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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Duke: Panic

Dammit dammit dammit, beautiful buildings and cheerful chaps everywhere, but no way out. Dammit, why did you have to die so soon? No, no no no, you can't be thinking like that, not right now. There was no way you died, you're too better than to just die tired and hungry. Get it together! Stay focus and keep looking!

Duke: Wake up

You cannot wake up because you don't know how to. You are currently sleeping on the metallic ground, but you are not alone. Purple-cloaked figures stand before you, looking down upon your unconscious body. One commands the rest to drag your body off to somewhere. Seems like they're taking your body to a rundown building, looks like it hasn't been used in years. They place your body onto a mattress. One of the cloaked figures removes his hood, revealing to be a robot chicken. Something seems different about him, compared to the rest of the robot chickens, he's wearing goggles and has a metal beard. He watches as you sleep, not as creepy as it sounds. You guess it could be weirder. That is, if you were awake.
NH: Uh, the game, remember?

NH: ...

NH: ...

NH: You've fallen asleep haven't you.

Kersin: experiment with game

You spend the past half an hour observing how to do stuff on your clients hive through trial and error, unfortunately you've used up half of the grist building extra unneeded space on the roof. You hardly notice your lusus entering your respite block and half jump out of your seat when he huffs to get your attention.

"what the heck dad?!"

he nudges you toward the hall way where there appears to be some black ink splaters. Imps possibly? You approach the hall slowly whilst gripping TOASTY STICK tightly. You end up following the ink splatters to the very bottom level of your hive where you start to hear a low groaning noise from the kitchen. Slowly you open the door to see a basilisk has gotten into your fridge.

Kersin: angrilly strife

NOBODY SNEAKS INTO YOUR HIVE AND EATS ALL OF YOUR FOOD THAT IS JUST THE WORST MOST RUDEST THING IMAGINABLE. You swiftly take out the basilisk quite easily. CONGRATULATIONS! you've climbed up the echiladder from the fourth to the fifth rung and earn the noble title of FROZEN FIGHTER, and you gain 5,000 BOONBUCKS! yay?
Arouri: Reply to server player

CC: oh! > :o

CC: that's probably going to take a lot of grist though huh

CC: well i better get grinding

Arouri: Build more stuff

You decide if your going to head out into the world you're probably going to need some equipment. You place your HUSKTOP in the TOTEM LATHE and receive a carved dowel. You also place a pair of GOGGLES into the machine and receive another carved dowel. You place both dowels into the ALCHEMITER and receive a GOGGLETOP. Now you can troll anybody while on the go.

Arouri: Suddenly remember that you have a client player

Oh no! You've totally forgotten. You better check on her quick. For all you know they could be dead.

-- cyanideCrusader [CC] began trolling nobleHunter [NH]

CC: are you ok?

Kersin: respond to Arouri

NH: Yes I am fine.

NH: A basilisk was in my fridge though.

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Arouri: Remember your lusus

You suddenly remember that your lusus was in your hive when you teleported. You decide to go back into the hive and check. You search each room of your hive, but you are unable to find him. You feel slightly sad by this. You remember now that you meant to go grind imps to get grist.

Arouri: Grind

You take your sadness out on many imps. Time seems to disappear as you get lost in the monotonous battle. Eventually after who knows how long, you stop. You have collected a large amount of grist and decide to inform your server player so he can build you a ladder to the portal.

Arouri: Inform sever player

CC: i haVe collected a large amount of grist

CC: i also cannot find my lusus

CC: i think it is time that you start building a ladder to that portal
Elder Consort: Examine

Elder Consort? Really, he says? Ugh, fine, "Elder Consort" searches the fleshy meat-sack. He pulls out his MOBILE COMMUNICATOR. He fiddles around with it, unfolding it and pushing a few buttons. He's not sure what it's initial purpose is, but he suspects that it's some sort of weapon. He throws it to one of his lackeys to sort in the armory. He doesn't seem to have anything else. Odd, where does he keep the rest of his weapons? Oh well, he assumes that he had thoroughly disarmed the boy.

Elder Consort: Tie up boy

He secured the boy in a down to the mattress, to make sure that he could not escape. Well that was easy. He expected the unconscious boy to put up more of a fight for some reason, but he isn't complaining. Now, the Elder Consort waits for the boy to awaken so that he may interrogate him.
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Shadow: Ponder about Humans

She was already doing that. Humans sounded interesting, but there was the matter of talking to them. She knew almost nothing about them and didn't want to upset them. But, from what the nice troll who bothered helping her said, they were hard to anger. But then again, that kind troll didn't know she had drove her own lusus to leave because she was so worthless and unwanted. She couldn't help but sigh as she thought about this. She had already made up her mind she would ask a human, but which one? It would be hard to tell how they act just by their screen names, but maybe it's a start?

Shadow: Troll a Human

She began trolling a random human. This could either work very well, or not well at all. More than likely not at all, seeing as she screwed most things up.

severedWorth (SW) began trolling electroShogun (ES)

SW: Excuse me,

SW: um,

SW: Human, I believe your

SW: species was called.

SW: I do not mean to bother you

SW: while you might be busy, but

SW: I was wondering if you

SW: could provide some answers

SW: about this game.

SW: If it is not to much trouble,

SW: of course.
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SW: I was told that to play

SW: one must acquire a server player

SW: and a client player.

SW: How would one go about

SW: that?

SW: Would anyone do or

SW: does it have to be someone

SW: you are close to?
ES: Its better if you get someone youre close to

ES: Like a good friend that you can trust

ES: But in a pinch I guess anyone that has the game could work
SW: Alright

SW: Thank you very much.

SW: Is there anything else I would

SW: need to know as I start?

SW: And, if it isn't too much

SW: trouble, would you mind

SW: telling me if anyone from

SW: where you are from needs

SW: assistance in going further in

SW: this game?
ES: I think Mark still needs a server player

ES: His screen name is digitalTestimony

ES: Also Sam serendipitousMagician doesnt have a client

ES: But before you join you should know some things cause once you start you have to move fast

ES: Your server player will put down some machines in your house

ES: Use the cruxtruder to get a cruxite dowel then put it in the totem lathe to carve it

ES: Then take it and put it in the alchemiter and use whatever you get

ES: But before you do that youll get a glowing ball thing called a kernelsprite

ES: You need to put something in it before you use your item

ES: Preferably something weak

ES: You following me so far
SW: Yes, I follow.

SW: But, if it isn't rude of me to ask,

SW: what is a house?

SW: I'm not accustomed to

SW: human terminology.

SW: But, you don't have to

SW: answer if it bothers you.
SW: Oh alright.

SW: Thank you for clarifying.

SW: Now, is there more to

SW: this game that I need to know

SW: before I contact

SW: um...

SW: Mark?

SW: Was that the human's name?
ES: Yes that was his name

ES: Before you contact Mark you should gather supplies

ES: Food weapons stuff like that

ES: Once you use your item youll be transported to a place called the Medium

ES: Theres monsters about so youd better arm yourself

ES: By the way my names Ken

ES: Whats yours
Shadow: Panic

Name? Why would this human...no, I know his name now. Why would Ken want to know her name? She was sure she was a bother, so she couldn't imagine why he would want to know, but it would be rude not to answer. Maybe sag it to be polite and hope nothing comes of it? Yeah, that sounds like it will work.

SW: My name is Shadow.

SW: And thank you, Ken, for

SW: the help. I shall gather

SW: supplies before contacting Mark.
ES: Youre welcome

ES: I wonder why all the trolls arent like you

ES: Youre so nice unlike some other trolls Ive met

ES: Good luck getting into the game Shadow
Shadow: Become confused

She was nice? She was just trying not to anger the human, and that deserved a compliment? Humans were definitely strange, but they seemed friendly enough. At least, Ken did. She couldn't say for certain with the others, but she hoped they were as nice as Ken.

SW: Thank you, but I don't think

SW: I'm anything special.

SW: The others are just behaving

SW: how their lusi raised,

SW: or didn't raise,

SW: them to be.

SW: Please don't be too hard

SW: on them.

Shadow: Gather supplies

What should she gather? She already had her daggers captualouged, so she was already armed. Food she could always hunt for later; it's how she stayed alive this long without her lusus. Maybe she could bring along a few books in case she grew bored, and maybe a few writing things so she can document what she sees, does, and anything that catches her interest.

Shadow: Begin packing

Shadow began putting everything she believed she needed into a corner of her respiteblock so she could easily find it later before gathering a few things she could survive on until she found a more adequate food supply later on. She then decided to starting trolling the human Ken called Mark to see if he was okay with the idea of her being his server player.

severedWorth (SW) began trolling digitalTestimony (DT)

SW: Hello.

SW: I am hoping you are the human

SW: named Mark, correct?
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Ken: Think about Earth

For the first time since entering the game, you begin to worry about Earth. You're sure there were more people who obtained the game, and likely didn't have the same level of help as you. They were likely killed by meteors. And what about people who didn't play the game? Did they get killed, too? Did the meteor strikes alter Earth's ecosystem? Can Earth even sustain life anymore?

Ken: Get sad

These thoughts weigh on your mind like a ton of bricks. You do what you always do when there's a lot on your mind: lay down and cry yourself to sleep. You're man enough to admit you cry sometimes.

Ken: Cry self to sleep

You eventually fall asleep.


Ken: Awaken

You wake up in the purple room again. Is this gonna be a recurring dream?

You look around and notice that this isn't your own room, but Aura's. Aura isn't on the bed. You turn around and see someone standing at the window, looking out.

Ken: Call out to her

Ken: Aura

Ken: Is that you
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Mark is actually, alive, the mun apologizes, she has a busy work schedule that involved hours of training courses. Now, back to the action. Mark's pesterchum has gone live and exploded TONS of messages while he was making food, so replying to all of them wouldn't be much help now would it? So he's going to respond to the last message he got.

DT: yeah im mark and you are

DT: are you a friend of duke or something like that

DT: i mean i know a dude named same needs help but other than that

DT: i am completely clueless
SW: No, I am not a friend of

SW: any of the other humans.

SW: But a human named Ken

SW: told me you are in need

SW: of a server player for this game.

SW: I don't know if this is asking

SW: too much, but,

SW: if you'd like,

SW: I could be your server player.
DT: alright

DT: that sounds pretty cool? thats for sburb though right cause thats the game i was the server for

DT: duke whatshisface

DT: anyway im mark

DT: whats your name

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