spherical room around. You are okay with this decision, at least you don't need to fly up to it.
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Afrien : Pass Out

Your major amount of anxiety and running in circles drained you of stamina completely. You fall flat on the ground.

Afrien : Float

You float off the ground, and look around. You are in your communal hive. The pile of GASEOUS BEEF NUGGETS lies on the floor where you left it. Arouri remains frozen in your room.

Afrien : Shake Arouri

You try to grab your server player and shake her awake, but your hands faze through her body. It seems that your body is not physical at the moment.


Afrien : Turn Around

A small turd floats in the air behind you.

"Who the fuck are you."

"I am Shitsprite. You prototyped lusus dung, and I was born."

"I- Oh. Why are you able to move?"

"My connection to you saved me!"

"Then why am I able to move?"

"You are the Seer of Life. Your Seer powers increased your perception. Time is not frozen, you are merely seeing it faster."

"Wait, I actually am the Seer of Life?"

Afrien : Pace Around

This is news. You always lied to people and said you could see their lives. But now you actually can‽‽‽

"How can I fix my perception?"

"You must awake again. This is the Dream World. You must either wake up or be woken up in the real world."

"So what about you?"

"I have added a pendant to your Sylladex. Use it to summon me."

"Well, now I have to wait."
Ken: Respond to Afrien

ES: What

ES: Thats weird

ES: Can you interact with anything

ES: Like can you move stuff around

@Midnight Phantom

Ken: Look at the portal

You stare up into the glowing green ring. It's definitely too high up to reach with the Vegilamph Basher, unless you want to set it to 4 again.

"So how are we supposed to get up there?"

"There is no way to reach it with the resources you have at hand."

"What, so we're supposed to just ignore it for now?"

"No, Ken. You have the ability to reach it."

"You just said I didn't!"

"Calm, child. You have the ability. The power of Space. Focus your mind."

You do as Alisprite says and focus your mind.

"Summon your ladder and focus on it. Think about how you could reach the portal using it."

You take out your ladder from your Sylladex. Obviously, it doesn't even come close to the portal. You think... What if it were longer...?

Ken: Lengthen ladder

As you focus on the ladder, it suddenly grows in length, shooting up into the sky. You are so startled that you nearly drop it.


"Do not fear, Ken. This is one of your abilities as the Knight of Space. Extend the ladder up to the portal."

You focus on the ladder growing in length, and the gap between it and the portal becoming shorter... shorter... shorter... Soon enough, the ladder reaches the portal. You prop it against the temple and begin to climb.

"Come on, Aura!"

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Afrien : Wake Up

The noise from your Techno Lenses wakes you from the dream world. Everything is still frozen.

"Goddammit Shitsprite was wrong."

Afrien : Use Pendant

You pull the Sprite Pendant from your SYLLADEX and put it on, before tapping on the gemstone. Shitsprite pops out.

"Huh. Everything is still frozen."

"No shit."

Afrien : Mess with stuff

You walk across the room and start poking the frozen Kersin. She is still warm, so shes not dead. You grab the small furry sprite oh hers and move it around in the air. You can move things around but nothing will move by itself. A dirty though crosses your mind but you dismiss it quickly.

Afrien : Report to Ken

TF: I can move Stuff

TF: It seems Time is Frozen

TF: I also Entered the Dream World

TF: And found My Sprite

Ken: Respond

You would respond, but you've taken off your Interface Glasses so that you can focus on climbing. You're several hundred feet above the ground, and you can't afford to lose your grip.

Ken: Be Karkat

You try to be Karkat, but you end up being someone else by accident. You contact Afrien.

-- gallowsCalibrator [GC] began pestering tyrannicalFigment (TF) --

GC: H3Y 4FR13N


CG: 1'M H3R3 TO H3LP 4 F3LLOW S33R

@Midnight Phantom
TF: Im not Quite Sure

TF: But they Were relatively useless Anyways

TF: I planned on Disconnecting From this Session

TF: And Joining with some Fleshbags

TF: But Whatever

TF: I am The Seer of Life

TF: Afrien Araeus

TF: Who are You

TF: Friend of Karkat

TF: I am in my Hosts Land

TF: Maybe I can go and Find the Portal

TF: Let me inspect the Surroundings

Afrien : Inspect Surroundings

You look around outside and find a MYSTERIOUS BOULDER in the near vicinity.

Afrien : Lift Boulder

It seems with the Server Errors in place, the Boulder's weight is lagging behind. You lift the boulder away with ease and find a Portal.

TF: Found It

TF: I Just return Home through The Node

TF: Right

Afrien : Enter Portal

You grab Freud and Shitsprite, before hopping into the Return Node.

You land flat on your ass in front of your Communal Hive. Inside the Hive is Arouri, still frozen in place.

Afrien : Search for Second Node

You scour around outside for a second Return Node, and find another MYSTERIOUS BOULDER.

Afrien : Send Arouri Home

You lift the boulder and walk back into you Hive. You return outside and throw Arouri into the Node. All loose ends have been tied up.

TF: I sent my Server Player home

TF: So now I just Disconnect From my Host and player Right

GC: Y34H



???: Interrupt

-- twinArmageddons [TA] began trolling tyrannicalFigment (TF) --

TA: okay can ii ju2t 2ay how 2tupiid thii2 idea that you and terezii are makiing ii2

TA: dii2connectiing from your 2erver player ii2 the wor2t fuckiing iidea iive ever heard

@Midnight Phantom
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Afrien : Respond to twinArmageddons

TF: Stupid ideas Got me Into this

TF: So Stupid Ideas will get Me Out

Afrein : Turn off Connections

You open up the Sgrub UI and terminate connection to the Session.

Everything goes black.

And suddenly, the lights return.

Afrien : Boast to TA

TF: Pshhh

TF: It was Fine

TF: I made it out Alive

Afrien : Tell Ken

tyrannicalFigment -TF- began trolling electroShogun [ES]

TF: I have officially Cut all Ties to my Session

TF: Which of Your allies must I Connect to

Ken: Reply

You still aren't wearing your interface glasses. You're almost at the top of the ladder, with Aura following close behind. Just a little farther...

TA: Complain

TA: what the fuck

TA: you actually diid it

TA: you 2uiiciidal iidiiot

TA: you're 2o fuckiing lucky you 2urviived

@Midnight Phantom

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