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Futuristic Galactic Empires

[E.F Capital]

Luckily, the E.F was far more superior and prepared from over two decades of attempted terrorist attacks against the capital. And considering this was the capital, there were many more defenses set up to protect the public. In lightening fast reflexes, the city's defenses came as a massive blast proof shields raised up from the ground as they began to contain the blast.

In the solar system, every defensive ring came to life as they were now in full war status. All ships, orbital defense stations, outposts were now on high alert.

The Order began to kill off every Kaa'dri in the core worlds and the capital. Pretty soon, the survivors were all rounded up and were deported.

The Order had also seized all Kaa'dris that had attempted attacks as well and seized all the kaa'dri terrorist's explosives within the E.F capital and other core world.

The most elite members of the Order had come to the Chancellor.

"Chancellor." The Kav said.

"We'll protect you."

"It seems that the Kaa'dris really want to kill Akraiens." One Akraien member of The Order said. "We've captured all of them. And we killed all of them. But they'll send more. We need to go chancellor."

"To where?" The Chancellor asked.

"You know where." The Kav said. "But if that does not protect you, then we have to send you to the AUSM. Even if they send death threats to us. But that shall be our last resort. Now take this." The Kav said handing the chancellor the cloaking device that The Order uses. The Chancellor took it as she turned invisible along with the rest of The Order.

[Occupied planet]

The Kavs refused to fight for savages. Meanwhile, the remaining Kav troops gave their last ounce of resistance.


"Yes, yes. Please. Vent out your anger." A voice from the speaker said.

"Don't worry ma'am. Your government is all taken care of. Well mostly. A few survived. You were suppose to die. But, life throws you a curve ball and sometimes you just can't meet your goals." The Voice said in a reassuring and confident voice.

"You know what? Lets play a game."

"How many of us do you think there are? Maybe one of us is standing inside with you at this very moment?"

Breathing sounds could be heard behind Se'a. A presence was made dominant behind the leader. Blades were heard being drawn.

"Shoot me. And I take all of you down with me." A voice said as it grabbed the leader in a firm locked position.

"I'll be helpful and tell you that bombs are placed. Now you mustvfind out which ships are rigged." With that, the order member had left with Se'a invisible.

"We shall be waiting in the centre of your city."

The Akraien turned off his communicators.

"Never underestimate us." The Akraien said as he walking down the parliament shooting more and more security and soldiers as he casually walked towards the city.

[All Father]

The General had taken the All Father to the evac area.

"All Father. The Chancellor needs to be protected. All I ask is that you protect her. And to send troops to deal with the Kaa'dri. In exchange for your assistance in the war. The Chancellor has told me to tell you that we shall allow you and your people to be free. We'll let you have freedom. As a self governing state. Please. If you are truly loyal to us. Protect the Chancellor. And we will keep our promise. If we don't you can have every right to rebel."
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Freedome. That was what he had come their for, changed his mind, and accepted punishment for. And he just had to tell his people that they just to do one more thing. "By the Great Tree and the Heavenly Mountains, I swear to protect the High Chanellor and send troops for this war. On one condition, I will not have any more of complete planetary destruction nonsense, it is worse then barbaric." And with that, he boarded the evac ship, and was off.

"They already colonized a Kav colony. They won't be too happy."

"The Kaa'dri also killed 400 more innocent E.F citizens. But we will do our best to show restraint."

Inside the evac, a figure had uncloaked itself. "The coordinates to the Kaa'dri colonies." The Kav said.

"They are child killers. They killed children of my race and we did nothing."

"Please. Bring justice to our citizens who were slaughtered from the Kaa'dri's injustice. And protect the High chancellor."

"If you need to know. I am A'kaana. A member of The Order. I'll drop olyou off to where the Chancellor is."
"We are not them." he said simply, taking the co-ordinates and tucking them safely away in his stomach reason, being made of rock and having various cracks and what not can be very useful. "But, the Daldurdam will fight. Lead the way.
The gunship took them to the place where the chancwllor was being kept.

"I've informed the others ghat you are here to assist." The Kav said.

The Kav had begun to lead the All Father through the eriely quiet corridors. Suspicious how there are no guards or soldiers.

Soon, the Kav led the All Father into a room with the Chancellor inside.

"Chancellor." The Kav said. "We have a guest."

The chencellor looked to see the All Father. "I'll ensure you become a self governing state. We'll allow you to have a military as long as you promise to never make weapons of mass destruction."
Se'a laughed maniacally. "Please, kill me. I can't take this anymore. Millions dead. I'll go down in history as the leader who let this all happen. JUST END MY FUCKING MISERY!" She roared in the natural way Kaa'dri rarely did.

On a Kaa'dri spaceship

Dii Nuk prayed.

That's all he could do. His race was at 1% of its former population. They were going to die out. Another blip in the history of the universe. He started to cry. This was it. He called up any family he still had and said anything that needed to be said. He called up the officers. "End this war. Negotiate peace. Just end our suffering. Please."
[blood Hand]

Blood Hand's big ship once again landed on the planet as Blood Hand came out of it escorted by his soldiers he walked over to the senate and walked inside looking around.

"I don't work like that. You and many of your grunts shall be facing the E.F supreme court of justice. Where your fates will be decided there." The Order said.


The Elder's suspicions were realized as the hunters kept marching through, they eventually came to a clearing where tons of construction vehicles were cutting down trees and evening out the landscape. Along with a heavy E.F military presence.

[blood hand]

The Order member had walked out in front of the Blood hand. "You're late. I was getting hammered down here. Nearly died."


"End this war. The people have suffered too much." The Akraien diplomat said.
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[blood Hand]

Blood Hand replied "Well do you need any medical help? If needed I can station soldiers here."

A message was sent to the Kaa'dris telling them that the E.F military shall seize all aggressive military activities. They had also sent a request to the Kaa'dri to hand over all those responsible for the war and terrorist attacks so that they may be brought to justice.

The message had also stated to send Kaa'dri envoys and diplomats to the E.F to begin negotiations. Dii Nuk would have seen that the AUSM was also sending diplomats to oversee the negotiations.


Deadkool said:
"This planet was destroyed my enemies of our masters, it was formerly a construction facility for automatons."
"Sir. Main party's here. Command says to bring the machines back." One of the radio troops said.

"Come." The General said to the machines as he walked out into the street area.

Outside, there were tons of soldiers all moving alley by alley, making sure that there was nothing hostile.

There were also several vehicles. Mostly tanks.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/Ih_scorpion01.jpg.b50f14b2d9e2eeb3cbfbf2b4f955164c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="45556" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/Ih_scorpion01.jpg.b50f14b2d9e2eeb3cbfbf2b4f955164c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The General led the machine to a gunship.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/Vulture_scheme.jpg.26fe0cb6d4b80a6ae835627985597d3f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="45557" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/Vulture_scheme.jpg.26fe0cb6d4b80a6ae835627985597d3f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Don't worry. The rest are being loaded up in bigger shuttles. Once we reach the ships, it will be a 49 hour ride to the capital. If you have any questions feel free to ask." The General said as the gunship lifted off.

[COV Federation]

"Well." The Human diplomat said to their COV counterparts.

"We should start to leave. We have to oversee the negotiations between the E.F and the Kaa'dris."

"Th Kavs are going to be there. But don't let them control your emotions."



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The Court

Se'a had lost it. "DON'T KILL HIM HE DID NOTHING KORIA RUN HAHAHA GET THE SHIPS READY ITS TIME FOR NEGOTIATIONS CONTACT THE AUSM ITS FUN TIME WHEEEEEEE!" She babbled. Dii Nuk stepped in. "My first request is that you don't kill se'a. She never really made decisions in this war. She never wanted all this. She was simply a powerless figurehead. My second request is that you at least try to restore the following planets that were glassed: Bian Dekuu, Kanum, and Faa. My third request is that you don't prosecute diplomats who chose to continue the war. For reasons already said, they truly felt they had no choice. My final request is that mandatory military service by Kaa'dri be removed. Our race is already so depopulated that we can't have more casualties without risk of extinction." Se'a continued giggling and mumbling in the corner.
[E.F supreme court of justice.]

The Akraien judges, jury, prosecutors all began to deliberate. Meanwhile, the Kavs sat with dried patience.

On of the Kav's dipomats threw his glass cup at se'a and a few other Kaa'dris.

"Go to hell! For attacking our race who did nothing you criminals."

"Ambassador." One of the Human represantatives spoke up. "Do you want to trigger another war? Then I suggest you sit down and behave your age and your position."

"The prosecution asks that Se'a come forth." The Grand Judge said.

"Se'a. Leader of the Kaa'dri,how do you plea?"


While the Akraiens were deliberating, the humans took the time to talk to Dii Nuk.

"Representative. Your race has killed an estimated 40 000 civilians, 40 government workers, and 800 military service members through the act of terrorism, hostage and various tactics that could very well be considered crimes against another race."

"Your race is facing charges on terrorism, slavery, mistreatment of females, attempted genocide, and rebellion. If you refuse to get the people responsible to speak before the jury and the prosecution, I am afraid that the Akraiens will end up seizing all those responsible by force. And give everyone, the death sentence without a fair trial."
[COV Federation]

One of the COV Federation members said "The ships are ready to go and fully loaded, we can begin now"

Few Hun heavy infantry units running to places they need to be


(The Huns)
Se'a giggled loudly. "WHEEEEE, SOMEONE SAY MY NAME? LETS GO TO THE PAAAAAARTY! WHY HELLO AMBASSADOR, I DIDNT KNOW YOU WEEEERE HERE!" Dii stepped forward. "Because you somehow didn't see this already, our leader is in unfit mental condition to testify anything. She has suffered too much mental trauma. However, she, her daughter, Goo Ri-En and Bsani Dalask have all plead not guilty. Freni Saa and Meti Kali have plead guilty, and 20 are unaccounted for."
[COV Federation]

Several destroyers.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/destroyer.jpg.c871e668a6d26d730d32ae3d3faed2fc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="45677" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/destroyer.jpg.c871e668a6d26d730d32ae3d3faed2fc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

had come out of shock point as they began to guide the AUSM vessels and the COV Federation vessels.


"We the Supreme court and the grand jury shall review all evidence of Se'a and those unaccounted for before we make our final decisions."

"As for those who pleaded guilty, we thank you for your honesty. You are here by sentenced to death by an execution squad."

Some of the Human ambassadors looked over at the Akraiens when they had told those who pleaded guilty their fates.



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[COV Federation]

One of the COV's transmitted a message to the destroyers "Do you have any other orders except guiding us?"

[blood Hand]

Blood Hand walked back to his big ship going to the bridge and then saying "Let's return to my Empire."

Some pilots nodded and one of them said "We will soon be there, any other orders?"

Blood Hand replied "Keep the comlinks open."

The pilot once more replied "Understood"


(The pilots)
Se'a jumped up and yelled "BEBEBEBEBBEBEBEBEBEBBEBEBEBBEBEB WHEEEE I MAKE NOISE!" She was brought back down and hushed. Dii Nuk called all the other diplomats and they started to leave. One turned around and said "I hope you reconsider your decision to kill the ones who plead guilty." With that, they left.

As Dii Nuk was leaving, E.F soldiers in geoups were startung to walk inside.

They began to seize the two who had pleaded guilty as they fought the struggling individuals.

"Restrain them."
((Screw it. I'm just going to jump in and cause drama.))

The All Father stood up. "I wish to make a suggestion." he said, and not waitin for permission he went ahead. "Leave them under my watch. I will do what I must to keep them in check. But leaving a people leaderless is not the right thing to do."

"Senator. I suggest you sit down. These two have ppeaded guilty. And the court along with the grand jury have decided their fate. Which is the death sentence." A human ambassador said.

"Ambassador, why are you trying to reason with someone who is on the side of the E.F?" One of the other human representatives asked.

"We are hunting down the others who are un accounted for. So that they may get a chance to plea and state their reason." One of the Akraien supreme judges said.

The E.F soldiers continued to restrain the two guilty individuals.
"And what are humans doing in an EF court?" the All Father said, stepping up to the challange. "I have every right as an EF Senator to speak my mind. You are of the AUSM, and are a welcomed guest. While you are here, you must abide by our laws."

"Senator, I respect your rights but, i am simply telling you to let the court and the army of the E.F handle the business." The Human Ambassador said.

"We're here to supervise. Because we had to militarise oir borders to prevent the Kaa'dri from entering our territory. But we are just here under orders from our President Commader and with consent of the Chancellor, who was really reluctant to let us cross into E.F territory."

"All Father, I suggest you don't challenge the humans. Remember, they won the war. And inflicted immense casualties and damages to the E.F's military, popilulation and economy. I don't want another war to start." One senator said.

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