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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

"All right, let's... huh?"

You notice that the card feels unusually thick. You examine it closer, and it turns out to be two cards stuck together. You pry them apart.

"Huh. That's odd."

Ken: Carve totems

You head over to the Totem Lathe and carve a totem for each of the cards. They appear to be practically inverted versions of each other; a groove in one corresponds to a ridge on the other.

"I've got a strange feeling about this..."

Ken: Alchemize

You place one of the totems on the Alchemiter and alchemize...

"...a giant red lollipop? Seriously?"

@Nawmoo @MoltenLightning
Duke: "Huh..."

Duke: Examine

A giant red lolipop...well, that's different. However, you guess it's okay, given that's only...candy.

Duke: lick lips

You haven't had any REAL FOOD for a very long time. All you've had to eat was CRAPPY SPACE FOOD and that stuff just tastes nasty. It couldn't hurt to ask for a few licks, could it. Wait, no no, that would be rude. Ken did find the cards, so the items they produce should be his. It only seems fair to you.
Ken: Alchemize again

You use the other totem and alchemize...

"...a green one now? What is going on here?"

You pick up the two lollipops. Through some unknown force, they snap together, forming a SPIRAL SUCKER.

"Oh, god."

You are suddenly overcome with the urge to lick the sucker. It looks so delicious... Cherry and green apple... So spiraly...

Ken: Resist urge

You consider that the sucker might be poisoned. After all, you did find the cards for it laying around. But it looks so good...

Be smart about this! Don't lick it!



The sucker...!

Ken: Lick the sucker




@Nawmoo @MoltenLightning
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Duke: ???

...What is even happening right now...How was something like this even lurking around in your land. Two lollipops forming together to make some kind of...huh, what even? This whole situation has you boggled, you need to confront your notes on this one. However, you can't leave Ken alone like this.

Duke: Do...something?

You go outside and grab two robot chickens. You bring them back with you to the lounge, telling them on the way that they'll be playing guard duty.
Afrien : Look Up

Something feels wrong.

"Is there a problem Great Destroyer?"

"There is a disturbance in the fabric of the universe."

"Is that bad?"

"I'm going to find the source and beat the shit out of it. It is a really cheery disturbance."


Afrien : Sigh

So it has been a few years while you were in the Reboot Void, which only felt like seconds. You may as well try to find information.

"Soooo... King... What might your name be?"

"Name? I don't really have a name."

??? : You are a Plump Mushroom King. You have been ruling your kingdom for many years, but today you are given a name! What is Your Name?

Toadstool Fucker Χ

Is that because he is a Mushroom? Racist Prick.

Deust Shroomen

There we Go! You are Deust Shroomen, King of the Kinos.

Afrien : Give Name

"Your name is now Deust Shroomen."

"I humbly accept this name!"

"Deust, I am awaiting on my allies to form a link between this land and theirs, and once that link is forged, I need to use the Portal."

"Why of course! We will prepare the portal and hold a feast in your honor!"

Duke: Um, okay Ken, I'm going to leave you alone for a moment till I can figure this out. Try not to do....anything?

Duke: Slowly back the fuck up

Oh this doesn't seem right, this thing seems to have turned Ken into some kind of souped-up hyper nut-job. You drop the metal cluckers off to keep...Ken safe?

Duke: Go to your room

Whatever, you drop them off and get into your room. Within the confinements of your bedroom, which is in more cases a closet, you scrounge through some READING MATERIAL looking for some kind of answer to what's going on right now. You see jack-squat on what is even happening written in these notes. You guess someone could have alchemized this, making some kind of super-drugged lollipop...but that would be just weird...

Duke: ...Confront Ken?

You step out of your room and try talking with Ken.

Duke: Um....Ken, you feeling okay?

Shadow: go clean the dragon scales

Shadow got up and and went back downstairs. Sam was taking awhile to answer so she might as well get some cleaning done. She began picking up the dragon scales.

Shadow: ponder why dragon scales are there

It was a very good question since her lusus left her. All her scales and things were cleaned up sweeps ago, so why they were there was beyond her. She stood there, staring at the scale, trying to figure out why it was there.
Afrien : Fess Up

tyrannicalFigment -TF- began trolling twinArmageddons [TA]

TF: So I lied

TF: Rebooting cause Time Travel in my Land

TF: So I am in the Future of The Land of Rams and Lies

TF: Otherwise Everything is Fine

Vekter: Look through chats

~ spamLord [sL] started chatting with severedWorth ~

SL: hEy ThErE, pLeAsE aCtUaLlY tAlK tO mE, hArDlY aNyOnE eVeN aNsWeReD

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Shadow: go back upstairs

Shadow heard her Trollian ding and headed back upstairs. It was someone she didn't know nor had she talked to before. Why did they message her?

SW: Um,

SW: hello.

SW: Who are you?

You run a hand through your blue-raspberry hair, smooth out your green apple shirt, and look straight into Duke's eyes.


You shove the spiral sucker toward Duke.


TA: Reply

TA: what the fuck

TA: iive never heard of that happeniing

TA: cau2e nobodys been fucking 2tupiid enough two dii2connect before

TA: are you at lea2t tryiing to get back iintwo the game

@Midnight Phantom
Duke Uh, no no, I'm good. Already had my fill of psychoactive hallucinogens for today.

Duke: Deny

You fight off Ken's offer his subtle hang gestures and reluctant body language. You can't afford to end up being drugged-up like Ken, you got shit to get done. However, Ken looks pretty determined for you to like his sucker (Lol). Better give him something to do, as an distraction, till you can solve what's going on.

Duke: Oh, hey Ken, how about you share your sucker with the underlings. I'm sure they would like a taste.

Aura: OH

You back several feet away from Ken.


Aura: Go towards Duke

"Duke, I think we should definitely sort of leave and get the fudge out of here..."

Aura: RUN

You back up towards the door, still facing towards Ken and his lolli. WHAT THE FUDGE WAS THAT THING!? WAS IT DRUGS?! Whatever it is, you have to get away from it. YOU ARE NOT GOING TO BECOME WHATEVER JUST HAPPENED. You open the door, then face the outside world. You get out your VEGILAMPH BASHER.


But... What if Ken needs some kind of help!? MAYBE YOU CAN SAVE HIM!? Well, you'll figure that out later. He looked a little too... Happy... for Ken, at least. God that was terrifying... You reach for the switch to turn the VEGILAMPH BASHER to 1.
Kersin: come to

Wait what? You weren't asleep you were zoning out for... AN HOUR?! How does something like that even happen, oh well you've wasted enough time. You are still very stressed out for some reason and an increasingly painful headache has creeped its way into your mind, it almost sounds like whispering.

Kersin: take a walk

Theres not many places you can walk the mountain your house is on is pretty big.

Kersin: ride your lusus

"Cummon father we are getting out of here." You mount dragon dad and he flys to the land below. As you land you swiftly dismount and start walking along some path that is very overgrown. The trek through this land doesn't help kersin much and he just keeps tripping over over grown vines and muttering to himself like a mad man.
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Duke: Grab Aura's hand

Oh hell no were you being left alone with Ken like this. You are not in the mood for running nor are you ready to fight. Your best option is to keep Ken occupied with something else beside yourself.

Duke: Wait, Aura, I think we can fix him. I think if we can somehow keep him distracted, I can figure out some way to change him back.


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