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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Afrien : Destroy Document

You tear apart the WARRANT OF ARREST and enter the medium. As your Communal Hive is transported you hear a faint boom in the distance as the stem in hit by meteors. You laugh as all your debts have been erased. You asshole.

tyrannicalFigment -TF- continued trolling electroShogun [ES]

TF: Just made it to the Medium where Are You
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Mark, wake the fuck up, you're still alive and not dead. Assuming of course that this whole thing isn't fucking you over yet. The desert is a hot-ass place I'll have you know.

DT: im not dead just been sleeping for ever and a fucking day man

DT: freaking out is doing no one any favors

Duke needs to freak out, significantly less, Mark's alive and waiting for his turn to get in the fucking game. Since he's been bored as all hell.
Arouri: Return from the land of daydreaming

You quickly snap out of your daydreaming state and notice the fleshy one had finally replied. You decide to answer his question without any sass.

CC: yes i haVe a serVer player i belieVe

CC: he hasn't done much to help me though

CC: i think i'm the last to enter
Afrien : Troll your Server Player

tyrannicalFigment -TF-
began trolling cyanideCrusador [CC]

TF: Okay so You need Machines to Get Shit Done

TF: I was Getting The Fuck Away from Armageddon

Afrien : Place Shit

You place the CRUXTRUDER, TOTEM LATHE, and PUNCH DESIGNIX in Aurori's room.
Duke: Think

As you spent your time sitting on the EGG OF LEADERSHIP, you hatch an idea. If these trolls are play Sburb, maybe you can use one of them to be Mark's Server User. You're not sure if it'll work, but dammit you got to try.

Duke: Question troll

QA: So, troll in question, do you have a client player?

QA: If so, is he a Server User for anyone?
Aura: Try and attack the imps

You ready yourself, capchaloging your new LAMPH and getting into a battle position. You attack, targeting one of the hulking masses. He seemed to be only an alligator puppet, but that didn't really matter. He seemed to be getting affected by the attacks, but the other one is also coming in and trying to attack you. You strike them both, doing some kind of spin attack. You decide to bring out your LAMPH again, and this time put it on 1. It brings you to a steady hover, and you start spinning in mid air, attacking them from the skies. The light also helps, as it tell you where you are above. THIS IS GENIUS!!!

Aura: Do an epic final blow

You turn the LAMPH to 2, and fly upwards at a somewhat fast pace. Eventually, you turn it off and go hurtling towards the creatures again. You slash them, using your momentum and the weapon to deal tons of damage. At the last second, you turn the lamp onto 3 then immediately turn it off, saving yourself from broken limbs.

Aura: Collect all of the spoils

So much was just collected, hopefully Ken gets the staircase done. In the meantime, you descend down to the roof where a hole was located, using the LAMPH to make the fall much less dangerous. You grab your laptop, then a bracelet. You punch them, then grab the totem they create and make the BRACETOP, a portable bracelet computer, just like in the spy movies... That you've never watched. You equip said bracelet, then open Pesterchum

Aura: Inform Ken




DC: I'm going to need a better weapon soon, but still

Afrien : Wander

You walk out of your COMMUNAL HIVE (Now just a hive) and see SHIT MONSTERS all around. You equip a GLAIVE and begin stabbing the SHIT MONSTERS who are powerless to attack you. GRIST flows from the fallen PILES OF SHIT and you start feeling happy during your rampage.
Ken: Observe

You watch Aura destroy the giant imps.


ES: Youre amazing Aura

ES: Also some good news and some bad news

ES: Bad news I couldnt get the staircase all the way up

ES: Good news though its close enough that you can use that fan thing to fly up into the portal
DC: Thanks Ken!

DC: Now, to investigate what that light is!

Aura: Investigate light thing

You use your actual legs to run up the staircase, feeling the need to. As you reach the top, you take a breath. God, those stairs are long. You soon recover, the aim your LAMPH high. Wearing a determined face, you turn it to 3 and race up there, the orange light headed straight for your face.

Aura: Enter
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You watch Aura enter the portal. Unexpectedly, the viewport doesn't follow her. It seems it's locked to her house exclusively. This would be an amazing opportunity to snoop... if you were that kind of person.

Ken: Go outside

You minimize the viewport and head outside. Looking into the sky, you notice a portal above your own house. You wonder where Aura's portal led, and where your own will lead.

Ken: Pester Duke

ES: Hey Duke I need some help if youre not too busy
Afrien : Pester Ken

tyrannicalFigment -TF- began trolling electroShogun [ES]

TF: Ken what The Fuck do I Do with all This Grist

TF: There Is so Much
Ken: Answer troll

ES: Your server player can use the blue grist to build stuff

ES: Also if you have a Punch Designix you can create items

ES: Just type in the code on the back of a Captchalogue card and put it in

ES: Then use that card in the Totem Lathe to get a totem you can put in the Alchemiter to make the item
Afrien : Combine Shit

You Captchalogue your Glaive and Freud. Combining the Cards results in a Ram Horn Glaive with a Dragon Skin handle. Nice.
Arouri: Answer flesh one first

CC: yes i haVe a client player

CC: i do not belieVe they haVe one though

Arouri: Watch random machines pop up in your room

CC: oh well then i guess my serVer player finally did something useful

CC: he placed all the machines i need

CC: i think at least

CC: i will be back

-- cyanideCrusader [CC] ceased trolling quirkyAlien [QA] --

Arouri: Question server player on what to do with these new machines

Even though you watched your client player use these machines you were not paying much attention.

CC: ah yes thank you

CC: but what do i do

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Aura: Look around

Okay, what the fudge is anything anymore. So, right now, you are on a floating island that happens to have volcanoes and flying purple snakes. Theres some really cool looking spiral obsidian obelisks that have lava flowing out of them from the top, creating some really cool scenery. Jagged stone and obsidian rock formations scatter the area as well, making the area look friggin' awesome.





DC: I think that my land is floating islands and volcanoes, and holy cow does it look cool
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