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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Ken: Reply to Aura

ES: It must have been

ES: I saw you in a dream too

ES: This must be part of the game

((Aura could either find a return node that brings her back to her house, or the second portal, which would bring her to her server player's (Ken's) house.))


DC: That's so crazy! How can a GAME do all this!?

DC: Don't answer that...

DC: Oh!

DC: You were right, I found a portal!!

Aura: Enter

You enter, using your LAMPH to get to the heights. As you hurtle through, you realize something. The portal was... Light blue, unlike the one on your house.

Aura: Land on top of strange house.

You crash land on the house's roof with a slam, then roll to get out of the situation. You take a second for a breath.

"Great, now where am I?!"

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Ken: React

You hear a loud thump on your roof. What was that?!

Ken: Investigate

You head outside and look up at the roof. There's someone up there!

"Uh... Hello?"

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Aura: Freak out

You flip around, startled by the voice... Again! It was Ken!

"Oh. Hi? I found a portal, and apparently it went to your house..."
You can't help but laugh a bit.

"Heh, looks like you're invading my house this time. Let me get a ladder."

You go inside, find a stepladder, and set it up against your house so that Aura can climb down.

Duke: Take a breather

Few, that was a pretty good fight. That was, by far, the most intense battle you've ever been in, it was like two armies doing battle against one-another. You and Palsprite took down so many imps and you could have even sworn that you saw Rusty taking down a few. Be ashamed if anyone had missed it.

Duke: Climb that Echeladder

You cleared the next rung, Imp Exterminator. You received 6003.14 Boondollars. Wait, what's an Echeladder, what's a rung, what's a boondollar? You don't really understand what this all means.

Duke: Examine Echeladder

Hm, it appears to be some sort of ranking system, most likely how Sburb players level up. You look at the other "rungs" you have acquired.

Duke: Read Echeladder

You start from the bottom and slowly make your way back to Imp Exterminator. Poultry Politician, eh, seems fair. Ruin Scaper, Ha, you get it. Egg-sitter, if you new that all the egg-sitting lead to a dancing piece of kale, you would have just left that egg back in the ruins. Stylish Turncoat, yeah that seems about right. Well that was fun, but time you go focused on the real goal. Time to make that grist well flow.

Duke: Collect grist

As you would have metaphorically stated earlier, you have really gotten the grist well flowing. Man, look at all this grist. You start running around and grabbing all the grist that you can see.

Duke: Listen

As you collect your sweet reward, you hear a loud stomping. Kinda sounds like an elephant walking, but there's no elephants here. At least you think there aren't elephants here. Approaching you appears to be some sort of giant creature with tusks...so it could be an elephant, but you highly doubt it. HA! It's wrecking the side of your house. That's it, this guy's asking for it.

Duke: Strife...Again!

You pull out your LOCK BREAKER and start wailing on him. He returns the favor with his fist. Shit! You roll out of the way, before you turn into a Duke-pancake. Okay, so he's tougher than imps, note token. Judging by his looks, he seems to be some sort of reddish ogre. He's big, but he ain't stupid. You can't just keep wailing on him and suspect him not to fight back.

Duke: Strategize

You send Palsprite to attack the ogre's face, blocking his view. He looks really pissed now, but now he can't see you come in from behind and give off a sneak attack. You charge in wail on him from the back. You and Palsprite create a parallel pain-train as you attack from both ends. The ogre cannot take anymore of this and burst into grist. Yes, the beast is slain.

Duke: Celebrate!

Hell yeah, you achieve your next rung. You moved up from Imp Exterminator to Brutal Locksmith. You claim 7,600 Boondollas and gather a shit-ton of grist.
Mark is around the room that was rearranged. So, that was a thing that happened. All things considered, Mark is a tad overwhelmed.

DT: yeah thats cool

DT: dont like mess with my dad though hes

DT: probably playing solitaire downstairs in the basement

Shadow: Wonder about this 'dad'

Shadow reread Mark's message countless times, trying to grab the concept of this...this 'dad'. She could assume it was like a lusus, just the human's version. Or maybe it is something else entirely.

SW: I am truly sorry,

SW: but what is a 'dad'?

SW: And I will try

SW: not to disturb him

SW: with the moving around.

SW: Also,

SW: changing the subject,

SW: but do you know what you

SW: need to do once these

SW: machines are deployed?

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Afrien : Get Bored

Alright, sitting on your ass in the MushThrone is achieving nothing. You stand from the chair and begin walking out of the village. You can hear the Kinos carrying the MushThrone behind you. Guess they are coming home with you.
Aura: Question

"Why am I here now? What was the point? I might try to go back, but FIRST, I need to combine some stuff. And create some other stuff. With the stuff I have."

You walk down the steps while talking, then look at Ken afterwards.

"If that's okay, of course. I'm not just gonna barge into your house or anything if you don't want me to."
"I don't mind at all. You can use whatever you find in my house as well, if you want."

You lead Aura to your living room, where the machines are.

"Just try not to wreck anything, okay?"

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"Pshhh, like I could eve-"

Aura: Regret leaning on anything

You accidentally placed your hand on a wooden support-looking thing, and it crumbles. You blink a few times, then fall over.

"That.. Was an accident. Won't happen again, hehe..."

Aura: Get up, and walk over to machines to get away from awkwardness

You grab a dowel from the ground, then realize you could combine your LAMPH with your Plant Mace... You get your Plant Mace card out, look at the back, and do the same for the LAMPH. You get two of your spare cards, and punch them. You place them both in the totem lathe, then carve it. As you place the totem in the Alchemiter, you see a super crazy high cost for the thing. You had enough, at least. You grab the new, amazing looking item, called a VEGILAMPH BASHER. WHOA! This thing is so cool! You can fly with it, use it for light, and murder people with it! AND ITS ECO-FRIENDLY!!! All of your wishes in one death basher, finally!

"Yea it is!!"

Aura: Make more cards

You use the code Ken gave you to make more cards. Afterwards, you walk up to him.

"How large is your staircase? If its large enough, I might be able to fly up to the portal using my new VEGILAMPH BASHER with you in tow, somehow..."
"Yea, I think so. If I turn it to 3, which is dangerous, we might make it. Later though, I would like to return to my own land. Don't know when, but eventually. Lets go!"

You run back towards the roof, where you spot the staircase. You prompt Ken to come along as well, as you start running up them.

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Ken: Follow

You follow Aura up the stairs, equipping your Muramasa no Odachi, just in case. Sure enough, there are imps all over the staircase, and more approach from behind.

"We've got company! I'll get the back, you clear a path!"

Ken and Aura: Strife!

Arouri: Thank server player

CC: thanks

CC: i guess

Arouri: Climb up ladder

You begin the long ascent to the portal. The rungs of the ladder are unstable and you begin to fear for your life. You grip them tightly in your hands and slowly trek upwards.

Arouri: Fall

You loose you footing and begin to fall. You luckily regain your grasp on the rungs and save yourself from a rather untimely death. You continue up the makeshift ladder again, just this time more carefully. You eventually reach the top and step onto the wooden planks. They wobble slightly beneath your feet but nonetheless stay in place.

Arouri: Go through the portal

You take a deep breath before entering your portal. You jump into it and land on the surface of your planet. At first glance the planet looks mostly just like a red barren stretch of land. There are rocks, cliffs and boulders scattered throughout but otherwise is empty. You decide to take a few steps forward.

Arouri: Fall into hole

You fall a few feet down into a hole. How could this have happened? There was no way that was there before. You look around in the hole and realize it's only about five feet in diameter, not leaving you a ton of space. You decide to ask your server player for help since you are not properly equipped to get out of this situation on your own.

Arouri: Troll server player

CC: hey

CC: um well i made it through the portal

CC: and i'm on this strange planet

CC: kind of fell in a hole

CC: mind helping me out of here?

@Midnight Phantom
You set your weapon to 1, and fly towards some imps. You chop them up like vegetables with your fan, then land again, slamming some by swiping downwards. Then, you hear the rumble. AGAIN. Giant, hulking imps with tusks pull themselves onto the staircase. 2 of them, to be exact. You look back at Ken, then give him a nod. You run for the farthest one, swiftly changing the fan's speed from 1 to 2. As you hurtle towards the creature, you notice its strange features. Lion, and pony. Whoa. You pull yourself back into the game, and charge the creature.
Kersin: observe

you watch as the two people fall to the floor of the respite block. You quickly fly over and carry them back to their respective tower/bed. it would be better if only a few people knew they were awake. You fly around for a while not knowing what to do because most chess guys know your awake and ready to kill since you did kill that one assassin guy, apparently he was a five star assassin or something, you read that in the news. maintaining order is such hard work, this is why you reject the idea of being any sort of leader.

Kersin: float wistfully

you float on your back wondering why this place exists. you often wonder about that whenever you come here.
Duke: Look for Rooster Prime

You go inside the wrecked moonbase known as your home to find that the green-caped robot chickens have barricaded themselves in your lounge. Geez, looks like they took anything that wasn't pinned-down and just piled it on. You notice a pipe wedged in and sticking out. That seems like a safety hazard, to you. Better remove it before someone gets hurt.

Duke: Remove pipe

You remove the pipe from the barricade and the whole thing comes collapsing down. Huh, pretty shitty barricade they made, must have been in a hurry. You see them hiding in a corner, guarding The Green One. Rooster Prime is holding his majesty up in the air for them to praise. Time to end this dispute.

Duke: Speak to Rooster Prime

"Hey, "Rooster Prime", glad to see you coward at the face of an oncoming threat. Really good leadership skills."

"The Green One predicted that they would be slain, cluck, and they were, cluck cluck. The Green One is always right."

"So he predicted that someone else would just take care of your mess."

"I wasn't my fault, I swear. After a game of Imp-tipping, they just seem to have spawned out of nowhere all angered and vicious, cluck."

"Alright, that's enough playing king, Rooster Prime. Time you stepped down and let your dad be in charge."

"What, you've been in cahoots with Fowlatron, cluck?"

"No, I've been speaking with your dad. You know, Ruling Lawmaker or whatever it was. He told me about your active imagination and how you convinced your race to go techno."

"Cluck? It was the will of The Green One to advance ourselves, not my own, cluck. The Green One knows what is best for us, cluck cluck."

"Oh really, lets see about that."

Duke: Speak to The Green One

"Hey, Green One, what's your will?"

"Hi, I'm Seth Green."

"Whatever, what's your will?"

"I'm a famous Hollywood actor."


"I'm also..."

"Yeah, I had enough of this."

Duke: Grab The Green One

You pick up The Green One as Rooster Prime tries to stop you. The both of you get into a slap fight like no other. Like watching two clowns slapping each-other with dead fish, you were going at it really hard.

Duke: Throw him

You got tired of this slapstick and chuck The Green One over to Palsprite. In doing so, you accidentally prototyped Palsprite with the dancing piece of kale. He/She was no longer just a robot ghost, now he/she was a planty mechanical specter. What should you call him/her now? Hm...Greenpalsprite! No, that name sucks....Palgreensprite! Nah...Kaleonesprite! Now that just sounded like shit. Oh, wait, Palesprite! It was a perfect name, reference to both Pal and the kale formerly known as The Green One, even a play-on his/her greenish glow. You see as Rooster Prime cries at the loss of his veggie buddy, but you think it was for the best that the kale was out of his feathers.

Duke: Take charge

You start barking out orders for the dismissal of capes and for the union of both sides. They don't seem to have problems with that, given that The Green One isn't around. They get straight to work on fixing your base, this time making it look NOT like a giant egg. You go rest your head down at your SPACE MONITOR. Palesprite floats behind you, watching the screen over your shoulder. You don't mind Palesprite chilling by you, you're just glad you got your house back.
You draw your sword and slash through a group of imps, bisecting them. Your sword faintly glows a dark purple, but you pay it no mind. You continue chopping imps up, until you hear a rumble. Two giant imps climb yp onto the staircase. You look at Aura and see her nod as she charges one of the two. You lunge at the other, sword held aloft.

You slash at the hulking beast to no avail. It simply shrugs off your attacks and knocks you away. You narrowly avoid crashing into Aura, instead landing on the other giant, who grabs you in a massive robotic hand.

"Let me go!"

You helplessly struggle against the monster's grip.

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Aura: Try and get angry

No, don't. You don't just 'get angry', that's not how it works. Instead, you attack the creature's hand, doing a massive uppercut that was helped with the lift power. He flinched, just enough to drop Ken. You smack his face with you basher, making him teeter on the edge. You shove him off, sending him hurling to the ground.

Aura: Realize your mistake

You forget about the other ogre, and see a shadow as he was just about to step on you with his big feet.
You quickly stand up and slash at the other ogre's leg with all your might. Your sword seems to glow brighter as you swing. The attack cuts the ogre's leg clean off. The ogre stumbles back, and you use the side of your sword to shove it over. It crashes to the ground.

"They're gonna be really mad when they get back up. We have to move, now!"

Mark's dad is exactly the definition of dadly mangrit and poker playing excellence. If there were a more dadly dad than Dad Chenan, he has yet to even be born. The concept of dad shouldn't be too difficult, after all, he looks about as faceless as any other adult or lusus. Just, leave the sleeping tall human alone.

DT: you know

DT: the man who is my genetic uprising

DT: a dad is like

DT: the epiphany of learnable knowledge and

DT: yeah i have a vague idea of what im going to be doing

DT: dont worry about a thing

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